

+ +

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Drupal is a CMS written in PHP. It can works with + external modules to extends its functionalities. One of this module can be + used to delegate authentication server to the web server: Webserver_auth. + +

Integration with + LemonLDAP::NG

+ +

On Drupal + side

+ +

Install Webserver_auth + module, by downloading it, and unarchive it in the drupal modules/ + directory. + +

Then go on administration interface and enable + the module. + +

On + LemonLDAP::NG side

+ +

Declare a VirtualHost in Apache for Drupal and + active SSO, for example: + +

+ +
+<VirtualHost *>
+    ServerName drupal.example.com

# SSO protection + PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package

# DocumentRoot + DocumentRoot /var/www/html/drupal/ + DirectoryIndex index.php

LogLevel warn + ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/drupal-error.log + CustomLog /var/log/httpd/drupal-access.log combined +</VirtualHost> +
+ +

Then add this host in LemonLDAP::NG + Manager.
+ If you are using LemonLDAP::NG as proxy, you can use this in your Druapl + Apache configuration:
+ +
+SetEnvIfNoCase Auth-User "(.*)" REMOTE_USER=$1

+ You can also catch the logout page with this rule:
+ +
+q=logout => logout_app_sso
+ +

Protect only the administration + pages

+ With the above solution, all the Drupal site will be protected, so no + anonymous access will be allowed.
+ Drupal navigation is based on query strings (?q=admin, ?q=user, + etc.).
+ You can create a special vhost and use mod_rewrite to witch between open + and protected hosts:
+ +
+<VirtualHost *>
+    ServerName drupal.example.com

# DocumentRoot + DocumentRoot /var/www/html/drupal/ + DirectoryIndex index.php

# Redirect admin pages + RewriteEngine On + RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} q=(admin|user) + RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://drupaladmin.example.com/$1 [R]

LogLevel warn + ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/drupal-error.log + CustomLog /var/log/httpd/drupal-access.log combined +</VirtualHost> +<VirtualHost *> + ServerName admindrupal.example.com

# SSO protection + PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package

# DocumentRoot + DocumentRoot /var/www/html/drupal/ + DirectoryIndex index.php

LogLevel warn + ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/admindrupal-error.log + CustomLog /var/log/httpd/admindrupal-access.log combined +</VirtualHost> +