
355 lines
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# LemonLDAP::NG Notifications Explorer client
# Max number of notifications to display (see overScheme)
max = 25
scheme = [
(v) ->
(v) ->
(v) ->
# When number of children nodes exceeds "max" value
# and does not return "null", a level is added. See
# "$scope.updateTree" method
overScheme =
(v,level,over) ->
# "v.length > over" avoids a loop if one user opened more than "max"
# notifications
2019-11-18 22:14:38 +01:00
console.log 'overScheme => level', level, 'over', over
if level == 1 and v.length > over
# Session menu
menu =
actives: [
title: 'markAsDone'
icon: 'check'
done: [
title: 'deleteNotification'
icon: 'trash'
new: [
title: 'save'
icon: 'save'
home: []
# AngularJS application
llapp = angular.module 'llngNotificationsExplorer', [ 'ui.tree', 'ui.bootstrap', 'llApp' ]
# Main controller
llapp.controller 'NotificationsExplorerCtrl', [ '$scope', '$translator', '$location', '$q', '$http', '$uibModal', ($scope, $translator, $location, $q, $http, $uibModal) ->
$scope.links = links
$scope.menulinks = menulinks
$scope.staticPrefix = staticPrefix
$scope.scriptname = scriptname
$scope.formPrefix = formPrefix
$scope.availableLanguages = availableLanguages
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.showM = false
$scope.showT = true
$scope.showForm = false
$scope.data = []
$scope.form = {}
$scope.formPost = {}
$scope.currentScope = null
$scope.currentNotification = null
$scope.menu = menu
# Import translation functions
$scope.translateP = $translator.translateP
$scope.translate = $translator.translate
$scope.translateTitle = (node) ->
$translator.translateField node, 'title'
# Handler menu items
$scope.menuClick = (button) ->
if button.popup
window.open button.popup
button.action or= button.title
switch typeof button.action
when 'function'
button.action $scope.currentNode, $scope
when 'string'
console.log typeof button.action
$scope.showM = false
# Notification management
$scope.markAsDone = ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http.put("#{scriptname}notifications/#{$scope.type}/#{$scope.currentNotification.uid}_#{$scope.currentNotification.reference}", {done:1}).then (response) ->
$scope.currentNotification = null
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationDeleted'
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
, (response) ->
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationNotDeleted'
message: response.statusText
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
$scope.deleteNotification = ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http['delete']("#{scriptname}notifications/#{$scope.type}/#{$scope.currentNotification.uid}_#{$scope.currentNotification.reference}_#{$scope.currentNotification.done}").then (response) ->
$scope.currentNotification = null
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationPurged'
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
, (response) ->
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationNotPurged'
message: response.statusText
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
# Open node
$scope.stoggle = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
if node.nodes.length == 0
$scope.updateTree node.value, node.nodes, node.level, node.over, node.query, node.count
$scope.notifDate = (s) ->
if s?
if s.match /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/
s = s.substr(0, 4) + s.substr(5, 2) + s.substr(8, 2)
d = new Date(s.substr(0, 4), s.substr(4, 2) - 1, s.substr(6, 2))
return d.toLocaleDateString()
return ''
$scope.getLanguage = (lang) ->
$scope.lang = lang
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
if $scope.form.date
$scope.form.date = new Date()
$scope.form = 'white'
$scope.showM = false
$scope.$on '$locationChangeSuccess', (event, next, current) ->
2018-06-21 22:52:22 +02:00
n = next.match /#!?\/(\w+)/
$scope.type = if n? then n[1] else 'actives'
if $scope.type == 'new'
$scope.showForm = false
autoId = 0
$scope.updateTree = (value, node, level, over, currentQuery, count) ->
$scope.waiting = true
query = scheme[level] value, currentQuery
# If number of notifications exceeds "max", call it
if count > max
if tmp = overScheme value, level, over
query = tmp
level = level - 1
over = 0
over = 0
# Launch HTTP query
2020-01-22 22:43:40 +01:00
if $scope.type == 'done' || $scope.type == 'actives'
$http.get("#{scriptname}notifications/#{$scope.type}?#{query}").then (response) ->
data = response.data
if data.result
for n in data.values
n.id = "node#{autoId}"
if level < scheme.length - 1
n.nodes = []
n.level = level + 1
n.query = query
n.over = over
node.push n
$scope.total = data.total if value == ''
$scope.waiting = false
, (resp) ->
$scope.waiting = false
# Highlight current selection
console.log "Selection", $scope.type
$scope.activesStyle = {color: '#777'}
$scope.doneStyle = {color: '#777'}
$scope.newStyle = {color: '#777'}
$scope.activesStyle = {color: '#333'} if $scope.type == 'actives'
$scope.doneStyle = {color: '#333'} if $scope.type == 'done'
$scope.displayNotification = (scope) ->
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.currentScope = scope
node = scope.$modelValue
notificationId = node.notification
query = ''
if $scope.type == 'actives'
notificationId = "#{node.uid}_#{node.reference}"
if $scope.type == 'done'
query = "?uid=#{node.uid}&reference=#{node.reference}"
$http.get("#{scriptname}notifications/#{$scope.type}/#{notificationId}#{query}").then (response) ->
$scope.currentNotification =
uid: node.uid
reference: node.reference
condition: node.condition
if $scope.type == 'done'
$scope.currentNotification.done = response.data.done
console.log "Try to parse a JSON formated notification..."
