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package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Initialization::GlobalInit;
#use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main qw(:all);
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Safelib; #link protected safe Safe object
use Safe;
use constant UNPROTECT => 1;
use constant SKIP => 2;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail;
use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger;
has customFunctions => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]' );
has useSafeJail => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Int]' );
has safe => ( is => 'rw' );
if ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} ) {
eval 'use constant MP => 2;';
else {
eval 'use constant MP => 1;';
else {
eval 'use constant MP => 0;';
if ( MP() == 2 ) {
eval '
use constant OK => Apache2::Const::OK;
else { # For Test or CGI
eval '
use constant OK => 1;
## @imethod protected void defaultValuesInit(hashRef args)
# Set default values for non-customized variables
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub defaultValuesInit {
my (
$self, $cookieName, $securedCookie,
$whatToTrace, $https, $port,
$customFunctions, $timeoutActivity, $useRedirectOnError,
$useRedirectOnForbidden, $useSafeJail, $key,
$maintenance, $cda, $httpOnly,
$cookieExpiration, $cipher, $args,
) = splice @_;
foreach my $t (qw(https port maintenance)) {
# Skip Handler initialization (values not defined)
next unless defined $args->{$t};
# Record default value in key '_'
$args->{$t} = { _ => $args->{$t} } unless ( ref( $args->{$t} ) );
# Override with vhost options
if ( defined $args->{vhostOptions} ) {
my $n = 'vhost' . ucfirst($t);
foreach my $k ( keys %{ $args->{vhostOptions} } ) {
foreach my $alias (
@{ $self->getAliases( $k, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my $v = $args->{vhostOptions}->{$k}->{$n};
"Options $t for vhost $alias: $v", 'debug' );
$args->{$t}->{$alias} = $v
if ( $v >= 0 ); # Keep default value if $v is negative
# Default values are defined in Common::Conf::Attributes
# These values should be erased by global configuration
$cookieName = $args->{cookieName} || $cookieName;
$securedCookie =
defined( $args->{securedCookie} )
? $args->{securedCookie}
: $securedCookie;
$whatToTrace = $args->{whatToTrace} || $whatToTrace;
$https = defined($https) ? $https : $args->{https};
$port ||= $args->{port};
$customFunctions = $args->{customFunctions};
$cda = defined($cda) ? $cda : $args->{cda};
$httpOnly = defined($httpOnly) ? $httpOnly : $args->{httpOnly};
$cookieExpiration = $args->{cookieExpiration} || $cookieExpiration;
$timeoutActivity = $args->{timeoutActivity} || $timeoutActivity;
$useRedirectOnError =
? $useRedirectOnError
: $args->{useRedirectOnError};
$useRedirectOnForbidden =
? $useRedirectOnForbidden
: $args->{useRedirectOnForbidden};
$useSafeJail =
? $useSafeJail
: $args->{useSafeJail};
$key ||= 'lemonldap-ng-key';
$cipher ||= Lemonldap::NG::Common::Crypto->new($key);
if ( $args->{key} && ( $args->{key} ne $key ) ) {
$key = $args->{key};
$cipher = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Crypto->new($key);
$maintenance = defined($maintenance) ? $maintenance : $args->{maintenance};
return (
$cookieName, $securedCookie, $whatToTrace,
$https, $port, $customFunctions,
$timeoutActivity, $useRedirectOnError, $useRedirectOnForbidden,
$useSafeJail, $key, $maintenance,
$cda, $httpOnly, $cookieExpiration,
## @imethod protected void portalInit(hashRef args)
# Verify that portal variable exists. Die unless
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub portalInit {
my ( $self, $mainClass, $args ) = splice @_;
die("portal parameter required") unless ( $args->{portal} );
if ( $args->{portal} =~ /[\$\(&\|"']/ ) {
my ($portal) = $self->conditionSub( $mainClass, $args->{portal} );
eval "sub portal {return &\$portal}";
else {
eval "sub portal {return '$args->{portal}'}";
die("Unable to read portal parameter ($@)") if ($@);
return ( \&portal, $self->{safe} );
