LEMONLDAP::NG : Move webmin module to lemonldap-legacy branch

This commit is contained in:
Clément Oudot 2009-02-22 15:06:49 +00:00
parent ee3fc975e0
commit bed4b5ed70
99 changed files with 0 additions and 8989 deletions

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
sub getStyle {
my $style = $_[0];
if ($style =~ /map/i) {
$_[1] = 0;
return "conf_style";
if ($style =~ /lectro/i) {
$_[1] = 1;
return "simpage";
if ($style =~ /golf/i) {
$_[1] = 2;
return "golf_style";
sub main {
my $icheck = -1;
$ch = getStyle("electro", $icheck);
print( "Resultat:\n" );
print( "-- style = $ch\n" );
print( "-- check = $icheck\n" );

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
sub getStyle {
if ($_[0] =~ /map/i) {
return ("conf_style", 0);
if ($_[0] =~ /lectro/i) {
return ("simpage", 1);
if ($_[0] =~ /golf/i) {
return ("golf_style", 2);
sub main {
($ch, $icheck) = getStyle("electro");
print( "Resultat:\n" );
print( "-- style = $ch\n" );
print( "-- check = $icheck\n" );

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
# chargement des infos de la page #
my $message = 0;
my $dump1;
if (defined (CGI::param ('submitAddCluster')) ) { ## traitement d un nouveau node
my $new_clexml = CGI::param('idn');
if( !length($new_clexml)){
$message = $text{ 'lab_error_8' };
} else {
my $location = CGI::param('Locationn') ;
my $address = CGI::param('Addressn') ;
my $hash = {} ;
$hash->{'location'} = $location if $location;
$hash->{'address'} = $address if $address;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, 'cluster' );
my $id = CGI::param('id');
my $clust = $chapter->{ $id } ;
if( defined( $clust->{ 'node' }->{ $new_clexml } ) ){
$message = $text{ 'lab_error_9' };
}else {
$clust->{ 'node' }->{ $new_clexml } = $hash;
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
## vars pour affichage de caract. du node selectionné / supprimé
my $nodeID = 0;
my $nodeSimple = 0;
my $nodeLoc = 0;
if (defined (CGI::param ('RemoveNode')) ) { ## SUPPRESSION d un node
my $clenode = CGI::param('idn');
$nodeID = $clenode;
$nodeSimple = CGI::param('Addressn') ;
$nodeLoc = CGI::param('Locationn') ;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, 'cluster' );
my $id = CGI::param('id');
my $clust = $chapter->{ $id } ;
my @knodes = keys( %{$clust->{'node'}} );
$dump1 = Dumper( @knodes );
delete( $clust->{ 'node' }->{ $clenode } );
if( @knodes == 1 ){
delete( $clust->{ 'node' } );
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
if (! defined (CGI::param ("submitCluster")) ) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "cluster" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $tabular = [];
$mode = 'Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop = 'Normal';
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{expert} );
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cluster" );
my @f = keys %{$chapter};
my $first = $f[0];
&TransformVars( $composs, $chapter );
############### I collect node info #####
my @combonodes;
if($chapter->{$first}->{node} ) {
my $node = $chapter->{$first}->{ "node" };
my @nodes = keys( %{$node} );
@nodes = sort( @nodes );
for( @nodes ) {
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @combonodes, $_ );
# list of node
# just label and add bouton
} else {
# just label and add bouton
my $flagShowRemo = 0;
if( defined (CGI::param('listNodes') )){
$nodeID = CGI::param('listNodes');
$nodeSimple = $chapter->{ $first }->{ 'node' }->{$nodeID}->{ 'address' };
$nodeLoc = $chapter->{ $first }->{ 'node' }->{$nodeID}->{ 'location' };
$flagShowRemo= 1;
$vars= { style => $styl,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
composall => $composs,
combonodes => \@combonodes,
message => $message,
nodeID => $nodeID,
nodeSimple => $nodeSimple,
nodeLoc => $nodeLoc,
flagShowRemo => $flagShowRemo
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
print( "<HR> $dump1 <HR>" );
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
# print "Content-type: text/html\n";
# print( "\n" );
# my @lo =CGI::param();
# my $l =Dumper(@lo);
# print "$l";
# print( "<BR>" );
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
my $old_clexml = CGI::param('_id');
my $new_clexml = CGI::param('id');
my $location = CGI::param('Location') ;
my $address = CGI::param('Address') ;
my $hash = {} ;
$hash->{'location'} = $location if $location;
$hash->{'address'} = $address if $address;
$hash->{'node'} = $node if $node;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cluster" );
my $l= Dumper ($chapter);
delete $chapter->{$old_clexml};
if($new_clexml ) {
$xmlemon->{cluster}->{$new_clexml}= $hash;
else {
delete $xmlemon->{cluster} ;
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
#### affichage de la page ttconfig sur param
# $l= Dumper ($xmlemon);
# print "final $l";
&redirect( "index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style" );
############ C FINI

View File

@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::Simple;
sub getXML {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $pxml = XMLin( $confile, "ForceArray" => "1" );
return( $pxml );
sub writeXML {
my $pxml = $_[0];
my $namef = $_[1];
my $rootN = $_[2] || "lemonldapconfig";
open( $fout, ">$namef" ) || die("Oops !! couldn't open $namef !!??");
XMLout( $pxml, OutputFile => $fout,
AttrIndent => 1,
RootName => $rootN,
KeyAttr => { session =>'id',
cache =>'id',
handler =>'id',
application =>'id',
domain =>'id',
cluster =>'id',
node => 'id',
} );
close( $fout );
sub videhash {
my $h = $_[ 0 ];
my $pxml = $_[ 1 ];
if (exists ($h->{lemonldapdomain})) {
my $id_handler = $h->{ 'lemonldaphandlerid' };
my $id_domain = $h->{ 'lemonldapdomain' };
## maj
print( "DOMAINE : $id_domain \t --> $id_handler\n" );
if( length($h->{ 'ipadress' } )) {
$pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ 'VirtualHost' } = 'byIPAdress';
$pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ 'IPAdress' } = $h->{ 'ipadress' };
else {
$pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ 'VirtualHost' } = 'byName';
my %kk = ( 'lemonldapportal' => ['Portal' , ''] ,
'lemonldapbasepub' => ['BasePub' , ''] ,
'lemonldapbasepriv' => ['BasePriv' , ''] ,
'lemonldapenabledproxy' => ['EnableLWPProxy', '0'] ,
'lemonldapattrldap' => ['Organization', ''] ,
'lemonldapcodeappli' => ['AppliCode' , ''] ,
'lemonldapdisabled' => ['DisableAccessControl', '0'] ,
'lemonldapstopcookie' => ['StopCookie' , '0'] ,
'lemonldaprecursive' => ['ChaseRedirect', '0'] ,
'lemonldapproxyext' => ['ProxyExt' , ''] ,
'lemonldapics' => ['ProxyPatterns', ''] ,
'lemonldapmultihoming' => ['MultiHoming' , -1] ,
'lemonldaplwptimeout' => ['LWPTimeout' , ''] ,
'lemonldapsoftcontrol' => ['SoftControl' , '0'] ,
'lemonldapheader' => ['Header' , ''] ,
'lemonldapallow' => ['Allow' , ''] ,
'lemonldappluginpolicy' => ['PolicyPlugIn', ''] ,
'lemonldappluginhtml' => ['RewritePlugIn', ''] ,
'lemonldappluginheader' => ['HeaderPlugIn', ''] ,
'lemonldappluginbackend' => ['BackendPlugIn','']
my @kapa = keys( %kk );
for( @kapa ){
my $k = $_;
my $igp = $kk{ $k }[0];
my $def = $kk{ $k }[1];
if( length( $h->{ $k } )){
$pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ $igp } = $h->{ $k };
} else {
if( $def == -1 ){
delete( $pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ $igp } );
} else {
$pxml->{ 'domain' }->{$id_domain}->{ 'handler' }->{ $id_handler }->{ $igp } = $def;
sub MajVarNames {
my $pxml = $_[0];
## CACHE.configIpcKey --> CACHE.ConfigFile
my @confs = keys( %{$pxml->{'cache'} } );
for( @confs ){
my $conf = $_;
my $ipc = $pxml->{'cache'}->{ $conf }->{'configIpcKey'};
if( $ipc ){
delete( $pxml->{'cache'}->{ $conf }->{'configIpcKey'} );
$pxml->{'cache'}->{ $conf }->{'ConfigFile'} = $ipc;
print(" Cache -> $conf \t\t configIpcKey -> $conf TO ConfigFile\n");
## Domain.Session --> Domain.SessionStore
my @doms = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'} } );
for( @doms ){
# domaine
my $dom = $_;
my $sess = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'Session' };
if( $sess ){
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'Session' } );
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'SessionStore' } = $sess;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t\t Session -> $sess TO SessionStore\n");
# recup ts les handlers d un domaine
my @hands = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' } } );
for( @hands ){
my $hand = $_;
my $enabledProxy = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Enabledproxy' } ;
my $attrLdap = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'AttrLdap' } ;
my $codeAppli = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'CodeAppli' } ;
my $disabled = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Disabled' } ;
my $plugHtml = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInHtml' } ;
my $plugBackend = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInBackend' } ;
my $plugHeader = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInHeader' } ;
my $plugPolicy = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInPolicy' } ;
my $ics = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Ics' } ;
my $recursive = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Recursive' } ;
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Enabledproxy' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'AttrLdap' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'CodeAppli' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Disabled' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInHtml' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInBackend' });
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInHeader' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PlugInPolicy' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Ics' } );
delete( $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Recursive' } );
if($enabledProxy ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'EnableLWPProxy' } = $enabledProxy;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t Enabledproxy TO EnableLWPProxy\n");
if($attrLdap ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'Organization' } = $attrLdap ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t AttrLdap TO Organization\n");
if($codeAppli ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'AppliCode' } = $codeAppli ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t CodeAppli TO AppliCode\n");
if($disabled ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'DisableAccessControl' } = $disabled ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t Disabled TO DisableAccessControl\n");
if($plugHtml ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'RewritePlugIn' } = $plugHtml ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t PlugInHtml TO RewritePlugIn\n");
if($plugBackend ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'BackendPlugIn' } = $plugBackend ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t PlugInBackend TO BackendPlugIn\n");
if($plugHeader ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'HeaderPlugIn' } = $plugHeader ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t PlugInHeader TO HeaderPlugIn\n");
if($plugPolicy ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'PolicyPlugIn' } = $plugPolicy ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t PlugInPolicy TO PolicyPlugIn\n");
if($ics ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'ProxyPatterns' } = $ics ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t Ics TO ProxyPatterns\n");
if($recursive ) {
$pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'ChaseRedirect' } = $recursive ;
print(" Domaine -> $dom \t Handler -> $hand\t Recursive TO ChaseRedirect\n");
sub main {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $xmlfile = $_[1];
my %hash;
my $pxml = getXML( $xmlfile );
print( "\nVAR NAMES UPDATED :\n\n" );
MajVarNames( $pxml );
print( "\nHANDLERS UPDATED :\n\n" );
my $HF;
open( $HF, $confile ) || die("Couldn' open $confile !!\n");
while ( <$HF> ) {
chomp $_;
if (/\<virtual/i) {
# debut vh
if(%hash) {
videhash(\%hash, $pxml);
%hash =();
($hash{ipadress}) = /\s(\d.+).$/;
if(/<\/virtual/i && %hash ) {
videhash(\%hash, $pxml) ;
%hash =();
if( /perlsetvar/i ) {
my ($filler, $nom, $valeur) = /(perlsetvar)\s+(.+)\s+(.+)$/i ;
$nom=~ s/^\s+//g;
$nom=~ s/\s+$//g;
$valeur=~ s/^\s+//g;
$valeur=~ s/\s+$//g;
$valeur=~ s/^'+//g;
$valeur=~ s/'+$//g;
$hash{$nom} = $valeur ;
writeXML( $pxml, $xmlfile );
if( @ARGV != 2 ){
print("USAGE: conf2xml config_file_name xml_file_name (names with complete path)\n\n\n");
} else {
main($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1] );
print( "\n" );

