
432 lines
13 KiB
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// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.12.8
* LemonLDAP::NG Notifications Explorer client
(function() {
var llapp, max, menu, overScheme, scheme;
max = 25;
scheme = [
function(v) {
return "groupBy=substr(uid,1)";
}, function(v) {
return "uid=" + v + "*&groupBy=uid";
}, function(v) {
return "uid=" + v;
overScheme = function(v, level, over) {
console.log('overScheme => level', level, 'over', over);
if (level === 1 && v.length > over) {
return "uid=" + v + "*&groupBy=substr(uid," + (level + over + 1) + ")";
} else {
return null;
menu = {
actives: [
title: 'markAsDone',
icon: 'check'
done: [
title: 'deleteNotification',
icon: 'trash'
"new": [
title: 'save',
icon: 'save'
home: []
llapp = angular.module('llngNotificationsExplorer', ['ui.tree', 'ui.bootstrap', 'llApp']);
llapp.controller('NotificationsExplorerCtrl', [
'$scope', '$translator', '$location', '$q', '$http', '$uibModal', function($scope, $translator, $location, $q, $http, $uibModal) {
var autoId, c, dateToString;
$scope.links = links;
$scope.menulinks = menulinks;
$scope.staticPrefix = staticPrefix;
$scope.scriptname = scriptname;
$scope.formPrefix = formPrefix;
$scope.availableLanguages = availableLanguages;
$scope.waiting = true;
$scope.showM = false;
$scope.showT = true;
$scope.showForm = false;
$scope.data = [];
$scope.form = {};
$scope.formPost = {};
$scope.currentScope = null;
$scope.currentNotification = null;
$scope.menu = menu;
$scope.translateP = $translator.translateP;
$scope.translate = $translator.translate;
$scope.translateTitle = function(node) {
return $translator.translateField(node, 'title');
$scope.menuClick = function(button) {
if (button.popup) {
} else {
button.action || (button.action = button.title);
switch (typeof button.action) {
case 'function':
button.action($scope.currentNode, $scope);
case 'string':
console.log(typeof button.action);
return $scope.showM = false;
$scope.markAsDone = function() {
$scope.waiting = true;
return $http.put(scriptname + "notifications/" + $scope.type + "/" + $scope.currentNotification.uid + "_" + $scope.currentNotification.reference, {
done: 1
}).then(function(response) {
$scope.currentNotification = null;
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationDeleted'
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.init();
}, function(response) {
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationNotDeleted',
message: response.statusText
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.init();
$scope.deleteNotification = function() {
$scope.waiting = true;
return $http['delete'](scriptname + "notifications/" + $scope.type + "/" + $scope.currentNotification.uid + "_" + $scope.currentNotification.reference + "_" + $scope.currentNotification.done).then(function(response) {
$scope.currentNotification = null;
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationPurged'
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.init();
}, function(response) {
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationNotPurged',
message: response.statusText
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.init();
$scope.stoggle = function(scope) {
var node;
node = scope.$modelValue;
if (node.nodes.length === 0) {
$scope.updateTree(node.value, node.nodes, node.level, node.over, node.query, node.count);
return scope.toggle();
$scope.notifDate = function(s) {
var d;
if (s != null) {
if (s.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/)) {
s = s.substr(0, 4) + s.substr(5, 2) + s.substr(8, 2);
d = new Date(s.substr(0, 4), s.substr(4, 2) - 1, s.substr(6, 2));
return d.toLocaleDateString();
return '';
$scope.getLanguage = function(lang) {
$scope.lang = lang;
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
if ($scope.form.date) {
$scope.form.date = new Date();
} else {
$scope.form = 'white';
return $scope.showM = false;
$scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(event, next, current) {
var n;
2018-06-21 22:52:22 +02:00
n = next.match(/#!?\/(\w+)/);
$scope.type = n != null ? n[1] : 'actives';
if ($scope.type === 'new') {
return $scope.displayCreateForm();
} else {
$scope.showForm = false;
return $scope.init();
autoId = 0;
$scope.updateTree = function(value, node, level, over, currentQuery, count) {
var query, tmp;
$scope.waiting = true;
query = scheme[level](value, currentQuery);
if (count > max) {
if (tmp = overScheme(value, level, over)) {
query = tmp;
level = level - 1;
} else {
over = 0;
} else {
over = 0;
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
if ($scope.type === 'done' || $scope.type === 'actives') {
$http.get(scriptname + "notifications/" + $scope.type + "?" + query).then(function(response) {
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
var data, i, len, n, ref;
data = response.data;
if (data.result) {
ref = data.values;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
n = ref[i];
n.id = "node" + autoId;
if (level < scheme.length - 1) {
n.nodes = [];
n.level = level + 1;
n.query = query;
n.over = over;