## @imethod void locationRulesInit(hashRef args)
# Compile rules.
# Rules are stored in $args->{locationRules}->{<virtualhost>} that contains
# regexp=>test expressions where :
# - regexp is used to test URIs
# - test contains an expression used to grant the user
# This function creates 2 hashRef containing :
# - one list of the compiled regular expressions for each virtual host
# - one list of the compiled functions (compiled with conditionSub()) for each
# virtual host
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub locationRulesInit {
my (
$self, $mainClass, $locationCount,
$defaultCondition, $defaultProtection, $locationCondition,
$locationProtection, $locationRegexp, $locationConditionText,
) = splice @_;
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{locationRules} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $self->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
$locationCount->{$alias} = 0;
foreach ( sort keys %{ $args->{locationRules}->{$vhost} } ) {
if ( $_ eq 'default' ) {
= $self->conditionSub( $mainClass,
$args->{locationRules}->{$vhost}->{$_} );
else {
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ],
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ]
= $self->conditionSub( $mainClass,
$args->{locationRules}->{$vhost}->{$_} );
$locationRegexp->{$alias}->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ] =
->[ $locationCount->{$alias} ] =
/^\(\?#(.*?)\)/ ? $1 : /^(.*?)##(.+)$/ ? $2 : $_;
# Default police
( $defaultCondition->{$alias}, $defaultProtection->{$alias} ) =
$self->conditionSub( $mainClass, 'accept' )
unless ( $defaultCondition->{$alias} );
return (
$locationCount, $defaultCondition, $defaultProtection,
$locationCondition, $locationProtection, $locationRegexp,
$locationConditionText, $self->{safe}
## @imethod protected void globalStorageInit(hashRef args)
# Initialize the Apache::Session::* module choosed to share user's variables.
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub globalStorageInit {
my ( $self, $globalStorage, $globalStorageOptions, $args ) = splice @_;
$globalStorage = $args->{globalStorage}
or die("globalStorage required");
eval "use $globalStorage;";
die($@) if ($@);
$globalStorageOptions = $args->{globalStorageOptions};
return ( $globalStorage, $globalStorageOptions );
## @imethod protected void localSessionStorageInit(hashRef args)
# Initialize the Cache::Cache module choosed to cache sessions.
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub localSessionStorageInit {
my ( $self, $localSessionStorage, $localSessionStorageOptions, $args ) =
splice @_;
$localSessionStorage = $args->{localSessionStorage};
$localSessionStorageOptions = $args->{localSessionStorageOptions};
return ( $localSessionStorage, $localSessionStorageOptions );
## @imethod void headerListInit(hashRef args)
# Lists the exported HTTP headers into $headerList
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub headerListInit {
my ( $self, $headerList, $args ) = splice @_;
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $self->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my @tmp = keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders}->{$vhost} };
$headerList->{$alias} = \@tmp;
return $headerList;
## @imethod void forgeHeadersInit(hashRef args)
# Create the &$forgeHeaders->{<virtualhost>} subroutines used to insert
# headers into the HTTP request.
# @param $args reference to the configuration hash
sub forgeHeadersInit {
my ( $self, $forgeHeaders, $args ) = splice @_;
# Creation of the subroutine which will generate headers
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{exportedHeaders} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $self->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my %tmp = %{ $args->{exportedHeaders}->{$vhost} };
foreach ( keys %tmp ) {
$tmp{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g;
$tmp{$_} = $self->regRemoteIp( $tmp{$_} );
my $sub;
foreach ( keys %tmp ) {
$sub .= "'$_' => join('',split(/[\\r\\n]+/,$tmp{$_})),";
my $jail = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail->new(
'safe' => $self->safe,
'useSafeJail' => $self->useSafeJail,
'customFunctions' => $self->customFunctions
$self->safe( $jail->build_safe() );
$forgeHeaders->{$alias} = $jail->jail_reval("sub{$sub}");
"$self: Unable to forge headers: $@: sub {$sub}", 'error' )
if ($@);
return $forgeHeaders;
## @imethod protected void postUrlInit()
# Prepare methods to post form attributes
sub postUrlInit {
my ( $self, $transform, $args ) = splice @_;
# Do nothing if no POST configured
return unless ( $args->{post} );
# Load required modules
eval 'use Apache2::Filter;use URI';
# Prepare transform sub
$transform = {};
# Browse all vhost
foreach my $vhost ( keys %{ $args->{post} } ) {
my $alias ( @{ $self->getAliases( $vhost, $args->{vhostOptions} ) } )
my $mypost = $args->{post}->{$vhost};
# Browse all POST URI
while ( my ( $url, $d ) = each( %{ $args->{post}->{$vhost} } ) ) {
# Where to POST
$d->{postUrl} ||= $url;
# Register POST form for POST URL
$transform->{$alias}->{$url} = sub {
$d->{postUrl} );
if ( $url ne $d->{postUrl} );
# Get datas to POST
my $expr = $d->{expr};
my %postdata;
# Manage old and new configuration format
# OLD: expr => 'param1 => value1, param2 => value2',
# NEW : expr => { param1 => value1, param2 => value2 },
if ( ref $expr eq 'HASH' ) {
%postdata = %$expr;
else {
%postdata = split /(?:\s*=>\s*|\s*,\s*)/, $expr;
# Build string for URI::query_form
my $tmp;
foreach ( keys %postdata ) {
$postdata{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g;
$postdata{$_} = "'$postdata{$_}'"
if ( $postdata{$_} =~ /^\w+$/ );
$tmp .= "'$_'=>$postdata{$_},";
"Compiling POST request for $url", 'debug' );
$transform->{$alias}->{ $d->{postUrl} } = sub {
my $apacheRequest = shift;
$d->{postUrl} )
if ( $apacheRequest->method ne 'POST' );
sub {
$tmp, @_ );
return $transform;
