Update Spanish translation

This commit is contained in:
Xavier 2019-09-11 07:09:53 +02:00
parent 9f6e269c39
commit b4d61d554a
15 changed files with 240 additions and 240 deletions

View File

@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
"purgeNotification":"Elimina definitivamente la notifica",
"radius2f":"Radius second factor",
"radius2fServer":"Server hostname",
"radius2fServer":"Nome host del server",
"radius2fSecret":"Segreto condiviso",
"radius2fUsernameSessionKey":"Session key containing login",
"radius2fTimeout":"Authentication timeout",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Access not granted on OID service",
"PE92":"Access not granted on GET service",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"السمة المطلوبة غير متوفرة",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.",
"accessDenied":"ليس لديك إذن بالدخول لهذا التطبيق",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Zugang zum OID-Service nicht genehmigt",
"PE92":"Zugang zum GET-Service nicht genehmigt",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"Ein gefordertes Attribut ist nicht verfügbar",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"Dieser Dienst benötigt Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Bitte legen Sie ein Gerät an und gehen dann zum Portal zurück.",
"accessDenied":"Sie haben keine Zugriffsberechtigung für diese Anwendung",

View File

@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
"PE26":"Modificación de contraseña no autorizada",
"PE27":"Para modificarla, introduzca la antigua contraseña",
"PE28":"Calidad de contraseña insuficiente",
"PE29":"Contraseña demasiado corta",
"PE30":"Contraseña demasiado reciente",
"PE31":"Contraseña utilizada demasiado recientemente",
"PE29":"Contraseña muy corta",
"PE30":"Contraseña muy reciente",
"PE31":"Contraseña utilizada muy recientemente",
"PE32":" autenticaciones restantes, cambie de contraseña",
"PE33":"cambie su contraseña antes de %d días, %d horas, %d minutos y %d segundos antes de su expiración",
"PE33":"Faltan %d días, %d horas, %d minutos y %d segundos para que su contraseña expire.",
"PE34":"Las contraseñas no coinciden",
"PE35":"La contraseña se ha modificado",
"PE36":"Tiene un nuevo mensaje",
"PE36":"Tiene un mensaje nuevo",
"PE37":"URL incorrecta",
"PE38":"Ningún esquema disponible",
"PE39":"Antigua contraseña inválida",
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
"PE49":"No se puede cargar el servicio SAML",
"PE50":"Problema al cargar un proveedor de identidad",
"PE51":"Error de autenticación SAML",
"PE52":"Colaborador SAML no reconocido",
"PE52":"Colaborador SAML desconocido",
"PE53":"Dirección de destino SAML incorrecta",
"PE54":"Las condiciones del mensaje SAML no se respetan",
"PE55":"La autenticación iniciada por el proveedor de identidad no está autorizada",
@ -49,184 +49,184 @@
"PE57":"Error de gestión de la firma del mensaje SAML",
"PE58":"Error de utilización de un artefacto SAML",
"PE59":"Error de comunicación con las sesiones SAML",
"PE60":"Problema al cargar un proveedor de servicio",
"PE60":"Problema al cargar un proveedor de servicios",
"PE61":"Error de intercambio de atributos SAML",
"PE62":"Página destinada a los servidores OpenID",
"PE63":"La identidad OpenID que quiere utilizar no le pertenece",
"PE64":"Un atributo exigido no está disponible",
"PE65":"Agrupación prohibida por la política de seguridad",
"PE66":"E-mail de confirmación ya enviado",
"PE67":"Contraseña no registrada",
"PE67":"Contraseña no ingresada",
"PE68":"Acceso no autorizado al servicio CAS",
"PE69":"Introduzca su dirección e-mail",
"PE70":"Sin usuario correspondiente",
"PE70":"Ningún usuario coincide",
"PE71":"Introduzca su nueva contraseña",
"PE72":"Ha recibido un e-mail de confirmación",
"PE73":"La conexión al servidor Radius ha fracasado",
