WIP - Append relative files (#1661)

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Maudoux 2019-03-12 16:33:09 +01:00
parent b7a78b500e
commit 4a8a614bc9
3 changed files with 1154 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
# This module implements all the methods that responds to '/confs/*' requests
# It contains 2 sections:
# - initialization methods
# - upload method
# Read methods are inherited from Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::RESTServer
package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Viewer;
use 5.10.0;
use utf8;
use Mouse;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::Constants;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::UserAgent;
use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
use Convert::PEM;
use URI::URL;
use feature 'state';
extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::RESTServer';
our $VERSION = '2.0.2';
use constant defaultRoute => 'viewer.html';
has ua => ( is => 'rw' );
sub addRoutes {
my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
$self->ua( Lemonldap::NG::Common::UserAgent->new($conf) );
# HTML template
$self->addRoute( 'viewer.html', undef, ['GET'] )
# Special keys
confs => {
':cfgNum' => [
qw(virtualHosts samlIDPMetaDataNodes samlSPMetaDataNodes
applicationList oidcOPMetaDataNodes oidcRPMetaDataNodes
casSrvMetaDataNodes casAppMetaDataNodes
authChoiceModules grantSessionRules combModules
# Other keys
->addRoute( confs => { ':cfgNum' => { '*' => 'getKey' } }, ['GET'] )
# Difference between confs
->addRoute( diff => { ':conf1' => { ':conf2' => 'diff' } } )
->addRoute( 'diff.html', undef, ['GET'] )
# 35 - New RSA key pair on demand
# --------------------------
# 36 - URL File loader
# ---------------
##@method public PSGI-JSON-response prx()
# Load file using posted URL and return its content
#@return PSGI JSON response
sub prx {
my ( $self, $req, @others ) = @_;
return $self->sendError( $req, 'There is no subkey for "prx"', 400 )
if (@others);
my $query = $req->jsonBodyToObj;
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Missing parameter', 400 )
unless ( $query->{url} );
return $self->sendError( $req, 'Bad parameter', 400 )
unless ( $query->{url} =~ m#^(?:f|ht)tps?://\w# );
my $response = $self->ua->get( $query->{url} );
unless ( $response->code == 200 ) {
return $self->sendError( $req,
$response->code . " (" . $response->message . ")", 400 );
unless ( $response->header('Content-Type') =~
m#^(?:application/json|(?:application|text)/.*xml).*$# )
return $self->sendError( $req,
'Content refused for security reason (neither XML or JSON)', 400 );
return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { content => $response->content } );
# IV. Upload methods #
# - getConfByNum: override SUPER method to be able to use Zero
sub getConfByNum {
my ( $self, $cfgNum, @args ) = @_;
unless ( %{ $self->currentConf }
and $cfgNum == $self->currentConf->{cfgNum} )
my $tmp;
if ( $cfgNum == 0 ) {
require Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Zero;
$tmp = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Zero::zeroConf();
else {
$tmp = $self->SUPER::getConfByNum( $cfgNum, @args );
return undef unless ( defined $tmp );
return $cfgNum;
sub diff {
my ( $self, $req, @path ) = @_;
return $self->sendError( $req, 'to many arguments in path info', 400 )
if (@path);
my @cfgNum =
( scalar( $req->param('conf1') ), scalar( $req->param('conf2') ) );
my @conf;
$self->logger->debug(" Loading confs");
# Load the 2 configurations
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 2 ; $i++ ) {
if ( %{ $self->currentConf }
and $cfgNum[$i] == $self->currentConf->{cfgNum} )
$conf[$i] = $self->currentConf;
else {
$conf[$i] = $self->confAcc->getConf(
{ cfgNum => $cfgNum[$i], raw => 1, noCache => 1 } );
return $self->sendError(
"Configuration $cfgNum[$i] not available $Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::msg",
) unless ( $conf[$i] );
require Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Diff;
return $self->sendJSONresponse(
$conf[0], $conf[1]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
LemonLDAP::NG Manager client
This is the main app file. Other are:
- struct.json and js/confTree.js that contains the full tree
- translate.json that contains the keywords translation
This file contains:
- the AngularJS controller
llapp = angular.module 'llngManager', ['ui.tree', 'ui.bootstrap', 'llApp', 'ngCookies']
Main AngularJS controller
llapp.controller 'TreeCtrl', [
'$scope', '$http', '$location', '$q', '$uibModal', '$translator', '$cookies', '$htmlParams',
($scope, $http, $location, $q, $uibModal, $translator, $cookies, $htmlParams) ->
$scope.links = window.links
$scope.menu = $htmlParams.menu
$scope.menulinks = window.menulinks
$scope.staticPrefix = window.staticPrefix
$scope.formPrefix = window.formPrefix
$scope.availableLanguages = window.availableLanguages
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.showM = false
$scope.showT = false
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.currentCfg = {}
$scope.confPrefix = window.confPrefix
$scope.message = {}
$scope.result = ''
# Import translations functions
$scope.translateTitle = (node) ->
return $translator.translateField node, 'title'
$scope.translateP = $translator.translateP
$scope.translate = $translator.translate
$scope.helpUrl = 'start.html#configuration'
$scope.setShowHelp = (val) ->
val = !$scope.showH unless val?