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
line1=Configurable options,11
XML_file=Full path to XML config file,0
httpd_conf=Full path to conf.d,0
Style= Style of GUI,1,maps-Old Maps,Electro-Electro,Golf-Golf
pid_file=Path to Apache PID file,0
start_cmd=Command to start apache,0
stop_cmd=Command to stop apache,0
restart_cmd=Command to restart apache,0

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# configcache.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
$exp1 = &get_configcache();
my %exp =%$exp1;
# Display global category icons
print "<h3>$text{'index_config'}</h3>\n";
@attr = @{&get_config_attr()} ;
print "<table border=1 bgcolor='grey'>";
my $ligne=&formcolonne(\@attr,'name') ;
print "$ligne";
foreach (keys %exp) {
my @a;
push @a,"<a href=/lemonldap/modif_exp.cgi?exp=$_>$_</a>" ;
my $ctr=$_;
foreach (@attr) {
next if $_->{name}=~/^id/i;
push @a,$exp{$ctr}->{$_->{name}}||"&nbsp";
my $ligne=&formline(\@a,) ;
print "$ligne";
print "</table>";
print "<hr>";
my $table = tablemaj(@attr) ;
print "<h3>$text{'create_line'}</h3>\n";
print "<form method=get target= config_create.cgi>";
print $table ;
print "<p><input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
&footer("/lemonldap", $text{'index'});

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# create_domain.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $c = &get_config;
my $all_domain = $c->{domain};
# Display global category icons
my @tab= @{&get_domain_attr()} ;
my %tmp;
foreach (@tab) {
undef ($in{$_->{name}}) if $in{$_->{name}} eq '';
$tmp{$_->{name}}= $in{$_->{name}} if defined ($in{$_->{name}});
my $cle =$tmp{id};
delete $tmp{id};
$all_domain->{$cle} = \%tmp;
my $l =Dumper($all_domain);
$c->{domain} = $all_domain ;
### write xml ###
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# create_handler.cgi
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $c = &get_config;
my $all_domain = $c->{domain};
# Display global category icons
my @tab= @{&get_handler_attr()} ;
my %tmp;
foreach (@tab) {
undef ($in{$_->{name}}) if $in{$_->{name}} eq '';
$tmp{$_->{name}}= $in{$_->{name}} if defined ($in{$_->{name}});
my $cle =$tmp{id};
delete $tmp{id};
$all_domain->{$domain}->{handler}->{$cle} = \%tmp;
my $l =Dumper($all_domain);
$c->{domain} = $all_domain ;
### write xml ###
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");
### process at httpd.conf
if ($in{'virtualhost_line'}) {
my $ligne="<virtualhost $in{'virtualhost_line'} >\n";
$ligne.= "ServerName $in{'servername'}\n" if $in{'servername'};
$ligne.= "perltranshandler $in{'perltranshandler'}\n" if $in{'perltranshandler'};
$ligne.="PerlSetVar lemonldapHandlerID $cle\n" if $in{lemonldaphandlerid} eq 'yes' ;
$ligne.="</virtualhost>\n" ;
open ENTRE ,">>$config{httpd_conf}" ;
print ENTRE $ligne;
close ENTRE ;

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@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
/* ************************************ */
/* mise en forme de différentes balises */
/* ************************************ */
font: 36px Arial;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #EDF0BA ;
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/map_conf.jpg") ;
background-attachment: fixed ;
font-size: 0.80em;
margin: 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
H1 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/back2_h1.jpg") ;
backgroud-repeat: repeat-x;
font: Arial;
font-size: 4em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #6f4a2e;
border: 2px double #007;
text-align: center;
H2 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 3em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/back2_h2.jpg") ;
backgroud-repeat: repeat-x;
text-align: center;
border: 2px double #336;
H3 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 2.5em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
H4 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
H5 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
I {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
B {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
.alive {
color: #0F0 ;
background-color: #000000 ;
font-style : bold;
letter-spacing : 6px;
word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
.dead {
color: #f00 ;
background-color: #000000 ;
font-style : bold;
letter-spacing : 6px;
word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
.ConfStyle {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/boat2_conf.jpg") ;
background-attachment: fixed ;
background-color: #E4EBF5 ;
margin: 0cm 5.0cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
border: 2px solid #070;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 0.9em;
line-height: 1.0em;
color: #450;
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background: transparent;
DISPLAY: inline ;
FLOAT: left ;
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text-align: right ;
color: #236;
background: transparent;
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font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
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/* The normal, unselected tabs. They are all links */
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/* The selected tab. There's only one of this */
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A:visited {
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color: #236;
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/* ******************************************************************** */
/* INPUTS */
/* ******************************************************************** */
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font-weight: bold;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #236;
padding-left: 5px;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* DIFF classes de mise en forme de zones ayant le "focus" */
/* ******************************************************************** */
INPUT:focus {
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color: #FFFFFF ;
/* ***** */
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #236 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: #444 ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #AB5;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em ;
color: #236 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em ;
color: #236 ;
font-weight: bold;
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font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #59F ;
font-weight: bold;

View File

@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
/* ************************************ */
/* mise en forme de différentes balises */
/* ************************************ */
font: 36px Arial;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #EDF0BA ;
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/golf_back2.jpg") ;
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H4 {
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I {
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font: Arial;
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font-weight: bold;
color: #375F30;
B {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #375F30;
.alive {
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font-style : bold;
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word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
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color: #f00 ;
background-color: #000000 ;
font-style : bold;
letter-spacing : 6px;
word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
.ConfStyle {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/golf4_back.jpg") ;
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margin: 0cm 5.0cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
border: 2px solid #070;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 0.9em;
line-height: 1.0em;
color: #375F30;
.ExpertStyle {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/expert3.jpg") ;
background-attachment: fixed ;
background-color: #E4EBF5 ;
margin: 0cm 0.1cm 0.3cm 0.1cm;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 1.1em;
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/* The normal, unselected tabs. They are all links */
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/* The selected tab. There's only one of this */
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A:visited {
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padding: 2px;
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padding: 2px;
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font: Arial;
font-size: 0.8em;
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padding-left: 12px;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* INPUTS */
/* ******************************************************************** */
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font-weight: bold;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #375f30;
padding-left: 5px;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* DIFF classes de mise en forme de zones ayant le "focus" */
/* ******************************************************************** */
INPUT:focus {
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color: #FFFFFF ;
/* ***** */
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #375f30 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: #444 ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #37Ef30 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em ;
color: #375f30;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em ;
color: #375ef30 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: #222 ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #59F ;
font-weight: bold;

