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Twitter is a famous online short messaging + server, see http://twitter.com. Twitter use OAuth + protocol to allows applications to reuse its own authentication process + (it means, if your are connected to twitter, other applications can trust + twitter and let you in). + +

You need perl Net::Twitter package, with a very + recent version (>3). You can find i on CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/~mmims/Net-Twitter/. + +

You need to regsiter a new application on Twitter + to get API key and API secret. See Twitter FAQ on how to do that: + + http://apiwiki.twitter.com/FAQ#HowdoIget%E2%80%9CfromMyApp%E2%80%9DappendedtoupdatessentfrommyAPIapplication. + +

LemonLDAP::NG configuration

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Just set API key and API secret in LemonLDAP::NG + configuration. You can also set Application Name (by default: + Lemonldap::NG). + +

For example: + +
+authentication => 'Twitter',
+userDB => 'Null', # Do not use userDB
+twitterKey => 'hdODNci354n',
+twitterSecret => 'Jdldc1e1ce31661EEC16eCS22ee1tbt8',
+twitterAppName => 'My marvelous application',