"PE74":"La antigua contraseña es obligatoria",
"PE75":"Dirección IP no acreditada",
"PE74":"La contraseña antigua es obligatoria",
"PE75":"Usted vino de una dirección IP no acreditada",
"PE76":"Error al registrar el captcha",
"PE77":"Introduzca el captcha",
"PE78":"Introduzca sus datos",
"PE79":"Faltan datos",
"PE80":"Esta dirección ya está utilizada",
"PE81":"Invalid authentication attempt",
"PE82":"Exceeded authentication timeout",
"PE83":"U2F verification failed. Retry or contact your administrator",
"PE84":"You're not authorized to access to this host",
"PE85":"The remote site ask for a newer session (and UpgradeSession plugin isn't loaded). Logout and retry",
"PE86":"Your account is locked. You must wait 30s before authenticate again",
"PE87":"You must authenticate again to access to Portal",
"PE88":"Your account must have an e-mail address in order to use double factor authentication",
"PE80":"Esta dirección ya está siendo utilizada",
"PE81":"Intento de autenticación inválido",
"PE82":"Tiempo de espera de autenticación exedido",
"PE83":"La verificación U2F ha fallado. Reintente o contacte su administrador",
"PE84":"Usted no está autorizado a acceder a este servidor",
"PE85":"El sitio remoto pide una nueva sesión (y el plugin UpgradeSession no está cargado). Desconéctese y reintente",
"PE86":"Su cuenta está bloqueada. Espere 30s antes de autenticarse de nuevo",
"PE87":"Debe autenticarse de nuevo para acceder al Portal",
"PE88":"Su cuenta debe contar con una dirección de e-mail para poder utilizar la autenticación de dos factores",
"PE89":"Acceso no autorizado al servicio SAML",
"PE90":"Acceso no autorizado al servicio OIDC",
"PE91":"Acceso no autorizado al servicio OID",
"PE92":"Acceso no autorizado al servicio GET",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"Un atributo exigido no está disponible",
"2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.",
"accessDenied":"You have no access authorization for this application",
"accountCreated":"Your account has been created, your temporary password has been sent to your mail address.",
"accountCreationSuccess":"Your account was successfully created.",
"allowed":"Access ALLOWED",
"anotherInformation":"Another information:",
"areYouSure":"Are you sure?",
"askToRenew":"This application needs a more recent authentication. Do you want to reauthenticate?",
"askToUpgrade":"This application needs an higher authentication level. Do you want to reauthenticate?",
"authPortal":"Authentication portal",
"PE93":"Acceso no concedido al servicio de SUPLANTACIÓN",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"Este servicio necesita la autenticación de dos factores. Registre un dispositivo ahora, luego reingrese al portal.",
"accessDenied":"No está autorizado a acceder a esta aplicación",
"accountCreated":"Su cuenta ha sido creada, su contraseña temporal ha sido enviada a su dirección de e-mail.",
"accountCreationSuccess":"Su cuenta fue creada con éxito.",
"allowed":"Acceso PERMITIDO",
"anotherInformation":"Otra información:",
"areYouSure":"¿Está seguro?",
"askToRenew":"Esta aplicación necesita una autenticación más reciente. ¿Desea reautenticar?",
"askToUpgrade":"Esta aplicación requiere de un nivel de autenticación más alto. ¿Desea reautenticar?",
"authPortal":"Portal de autenticación",
"authRemaining":"%s authentications remaining, change your password!",
"autoAccept":"Automatically accept in 30 seconds",
"autoAccept":"Aceptar automáticamente en 30 segundos ",
"back2CasUrl":"The application you just logged out of has provided a link it would like you to follow",
"back2Portal":"Go back to portal",
"badCode":"Bad code",
"badName":"Bad name",
"back2Portal":"Volver al portal",
"badCode":"Código incorrecto",
"badName":"Nombre incorrecto",
"changeKey":"Generate new key",
"changePwd":"Change your password",
