Add translations test (#595)

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Guimard 2016-05-23 19:28:39 +00:00
parent 5d382a50bb
commit 4ec26d5f46
4 changed files with 92 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
"openIdExample":"for example:",
"openSessionSpace":"This space allow you to open a SSO session. This will help you to securely access to all applications authorized by your profil.",
"openSSOSession":"Open your SSO session",
"password": "Password",
"pwdChanged":"Your password was changed.",
"pwdChange":"Password change",
"pwdIs":"Your password is",

View File

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
"openIdExample":"par exemple :",
"openSessionSpace":"Cet espace vous permet d'ouvrir une session SSO. Celle-ci vous aidera à accéder de manière totalement sécurisée à l'ensemble des applications autorisées par votre profil utilisateur.",
"openSSOSession":"Ouvrir une session SSO",
"password": "Mot-de-passe",
"pwdChange":"Changement de mot de passe",
"pwdChanged":"Votre mot de passe a été changé.",
"pwdIs":"Votre mot de passe est",

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<th><span trspan="newPassword">New password</span></th>
<td><input name="newpassword" type="password" tabindex="3" /></td>
<th><span trspan="confimrPwd">Confirm password</span></th>
<th><span trspan="confirmPwd">Confirm password</span></th>
<td><input name="confirmpassword" type="password" tabindex="4" /></td>
<td colspan="2">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
use Test::More;
use JSON;
use strict;
my $langDir = 'site/htdocs/static/languages';
my $count = 0;
ok( opendir( D, $langDir ), 'Found languages dir' );
my @langs = grep { /\.json$/ and $_ ne 'en.json' } readdir D;
close D;
ok( open( F, "$langDir/en.json" ), 'Found en.json' );
my $en;
ok( $en = join( '', <F> ), 'en.json is not empty' );
close F;
ok( @langs, 'Found other languages' );
my $keys;
ok( $keys = from_json($en), 'en.json contains JSON' );
$en = undef;
$count += 5;
foreach my $lang (@langs) {
ok( open( F, "$langDir/$lang" ), "Found $lang" );
my $j;
ok( $j = join( '', <F> ), "$lang is not empty" );
my $l;
ok( $l = from_json($j), "$lang contains JSON" . ( $@ ? " ($@)" : "" ) );
$lang =~ s/\.json$//;
my @l1 = sort keys %$keys;
my @l2 = sort keys %$l;
ok( $#l1 == $#l2,
"'$lang' and 'en' have the same count (" . @l1 . '/' . @l2 . ")" );
my @unTr;
while (@l1) {
if ( $l1[0] eq $l2[0] ) {
shift @l1;
shift @l2;
elsif ( $l1[0] eq $l2[1] ) {
push @unTr, shift(@l2);
elsif ( $l1[1] eq $l2[0] ) {
push @unTr, shift(@l1);
else {
die "To many errors in $lang.json (at $l1[0]/$l2[0])";
ok( @unTr == 0,
"All keys translated for '$lang'" . ( @unTr ? " (@unTr)" : "" ) );
$count += 5;
# open( F,
#q#perl -ne 'print if(s/.*trspan="(\w+)".*/$1/g)' site/templates/manager.tpl site/static/forms/*|sort -u|#
# ),
# 'Find HTML docs'
use File::Find;
my @trspan = ();
my @unTr = ();
sub {
my $f = $File::Find::name;
return unless ( $_ =~ /tpl$/ and -f $_);
open F, $_;
while(my $l = <F>) {
push @trspan, ($l =~ /trspan="(\w+)"/g);
close F;
ok( @trspan > 1, 'Found "trspan" attributes' );
@unTr = ();
my $last='';
foreach (grep {$last ne $_ ? $last = $_ : undef} sort @trspan) {
push @unTr, $_ unless ( $keys->{$_} );
ok( @unTr == 0,
'All "trspan" attribute translated' . ( @unTr ? " (@unTr)" : "" ) );
$count += 2;