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2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
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2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<!-- TOC START -->
<div id="dw__toc">
<h3 class="toggle">Table of Contents</h3>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="level1"><div class="li"><a href="#our_concept_of_ssoaas">Our concept of SSOaaS</a></div></li>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"><a href="#using_front_reverse-proxies">Using front reverse-proxies</a></div></li>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"><a href="#using_a_global_fastcgi_or_uwsgi_server">Using a global FastCGI (or uWSGI) server</a></div></li>
<!-- TOC END -->
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
<h1 class="sectionedit1" id="sso_as_a_service_ssoaas">SSO as a service (SSOaaS)</h1>
<div class="level1">
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<!-- EDIT1 SECTION "SSO as a service (SSOaaS)" [1-41] -->
<h2 class="sectionedit2" id="our_concept_of_ssoaas">Our concept of SSOaaS</h2>
<div class="level2">
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
Access management provides 3 services:
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2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Global authentication: Single-Sign-On</div>
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2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Authorization check: authentication isn&#039;t enough, user rights mus be checked</div>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Accounting: <abbr title="Single Sign On">SSO</abbr> logs + application logs <em>(transactions and results)</em></div>
LLNG provides all these services (except application logs of course, but headers are provided to permit this). Headers is another LLNG service: LLNG can provide any user attributes to the application <em>(see <a href="writingrulesand_headers.html" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:2.0:writingrulesand_headers">Rules and headers</a>)</em>
<code>*aaS</code> means that application can drive undelying layer (IaaS for infrastructure, PaaS for platform,…). So for us, <code>SSOaaS</code> must provide the ability for an app to manage authorizations and to get user attributes. Authentication can&#039;t be really “*aaS”: app must not drive it, only consumes it.
LLNG provides some features that can be used to provide <abbr title="Single Sign On">SSO</abbr> as a service: a web application can drive its rules and headers. Docker or VM images (Nginx only) includes LLNG Nginx configuration that points to a global <a href="platformsoverview.html#external_servers_for_nginx" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:2.0:platformsoverview">LLNG authorization server</a>. By default, all authenticated users can access and one header is set: <code>Auth-User</code>. If application gives a RULES_<abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> parameter that points to a JSON file, authorization server will read it and apply given rules and set asked headers <em>(see <a href="devopshandler.html" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:2.0:devopshandler">DevOps Handler</a>)</em>.
Two architectures to do it:
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<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Using a global FastCGI (or uWSGI) server</div>
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Using front reverse-proxies <em>(some cloud installation use reverse-proxies in front of the cloud)</em></div>
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
In both case, Handler type must be set to <a href="devopshandler.html" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:2.0:devopshandler">DevOps</a>.
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<!-- EDIT2 SECTION "Our concept of SSOaaS" [42-1689] -->
<h2 class="sectionedit3" id="using_front_reverse-proxies">Using front reverse-proxies</h2>
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
<div class="level2">
Here is a simple Nginx configuration file. It looks like a standard LLNG nginx configuration file except that:
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> VHOSTTYPE parameter force to use DevOps handler</div>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> /rules.json nust not be protected by LLNG but by the web server itself</div>
This configuration handles <code>*.dev.sso.my.domain</code> services and forward authenticated requests to <code>&lt;vhost&gt;.internal.domain</code>. Rules can be defined in the root of the website in the file <code>/rules.json</code>.
<dl class="file">
<dt><a href="_export/code/documentation/2.0/ssoaas/codeblock.0.code" title="Download Snippet" class="mediafile mf_conf">test-nginx.conf</a></dt>
<dd><pre class="code file nginx">server {
server_name &quot;~^(?&lt;vhost&gt;.+?)\.dev\.sso\.my\.domain$&quot;;
location = /lmauth {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/home/xavier/dev/lemonldap/e2e-tests/conf/llng-fastcgi.sock;
# Force handler type:
fastcgi_param VHOSTTYPE DevOps;
# Drop post datas
fastcgi_pass_request_body off;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH &quot;&quot;;
# Keep original hostname
fastcgi_param HOST $http_host;
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# Keep original request (LLNG server will received /lmauth)
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
fastcgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $request_uri;
location /rules.json {
auth_request off;
deny all;
location / {
auth_request /lmauth;
auth_request_set $lmremote_user $upstream_http_lm_remote_user;
auth_request_set $lmlocation $upstream_http_location;
error_page 401 $lmlocation;
include /etc/lemonldap-ng/nginx-lua-headers.conf;
proxy_pass https://$vhost.internal.domain;
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Using front reverse-proxies" [1690-3166] -->
<h2 class="sectionedit4" id="using_a_global_fastcgi_or_uwsgi_server">Using a global FastCGI (or uWSGI) server</h2>
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00
<div class="level2">
In this example, web server templates (Nginx only) are configured to ask authorization to a central FastCGI server
<dl class="file">
<dt><a href="_export/code/documentation/2.0/ssoaas/codeblock.1.code" title="Download Snippet" class="mediafile mf_conf">test-nginx.conf</a></dt>
<dd><pre class="code file nginx">server {
server_name myapp.domain.com;
location = /lmauth {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# Central FastCGI server:
fastcgi_param VHOSTTYPE DevOps;
# Drop post datas
fastcgi_pass_request_body off;
fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH &quot;&quot;;
# Keep original hostname
fastcgi_param HOST $http_host;
# Keep original request (LLNG server will received /llauth)
fastcgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $request_uri;
# Set dynamically rules (LLNG will poll it every 10 mn)
fastcgi_param RULES_URL http://rulesserver/my.json
location /rules.json {
auth_request off;
deny all;
location ~ ^(.*\.php)$ {
auth_request /lmauth;
auth_request_set $lmremote_user $upstream_http_lm_remote_user;
auth_request_set $lmlocation $upstream_http_location;
error_page 401 $lmlocation;
include /etc/lemonldap-ng/nginx-lua-headers.conf;
# Example with php-fpm:
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
2018-05-17 21:42:46 +02:00
<!-- EDIT4 SECTION "Using a global FastCGI (or uWSGI) server" [3167-] --></div>
2018-05-15 21:50:12 +02:00