$scope.showH = val
d = new Date(Date.now())
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1)
$cookies.put 'showhelp', (if val then 'true' else 'false'), {"expires": d}
$scope.showH = if $cookies.get('showhelp') == 'false' then false else true
$scope.setShowHelp(true) unless $scope.showH?
readError = (response) ->
e = response.status
j = response.statusLine
$scope.waiting = false
if e == 403
$scope.message =
title: 'forbidden'
message: ''
items: []
else if e == 401
console.log 'Authentication needed'
$scope.message =
title: 'authenticationNeeded'
message: '__waitOrF5__'
items: []
else if e == 400
$scope.message =
title: 'badRequest'
message: j
items: []
else if e > 0
$scope.message =
title: 'badRequest'
message: j
items: []
$scope.message =
title: 'networkProblem'
message: ''
items: []
return $scope.showModal 'message.html'
# Modal launcher
$scope.showModal = (tpl, init) ->
modalInstance = $uibModal.open
templateUrl: tpl
controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl'
size: 'lg'
elem: ->
return (s) ->
return $scope[s]
set: ->
return (f, s) ->
$scope[f] = s
init: ->
return init
d = $q.defer()
modalInstance.result.then (msgok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
d.resolve msgok
,(msgnok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
d.reject msgnok
return d.promise
# Function called when a menu item is selected. It launch function stored in
# "action" or "title"
$scope.menuClick = (button) ->
if button.popup
window.open button.popup
button.action = button.title unless button.action
switch typeof button.action
when 'function'
button.action $scope.currentNode, $scope
when 'string'
console.log typeof button.action
$scope.showM = false
# Display main form
$scope.home = ->
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.showM = false
# Private method called by $scope.save()
_checkSaveResponse = (data) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
$scope.confirmNeeded = true if data.needConfirm
$scope.message.message = data.message if data.message
if data.details
for m of data.details when m != '__changes__'
if m == '__needConfirmation__'
message: m
items: data.details[m]
message: m
items: data.details[m]
$scope.waiting = false
if data.result == 1
# Force reloading page
$location.path '/confs/'
$scope.message.title = 'successfullySaved'
$scope.message.title = 'saveReport'
$scope.showModal 'message.html'
# Download raw conf
$scope.downloadConf = () ->
window.open $scope.confPrefix + $scope.currentCfg.cfgNum + '?full=1'
# Main save function
$scope.save = ->
$scope.showModal('save.html').then ->
$scope.waiting = true
id: "cfgLog"
title: "cfgLog"
data: if $scope.result then $scope.result else ''
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}?cfgNum=#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}#{if $scope.forceSave then "&force=1" else ''}", $scope.data).then (response) ->
_checkSaveResponse response.data
,(response) ->
readError response
, ->
console.log 'Saving canceled'
$scope.showM = false
# Raw save function
$scope.saveRawConf = ($fileContent) ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/raw", $fileContent).then (response) ->
, readError
# Restore raw conffunction
$scope.restore = ->
$scope.currentNode = null
$scope.form = 'restore'
# Cancel save function
$scope.cancel = ->
$scope.currentNode.data = null
id = 1
$scope._findContainer = ->
return $scope._findScopeContainer().$modelValue
$scope._findScopeContainer = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while not cs.$modelValue.type.match(/Container$/)
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
return cs
$scope._findScopeByKey = (k) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while not (cs.$modelValue.title == k)
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
return cs
# Add grant rule entry
$scope.newGrantRule = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
l = node.nodes.length
n = if l > 0 then l - 1 else 0
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'New rule'
re: 'Message'
comment: 'New rule'
data: '1'
type: "grant"
# Add rules entry
$scope.newRule = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
l = node.nodes.length
n = if l > 0 then l - 1 else 0
node.nodes.splice n, 0,
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'New rule'
re: '^/new'
comment: 'New rule'
data: 'accept'
type: "rule"
# Add form replay
$scope.newPost = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "/absolute/path/to/form"
data: {}
type: "post"
$scope.newPostVar = ->
$scope.currentNode.data.vars = [] unless $scope.currentNode.data.vars?