View File

@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
/* ************************************ */
/* mise en forme de différentes balises */
/* ************************************ */
font: 36px Arial;
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background-color: #EDF0BA ;
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/mapmond256.jpg") ;
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font-size: 4em;
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font: Arial;
font-size: 4em;
font-weight: bold;
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text-align: center;
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border: 2px double #007;
H3 {
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font: Arial;
font-size: 2.5em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
H4 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
H5 {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
I {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
B {
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
.alive {
color: #0F0 ;
background-color: #000000 ;
font-style : bold;
letter-spacing : 6px;
word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
.dead {
color: #f00 ;
background-color: #000000 ;
font-style : bold;
letter-spacing : 6px;
word-spacing : 12px;
text-decoration: blink ;
text-align: center;
.ConfStyle {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/connex.jpg") ;
background-repeat: repeat-y ;
background-attachment: fixed ;
background-color: #E4EBF5 ;
margin: 0cm 4.0cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #040B15;
line-height: 1.0em;
.ExpertStyle {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/expert.jpg") ;
background-attachment: fixed ;
background-color: #E4EBF5 ;
margin: 0cm 0.1cm 0.3cm 0.1cm;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 1.1em;
color: #040B15;
line-height: 1.0em;
.LExpertMode {
background-image: url("/lemongui4webmin/images/theExpert.jpg") ;
background-repeat: no-repeat ;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 1.1em;
position:absolute ;
left: 10px ;
bottom: 2px ;
width: 170px;
height: 231;
.PetiFont {
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 0.7em;
pre {
margin: 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
background: transparent;
DISPLAY: inline ;
FLOAT: left ;
WIDTH: 150px ;
font-weight: bold ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
text-align: right ;
margin-left: 2px ;
margin-right: 35px ;
color: #040B15;
background: transparent;
DISPLAY: inline ;
FLOAT: left ;
font-weight: bold ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
text-align: right ;
color: #040B15;
background: transparent;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font-weight: bold;
color: #040B15;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
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border-bottom-style: solid;
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padding: 0.5em 0em 0em 2em;
white-space: nowrap;
div.tabs a {
/* The normal, unselected tabs. They are all links */
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border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid solid none solid;
color: #436976;
font-weight: normal;
height: 1.2em;
margin-right: 0.5em;
padding: 0em 2em;
/* text-transform: lowercase; */
div.tabs a.selected {
/* The selected tab. There's only one of this */
background: #7087B0;
border: 1px solid #8CACBB;
border-bottom: #DEE7EC 1px solid;
color: #EDF4FB;
font-weight: normal;
div.tabs a:hover {
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border-color: #8CACBB;
border-bottom-color: #DEE7EC;
color: #EDF4FB;
A:link {
text-decoration: none;
A:visited {
text-decoration: none;
.posit_TL {
position:absolute ;
left: 10px ;
top: 5px ;
.posit_TR {
position:absolute ;
right: 10px ;
top: 5px ;
.posit_C {
position:absolute ;
left: 50% ;
.bouton_0 {
color: #7087b0;
background-color: #edf4fb;
font-size: 0.9em;
border: 1px solid #660;
padding: 2px;
.bouton_0:hover {
color: #edf4fb;
background-color: #7087b0;
font-size: 0.9em;
border: 1px solid #660;
padding: 2px;
.bouton_0dd {
color: #000;
background-color: #777;
font-size: 0.9em;
border: 1px solid #660;
padding: 2px;
.bouton_0dd:hover {
color: #000;
background-color: #777;
font-size: 0.9em;
border: 1px solid #660;
padding: 2px;
.tdg {
width: 120px;
text-align: right;
vertical-align: middle;
background-color: #edf4fb;
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font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.8em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #7087b0;
padding-right: 12px;
.tdd {
width: 160px;
text-align: left;
vertical-align: middle;
border-top: 1px solid #edf4fb;
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.8em;
font-weight: bold;
color: #236;
padding-left: 12px;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* INPUTS */
/* ******************************************************************** */
background: transparent;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font-weight: bold;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #236;
padding-left: 5px;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* DIFF classes de mise en forme de zones ayant le "focus" */
/* ******************************************************************** */
INPUT:focus {
background-color: #555555 ;
color: #FFFFFF ;
/* ***** */
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #236 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: #444 ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #59F ;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 0.9em ;
color: #236 ;
font-weight: bold;
background: transparent ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #59F ;
font-weight: bold;
background: #222 ;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.1em ;
color: #59F ;
font-weight: bold;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
#colonneDroite {
width: 50%;
float: left;
background: transparent;
padding-bottom: 1em;
#colonneGauche {
width: 50%;
float: left;
background: transparent;
padding-bottom: 1em;
.PresA {
background-color: #E4EBF5 ;
margin: 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm 0.7cm;
padding: 0.4cm 0.4cm 0.4cm 0.4cm;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif ;
font: Arial;
font-size: 1.0em;
color: #040B15;
line-height: 1.0em;
.PresB {
background-color: #EEE ;
margin: 0.5cm 0.5cm 0.5cm 0.5cm;
padding: 0.5cm 0.5cm 0.5cm 0.5cm;
border: 2px double #007;
font-family: courier, prestige, monospace;
font-size: 1.1em;
color: #040B15;
line-height: 1.0em;

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# un_domain.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
if ($in{'delete'} and $in{'confirm'} eq 'yes') {
my $c = &get_config;
my $all_domain = $c->{domain};
my $all_handler= $all_domain->{$domain}{handler} ;
foreach (keys %{$all_handler} ) {
delete $all_domain->{$domain};
$c->{domain} = $all_domain ;
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# un_domain.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $handler = $in{'handler'};
if ($in{'delete'} and $in{'confirm'} eq 'yes') {
my $c = &get_config;
my $all_domain = $c->{domain};
delete $all_domain->{$domain}->{handler}->{$handler};
$c->{domain} = $all_domain ;
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");
### delete info about httpd

View File

@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
my $message = 0;
my $flagSUBMIT = CGI::param('submitDomain') ;
if( defined( $flagSUBMIT ) ) {
if( CGI::param( 'idDomain' ) eq $text{ lab_26 } ){
$message = 'ERROR: \"\" ' . $text{ lab_26 } . ' \"\" ' . $text{lab_error_4};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
if( !length( CGI::param( 'idDomain' ) ) ){
$message = 'ERROR: ' . ' ' . $text{lab_error_5};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
# chargement des infos de la page #
if (! defined ($flagSUBMIT) ) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "domain" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $tabular = [];
my $composs;
my $mode;
my $refTimeOut;
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode='Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$flipflop= 'Normal';
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{expert} );
$refTimeOut = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idTimeOut' );
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{normal} );
$flipflop= 'Expert';
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{normal} );
$styl = $config{'Style'};
if( defined (CGI::param ("editHandlers")) ) {
my $dom = CGI::param('cbDomain');
my $handle = CGI::param('listHandlers');
&redirect( "handlers_0.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style&Domain=$dom&SelHandler=$handle" );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $sesserv = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "session" );
if( !$sesserv ){
&redirect( "/lemongui4webmin/session.cgi?mode=$mode&amp;style=$styl" );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "domain" );
#my $flagShowEditHandler = ( keys( %{chapter} ) ) ? 1 : 0;
my @sessIDs = keys( %{$sesserv} );
my @comboSessions;
for( @sessIDs ){
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @comboSessions, $item );
## combo box domaines
my $combo_domains;
## sélection de la bonne ligne dans la comboBox des domains et ajout de l'item "ADD NEW"
my $firstL = &keyToVal( $chapter, $combo_domains );
my $addnew = { "labOption" => $text{ lab_26 }, "idValue" => $text{ lab_26 } };
push( @{$combo_domains}, $addnew );
########################################## TEST POUR CHANGEMENT de domaine
my $cbd = CGI::param( cbDomain );
if( !$cbd ){
$cbd = $firstL;
if( defined( CGI::param( 'ledomaine' ) ) ){
$cbd = CGI::param( 'ledomaine' );
my $sessSelected = $chapter->{ $cbd }->{ 'SessionStore' };
my %chapterX = ( 'xxxx', $chapter->{ $cbd } );
&TransformVars( $composs, \%chapterX );
## IPCheck ???
my $valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'IPCheck' );
# my $dump1;
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapterX{'xxxx'}->{ 'IPCheck' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
if( defined( CGI::param('DeleteHandler'))){
my $allHandlersChapters = $chapter->{ $cbd }->{ 'handler' };
my $selectedHand = CGI::param('listHandlers');
if( &OkToChange( $allHandlersChapters, $selectedHand, $message )){
delete( $chapter->{ $cbd }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand } );
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
my $flagShowEditHandler = 1;
if( defined( CGI::param('DeleteDomain'))){
my $allHandlersChapters = $chapter->{ $cbd }->{ 'handler' };
if( $allHandlersChapters ){
$message = 'ERROR: '. $cbd . ' ' . $text{ 'lab_error_6' };
} else {
delete( $chapter->{ $cbd } );
## reste t il des domaines ???
my @kdoms = keys( %{$chapter} );
if( !@kdoms ){
delete( $xmlemon->{'domain'} );
$flagShowEditHandler = 0;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
$combo_domains = undef;
$firstL = &keyToVal( $chapter, $combo_domains );
my $addnew = { "labOption" => $text{ lab_26 }, "idValue" => $text{ lab_26 } };
push( @{$combo_domains}, $addnew );
my $handlers = $chapter->{ $cbd }->{ 'handler' };
my @handkeys = keys( %{$handlers} );
@handkeys = sort( @handkeys );
my @listHandlers;
for( @handkeys ){
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @listHandlers, $item );
if( $cbd eq $text{ lab_26 } || !$cbd){
$flagShowEditHandler = 0;
#$dump1 = $cbd;
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked => $check,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
cgi => 'domain.cgi',
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
parent => $0,
tab_session => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
composall => $composs,
combo_domain => $combo_domains,
option_selected => $cbd,
label_combo => $text{ 'lab_17' },
label_comboSess => $text{ 'session_server' },
selected_session => $sessSelected,
combo_sessions => \@comboSessions,
list_handlers => \@listHandlers,
flag_ShowEditHandler => $flagShowEditHandler,
message => $message,
lab_56 => $text{ 'lab_56' },
lab_57 => $text{ 'lab_57' }
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
## print("<BR><HR>Dump1 ---> $dump1 <HR><BR>");
## print("<BR><HR>Dump = $dump2 <HR><BR>");
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print( "\n" );
my @lo =CGI::param();
my $l =Dumper(@lo);
print "$l";
print( "<BR><hr><BR>" );
for( @lo ){
my $loc = CGI::param( $_ );
print("$_ --> $loc //");
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
my $dom = CGI::param( 'idDomain' );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "domain" );
if( !$chapter ){
$xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom }->{ 'Cookie' } = CGI::param( 'Cookie' );
$chapter = $xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom };
} else {
$chapter = $chapter->{ $dom };
if( !$chapter ){
$xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom }->{ 'Cookie' } = CGI::param( 'Cookie' );
$chapter = $xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom };
$chapter->{ 'Cookie' } = CGI::param( 'Cookie' );
if( !length( $chapter->{ 'Cookie' } ) ){
$chapter->{ 'Cookie' } = "lemonldap";
$chapter->{ 'ldap_branch_people' } = CGI::param( 'ldap_branch_people' );
$chapter->{ 'Portal' } = CGI::param( 'Portal' );
$chapter->{ 'SessionStore' } = CGI::param( 'cbSessions' );
$chapter->{ 'ldap_server' } = CGI::param( 'ldap_server' );
$chapter->{ 'ldap_port' } = CGI::param( 'ldap_port' );
if( !length( $chapter->{ 'ldap_port' } ) ){
$chapter->{ 'ldap_port' } = "389";
$chapter->{ 'DnManager' } = CGI::param( 'DnManager' );
$chapter->{ 'passwordManager' } = CGI::param( 'passwordManager' );
if( defined( CGI::param('slavecda') )) {
$chapter->{ 'slavecda' } = CGI::param( 'slavecda' );
$chapter->{ 'IPCheck' } = defined( CGI::param('IPCheck') ) ? '1' : '0';
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
# my $dump1 = Dumper( $chapter );
# my $dump2 = Dumper( @comboSessions );
# print("<BR><HR>Dump1 = $dump1 <HR><BR>");
# print("<BR><HR>Dump = $dump2 <HR><BR>");
&redirect( "domain.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style&cbDomain=$dom" );
############ C FINI