## @imethod protected codeRef conditionSub(string cond)
# Returns a compiled function used to grant users (used by
# locationRulesInit(). The second value returned is a non null
# constant if URL is not protected (by "unprotect" or "skip"), 0 else.
# @param $cond The boolean expression to use
# @return array (ref(sub), int)
sub conditionSub {
my ( $self, $mainClass, $cond ) = splice @_;
my ( $OK, $NOK ) = ( sub { 1 }, sub { 0 } );
# Simple cases : accept and deny
return ( $OK, 0 )
if ( $cond =~ /^accept$/i );
return ( $NOK, 0 )
if ( $cond =~ /^deny$/i );
# Cases unprotect and skip : 2nd value is 1 or 2
return ( $OK, UNPROTECT )
if ( $cond =~ /^unprotect$/i );
return ( $OK, SKIP )
if ( $cond =~ /^skip$/i );
# Case logout
if ( $cond =~ /^logout(?:_sso)?(?:\s+(.*))?$/i ) {
my $url = $1;
return (
? (
sub {
$Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::datas->{_logout} = $url;
return 0;
: (
sub {
$Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::datas->{_logout} =
return 0;
# Since filter exists only with Apache>=2, logout_app and logout_app_sso
# targets are available only for it.
# This error can also appear with Manager configured as CGI script
if ( $cond =~ /^logout_app/i and MP() < 2 ) {
"Rules logout_app and logout_app_sso require Apache>=2", 'warn' );
return ( sub { 1 }, 0 );
# logout_app
if ( $cond =~ /^logout_app(?:\s+(.*))?$/i ) {
my $u = $1 || $self->portal();
eval 'use Apache2::Filter' unless ( $INC{"Apache2/Filter.pm"} );
return (
sub {
sub {
return $mainClass->redirectFilter( $u, @_ );
elsif ( $cond =~ /^logout_app_sso(?:\s+(.*))?$/i ) {
eval 'use Apache2::Filter' unless ( $INC{"Apache2/Filter.pm"} );
my $u = $1 || $self->portal();
return (
sub {
sub {
return $mainClass->redirectFilter(
$self->portal() . "?url="
. $mainClass->encodeUrl($u)
. "&logout=1",
# Replace some strings in condition
$cond =~ s/\$date/&POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",localtime())/e;
$cond =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g;
$cond =~ s/\$datas->{vhost}/\$apacheRequest->hostname/g;
my $jail = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail->new(
'safe' => $self->safe,
'useSafeJail' => $self->useSafeJail,
'customFunctions' => $self->customFunctions
$self->safe( $jail->build_safe() );
my $sub = $jail->jail_reval("sub{return($cond)}");
# Return sub and protected flag
return ( $sub, 0 );
## @method arrayref getAliases(scalar vhost, hashref options)
# Check aliases of a vhost
# @param vhost vhost name
# @param options vhostOptions configuration item
# @return arrayref of vhost and aliases
sub getAliases {
my ( $self, $vhost, $options ) = splice @_;
my $aliases = [$vhost];
if ( $options->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} ) {
foreach ( split /\s+/, $options->{$vhost}->{vhostAliases} ) {
push @$aliases, $_;
"$_ is an alias for $vhost", 'debug' );
return $aliases;
## @ifn protected string protected regRemoteIp(string str)
# Replaces $ip by the client IP address in the string
# @param $str string
# @return string
sub regRemoteIp {
my ( $self, $str ) = splice @_;
$str =~ s/\$datas->\{ip\}/ip()/g;
return $str;