$scope.currentNode.data.vars.push ['var1', '$uid']
# Add auth chain entry to authChoice
$scope.newAuthChoice = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "1_Key"
data: ['Null', 'Null', 'Null']
type: "authChoice"
$scope.execFilters $scope._findScopeByKey 'authParams'
# Add hash entry
$scope.newHashEntry = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'new'
data: ''
type: "keyText"
# Menu cat entry
$scope.newCat = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
if cs.$modelValue.type == 'menuApp'
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
id: "#{cs.$modelValue.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "New category"
type: "menuCat"
nodes: []
# Menu app entry
$scope.newApp = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
if cs.$modelValue.type == 'menuApp'
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
id: "#{cs.$modelValue.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "New application"
type: "menuApp"
description: "New app description"
uri: "https://test.example.com/"
logo: "network.png"
display: "auto"
# Combination module
$scope.newCmbMod = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'new'
type: 'cmbModule'
type: 'LDAP'
for: '0'
over: []
$scope.execFilters $scope._findScopeByKey 'authParams'
$scope.newCmbOver = ->
d = $scope.currentNode.data
d.over = [] unless d.over
d.over.push ["new#{id++}", '']
$scope.newChoiceOver = ->
d = $scope.currentNode.data
console.log "data", d
d[5] = [] unless d[5]
d[5].push ["new#{id++}", '']
# Add host
$scope.addHost = () ->
cn = $scope.currentNode
cn.data=[] unless cn.data
k: "newHost"
h: [{"k":"key","v":"uid"}]
# SAML attribute entry
$scope.addSamlAttribute = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'new'
type: 'samlAttribute'
data: ['0', 'New', '', '']
# Nodes with template
$scope.addVhost = ->
name = if $scope.domain then ".#{$scope.domain.data}" else '.example.com'
$scope.message =
title: 'virtualHostName'
field: 'hostname'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', name).then ->
n= $scope.result
if n
$scope.addTemplateNode n, 'virtualHost'
$scope.duplicateVhost = ->
name = if $scope.domain then ".#{$scope.domain.data}" else '.example.com'
$scope.message =
title: 'virtualHostName',
field: 'hostname'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', name).then ->
n = $scope.result
return $scope.duplicateNode n, 'virtualHost', $scope.currentNode.title
$scope.addSamlIDP = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'samlIDPMetaDataNode', 'samlPartnerName', 'idp-example'
$scope.addSamlSP = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'samlSPMetaDataNode', 'samlPartnerName', 'sp-example'
$scope.addOidcOp = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'oidcOPMetaDataNode', 'oidcOPName', 'op-example'
$scope.addOidcRp = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'oidcRPMetaDataNode', 'oidcRPName', 'rp-example'
$scope.addCasSrv = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'casSrvMetaDataNode', 'casPartnerName', 'srv-example'
$scope.addCasApp = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'casAppMetaDataNode', 'casPartnerName', 'app-example'
$scope.newTemplateNode = (type, title, init) ->
$scope.message =
title: title
field: 'name'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', init).then ->
name = $scope.result
if (name)
$scope.addTemplateNode name, type
$scope.addTemplateNode = (name, type) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while cs.$modelValue.title != "#{type}s"
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
t =
id: "#{type}s/new__#{name}"
title: name
type: type
nodes: templates type, "new__#{name}"
setDefault t.nodes
cs.$modelValue.nodes.push t
return t
setDefault = (node) ->
for n in node
if n.cnodes and n.default
delete n.cnodes
n._nodes = n.default
if n._nodes
setDefault n._nodes
else if n.default or n.default == 0
n.data = n.default
_getAll = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
d2 = $q.defer()
if node._nodes
_stoggle node
else if node.cnodes
_download(node).then ->
else if node.nodes or node.data
$scope.getKey(node).then ->
d.promise.then ->
t = []
if node.nodes
for n in node.nodes
t.push _getAll(n)
$q.all(t).then ->
return d2.promise
$scope.duplicateNode = (name, type, idkey) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
_getAll($scope.currentNode).then ->
while cs.$modelValue.title != "#{type}s"
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