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
my $__param = [
{name => 'lemonldapportal',
type =>'IMPLIED',} ,
{name => 'lemonldapbasepub',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapbasepriv',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapdomain',
type => 'REQUIRED' },
{name => 'lemonldaphandlerid',
type => 'REQUIRED' },
{name => 'lemonldapconfig',
type => 'REQUIRED' },
{name => 'lemonldapconfigipckey',
type => 'REQUIRED',default =>'CONF' },
{name => 'lemonldapconfigttl',
type => 'REQUIRED'},
{name =>'lemonldapenabledproxy',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name =>'lemonldapipckey',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapipcnb' ,
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapattrldap',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapcodeappli',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapdisabled',
liste =>[0|1], default =>'0',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapsession',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapstopcookie',
liste =>[0|1], default =>'0',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldaprecursive',
liste =>[0|1], default =>'0',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapproxyext',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name => 'lemonldapics',
type => 'IMPLIED',},
{name =>'lemonldapmultihoming',
type => 'IMPLIED',},

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $dump1;
my $dump2;
sub CleanComposants {
my $compos = $_[0];
my @keep = @{$_[1]};
my $newcomp;
$dump2 = join(',', @keep);
for( @keep ){
my $item = $_;
for( @{$compos} ){
my $comp = $_;
if( $comp->{ 'id_input' } eq $item ){
push( @{$newcomp}, $comp );
$_[0] = $newcomp;
my $message = 0;
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
my $flagSUBMIT = CGI::param('submitHandlers_0') ;
if( defined( $flagSUBMIT ) ) {
if( CGI::param( 'selTypeHandler' ) eq 'CombinedType' ){
if( !length( CGI::param( 'MotifOut' ) ) ){
$message = 'ERROR: ' . $text{lab_error_0};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
if( CGI::param( 'idHandler' ) eq $text{ lab_55 } ){
$message = 'ERROR: \"\" ' . $text{ lab_55 } . ' \"\" ' . $text{lab_error_1};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
if( !length( CGI::param( 'idHandler' ) ) ){
$message = 'ERROR: ' . ' ' . $text{lab_error_3};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
if( defined( CGI::param( 'IPAdress' )) ){
if( !length( CGI::param( 'IPAdress' )) ){
$message = 'ERROR: ' . ' ' . $text{lab_error_11};
$flagSUBMIT = undef;
# chargement des infos de la page #
if ( !defined( $flagSUBMIT)) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "handlers_0" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $selectedHand;
my $domActif;
my $flagSameHandler = 0;
my $tabular = [];
if ( defined (CGI::param ("Domain")) ) {
$domActif = CGI::param('Domain');
$selectedHand = CGI::param('SelHandler');
} else {
$domActif = CGI::param('idDomain');
$selectedHand = CGI::param('cbHandlers');
if( $selectedHand eq CGI::param('ExHandler')) {
$flagSameHandler = 1; ## même handler en ré entrant
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) } . " / " . $domActif;
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $composs;
my $mode;
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode ='Expert' ;
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{'composants'}->{'expert'} );
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{'tabs'}->{'expert'} );
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{'composants'}->{'normal'} );
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{'tabs'}->{'normal'} );
$styl = $config{'Style'};
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style,$domActif);
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{"XML_file"} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "domain" );
my $handlers = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ "handler" };
my @handkeys = keys( %{$handlers} );
@handkeys = sort( @handkeys );
my @comboHandlers;
for( @handkeys ){
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @comboHandlers, $item );
my $item = { "labOption" => $text{ lab_55 }, "idValue" => $text{ lab_55 } };
push( @comboHandlers, $item );
if( !$selectedHand ){
$selectedHand = $handkeys[ 0 ];
## Recup ALL handlers DATAS
my @allHandlers;
my @auxall = keys( %{ $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' } } );
for( @auxall ){
my $homer = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $_ }->{ 'MultiHomer' };
if( $homer eq 'CombinedType' ){
push( @allHandlers, $_ );
my $allHandlersChapters = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' };
$chapter = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand };
my %chapterX = ( 'xxxx', $chapter );
&TransformVars( $composs, \%chapterX );
## ASSISTANT ??????
my $valab;
my $helpText = 0;
my $IDX_ASSIST = 0;
if( defined(CGI::param( 'AssistCreator' ) ) ){
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_0' };
$filethtml = $conf->{templateAssist};
# clean composants PHASE 0
my @keep = ('idHandler');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
if( defined(CGI::param( 'AssistCreate_Next' ) ) ){ # NEXT PHASE d'assistance
if( $IDX_ASSIST == 0 ){
my $idhandler = CGI::param( 'idHandler' );
$filethtml = $conf->{templateAssist};
if( !length( $idhandler ) ){ ## nom de handler non saisie
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_0' };
# clean composants PHASE 0
my @keep = ('idHandler');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$message = $text{'lab_error_7'};
else { ## name OK --> PHASE suivante
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_1' };
my @keep = ('idHandler', 'Enabledproxy', 'Recursive');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idHandler' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = $idhandler;
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Enabledproxy' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = "";
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Recursive' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = "";
} elsif( $IDX_ASSIST == 1 ){
my $idhandler = CGI::param( 'idHandler' );
my $checkEnabled = defined( CGI::param( 'Enabledproxy' ) ) ? 'CHECKED' : '';
my $checkRecurs = defined( CGI::param( 'Recursive' ) ) ? 'CHECKED' : '';
$filethtml = $conf->{templateAssist};
if( !length( $idhandler ) ){ ## nom de handler non saisie
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_1' };
# clean composants PHASE 0
my @keep = ('idHandler', 'Enabledproxy', 'Recursive');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$message = $text{'lab_error_7'};
else { ## name OK --> PHASE suivante
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_2' };
my @keep = ('idHandler', 'Enabledproxy', 'Recursive', 'AttrLdap', 'idCodeAppli');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idHandler' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = $idhandler;
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Enabledproxy' );
$valab->{ 'isChecked' } = $checkEnabled;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Recursive' );
$valab->{ 'isChecked' } = $checkRecurs;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'AttrLdap' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = '';
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idCodeAppli' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = '';
} elsif( $IDX_ASSIST == 2 ){
my $idhandler = CGI::param( 'idHandler' );
my $checkEnabled = defined( CGI::param( 'Enabledproxy' ) ) ? 'CHECKED' : '';
my $checkRecurs = defined( CGI::param( 'Recursive' ) ) ? 'CHECKED' : '';
my $attrldap = CGI::param( 'AttrLdap' );
my $codeappli = CGI::param( 'idCodeAppli' );
$filethtml = $conf->{templateAssist};
if( !length( $idhandler ) ){ ## nom de handler non saisie
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_1' };
# clean composants PHASE 0
my @keep = ('idHandler', 'Enabledproxy', 'Recursive');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$message = $text{'lab_error_7'};
else { ## --> PHASE suivante
$helpText = $text{ 'assist_handler_3' };
my @keep = ('idHandler', 'Enabledproxy', 'Recursive', 'AttrLdap', 'idCodeAppli', 'BasePub', 'BasePriv');
CleanComposants( $composs, \@keep );
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idHandler' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = $idhandler;
$valab = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Enabledproxy' );
$valab->{ 'isChecked' } = $checkEnabled;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Recursive' );
$valab->{ 'isChecked' } = $checkRecurs;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'AttrLdap' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = $attrldap;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idCodeAppli' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = $codeappli;
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'BasePub' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = '';
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'BasePriv' );
$valab->{ 'defValue' } = '';
} elsif( $IDX_ASSIST == 3 ){ ## VALID !!!!
my $idhandler = CGI::param( 'idHandler' );
$xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $idhandler }->{ 'MultiHomer' } = CGI::param('selTypeHandler');
my $locchap = $xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $idhandler };
