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## @file
# Messages translation for Lemonldap::NG::Manager
## @class
# Messages translation for Lemonldap::NG::Manager.
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_i18n;
2008-06-09 16:42:57 +02:00
# Developer warning : this file must be utf8 encoded
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
use strict;
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
our $VERSION = '0.5';
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
2009-12-17 20:20:17 +01:00
## @method string translate(string text,string lang)
# Returns $text translated in $lang.
#@param $text textId
#@param $lang Optional language string. If not set, uses Accept-Language
# HTTP header.
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
sub translate {
my ( $self, $text, $lang ) = @_;
return $text unless ( $text =~ /[a-z]/ );
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
$lang = lc($lang);
$lang =~ s/-/_/g;
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
foreach ( split( /[,;]/, $lang ), 'en' ) {
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
next if /=/;
if ( __PACKAGE__->can($_) ) {
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
no strict 'refs';
my $r = &$_()->{$text};
if ($r) {
return $r;
else {
print STDERR __PACKAGE__ . ": $text not translated in $_\n";
return $text;
2006-12-31 16:43:59 +01:00
*fr_fr = *fr;
*en_us = *en;
2009-12-24 12:49:39 +01:00
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
sub en {
return {
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
advancedParams => 'Advanced parameters',
authentication => 'Authentication module',
authParams => 'Authentication',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
clickHereToForce => 'Click here to force',
Configuration => 'Configuration',
confModuledeprecated =>
'This module has been deprecated, set "forceUpload=1" in lemonldap-ng.ini to use it',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
confSaved => 'Configuration saved',
confWasChanged => 'Configuration has been changed',
cookieExpiration => 'Cookie expiration time',
cookieName => 'Cookie Name',
cookieParams => 'Cookies',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
databaseLocked => 'Database locked by another process',
domain => 'Domain',
exportedAttr => 'SOAP exported attributes',
exportedVars => 'Exported Variables',
generalParameters => 'General Parameters',
globalStorage => 'Apache::Session module',
globalStorageOptions => 'Apache::Session module parameters',
grantSessionRule => 'Opening conditions',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
groups => 'Groups',
headers => 'HTTP Headers',
https => 'Default value for https parameter',
ldapBase => 'LDAP Search Base',
ldapParams => 'LDAP parameters',
ldapPort => 'LDAP Server Port',
ldapServer => 'LDAP Server',
logParams => 'Logs',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
macros => 'Macros',
mailBody => 'Mail content',
mailFrom => 'Mail sender',
mailSubject => 'Mail subject',
managerDn => 'LDAP Account',
managerPassword => 'LDAP Password',
notification => 'Active notifications',
notifications => 'Notifications',
notificationStorage => 'Notifications storage type',
notificationStorageOptions => 'Storage module parameters',
notifyDeleted => 'Display deleted sessions',
notifyOther => 'Display other sessions',
passwordDB => 'Password database type',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
passwordManagement => 'Password management',
portal => 'Portal',
portalAutocomplete => 'Auto complete',
portalDisplayAppslist => 'Display applications list',
portalDisplayChangePassword => 'Display password change',
portalDisplayLogout => 'Display logout',
portalDisplayResetPassword => 'Display reset password',
2010-01-27 15:06:02 +01:00
portalForceAuthn => 'Force authentication',
portalOpenLinkInNewWindow => 'New window',
portalParams => 'Portal',
portalRequireOldPassword => 'Require old password',
portalSkin => 'Skin',
portalUserAttr => 'User attribute',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
randomPasswordRegexp => 'Regexp for password generation',
rules => 'Rules',
securedCookie => 'Secured Cookie (SSL)',
sessionParams => 'Sessions',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
sessionStorage => 'Sessions Storage',
singleIP => 'One IP only by user',
singleSession => 'One session only by user',
singleUserByIP => 'One user by IP address',
SMTPServer => 'SMTP server',
Soap => 'Activate portal SOAP functions',
storePassword => 'Store user password in session datas',
syntaxError => 'Syntax Error',
syslog => 'Syslog facility',
timeout => 'Sessions timeout',
trustedDomains => 'Trusted domains',
unknownError => 'Unknown error',
uploadDenied => 'Upload denied',
userDB => 'Users database type',
userControl => 'Username control',
useXForwardedForIP => "Use X-Forwarded-For header address",
variables => "Variables",
virtualHosts => 'Virtual Hosts',
whatToTrace => "REMOTE_USER environment variable",
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
saml => 'SAML',
samlServicePrivateKey => 'Private Key',
samlIDPMetaDataNode => 'Identity providers',
samlIDPMetaDataXML => 'Metadata XML',
samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes => 'Exported attributes',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlServiceMetaData => 'SAML 2 Service',