t = JSON.parse JSON.stringify($scope.currentNode).replace(new RegExp(idkey, 'g'), 'new__' + name)
t.id = "#{type}s/new__#{name}"
t.title = name
return t
$scope.del = (a, i) ->
a.splice(i, 1)
$scope.deleteEntry = ->
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope
$scope.displayForm p
$scope.down = ->
id = $scope.currentNode.id
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope.$modelValue
ind = p.nodes.length
for n, i in p.nodes
if n.id == id then ind = i
if ind < p.nodes.length - 1
tmp = p.nodes[ind]
p.nodes[ind] = p.nodes[ind + 1]
p.nodes[ind + 1] = tmp
$scope.up = ->
id = $scope.currentNode.id
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope.$modelValue
ind = -1
for n, i in p.nodes
if n.id == id then ind = i
if ind > 0
tmp = p.nodes[ind]
p.nodes[ind] = p.nodes[ind - 1]
p.nodes[ind - 1] = tmp
# test if value is in select
$scope.inSelect = (value) ->
for n in $scope.currentNode.select
return true if n.k == value
return false
# This is for rule form: title = comment if defined, else title = re
$scope.changeRuleTitle = (node) ->
node.title = if node.comment.length > 0 then node.comment else node.re
# Node opening
# authParams mechanism: show used auth modules only (launched by stoggle)
$scope.filters = {}
$scope.execFilters = (scope) ->
scope = if scope then scope else $scope
for filter,func of $scope.filters
if $scope.filters.hasOwnProperty(filter)
return window.filterFunctions[filter](scope, $q, func)
# To avoid binding all the tree, nodes are pushed in DOM only when opened
$scope.stoggle = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
_stoggle node
_stoggle = (node) ->
for n in ['nodes', 'nodes_cond']
if node["_#{n}"]
node[n] = []
for a in node["_#{n}"]
node[n].push a
delete node["_#{n}"]
# Call execFilter for authParams
if node._nodes_filter
if node.nodes
for n in node.nodes
n.onChange = $scope.execFilters
$scope.filters[node._nodes_filter] = node
# Simple toggle management
$scope.toggle = (scope) ->
# cnodes management: hash keys/values are loaded when parent node is opened
$scope.download = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
return _download(node)
_download = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
d.notify 'Trying to get datas'
$scope.waiting = true
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}/#{node.cnodes}").then (response) ->
data = response.data
# Manage datas errors
if not data
d.reject 'Empty response from server'
else if data.error
if data.error.match(/setDefault$/)
if node['default']
node.nodes = node['default'].slice(0)
node.nodes = []
delete node.cnodes
d.resolve 'Set data to default value'
d.reject "Server return an error: #{data.error}"
# Store datas
delete node.cnodes
if not node.type
node.type = 'keyTextContainer'
node.nodes = []
# TODO: try/catch
for a in data
if a.template
a._nodes = templates a.template, a.title
node.nodes.push a
d.resolve 'OK'
$scope.waiting = false
, (response) ->
readError response
d.reject ''
return d.promise
$scope.openCnode = (scope) ->
$scope.download(scope).then ->
setHelp = (scope) ->
while !scope.$modelValue.help and scope.$parentNodeScope
scope = scope.$parentNodeScope
$scope.helpUrl = scope.$modelValue.help || 'start.html#configuration'
# Form management
# `currentNode` contains the last select node
# method `diplayForm()`:
# - set the `form` property to the name of the form to download
# (`text` by default or `home` for node without `type` property)
# - launch getKeys to set `node.data`
# - hide tree when in XS size
$scope.displayForm = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
if node.cnodes
$scope.download scope
if node._nodes
$scope.stoggle scope
$scope.currentNode = node
$scope.currentScope = scope
f = if node.type then node.type else 'text'
if node.nodes || node._nodes || node.cnodes
$scope.form = if f != 'text' then f else 'mini'
$scope.form = f
# Get datas
$scope.getKey node
if node.type and node.type == 'simpleInputContainer'
for n in node.nodes
$scope.showT = false
setHelp scope
$scope.keyWritable = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
# regexp-assemble of:
# authChoice
# keyText
# cmbModule
# virtualHost
# rule
# menuCat
# menuApp
# samlAttribute
# samlIDPMetaDataNode
# samlSPMetaDataNode
return if node.type and node.type.match /^(?:(?:saml(?:(?:ID|S)PMetaDataNod|Attribut)|(?:cmbMod|r)ul|authChoic)e|(?:virtualHos|keyTex)t|menu(?:App|Cat))$/ then true else false
# RSA keys generation
$scope.newRSAKey = ->
$scope.showModal('password.html').then ->
$scope.waiting = true