$locchap->{ 'VirtualHost' } = CGI::param('selVirtualHost');
$locchap->{ 'Organization' } = CGI::param('AttrLdap');
$locchap->{ 'BasePriv' } = CGI::param('BasePriv');
$locchap->{ 'BasePub' } = CGI::param('BasePub');
$locchap->{ 'AppliCode' } = CGI::param('idCodeAppli');
$locchap->{ 'EnableLWPProxy' }= defined( CGI::param('Enabledproxy') ) ? '1' : '0';
$locchap->{ 'ChaseRedirect'} = defined( CGI::param('Recursive' ) ) ? '1' : '0';
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
$chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "domain" );
$handlers = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ "handler" };
@handkeys = keys( %{$handlers} );
@handkeys = sort( @handkeys );
@comboHandlers = undef;
for( @handkeys ){
my $item = { "labOption" => $_, "idValue" => $_ };
push( @comboHandlers, $item );
my $item = { "labOption" => $text{ lab_55 }, "idValue" => $text{ lab_55 } };
push( @comboHandlers, $item );
@auxall = keys( %{ $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' } } );
for( @auxall ){
$homer = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $_ }->{ 'MultiHomer' };
if( $homer eq 'CombinedType' ){
push( @allHandlers, $_ );
$allHandlersChapters = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' };
$selectedHand = $idhandler;
$chapter = $chapter->{ $domActif }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand };
%chapterX = ( 'xxxx', $chapter );
$conf = &getXmlPage( "handlers_0" );
if( $mode eq 'Expert' ){
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{'composants'}->{ 'expert' } );
} else {
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{'composants'}->{ 'normal' } );
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
&TransformVars( $composs, \%chapterX );
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Enabledproxy' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ 'EnableLWPProxy' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Disabled' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ 'DisableAccessControl' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'StopCookie' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ 'StopCookie' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Recursive' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ 'ChaseRedirect' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'SoftControl' );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ 'SoftControl' } ? "CHECKED" : "";
my $exHomer = $chapter->{ 'MultiHomer' };
my $typeHomer = $exHomer;
if( defined(CGI::param('selTypeHandler')) ){
if( $flagSameHandler ){
$typeHomer = CGI::param('selTypeHandler');
if( $flagSameHandler && ($typeHomer ne $exHomer) ){
my $flag = 1;
if( $exHomer eq 'CombinedType' ){
if( !&OkToChange( $allHandlersChapters, $selectedHand, $message )){
$flag = 0;
$typeHomer = $exHomer;
if( $flag ){
$chapter->{ 'MultiHomer' } = $typeHomer;
if( $typeHomer ne 'MultiHomingType' ){
delete( $chapter->{ 'MultiHoming' } );
## maj du XML
# &writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
my $flagHomer = $typeHomer eq 'MultiHomingType' ? 1 : 0;
my $virtualHost = $chapter->{ 'VirtualHost' };
if( !$virtualHost ) {
$virtualHost = 'byName';
my $newVH = $virtualHost;
if ( defined (CGI::param ('selVirtualHost')) ) {
if( $flagSameHandler ){
$newVH = CGI::param ('selVirtualHost');
if( $flagSameHandler && ($newVH ne $virtualHost ) ){
$virtualHost = $newVH;
#$chapter->{ 'VirtualHost' } = $virtualHost;
## maj du XML
#&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
if( $flagSameHandler ){
$valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'Enabledproxy' );
if( defined (CGI::param ('Enabledproxy')) ) {
$valab->{ isChecked } = 'CHECKED';
} else {
$valab->{ isChecked } = '';
## si c est un handler MULTI-HOMING --> chargement des liste de handlers "homed"
## et dispo (non homed) pour le MULTI-HOMING
my @tabHomed;
my @tabDispo;
if( $typeHomer eq 'MultiHomingType' ){
my $line = $chapter->{ 'MultiHoming' };
@tabHomed = split( /,/, $line );
for( my $i=0; $i< @allHandlers; $i++ ){
my $h1 = $allHandlers[ $i ];
if( $h1 ne $selectedHand ){
my $flag = 0;
for( @tabHomed ){
if( $h1 eq $_ ){
$flag = 1;
if( !$flag ){
push( @tabDispo, $h1 );
## Traitement des ADD / REMOVE HANDLERS dans les multi homing
if( defined (CGI::param ('RemoveHomed')) ) {
my $hand = CGI::param ('listHomed');
my @nList;
push(@tabDispo, $hand);
for( @tabHomed ){
if( $_ ne $hand){
push(@nList, $_);
@tabHomed = @nList;
my $string = join(',', @tabHomed);
## maj du XML
$chapter->{ 'MultiHoming' } = $string;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
if( defined (CGI::param ('AddDispo')) ) {
my $hand = CGI::param ('listDispo');
push( @tabHomed, $hand );
my @nlist;
for( @tabDispo ){
if( $_ ne $hand ){
push( @nlist, $_ );
@tabDispo = @nlist;
my $string = join( ',', @tabHomed );
## maj du XML
$chapter->{ 'MultiHoming' } = $string;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
if( !$selectedHand ){
$selectedHand = $text{ lab_55 };
my $flagAddHandler = ($selectedHand eq $text{ lab_55 });
my @logLevels = ( 'debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warn', 'error', 'crit', 'alert', 'emerg', $text{'lab_68'} );
$vars= { style => $styl,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
cgi => 'handlers_0.cgi',
css => $_style,
parent => $0,
label => '0',
langa => \%text,
tab_session => $tabular,
composall => $composs,
combo_handlers => \@comboHandlers,
labCombo => $title,
option_selected => $selectedHand,
domaine => $domActif,
flag_homer => $flagHomer,
type_homer => $typeHomer,
exHandler => $selectedHand,
homed_handlers => \@tabHomed,
dispo_handlers => \@tabDispo,
lab_6 => $text{ 'lab_6' },
lab_7 => $text{ 'lab_7' },
lab_42 => $text{ 'lab_42' },
lab_43 => $text{ 'lab_43' },
virtual_host => $virtualHost,
message => $message,
flagAddHandler => $flagAddHandler,
lab_58 => $text{ 'lab_58' },
helpText => $helpText,
lab_prev => $text{ 'lab_prev' },
lab_next => $text{ 'lab_next' },
lab_27 => $text{ 'lab_27' },
logLevels => \@logLevels
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
$dump1 = Dumper( $composs );
print("<BR><HR>Dump(1) ---> $dump1 <HR><BR>");
print("<BR><HR>Dump(2) ---> $dump2 <HR><BR>");
my @lo =CGI::param();
my $l =Dumper(@lo);
print "$l";
print( "<BR><hr><BR>" );
for( @lo ){
my $loc = CGI::param( $_ );
print("$_ --> $loc <br>");
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
my $dom = CGI::param('idDomain');
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
my $selectedHand = CGI::param('idHandler'); ## PAS cbHAndler a cause de ADD HADLER !!!!!
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, 'domain' );
$chapter = $chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand };
$dump1 = "JE SUIS ICI";
$dump2 = Dumper( $chapter );
if( !$chapter ){
$dump1 = "JE SUIS LA et pas ICI";
$xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand }->{ 'MultiHomer' } = CGI::param('selTypeHandler');
$chapter = $xmlemon->{ 'domain' }->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $selectedHand };
$dump2 = Dumper( $chapter );
$chapter->{ 'MultiHomer' } = CGI::param('selTypeHandler');
$chapter->{ 'VirtualHost' } = CGI::param('selVirtualHost');
if( defined( CGI::param( 'IPAdress' )) ){
$chapter->{ 'IPAdress' } = CGI::param('IPAdress');
} else {
delete( $chapter->{ 'IPAdress' } );
$chapter->{ 'Allow' } = CGI::param('selAllow');
$chapter->{ 'Organization' } = CGI::param('AttrLdap');
$chapter->{ 'BasePriv' } = CGI::param('BasePriv');
$chapter->{ 'BasePub' } = CGI::param('BasePub');
$chapter->{ 'AppliCode' } = CGI::param('idCodeAppli');
$chapter->{ 'DisableAccessControl' } = defined( CGI::param('Disabled') ) ? '1' : '0';
if( defined( CGI::param('Enabledproxy') ) ){
$chapter->{ 'EnableLWPProxy' } = '1';
$chapter->{ 'LWPTimeout' } = CGI::param('LWPTimeout');
$chapter->{ 'ChaseRedirect' } = defined( CGI::param('Recursive' ) ) ? '1' : '0';
} else {
$chapter->{ 'EnableLWPProxy' } = '0';
delete( $chapter->{ 'LWPTimeout' } );
delete( $chapter->{ 'ChaseRedirect' } );
$chapter->{ 'Header' } = CGI::param('Header');
$chapter->{ 'ProxyPatterns' } = CGI::param('Ics');
$chapter->{ 'MotifIn' } = CGI::param('MotifIn');
$chapter->{ 'MotifOut' } = CGI::param('MotifOut');
if( defined( CGI::param( 'PlugInBackend' )) ) {
$chapter->{ 'BackendPlugIn' } = CGI::param('PlugInBackend');
if( defined( CGI::param( 'PlugInHeader' )) ) {
$chapter->{ 'HeaderPlugIn' } = CGI::param('PlugInHeader' );
if( defined( CGI::param( 'PlugInHtml' )) ) {
$chapter->{ 'RewritePlugIn' } = CGI::param('PlugInHtml' );
if( defined( CGI::param( 'PlugInPolicy' )) ) {
$chapter->{ 'PolicyPlugIn' } = CGI::param('PlugInPolicy' );
$chapter->{ 'Portal' } = CGI::param('Portal' );
$chapter->{ 'ProxyExt' } = CGI::param('ProxyExt' );
$chapter->{ 'SoftControl' } = defined( CGI::param('SoftControl') ) ? '1' : '0';
$chapter->{ 'StopCookie' } = defined( CGI::param('StopCookie' ) ) ? '1' : '0';
$chapter->{ 'LogLevel' } = CGI::param('LogLevel' );
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
print( "Content-type: text/html\n" );
print( "\n" );
print("<HR><BR> $dump1 <BR>$dump2<HR>");
my @lo =CGI::param();
for( @lo ){
my $loc = CGI::param( $_ );
print("$_ --> $loc <BR>");
# print( Dumper( $chapter ) );
&redirect( "handlers_0.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style&Domain=$dom" );
############ C FINI