notif = JSON.parse response.data.notifications
$scope.currentNotification.date = $scope.notifDate(notif.date)
$scope.currentNotification.text = notif.text
$scope.currentNotification.title = notif.title
$scope.currentNotification.subtitle = notif.subtitle
$scope.currentNotification.check = notif.check
catch e
console.log "Unable to parse JSON"
$scope.currentNotification.notifications = response.data.notifications
$scope.waiting = false
, (resp) ->
$scope.waiting = false
$scope.showT = false
# Modal launcher
$scope.showModal = (tpl, init) ->
modalInstance = $uibModal.open
templateUrl: tpl
controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl'
size: 'lg'
elem: ->
(s) ->
set: ->
(f,s) ->
$scope[f] = s
init: ->
d = $q.defer()
modalInstance.result.then (msgok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
d.resolve msgok
, (msgnok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
d.reject msgnok
$scope.save = ->
if $scope.form.uid and $scope.form.reference and $scope.form.xml
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.formPost.uid = $scope.form.uid
if $scope.form.date
$scope.formPost.date = dateToString($scope.form.date)
$scope.formPost.reference = $scope.form.reference
$scope.formPost.condition = $scope.form.condition
$scope.formPost.xml = $scope.form.xml
$http.post('notifications/actives', $scope.formPost).then (response) ->
data = response.data
$scope.form = {}
if data.result == 1
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationCreated'
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationNotCreated'
message: data.error
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$scope.form.date = new Date()
, (response) ->
$scope.message =
title: 'notificationNotCreated'
message: response.statusText
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
$scope.waiting = false
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$scope.form.date = new Date()
$scope.message =
title: 'incompleteForm'
$scope.showModal "alert.html"
2020-02-09 23:41:22 +01:00
$scope.form.date = new Date()
$scope.init = ->
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.showM = false
$scope.showT = false
$scope.data = []
$scope.currentScope = null
$scope.currentNotification = null
$q.all [
$translator.init $scope.lang
$scope.updateTree '', $scope.data, 0, 0
.then ->
$scope.waiting = false
, (resp) ->
$scope.waiting = false
2018-04-29 22:39:26 +02:00
# Colorized link
2018-04-28 22:02:07 +02:00
$scope.activeModule = "notifications"
$scope.myStyle = {color: '#ffb84d'}
2018-06-21 19:11:14 +02:00
$scope.displayCreateForm = ->
$scope.activesStyle = {color: '#777'}
$scope.doneStyle = {color: '#777'}
$scope.newStyle = {color: '#333'}
$scope.waiting = true
$translator.init($scope.lang).then ->
$scope.currentNotification = null
$scope.showForm = true
$scope.data = []
$scope.waiting = false
$scope.form.date = new Date()
c = $location.path().match /^\/(\w+)/
$scope.type = if c then c[1] else 'actives'
# Datepicker
$scope.popupopen = ->
$scope.popup.opened = true
2018-06-21 23:29:32 +02:00
$scope.dateOptions =
startingDay: 1
minDate : new Date()
$scope.popup =
opened: false
2018-06-21 19:11:14 +02:00
# Date conversion
dateToString = (dt) ->
year = dt.getFullYear()
month = dt.getMonth() + 1
if month < 10
month = "0#{month}"
day = dt.getDate()
if day < 10
day = "0#{day}"
return "#{year}-#{month}-#{day}"