samlEntityID => 'Entity Identifier',
samlOrganization => 'Organization',
samlOrganizationDisplayName => 'Display Name',
samlOrganizationName => 'Name',
samlOrganizationURL => 'URL',
samlSPSSODescriptor => 'Service Provider',
samlSPSSODescriptorAuthnRequestsSigned =>
'Signed Authentication Request',
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorProtocolSupportEnumeration => 'Protocol',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorKeyDescriptorSigning => 'Signing Key',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService => 'Single Logout',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTP => 'HTTP Service',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => 'SOAP Service',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerService => 'Assertion Consumer',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPArtifact =>
'HTTP Artifact',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPPost => 'HTTP POST',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPRedirect =>
'HTTP Redirect',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormat => 'NameID Format',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatX509SubjectName => 'x509',
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatPersistent => 'Persistent',
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatTransient => 'Transient',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptor => 'Identity Provider',
samlIDPSSODescriptorWantAuthnRequestsSigned =>
'Signed Authentication Request',
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorProtocolSupportEnumeration => 'Protocol',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorKeyDescriptorSigning => 'Clef de signature',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnService => 'Single Sign on',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTP => 'HTTP Service',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceSOAP => 'SOAP Service',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService => 'Single Logout',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTP => 'HTTP Service',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => 'SOAP Service',
samlIDPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionService => 'Artifact Resolution',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionServiceArtifact =>
'Artifact Service',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormat => 'NameID Format',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatX509SubjectName => 'x509',
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatPersistent => 'Persistent',
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatTransient => 'Transient',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDService => 'NameID Manager',
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDServiceHTTP => 'HTTP Service',
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDServiceSOAP => 'SOAP Service',
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00
sub fr {
return {
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
advancedParams => 'Paramètres avancés',
authentication => "Module d'authentification",
authParams => "Authentification",
clickHereToForce => 'Cliquer ici pour forcer',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
Configuration => 'Configuration',
confModuledeprecated =>
"Ce module est obsolète, indiquez \"forceUpload=1\" dans le fichier lemonldap-ng.ini pour l'utiliser",
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
confSaved => 'Configuration sauvegardée',
confWasChanged => 'Configuration modifiée entre-temps',
cookieExpiration => 'Durée de vie du cookie',
cookieName => 'Nom du cookie',
cookieParams => 'Cookies',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
databaseLocked => 'Base de donnée verrouillée par un autre processus',
domain => 'Domaine',
exportedAttr => 'Attributs exportés par le portail (SOAP)',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
exportedVars => 'Attributs à exporter',
generalParameters => 'Paramètres généraux',
globalStorage => 'Module Apache::Session',
globalStorageOptions => 'Paramètres du module Apache::Session',
grantSessionRule => "Conditions d'ouverture",
groups => 'Groupes',
headers => 'En-têtes HTTP',
https => 'Valeur par défaut du paramètre https',
ldapBase => 'Base de recherche LDAP',
ldapParams => 'Paramètres LDAP',
ldapPort => 'Port du serveur LDAP',
ldapServer => 'Serveur LDAP',
logParams => 'Journalisation',
macros => 'Macros',
mailBody => 'Contenu du message',
mailFrom => 'Expéditeur du message',
mailSubject => 'Sujet du message',
managerDn => 'Compte de connexion LDAP',
managerPassword => 'Mot de passe LDAP',
notification => 'Active les notifications',
notifications => 'Notifications',
notificationStorage => 'Type de stockage des notifications',
notificationStorageOptions => 'Paramètres du module de stockage',
notifyDeleted => 'Affiche les sessions effacées',
notifyOther => 'Affiche les autres sessions',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
passwordDB => 'Type de base de données des mots-de-passe',
passwordManagement => 'Gestion des mots-de-passe',
portal => 'Portail',
portalAutocomplete => 'Auto complétion',