currentNode = $scope.currentNode
password = $scope.result
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/newRSAKey", {"password": password}).then (response) ->
currentNode.data[0].data = response.data.private
currentNode.data[1].data = password
currentNode.data[2].data = response.data.public
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
, ->
console.log('New key cancelled')
$scope.newRSAKeyNoPassword = ->
$scope.waiting = true
currentNode = $scope.currentNode
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/newRSAKey", {"password": ''}).then (response) ->
currentNode.data[0].data = response.data.private
currentNode.data[1].data = response.data.public
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
# method `getKey()`:
# - return a promise with the data:
# - from node when set
# - after downloading else
$scope.getKey = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
if !node.data
$scope.waiting = true
if node.get and typeof(node.get) == 'object'
node.data = []
tmp = []
for n, i in node.get
node.data[i] =
title: n
id: n
tmp.push $scope.getKey(node.data[i])
$q.all(tmp).then ->
,(response) ->
d.reject response.statusLine
$scope.waiting = false
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}/#{if node.get then node.get else node.title}").then (response) ->
# Set default value if response is null or if asked by server
data = response.data
if (data.value == null or (data.error and data.error.match /setDefault$/ ) ) and node['default'] != null
node.data = node['default']
node.data = data.value
# Cast int as int (remember that booleans are int for Perl)
if node.type and node.type.match /^int$/
node.data = parseInt(node.data, 10)
# Split SAML types
else if node.type and node.type.match(/^(saml(Service|Assertion)|blackWhiteList)$/) and not (typeof node.data == 'object')
node.data = node.data.split ';'
$scope.waiting = false
d.resolve node.data
, (response) ->
readError response
d.reject response.status
d.resolve node.data
return d.promise
# function `pathEvent(event, next; current)`:
# Called when $location.path() change, launch getCfg() with the new
# configuration number
pathEvent = (event, next, current) ->
n = next.match(new RegExp('#!?/confs/(latest|[0-9]+)'))
if n == null
$location.path '/confs/latest'
console.log "Trying to get cfg number #{n[1]}"
$scope.getCfg n[1]
$scope.$on '$locationChangeSuccess', pathEvent
# function `getCfg(n)`:
# Download configuration metadatas
$scope.getCfg = (n) ->
if $scope.currentCfg.cfgNum != n
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{n}").then (response) ->
$scope.currentCfg = response.data
d = new Date $scope.currentCfg.cfgDate * 1000
$scope.currentCfg.date = d.toLocaleString()
console.log "Metadatas of cfg #{n} loaded"
$location.path "/confs/#{n}"
, (response) ->
readError(response).then ->
$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum = 0
$scope.waiting = false
# method `getLanguage(lang)`
# Launch init() after setting current language
$scope.getLanguage = (lang) ->
$scope.lang = lang
# Force reload home
$scope.form = 'white'
$scope.showM = false
# Initialization
# Load JSON files:
# - struct.json: the main tree
# - languages/<lang>.json: the chosen language datas
$scope.init = ->
tmp = null
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.data = []
$scope.confirmNeeded = false
$scope.forceSave = false
$q.all [
$http.get("#{window.staticPrefix}struct.json").then (response) ->
tmp = response.data
console.log("Structure loaded")
.then ->
console.log("Starting structure binding")
$scope.data = tmp
tmp = null
if $scope.currentCfg.cfgNum != 0
setScopeVars $scope
$scope.message =
title: 'emptyConf'
message: '__zeroConfExplanations__'
$scope.showModal 'message.html'
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
# Colorized link
$scope.activeModule = "conf"
$scope.myStyle = {color: '#ffb84d'}
c = $location.path().match(new RegExp('^/confs/(latest|[0-9]+)'))
unless c
console.log "Redirecting to /confs/latest"
$location.path '/confs/latest'
# File form function
$scope.replaceContentByUrl = (node, url) ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http.post(window.scriptname + "prx", {url: url}).then (response) ->
node.data = response.data.content
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
$scope.replaceContent = (node, $fileContent) ->
node.data = $fileContent
# Import Filesaver.js saveAs()
$scope.saveAs = (content, type, filename) ->
saveAs(new Blob([content], {"type": type}), filename)