"checkLastLogins":"Check my last logins",
"checkUser":"Check user SSO profile",
"changeKey":"Generar nueva llave",
"changePwd":"Cambie su contraseña",
"checkLastLogins":"Verificar mis últimos accesos",
"checkUser":"Verificar el perfil SSO del usuario ",
"checkUserMerged":"Check user SSO profile. Some Real and Spoofed SSO groups are merged!",
"checkUserComputeSession":"Computed session data!",
"choose2f":"Choose your second factor",
"choose2f":"Seleccione su segundo factor",
"chooseApp":"Choose an application your are allowed to access to",
"clickHere":"Please click here",
"clickOnYubikey":"Click on your Yubikey",
"closeSSO":"Close your SSO session",
"confirmLinkSent":"A confirmation link has been sent. This link is valid until ",
"confirmPwd":"Confirm password",
"connectedAs":"Connected as",
"createAccount":"Create an account",
"currentPwd":"Current password",
"enterCred":"Please enter your credentials",
"enterExt2fCode":"A code has been sent to you. Please enter it",
"enterMail2fCode":"A code has been sent to your email address. Please enter it",
"clickHere":"Por favor haga clic aquí",
"clickOnYubikey":"Haga clic en su Yubikey",
"closeSSO":"Cierre su sesión SSO",
"confirmLinkSent":"Un enlace de confirmación ha sido enviado. Este enlace es válido hasta",
"confirmPwd":"Confirmar contraseña",
"connectedAs":"Conectado como ",
"createAccount":"Crear una cuenta",
"currentPwd":"Contraseña actual",
"enterCred":"Por favor ingrese sus credenciales",
"enterExt2fCode":"Un código le ha sido enviado. Por favor ingréselo ",
"enterMail2fCode":"Un código le ha sido enviado a dirección de e-mail. Por favor ingréselo",
"enterOpenIDLogin":"Please enter your OpenID login",
"enterRadius2fCode":"Please enter your OTP code",
"enterRest2fCode":"Please enter your OTP code",
"enterTotpCode":"Enter TOTP code",
"enterYubikey":"Please use your Yubikey",
"errorMsg":"Error Message",
"enterRadius2fCode":"Por favor ingrese su código OTP",
"enterRest2fCode":"Por favor ingrese su código OTP",
"enterTotpCode":"Ingrese el código TOTP",
"enterYubikey":"Por favor utilice su Yubikey",
"errorMsg":"Mensaje de Error",
"expired2Fremoved":"%s expired 2F devices have been removed!",
"ext2f":"Verification code",
"fillTheForm":"Fill the form",
"firstName":"First name",
"forbidden":"Access FORBIDDEN",
"forgotPwd":"Forgot your password?",
"generatePwd":"Generate the password automatically",
"gotNewMessages":"You have some new messages",
"goToPortal":"Go to portal",
"gplSoft":"free software covered by the GPL license",
"groups_sso":"SSO GROUPS",
"ext2f":"Código de verificación",
"fillTheForm":"Llene el formulario",
"forbidden":"Acceso DENEGADO",
"forgotPwd":"Contraseña olvidada?",
"generatePwd":"Generar la contraseña automáticamente",
"gotNewMessages":"Tiene mensajes nuevos",
"goToPortal":"Ir al portal",
"gplSoft":"Software libre cubierto bajo licencia GPL",
"groups_sso":"GRUPOS SSO",
"contextSwitching_ON":"Impersonate another user",
"contextSwitching_OFF":"Stop impersonation",
"imSure":"I'm sure",
"ipAddr":"IP address",
"lastFailedLogins":"Last failed logins",
"lastLogins":"Last logins",
"lastName":"Last name",
"linkValidUntil":"This message contains a link to reset your password, this link is valid until ",
"loginHistory":"Login history",
"logoutConfirm":"Do you want to logout?",
"contextSwitching_ON":"Suplantar otro usuario",
"contextSwitching_OFF":"Parar suplantación",
"imSure":"Estoy seguro",
"ipAddr":"Dirección IP",
"lastFailedLogins":"Últimas conexiones fallidas",
"lastLogins":"Últimas conexiones",
"linkValidUntil":"Este mensaje contiene un enlace para reiniciar su contraseña, este enlace es válido hasta",
"loginHistory":"Historial de conexión",
"logout":"Desconexión ",
"logoutConfirm":"¿Desea desconectarse?",
"logoutFromOtherApp":"Logout from other applications ...",
"logoutFromSP":"Logout from service providers ...",