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
# httpd-lib.pl
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
#require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
sub parse_config_file
local($fh, @rv, $line, %dummy);
$fh = $_[0];
$dummy{'line'} = $dummy{'eline'} = $_[1]-1;
$dummy{'file'} = $_[2];
$dummy{'type'} = 0;
$dummy{'name'} = "dummy";
@rv = (\%dummy);
while($line = <$fh>) {
$line =~ s/^\s*#.*$//g;
if ($line =~ /^\s*<\/(\S+)\s*(.*)>/) {
# end of a container directive. This can only happen in a
# recursive call to this function
last if ($_[3]);
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*<IfModule\s+(\!?)(\S+)\.c>/i) {
# start of an IfModule block. Read it, and if the module
# exists put the directives in this section.
local ($not, $mod) = ($1, $2);
local $oldline = $_[1];
local @dirs = &parse_config_file($fh, $_[1], $_[2], 1);
if (!$not && $httpd_modules{$mod} ||
$not && !$httpd_modules{$mod}) {
# use the directives..
push(@rv, { 'line', $oldline,
'eline', $oldline,
'file', $_[2],
'name', "<IfModule $not$mod>" });
push(@rv, @dirs);
push(@rv, { 'line', $_[1]-1,
'eline', $_[1]-1,
'file', $_[2],
'name', "</IfModule>" });
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*<IfDefine\s+(\!?)(\S+)>/i) {
# start of an IfDefine block. Read it, and if the define
# exists put the directives in this section
local ($not, $def) = ($1, $2);
local $oldline = $_[1];
local @dirs = &parse_config_file($fh, $_[1], $_[2], 1);
if (!$not && $httpd_defines{$def} ||
$not && !$httpd_defines{$def}) {
# use the directives..
push(@rv, { 'line', $oldline,
'eline', $oldline,
'file', $_[2],
'name', "<IfDefine $not$def>" });
push(@rv, @dirs);
push(@rv, { 'line', $_[1]-1,
'eline', $_[1]-1,
'file', $_[2],
'name', "</IfDefine>" });
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*<(\S+)\s*(.*)>/) {
# start of a container directive. The first member is a dummy
# directive at the same line as the container
local(%dir, @members);
%dir = ('line', $_[1],
'file', $_[2],
'type', 1,
'name', $1,
'value', $2);
$dir{'value'} =~ s/\s+$//g;
$dir{'words'} = &wsplit($dir{'value'});
@members = &parse_config_file($fh, $_[1], $_[2], 1);
$dir{'members'} = \@members;
$dir{'eline'} = $_[1]-1;
push(@rv, \%dir);
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)$/) {
# normal directive
%dir = ('line', $_[1],
'eline', $_[1],
'file', $_[2],
'type', 0,
'name', $1,
'value', $2);
if ($dir{'value'} =~ s/\\$//g) {
# multi-line directive!
while($line = <$fh>) {
$cont = ($line =~ s/\\$//g);
$dir{'value'} .= $line;
$dir{'eline'} = ++$_[1];
if (!$cont) { last; }
$dir{'value'} =~ s/\s+$//g;
$dir{'words'} = &wsplit($dir{'value'});
push(@rv, \%dir);
else {
# blank or comment line
return @rv;
# wsplit(string)
# Splits a string like foo "foo \"bar\"" bazzz into an array of words
sub wsplit
local($s, @rv); $s = $_[0];
$s =~ s/\\\"/\0/g;
while($s =~ /^"([^"]*)"\s*(.*)$/ || $s =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/) {
$w = $1; $s = $2;
$w =~ s/\0/"/g; push(@rv, $w);
return \@rv;
# wjoin(word, word, ...)
sub wjoin
local(@rv, $w);
foreach $w (@_) {
if ($w =~ /^\S+$/) { push(@rv, $w); }
else { push(@rv, "\"$w\""); }
return join(' ', @rv);
sub find_handler_in_httpd {
my $file =shift;
my $pattern =shift;
open $f,"< $file";
my @l = parse_config_file ($f) ;
foreach (@l) {
next if $_->{name} !~ /virtualhost/i ;
my $find;
my @tab = @{$_->{members}} ;
my $ok;
foreach (@tab) {
next if $_->{value} !~ /handlerid/i ;
next if $_->{words}->[1] !~ /$pattern/i;
if ($ok) {
$find=$_ ;
return $find;
return 0;
sub get_param_httpd {
my $h =shift;
return $h->{members} ;
#my $res = find_handler("/opt/apache/conf/lemon.conf", 'edito-agent');
#my $t =Dumper ($res);
#print $t;

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View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
#my $dump1;
if( !$config{'XML_file'} ){
&redirect( "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name" );
print( "Content-type: text/html\n" );
print( "\n" );
print( "No XML config file $config{XML_file} <br> go to " );
print( "<a href= $gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name> configuration</a>");
#$dump1 = Dumper( %config );
my $mode;
my $flipflop;
my $check = 0;
my $styl ;
my $vars;
my $tab_active;
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "about" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{'template'};
my $confgenTT = $conf->{'templateConfGen'};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style= CGI::param('style');
my $tabular = [];
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode='Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop= 'Normal';
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{normal} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop= 'Expert';
} # end else
my $flagApplyModifs = &IsXMLModified( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
my $para3 = $config{'XML_file'};
$tab_active = '3' ;
if (!$config{'Style'} ) { ## je dois rediriger la personne vers le module de config
$styl ="conf_style" ; ## style par defaut
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked => $check,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
cgi => 'index.cgi',
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
about => $text{lemonldap_invite},
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text
##$dump1 = Dumper( $para3 );
&redirect( "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name" );
#print( "<a href= $gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name> configuration</a>");
} else {
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $c;
$styl = &getStyle( $styl, $c );
## my $para1 = $config{'XML_XSD'};
my $para2 = $config{'httpd_conf'};
## controle de l'existance et de la validite du fichier XML passe en parametre
if( &isValidXML( $para3 ) < 1 ){ ## 0 == fichier inexsistant // -1 == bad xml format
&restoreXMLFile( $para3 );
my $message = 0;
# Application des modifs --> copy work file to prod file
if( defined( CGI::param('ApplyModifs'))) {
my $result = &ApplyXMLModifs( $config{'XML_file'} );
if( !$result ){
$flagApplyModifs = 0;
} else {
$message = $text{'lab_error_10'};
# Annulation des modifs --> copy prod file to work file
if( defined( CGI::param('DiscardModifs'))) {
my $result = &DiscardXMLModifs( $config{'XML_file'} );
if( !$result ){
$flagApplyModifs = 0;
} else {
$message = $text{'lab_error_10'};
if( defined( CGI::param('GenerConfigFiles'))) {
$message = &GenerateConfigFilesWT( $config{'XML_file'}, $confgenTT );
if( defined( CGI::param('StopApache'))) {
if( !$config{'stop_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'stop_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 1 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
if( defined( CGI::param('StartApache'))) {
if( !$config{'start_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'start_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 1 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
if( defined( CGI::param('RestartApache'))) {
if( !$config{'restart_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'restart_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 2 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
my $tmodxml = &GetNumXmlConfMod( $config{'XML_file'} );
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked =>$c,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
para3 => $para3,
para2 => $para2,
## para1 => $para1,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
lab_63 => $text{'lab_63'},
lab_65 => $text{'lab_65'},
flagApplyModifs => $flagApplyModifs,
flagAPACHE => $flagAPACHE,
message => $message,
tabDTXml => $tmodxml,
lab_64 => $text{ 'lab_64' }
if (CGI::param('style')) {
$vars->{style} = &getStyle( CGI::param('style'), $vars->{checked} );
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
#print( "para3 = $dump1" );