# Save as pem, text,...
$scope.saveAsPem = (cs,scope) ->
scope.saveAs "#{cs.data[0].data}\n#{cs.data[2].data}", 'application/x-pem-file', "#{cs.title}.pem"
$scope.saveAsText = (cs,scope) ->
scope.saveAs cs.data, 'text/plain', "#{cs.title}.txt"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
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<!-- HTML recursive templates (used in `ng-repeat... ng-include="'template.html'") -->
<!-- Tree nested node template -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="nodes_renderer.html">
<div ui-tree-handle class="tree-node panel-info" ng-class="{'bg-info':this.$modelValue===currentNode,'tree-node-default':this.$modelValue!==currentNode}">
<!-- Glyph icons -->
<span ng-switch="node.nodes||node.nodes_cond?1:((node._nodes&&node._nodes.length>0)||(node._nodes_cond&&node._nodes_cond.length>0)?3:(node.cnodes&&node.cnodes.length>0?2:0))">
<!-- Undownloaded nodes (hash data)-->
<a class="btn btn-sm" id="a-{{node.id}}" ng-switch-when="2" ng-click="openCnode(this)">
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<!-- Nodes already loaded and binded -->
<a class="btn btn-sm" id="a-{{node.id}}" ng-switch-when="1" ng-click="toggle(this)">
<span class="glyphicon" ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-right': collapsed, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': !collapsed}"></span>
<!-- Leaf -->
<a class="btn btn-sm" ng-switch-default ng-click="displayForm(this)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span>
<!-- Node text with/without translation -->
<span id="t-{{node.id}}" ng-if="keyWritable(this)" ng-click="displayForm(this)">{{node.title}}</span>
<span id="t-{{node.id}}" ng-if="!keyWritable(this)" ng-click="displayForm(this)" trspan="{{node.title}}" />
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<li ng-repeat="node in node.nodes track by node.id" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'" collapsed="true"></li>
<!-- Filtered subnodes (authParams mechanism) -->
<ol ui-tree-nodes="btn btn-sm" ng-model="node.nodes_cond" ng-class="{hidden: collapsed}">
<li ng-repeat="(name,node) in node.nodes_cond track by node.id" ng-if="node.show" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'" collapsed="true"></li>
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<script type="text/ng-template" id="prompt.html">
<div role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="ptitle" aria-describedby="ptitle">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 id="ptitle" class="modal-title" trspan="{{elem('message').title}}" />
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<div class="input-group maxw">
<label class="input-group-addon" id="promptlabel" for="promptinput" trspan="{{elem('message').field}}"/>
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<div class="modal-header">
<h3 id="mtitle" class="modal-title" trspan="{{elem('message').title}}" />
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<div class="modal-p">{{translateP(elem('message').message)}}</div>
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<script type="text/ng-template" id="messageitem.html">
<div class="modal-p">{{translateP(item.message)}}</div>
<ul class="modal-ul" ng-model="item.items">
<li ng-repeat="item in item.items" ng-include="'messageitem.html'"/>
<!-- Password question -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="password.html">
<div role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="pwtitle" aria-describedby="pwtitle">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 id="pwtitle" class="modal-title" trspan="enterPassword" />
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="input-group maxw">
<label class="input-group-addon" id="mlabel" for="mdPwd" trspan="password"/>
<input id="mdPwd" class="form-control" ng-model="result" aria-describedby="mlabel"/>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="passwordok" ng-click="ok()" trspan="ok" role="button"></button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()" trspan="cancel" role="button"></button>
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<script type="text/ng-template" id="save.html">
<div role="alertdialog" aria-labelledby="stitle" aria-describedby="sbody">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 id="stitle" class="modal-title" trspan="savingConfirmation" />
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<div class="input-group maxw">
<label id="slabel" class="input-group-addon" for="longtextinput" trspan="cfgLog"/>
<textarea id="longtextinput" rows="5" class="form-control" ng-model="result" aria-describedby="slabel" />
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="saveok" ng-click="ok()" trspan="ok" role="button"></button>
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