"logoutFromSP":"Desconectando proveedor de servicios...",
"mail2f":"Email code",
"mailSent2":"A message has been sent to your mail address.",
"maintenanceMode":"This application is in maintenance, please try to connect later",
"mail2f":"Código de e-mail",
"mailSent2":"Un mensaje ha sido enviado a su dirección de e-mail",
"maintenanceMode":"Aplicación en mantenimiento, por favor intente conectarse luego",
"maxNumberof2FDevicesReached":"Maximum number of 2F devices reached!",
"missingCode":"Code is missing",
"newMessages":"New message(s)",
"newPassword":"New password",
"newPwdSentTo":"A confirmation has been sent to your mail address.",
"noHistory":"This is your first connection, welcome!",
"notAuthorized":"You're not authorized to do this",
"missingCode":"Código faltante",
"newMessages":"Nuevo(s) mensaje(s)",
"newPassword":"Contraseña nueva",
"newPwdSentTo":"Una confirmación ha sido enviada a su dirección de e-mail.",
"noHistory":"Esta es su primera conexión, bienvenido.",
"notAuthorized":"Usted no está autorizado a hacer esto",
"notFound":"Not found: you try to access to an unavailable page",
"noTOTPFound":"No TOTP found",
"noU2FKeyFound":"No U2F key found",
"noTOTPFound":"TOTP no encontrado",
"noU2FKeyFound":"Llave U2F no encontrada",
"oidcConsent":"The application %s would like to know:",
"oidcConsents":"OIDC consents",
"oidcConsentsFull":"OpenID Connect consents",
"oneExpired2Fremoved":"An expired 2F device has been removed!",
"openidAp":"Do you agree to provide the following parameters?",
"openIdExample":"for example:http://myopenid.org/toto",
"openIdExample":"por ejemplo:http://myopenid.org/juan",
"openidExchange":"Do you want to authenticate yourself on %s ?",
"openidPA":"Data usage policy is available at",
"openidRpns":"Parameter %s requested for federation isn't available",
"openSessionSpace":"This space allow you to open a SSO session. This will help you to securely access to all applications authorized by your profile.",
"openSSOSession":"Open your SSO session",
"otherSessions":"Other active sessions",
"openSessionSpace":"Este espacio le permite abrir una sesión SSO. Esto le ayudará a acceder de manera segura a todas las aplicaciones autorizadas por su perfil.",
"openSSOSession":"Abra su sesión SSO",
"otherSessions":"Otras sesiones activas",
"passwordPolicy":"Please respect the following policy:",
"passwordPolicyMinSize":"Minimal size:",
"passwordPolicyMinLower":"Minimal lower characters:",
"passwordPolicyMinUpper":"Minimal upper characters:",
"passwordPolicyMinDigit":"Minimal digit characters:",
"ppGrace":"authentications remaining, change your password!",
"ppGrace":"autenticaciones restantes, ¡cambie su contraseña!.",
"proxyError":"Bad gateway: unable to join remote server",
"pwdChange":"Password change",
"pwdChange":"Cambio de contraseña",
"pwdResetAlreadyIssued":"A password reset request was already issued on ",
"pwdWillExpire":"%s days, %s hours, %s minutes and %s seconds before password expiration, change it!",
"redirectedFrom":"You were redirect from ",
"redirectedIn":"You'll be redirected in 30 seconds",
"redirectionInProgress":"Redirection in progress...",
"redirectionToIdp":"Redirection to your Identity Provider",
"refreshrights":"Refresh my rights",
"redirectedFrom":"Ha sido redirigido desde",
"redirectedIn":"Usted será redirigido en 30 segundos",
"redirectionToIdp":"Redirigiendo hacia su proveedor de identidad",
"refreshrights":"Actualizar mis derechos",
"registerRequestAlreadyIssued":"A register request for this account was already issued on ",
"rememberChoice":"Remember my choice",
"rememberChoice":"Recordar mi elección",
"removeOtherSessions":"Remove other sessions",
"resendConfirmMail":"Resend confirmation mail?",
"resentConfirm":"Do you want the confirmation mail to be resent?",
"resetPwd":"Reset my password",
