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<h1 class="sectionedit1" id="rbac_model">RBAC model</h1>
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<!-- EDIT1 SECTION "RBAC model" [1-26] -->
<h2 class="sectionedit2" id="presentation">Presentation</h2>
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<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control" class="urlextern" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-based_access_control" rel="nofollow">RBAC</a> stands for Role Based Access Control. It means that you manage authorizations to access applications by checking the role(s) of the user, and provide this role to the application.
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
As the definition of access rules is free in LemonLDAP::NG, you can implement an RBAC model if you need.
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<!-- EDIT2 SECTION "Presentation" [27-405] -->
<h2 class="sectionedit3" id="configuration">Configuration</h2>
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2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Configuration" [406-433] -->
<h3 class="sectionedit4" id="roles_as_simple_values_of_a_user_attribute">Roles as simple values of a user attribute</h3>
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2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
Imagine you&#039;ve set your directory schema to store roles as values of an attribute of the user, for example “description”. This is simple because you can send the role to the application by creating a HTTP header (for example Auth-Role) with the concatenated values (&#039;;&#039; is the concatenation string):
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code">Auth-Roles =&gt; $description</pre>
If the user has these values inside its entry:
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="file">description: user
description: admin</pre>
Then you got this value inside the Auth-Roles header:
<pre class="code">user; admin</pre>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<!-- EDIT4 SECTION "Roles as simple values of a user attribute" [434-1012] -->
<h3 class="sectionedit5" id="roles_as_entries_in_the_directory">Roles as entries in the directory</h3>
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Now imagine the following DIT:
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> dc=example,dc=com</div>
<li class="level2"><div class="li"> ou=users</div>
<li class="level3"><div class="li"> uid=coudot</div>
<li class="level2"><div class="li"> ou=roles</div>
<li class="level3"><div class="li"> ou=aaa</div>
<li class="level4"><div class="li"> cn=admin</div>
<li class="level4"><div class="li"> cn=user</div>
<li class="level3"><div class="li"> ou=bbb</div>
<li class="level4"><div class="li"> cn=admin</div>
<li class="level4"><div class="li"> cn=user</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
Roles are entries, below branches representing applications. We can use the standard LDAP objectClass <code>organizationalRole</code> to maintain roles, for example:
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code file ldif"><span class="re0">dn</span>:<span class="re1"> cn=admin,ou=aaa,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=com</span>
<span class="re0">objectClass</span>:<span class="re1"> organizationalRole</span>
<span class="re0">objectClass</span>:<span class="re1"> top</span>
<span class="re0">cn</span>:<span class="re1"> admin</span>
<span class="re0">ou</span>:<span class="re1"> aaa</span>
<span class="re0">roleOccupant</span>:<span class="re1"> uid=coudot,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com</span></pre>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
A user is attached to a role if its <abbr title="Distinguished Name">DN</abbr> is in <code>roleOccupant</code> attribute. We add the attribute <code>ou</code> to allow <abbr title="LemonLDAP::NG">LL::NG</abbr> to know which application is concerned by this role.
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
So imagine the user coudot is “user” on application “BBB” and “admin” on application “<abbr title="Authentication Authorization Accounting">AAA</abbr>”.
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<h4 id="gather_roles_in_session">Gather roles in session</h4>
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2016-03-22 12:19:17 +01:00
Use the <a href="../../documentation/2.0/authldap.html#groups" class="wikilink1" title="documentation:2.0:authldap">LDAP group</a> configuration to store roles as groups in the user session:
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Base: ou=roles,dc=example,dc=com</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Object class: organizationalRole</div>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Target attribute: roleOccupant</div>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> Searched attributes: cn ou</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<h4 id="restrict_access_to_application">Restrict access to application</h4>
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2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
We configure <abbr title="LemonLDAP::NG">LL::NG</abbr> to authorize people on an application only if they have a role on it. For this, we use the <code>$hGroups</code> variable.
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> For application <abbr title="Authentication Authorization Accounting">AAA</abbr>:</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code">default =&gt; groupMatch($hGroups, &#039;ou&#039;, &#039;aaa&#039;)</pre>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> For application BBB:</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code">default =&gt; groupMatch($hGroups, &#039;ou&#039;, &#039;bbb&#039;)</pre>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<h4 id="send_role_to_application">Send role to application</h4>
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2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
It is done by creating the correct HTTP header:
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> For application <abbr title="Authentication Authorization Accounting">AAA</abbr>:</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code">Auth-Roles =&gt; ((grep{/aaa/} split(&#039;;&#039;,$groups))[0] =~ /([a-zA-Z]+?)/)[0]</pre>
<li class="level1"><div class="li"> For application BBB:</div>
2016-02-10 11:17:35 +01:00
<pre class="code">Auth-Roles =&gt; ((grep{/bbb/} split(&#039;;&#039;,$groups))[0] =~ /([a-zA-Z]+?)/)[0]</pre>
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