portalDisplayAppslist => 'Affichage liste des applications',
portalDisplayChangePassword => 'Affichage changement de mot de passe',
portalDisplayLogout => 'Affichage déconnexion',
portalDisplayResetPassword =>
'Affichage réinitialisation de mot de passe',
2010-01-27 15:06:02 +01:00
portalForceAuthn => 'Authentication forcée',
portalOpenLinkInNewWindow => 'Nouvelle fenêtre',
portalParams => 'Portail',
portalRequireOldPassword => 'Ancien mot de passe requis',
portalSkin => 'Thème visuel',
portalUserAttr => "Attribut de l'utilisateur",
randomPasswordRegexp =>
'Expression regulière pour la génération des mots-de-passe',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
rules => 'Règles',
securedCookie => 'Cookie sécurisé (SSL)',
sessionParams => 'Sessions',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
sessionStorage => 'Stockage des sessions',
singleIP => 'Une seule IP par utilisateur',
singleSession => 'Une seule session par utilisateur',
singleUserByIP => 'Une seule adresse IP par utilisateur',
SMTPServer => 'Serveur SMTP',
Soap => 'Active les fonctions SOAP du portail',
storePassword =>
"Stocke le mot-de-passe de l'utilisateur dans les données de session",
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
syntaxError => 'Erreur de syntaxe',
syslog => 'Facilité syslog',
timeout => 'Durée de vie des sessions',
trustedDomains => 'Domaines appouvés',
unknownError => 'Erreur inconnue',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
uploadDenied => 'Téléchargement refusé',
userDB => "Type de base de données d'utilisateurs",
userControl => "Contrôle du nom d'utilisateur",
useXForwardedForIP =>
"Utiliser l'adresse IP de l'en-tête X-Forwarded-For",
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
variables => "Variables",
virtualHosts => 'Hôtes virtuels',
whatToTrace => "Variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER",
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
saml => 'SAML',
samlServicePrivateKey => 'Clé privée',
samlIDPMetaDataNode => 'Fournisseurs d\'identités',
samlIDPMetaDataXML => 'XML Metadata',
samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes => 'Attributs exportés',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlServiceMetaData => 'Service SAML 2',
samlEntityID => 'Identifiant d\'entité',
samlOrganization => 'Organisation',
samlOrganizationDisplayName => 'Nom affiché',
samlOrganizationName => 'Nom',
samlOrganizationURL => 'URL',
samlSPSSODescriptor => 'Fournisseur de service',
samlSPSSODescriptorAuthnRequestsSigned =>
'Requête d\'authentification signé',
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorProtocolSupportEnumeration => 'Protocole',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorKeyDescriptorSigning => 'Clef de signature',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService => 'Single Logout',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTP => 'Service HTTP',
samlSPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => 'Service SOAP',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerService => 'Assertions',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPArtifact =>
'HTTP Artifact',
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPPost => 'POST HTTP',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorAssertionConsumerServiceHTTPRedirect =>
'Redirection HTTP',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormat => 'Format NameID',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatX509SubjectName => 'x509',
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatPersistent => 'Persistant',
samlSPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatTransient => 'Temporaire',
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptor => 'Fournisseur d\'identité',
samlIDPSSODescriptorWantAuthnRequestsSigned =>
'Requête d\'authentification signé',
2010-01-29 17:42:35 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorProtocolSupportEnumeration => 'Protocole',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorKeyDescriptorSigning => 'Clef de signature',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnService => 'Single Sign on',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceHTTP => 'Service HTTP',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleSignOnServiceSOAP => 'Service SOAP',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutService => 'Single Logout',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceHTTP => 'Service HTTP',
samlIDPSSODescriptorSingleLogoutServiceSOAP => 'Service SOAP',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionService =>
'Résolution d\'Artifact',
samlIDPSSODescriptorArtifactResolutionServiceArtifact =>
'Service Artifact',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormat => 'Format NameID',
2010-02-09 21:49:23 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatX509SubjectName => 'x509',
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatPersistent => 'Persistant',
samlIDPSSODescriptorNameIDFormatTransient => 'Temporaire',
2010-03-01 21:32:28 +01:00
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDService => 'Gestionnaire de NameID',
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDServiceHTTP => 'Service HTTP',
samlIDPSSODescriptorManageNameIDServiceSOAP => 'Service SOAP',
2009-12-11 19:17:00 +01:00