"rest2f":"Verification code",
"rightsReloadNeedsLogout":"Rights reloads need to logout and login again",
"resetPwd":"Reiniciar mi contraseña",
"rest2f":"Código de verificación",
"rightsReloadNeedsLogout":"La recarga de derechos necesita desconectarse y conectarse de nuevo",
"selectIdP":"Select your Identity Provider",
"sendPwd":"Send me a link",
"selectIdP":"Seleccione su proveedor de identidad",
"sendPwd":"Enviarme un enlace",
"serverError":"Error occurs on the server",
"serviceProvidedBy":"Service provided by",
"serviceProvidedBy":"Servicio proveído por",
"sessionsDeleted":"The following sessions have been closed",
"sfaManager":"2ndFA Manager",
"spoofId":"Spoofed Id",
@ -244,30 +244,30 @@
"u2fPermission":"You may be prompted to allow the site permission to access your security keys. After granting permission, the device will start to blink.",
"u2fWelcome":"U2F device management",
"unableToGetKey":"Unable to access to your key. Retry or contact your administrator",
"unknownAction":"Unknown action",
"unknownAction":"Acción desconocida",
"updateCdc":"Update Common Domain Cookie",
"upgradeSession":"Upgrade session",
"useYubikey":"use your Yubikey",
"VHnotFound":"Virtual Host not found",
"VHnotFound":"Virtual Host no encontrado",
"waitingmessage":"Authentication in progress, please wait",
"welcomeOnPortal":"Welcome on your secured authentication portal.",
"yesResendMail":"Yes, resend the mail",
"yourAddress":"Your address",
"yourApps":"Your applications",
"yourEmail":"Your email",
"yourIdentity":"Your identity",
"yourIdentityIs":"Your identity is",
"yourKeyIsRegistered":"Your key is registered",
"yourKeyIsAlreadyRegistered":"Your key is ALREADY registered!",
"yourAddress":"Su dirección",
"yourApps":"Sus aplicaciones",
"yourEmail":"Su e-mail",
"yourIdentity":"Su identidad",
"yourIdentityIs":"Su identidad es",
"yourKeyIsRegistered":"Su llave está registrada",
"yourKeyIsAlreadyRegistered":"¡Su llave YA FUE registrada!",
"yourKeyIsUnregistered":"Your key has been unregistered",
"yourKeyIsVerified":"Your key is verified",
"yourKeyIsVerified":"Su llave está verificada",
"yourNewTotpKey":"Your new TOTP key, please test it and enter the code",
"yourPhone":"Your phone number",
"yourProfile":"Your profile",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Accesso non concesso sul servizio OID",
"PE92":"Accesso non concesso sul servizio GET",
"PE93":"Accesso non concesso sul servizio IMPERSONATION",
"PE94":"Attributo richiesto non disponibile",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"Questo servizio richiede un'autenticazione a doppio fattore. Registrare un dispositivo ora, quindi tornare al portale.",
"accessDenied":"Non hai un'autorizzazione di accesso per questa applicazione",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Onbevoegde toegang tot de OID-service",
"PE92":"Onbevoegde toegang tot de GET-service",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"Een vereist attribuut is niet beschikbaar",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.",
"accessDenied":"You have no access authorization for this application",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Access not granted on OID service",
"PE92":"Access not granted on GET service",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"Un atribut solicitate nu sunt disponibile",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.",
"accessDenied":"You have no access authorization for this application",

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"PE91":"Access not granted on OID service",
"PE92":"Access not granted on GET service",
"PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service",
"PE94":"所需 attribute 不可用",
"PE94":"A required attribute is not available",
"2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.",
"accept":"Accept 方法",