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $mode;
my $flipflop;
my $check = 0;
my $styl ;
my $vars;
my $tab_active;
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "about" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style= CGI::param('style');
my $tabular = [];
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode='Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$flipflop= 'Normal';
# link =>'memcached.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>$text{"session_server"},
# },
# {
# link =>'domain.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>$text{"domains"},
# },
# {
# link =>'ttlconfig.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>$text{"timelive"},
# },
# {
# link =>'cluster.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>'Cluster',
# },
# {
# link =>"/lemongui4webmin/index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style",
# etatab=>'selected',
# labTab=>$text{"about"},
# }];
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{normal} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$flipflop= 'Expert';
# $tabular= [{
# link =>'memcached.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>$text{"session_server"},
# },
# {
# link =>'domain.cgi',
# etatab=>'plain',
# labTab=>$text{"domains"},
# },
# {
# link =>"/lemongui4webmin/index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style",
# etatab=>'selected',
# labTab=>$text{"about"},
# }];
} # end else
$tab_active = '3' ;
if (!$config{'Style'} ) { ## je dois rediriger la personne vers le module de config
$styl ="conf_style" ; ## style par defaut
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked => $check,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
about => $text{lemonldap_invite},
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text
} else {
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $c;
$styl = &getStyle( $styl, $c );
my $para1 = $config{'XML_XSD'};
my $para2 = $config{'httpd_conf'};
my $para3 = $config{'XML_file'};
## controle de l'existance et de la validite du fichier XML passe en parametre
if( &isValidXML( $para3 ) < 1 ){ ## 0 == fichier inexsistant // -1 == bad xml format
&restoreXMLFile( $para3 );
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked =>$c,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
para3 => $para3,
para2 => $para2,
para1 => $para1,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text
if (CGI::param('style')) {
$vars->{style} = &getStyle( CGI::param('style'), $vars->{checked} );
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
index_title=lemonldap WEBSSO
index_elemonldap=The lemonldap $1 could not be found on your system. Maybe it is not installed, or your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect.
session_manage=backend session
config_manage=config cache
dump_of_cache=Dump of IPC cache config
delete_all_ipc_cache=delete and remove all IPC caches
creation_domain=Create domain
index_session=session storage
creation_session=Create session backend
line_session=contents of the session
line_session_access=to access session definition
line_session_dummy=create session lines
create_exp=Create new expression
create_line=Create new line
create_config=Create config
add_httpd=Add those lines in
#################### gui4webmin ##############
lemonldap_configuration=Lemonldap Configuration
lemonldap_invite=You must pass by module config in order to fix your parameters
session_server=Session server
timelive=Time to live
welcome=Welcome in LemonLDAP configuration
lab_error_0=The field \"Motif OUT\" cannot be void for the type \"Combined\"
lab_error_1=is an illegal name for handlers
lab_error_2=is \"multi-homed\" by the multi-homing handler
lab_error_3=HANDLER name cannot be void
lab_error_4=is an illegal name for domain
lab_error_5=DOMAIN name cannot be void
lab_error_6=contains handler(s)
lab_error_7=You MUST give a name to the handler !!
lab_error_8=You MUST give a name to the node !!
lab_error_9=This node already exists
lab_error_10=copy file error
lab_error_11=IP adress required with virtual host by IP adress !!!
lab_error_12=Path to conf.d is void in module config!!
lab_error_13=Path to conf.d defined in module config not exists !!
lab_error_14=Couldn't create file :
assist_handler_0=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 000000 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br>et multi ligne<br>qui explique aux users ce qu est un handler generic/combined/multi-homing<br><br><br>
assist_handler_1=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 111111 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S L W P ????<br><br>
assist_handler_2=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 222222 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S LDAP Attrib && Application CODE ????<br><br>
assist_handler_3=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 333333 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S PUBLIC && PRIVATE BASE ????<br><br>
#------------------------------------ TIME TO LIVE PAGE
lab_1=Cache file
lab_1_1=(Complete name with path)
lab_2=Cache duration time
lab_2_2=(In seconds)
lab_3=Auto detection
lab_3_3=(Check date modification's file)
lab_4_4=(or IP adress)
lab_5=Port #
lab_5_5=(default 12211)
lab_9=Servers list
lab_10=Session list
lab_11=Add session
lab_12=Local server
lab_13=Port #
lab_13_13=(default 22122)
lab_14=Local servers
lab_15_15=(Session timing in sec.)
lab_19_19=(Login URL page)
lab_20_20=(Default: lemonldap)
lab_21=LDAP server
lab_21_21=(Name or IP adress)
lab_22=LDAP port
lab_22_22=(LDAP server port / default 389)
lab_23=LDAP people branch
lab_23_23=(LDAP find base)
lab_24=User ID
lab_24_24=(LDAP user ID)
lab_25_25=(LDAP user password)
lab_26=Add domain
lab_28=Slave CDA
lab_28_28=(CGI URL / cookie for slave domain)
lab_29=Edit handlers
lab_32=LWP Proxy enabled
lab_33=Ldap attrib.
lab_33_33=(Main access control)
lab_34=Applic. code
lab_34_34=(Minor access control)
lab_36=Pubic base
lab_36_36=(Public URL of ressource to protect)
lab_37=Private base
lab_37_37=(Private URL of ressource to protect)
lab_38=Stop cookie
lab_39=External proxy
lab_39_39=(For access to protected ressource)
lab_40=LWP Recursive
lab_41_41=(File ext. processed by mod_proxy)
lab_42=List of Multi-Homed handlers
lab_43=List of handlers available for multi homing
lab_44=Soft control
lab_45=LWP Time out
lab_45_45=(Proxy LWP Time out)
lab_46_46=(HTTP header to include)
lab_47_47=(Acces autorisation)
lab_48=Plug-in policy
lab_48_48=(Access management)
lab_49_49=(HTML rewriting management)
lab_50_50=(Sessions management)
lab_51_51=(Headers management)
lab_49=Plug-in HTML
lab_50=Plug-in backend
lab_51=Plug-in header
lab_52=Motif IN
lab_52_52=(URL expression IN)
lab_53=Motif OUT
lab_53_53=(URL expression OUT)
lab_55=Add handler
lab_56=Delete handler
lab_57=Delete domain
lab_58=Create with help
#--------- page cluster --------
lab_0_1=Symbolic name (or blank for delete)
lab_0_2=Symbolic name
lab_21_22=Node of agregation
lab_21_23=Simple node
lab_60_60=(eg : /server-status?refresh=5)
lab_60_61=(eg : /server-status)
lab_61=Add Node
lab_62=Remode Node
lab_63=Apply modifications to XML
lab_64=XML config files history
lab_65=Discard modifications
lab_66=IP Adress
lab_66_66=(Assoc. with virtual host)
lab_67=Log level
lab_67_67=( default 'notice' )
lab_69=Client IP check