if (value === '') {
$scope.total = data.total;
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
return $scope.waiting = false;
}, function(resp) {
return $scope.waiting = false;
console.log("Selection", $scope.type);
$scope.activesStyle = {
color: '#777'
$scope.doneStyle = {
color: '#777'
$scope.newStyle = {
color: '#777'
if ($scope.type === 'actives') {
$scope.activesStyle = {
color: '#333'
if ($scope.type === 'done') {
return $scope.doneStyle = {
color: '#333'
$scope.displayNotification = function(scope) {
2020-10-16 23:28:00 +02:00
var node, notificationId;
$scope.waiting = true;
$scope.currentScope = scope;
node = scope.$modelValue;
2021-01-06 21:59:31 +01:00
notificationId = node.notification.replace(/#/g, '_');
if ($scope.type === 'actives') {
2021-01-06 21:59:31 +01:00
notificationId = node.uid + "_" + node.reference;
2020-10-16 23:28:00 +02:00
$http.get(scriptname + "notifications/" + $scope.type + "/" + notificationId).then(function(response) {
var e, notif;
$scope.currentNotification = {
uid: node.uid,
reference: node.reference,
condition: node.condition
if ($scope.type === 'done') {
$scope.currentNotification.done = response.data.done;
try {
console.log("Try to parse a JSON formated notification...");
notif = JSON.parse(response.data.notifications);
$scope.currentNotification.date = $scope.notifDate(notif.date);
$scope.currentNotification.text = notif.text;
$scope.currentNotification.title = notif.title;
$scope.currentNotification.subtitle = notif.subtitle;
$scope.currentNotification.check = notif.check;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
console.log("Unable to parse JSON");
$scope.currentNotification.notifications = response.data.notifications;
return $scope.waiting = false;
}, function(resp) {
return $scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.showT = false;
$scope.showModal = function(tpl, init) {
var d, modalInstance;
modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
templateUrl: tpl,
controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
size: 'lg',
resolve: {
elem: function() {
return function(s) {
return $scope[s];
set: function() {
return function(f, s) {
return $scope[f] = s;
init: function() {
return init;
d = $q.defer();
return modalInstance.result.then(function(msgok) {
$scope.message = {
title: '',
message: ''
return d.resolve(msgok);
}, function(msgnok) {
$scope.message = {
title: '',
message: ''
return d.reject(msgnok);
$scope.save = function() {
if ($scope.form.uid && $scope.form.reference && $scope.form.xml) {
$scope.waiting = true;
$scope.formPost.uid = $scope.form.uid;
if ($scope.form.date) {
$scope.formPost.date = dateToString($scope.form.date);
$scope.formPost.reference = $scope.form.reference;
$scope.formPost.condition = $scope.form.condition;
$scope.formPost.xml = $scope.form.xml;
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$http.post('notifications/actives', $scope.formPost).then(function(response) {
var data;
data = response.data;
$scope.form = {};
if (data.result === 1) {
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationCreated'
} else {
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationNotCreated',
message: data.error
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.form.date = new Date();
}, function(response) {
$scope.message = {
title: 'notificationNotCreated',
message: response.statusText
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.form.date = new Date();
} else {
$scope.message = {
title: 'incompleteForm'
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
return $scope.form.date = new Date();
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.waiting = true;
$scope.showM = false;
$scope.showT = false;
$scope.data = [];
$scope.currentScope = null;
$scope.currentNotification = null;
$q.all([$translator.init($scope.lang), $scope.updateTree('', $scope.data, 0, 0)]).then(function() {
return $scope.waiting = false;
}, function(resp) {
return $scope.waiting = false;
2018-04-28 22:02:07 +02:00
$scope.activeModule = "notifications";
$scope.myStyle = {
2018-04-28 22:02:07 +02:00
color: '#ffb84d'
return $scope.bannerStyle = {
'background-color': "" + window.bannerColor
$scope.displayCreateForm = function() {
$scope.activesStyle = {
color: '#777'
$scope.doneStyle = {
color: '#777'
$scope.newStyle = {
color: '#333'
$scope.waiting = true;
return $translator.init($scope.lang).then(function() {
$scope.currentNotification = null;
$scope.showForm = true;
$scope.data = [];
$scope.waiting = false;
return $scope.form.date = new Date();
c = $location.path().match(/^\/(\w+)/);
$scope.type = c ? c[1] : 'actives';
$scope.popupopen = function() {
return $scope.popup.opened = true;
2018-06-21 23:29:32 +02:00
$scope.dateOptions = {
startingDay: 1,
minDate: new Date()
$scope.popup = {
opened: false
return dateToString = function(dt) {
var day, month, year;
year = dt.getFullYear();
month = dt.getMonth() + 1;
if (month < 10) {
month = "0" + month;
day = dt.getDate();
if (day < 10) {
day = "0" + day;
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day;