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2020-05-14 23:29:41 +02:00
Mattermost Team Edition
Mattermost is a team-based instant messaging application.
See `the official Mattermost website <https://mattermost.com/>`__ for a
complete presentation.
Mattermost follows an Open Core development model. The freely available
`Team edition <https://docs.mattermost.com/developer/manifesto.html>`__
contains all the basic chat features, but lack the integration
capabilities found in the `Enterprise
edition <https://mattermost.com/pricing/>`__.
The Enterprise edition provides `SAML
integration <https://docs.mattermost.com/deployment/sso-saml.html>`__
out of the box, and you can configure it just like
:doc:`any other SAML service in LemonLDAP::NG<..//idpsaml>`
The Team edition, however, only provides SSO integration with Gitlab.
However, it is possible to configure LemonLDAP::NG to behave exactly
like a Gitlab Oauth2 server, allowing Mattermost Team Edition to be
integrated with LemonLDAP::NG without having to use a
:doc:`Gitlab<gitlab>` server.
.. warning::
The following configuration requires your user database
to expose a unique numeric identifier for every user.
Configuring Mattermost Team Edition
Configuring Mattermost through the *System Console* will not allow you
to set the correct URLs. You need to edit the Mattermost configuration
file, and avoid changing Gitlab integration settings in the *System
Set the following settings in ``/opt/mattermost/config/config.json``
"GitLabSettings": {
"Enable": true,
"Scope": "",
"AuthEndpoint": "https://auth.example.com/oauth2/gitlab_authorize",
"TokenEndpoint": "https://auth.example.com/oauth2/token",
"UserApiEndpoint": "https://auth.example.com/oauth2/userinfo"
Configuring your web server
Mattermost does not use OpenID Connect to communicate with Gitlab, but
uses plain OAuth2 instead. Because of that, LemonLDAP::NG will not
receive the ``scope=`` parameter and will display an error on the portal
when trying to authenticate.
In order to fix this, we can add a fake OAuth2 authorize URL on the
LemonLDAP::NG server that will automatically add this ``scope=``
parametrer, before sending the request to the correct OIDC URL
Here is an example configuration for Nginx, add it in your Portal
virtualhost before any other rewrite rule:
rewrite ^/oauth2/gitlab_(authorize.*)$ https://auth.example.com/oauth2/$1?scope=openid%20gitlab ;
And if you are using Apache
RewriteRule "^/oauth2/gitlab_authorize(.*)$" "https://auth.example.com/oauth2/authorize?$1scope=openid gitlab" [QSA,NE]
Configuring LemonLDAP
We now have to configure LemonLDAP::NG to recognize Mattermost as a
valid OAuth2 relaying party and send it the information it needs to
recognize a user.
Add a :doc:`new OpenID Connect relaying party<..//idpopenidconnect>`
with the following parameters:
* **Client ID**: the same you set in Mattermost configuration
* **Client Secret**: the same you set in Mattermost configuration
* Add a new scope in "Extra claims"
* **Key**: ''gitlab''
* **Value**: ''id username name email''
* Add the following exported attributes
* ''username'': set it to the session attribute containing the user login
* ''name'': session attribute containing the user's full name
* ''email'': session attribute containing the user's email
* ''id'': session attribute containing the user's numeric ID
.. warning::
Mattermost absolutely needs to receive a numerical value
in the ``id`` claim. If you are using a LDAP server, you could use the
``uidNumber`` LDAP attribute. If you use something else, you will have
to find a trick to assign a unique numeric ID to each Mattermost user.
The ``id`` attribute has to be different for each user, since this is
the field Mattermost will use internally to map Gitlab identities to
Mattermost accouts.
If you see a HTTP code 500 when going back to mattermost, with a panic()
in ``(*GitLabUser).IsValid(...)`` , it probably means that you are not
exporting the correct attributes, but it can also mean that ``id`` is
exported as a JSON string.
If this case, it can help to create a macro, for example
``uidNumber_n``, with a value of ``$uidNumber + 0`` to force conversion
to a numeric value. You must then export it as the ``id`` field in the
Relaying Party configuration.
.. |image0| image:: /applications/mattermost_logo.png
:class: align-center