View File

@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
index_title=lemonldap SSO
index_elemonldap=The lemonldap $1 could not be found on your system. Maybe it is not installed, or your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect.
index_eproftpd2=The program $1 does not appear to be the ProFTPD server. Maybe it is not installed, or your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect. Output from the command $3 was : $4
index_eversion=The version of ProFTPD server $1 is not supported by Webmin. Only versions 0.99 and above are supported.
index_econf=The ProFTPD config file $1 does not exist or is not valid. Maybe your <a href='$2'>module configuration</a> is incorrect.
index_apply=Apply Changes
index_applymsg=Click this button to apply the current configuration by sending a SIGHUP signal to the running ProFTPD process.
index_start=Start Server
index_startmsg=Click this button to start the FTP server with the current configuration. You can also configure the server to be started automatically when needed using the <a href='$1'>Internet Services</a> module.
index_startmsg2=Click this button to start the FTP server with the current configuration. You can also configure the server to be started automatically when needed using inetd or some equivalent program.
index_return=main menu
index_virts=Virtual Servers
index_virt=Virtual Server
index_type=Server type
index_name=Server name
index_port=FTP port
index_defserv=Default server
index_defdesc=Handles any FTP connections not handled by virtual servers.
index_vdesc=Handles all connections to $1
index_global=Global Configuration
index_create=Create virtual server
index_version=ProFTPd version $1
efailed=Failed to save $1
type_0=Networking Options
type_1=Logging Options
type_2=Files and Directories
type_3=Access Control
type_5=User and Group
virt_title=Virtual Server Options
virt_header1=For $1
virt_header2=For default server
virt_header3=$1 options
virt_anon=Anonymous FTP
virt_header=Per-directory and Per-command options
virt_dir=Directory $1
virt_limit=Commands $1
virt_adddir=Add per-directory options for ..
virt_addlimit=Add per-command options for ..
virt_path=Directory path
virt_cmds=FTP commands
virt_return=virtual server
virt_virt=Configure Virtual Server
virt_edit=Edit Directives
vserv_title=Configure Virtual Server
vserv_name=Server name
vserv_port=FTP port
vserv_delete=Delete virtual server
vserv_eaddr=Missing or invalid address
vserv_eport=Missing or invalid port number
vserv_ename=Missing server name
anon_title=Anonymous FTP Options
anon_header1=In virtual server $1
anon_header2=In default server
anon_anon=Configure Anonymous FTP
anon_return=anonymous FTP options
anon_header3=For anonymous FTP in virtual server $1
anon_header4=For anonymous FTP in default server
aserv_title=Configure Anonymous FTP
aserv_create=Setup Anonymous FTP
aserv_root=Limit to directory
aserv_user=Access files as user
aserv_group=Access files as group
aserv_err=Failed to save anonymous FTP
aserv_eroot=Missing or invalid chroot directory
aserv_euser=Missing or invalid Unix user
aserv_egroup=Missing or invalid Unix group
aserv_desc=Anonymous FTP has not yet been setup for this virtual server. Use this form to set the initial configuration options.
dir_title=Per-Directory Options
dir_header2=For directory $1 in default server
dir_header1=For directory $1 in virtual server $2
dir_edit=Edit Directives
dir_return=per-directory options
dir_header3=$1 options in $2
dir_header=Per-command options
dir_dir=Configure Directory
dir_header4=For directory $1 in anonymous FTP
dir_header5=For directory $1 globally
manual_title=Edit Directives
manual_header=Use the text box below to manually edit the ProFTPD directives in $1 that apply to this virtual server, directory or commands.
manual_configs=Edit Config Files
manual_ecannot=You are not allowed to manually edit directives
manual_file=Edit Directives in File:
manual_efile=Invalid ProFTPd config file
manual_etest=Configuration file error detected : $1
limit_title=Per-Command Options
limit_header4=For commands $1 in directory $2
limit_header2=For commands $1 in default server
limit_header1=For commands $1 in virtual server $2
limit_edit=Edit Directives
limit_limit=Configure Commands
limit_header3=$1 options for commands $2
limit_return=per-command options
limit_header5=For commands $1 in anonymous FTP
limit_header6=For commands $1 in file $2
limit_header7=For commands $1 globally
lserv_title=Configure Commands
lserv_cmd=FTP commands
lserv_delete=Delete commands config
lserv_err=Failed to save commands
lserv_ecmd=No commands selected
dserv_title=Configure Directory
dserv_dir=Directory path
dserv_err=Failed to save directory
dserv_edir=Missing directory path
dserv_delete=Delete directory config
dserv_eanondir=Directory must be under the anonymous FTP directory
mod_core_type=Server type
mod_core_inetd=Run from Inetd
mod_core_stand=Stand-alone daemon
mod_core_port=Listen on port
mod_core_eport=Missing or invalid port number
mod_core_servername=Server name displayed to users
mod_core_eservername=Missing server name
mod_core_defaultserver=Use this virtual server by default?
mod_core_instances=Maximum concurrent sessions
mod_core_einstances=Missing or invalid number of sessions
mod_core_umask=New file umask
mod_core_octal=Octal mask
mod_core_umask_d=New directory mask
mod_core_eumask=Missing or invalid umask
mod_core_user=Run as Unix user
mod_core_uname=User name
mod_core_group=Run as Unix group
mod_core_gname=Group name
mod_core_tlog=FTP transfers logfile
mod_core_nowhere=Logging disabled
mod_core_etlog=Missing or invalid transfers logfile
mod_core_accessdeny=Failed login message
mod_core_accessgrant=Successful login message
mod_core_adall=Access control policy
mod_core_addefault=Same as parent
mod_core_allowall=Allow all clients
mod_core_denyall=Deny all clients
mod_core_filter=Allowed FTP commands regexp
mod_core_foreign=Allow foreign data transfers?
mod_core_overwrite=Allow overwriting of files?
mod_core_restart=Allow restarted downloads?
mod_core_restart2=Allow restarted uploads?
mod_core_require=Require password for anonymous login?
mod_core_anongroup=Groups to treat members as anonymous
mod_core_eanongroup=No anonymous group entered
mod_core_authalias=Only allow aliased users to login?
mod_core_authusingalias=Use alias password for anonymous login?
mod_core_bind=Bind to address
mod_core_bind_all=All addresses
mod_core_ebind=Missing or invalid bind address
mod_core_cdpath=Shortcut CD directories
mod_core_classes=Enable classes for access control?
mod_core_cls=Access control classes
mod_core_cname=Class name
mod_core_ctype=Type and value
mod_core_climit=Max connections
mod_core_cregex=Client hostname match
mod_core_cip=Client IP network/CIDR
mod_core_eclimit=Missing or invalid max connections
mod_core_ecregex=Missing client hostname match
mod_core_ecip=Missing or invalid client IP network/CIDR
mod_core_buffer=Maximum FTP command length
mod_core_ebuffer=Missing or invalid maximum command length
mod_core_transfer=Default transfer mode
mod_core_defer=Defer welcome message until after login?
mod_core_aborted=Delete aborted uploads?
mod_core_dfilter=Denied FTP commands regexp
mod_core_display=Pre-login message file
mod_core_edisplay=Missing pre-login message file
mod_core_firstcd=Directory README filename
mod_core_efirstcd=Missing directory README filename
mod_core_goaway=Too many connections message file
mod_core_egoaway=Missing too many connections file
mod_core_login=Post-login message file
mod_core_elogin=Missing post-login message file
mod_core_quit=Logout message file
mod_core_equit=Missing logout message file
mod_core_gowner=Group owner of uploaded files
mod_core_egowner=Missing or invalid group for uploaded files
mod_core_grouppassword=Group passwords
mod_core_gpname=Unix group
mod_core_gpdef=Leave unchanged
mod_core_egpname=Invalid Unix group name
mod_core_hstor=Hide files during upload?
mod_core_hgroup=Hide files owned by groups
mod_core_ehgroup=Invalid group name to hide files of
mod_core_hnoaccess=Hide files that cannot be accessed?
mod_core_huser=Hide files owned by users
mod_core_ehuser=Invalid user name to hide files of
mod_core_ident=Lookup remote Ident username?
mod_core_ihidden=Make hidden files inaccessible?
mod_core_masq=Masquerade as address
mod_core_masq_def=Use real address
mod_core_emasq=Missing or invalid masquerade address
mod_core_maxc=Maximum concurrent logins
mod_core_maxcmsg=Login error message
mod_core_emaxc=Missing or invalid maximum number of logins
mod_core_maxch=Maximum concurrent logins per host
mod_core_maxcu=Maximum concurrent logins per user
mod_core_logins=Maximum failed logins per session
mod_core_elogins=Missing or invalid number of failed logins
mod_core_rfc2228=Send RFC2228-style responses?
mod_core_pasv=PASV port range
mod_core_pasvr=Min - max
mod_core_epasv=Missing or invalid PASV port number
mod_core_pathallow=Allowed uploaded filename regex
mod_core_pathdeny=Denied uploaded filename regex
mod_core_pidfile=Write PID to file
mod_core_epidfile=Missing or invalid PID file
mod_core_shell=Only allow login by users with valid shell?
mod_core_cpulimit=CPU resource limits
mod_core_ecpulimit=CPU resource limit
mod_core_memlimit=Memory resource limits
mod_core_ememlimit=memory resource limit
mod_core_filelimit=Open files limits
mod_core_efilelimit=open files limit
mod_core_soft=Soft limit:
mod_core_hard=Hard limit:
mod_core_esoft=Missing or invalid soft $1
mod_core_ehard=Missing or invalid hard $1
mod_core_score=Path to scoreboard directory
mod_core_escore=Missing or invalid scoreboard directory
mod_core_admin=Server administrator's email address
mod_core_eadmin=Missing or invalid email address
mod_core_identmsg=Client connection message
mod_core_identmsg_def=Show default message
mod_core_links=Show symbolic links?
mod_core_tight=Only bind to needed ports?
mod_core_facility=System log facility
mod_core_level=System log level
mod_core_backlog=TCP backlog queue length
mod_core_ebacklog=Missing or invalid backlog queue length
mod_core_nodelay=Use TCP_NODELAY socket option?
mod_core_rwindow=TCP receive window size
mod_core_erwindow=Missing or invalid receive window size
mod_core_swindow=TCP send window size
mod_core_eswindow=Missing or invalid send window size
mod_core_gmt=Show times in GMT?
mod_core_tidle=Idle time before disconnecting
mod_core_etidle=Missing or invalid idle time
mod_core_tlogin=Time to wait for authentication
mod_core_etlogin=Missing or invalid authentication time
mod_core_ttransfer=Time to wait for first transfer
mod_core_ettransfer=Missing or invalid first transfer time
mod_core_tstalled=Time to wait for stalled data transfer
mod_core_etstalled=Missing or invalid stalled transfer time
mod_core_ftpusers=Deny users in /etc/ftpusers file?
mod_core_hostsallow=Hosts to allow file
mod_core_ehostsallow=Hosts to allow file does not exist
mod_core_hostsdeny=Hosts to deny file
mod_core_ehostsdeny=Hosts to deny file does not exist
mod_core_revdns=Do reverse DNS lookups of client addresses?
mod_core_userdir=Chroot to username subdirectory?
mod_core_ualias=Username aliases
mod_core_afrom=Login username
mod_core_ato=Real username
mod_core_eafrom=Invalid login username in alias
mod_core_eato=Missing or invalid real username in alias
mod_core_uowner=Owner of uploaded files
mod_core_euowner=Missing or invalid owner for uploaded files
mod_core_userpassword=User passwords overrides
mod_core_upname=Unix user
mod_core_updef=Leave unchanged
mod_core_eupname=Invalid Unix user name
mod_core_wtmp=Record logins in wtmp?
mod_core_allow_deny=Restrict access
mod_core_allowdeny=Allow then deny
mod_core_denyallow=Deny then allow
mod_core_mode_2=IP address
mod_core_agroup=Only allow groups
mod_core_auser=Only allow users
mod_core_dgroup=Deny groups
mod_core_duser=Deny users
mod_core_eip='$1' is not a valid IP address
mod_core_enet='$1' is not a valid network address
mod_core_ehost='$1' is not a valid hostname
mod_ls_fakegroup=Fake group in directory listings?
mod_ls_fakeuser=Fake user in directory listings?
mod_ls_fakemode=Fake permissions in directory listings
mod_ls_nofake=Real permissions
mod_ls_efakemode=Fake permissions must be in octal
mod_ls_dotfiles=Show files starting with . in listings?
mod_ls_ls=Additional ls options
mod_ls_els=Missing additional ls options
mod_ls_fakeasuser=Yes, as user ..
mod_ls_fakesameuser=Connected user
mod_ls_fakeasgroup=Yes, as group ..
mod_ls_fakesamegroup=Connected group
mod_ls_efakeuser=Missing or invalid fake user
mod_ls_efakegroup=Missing or invalid fake group
mod_ls_options=Directory list options
mod_ls_strict=Override user options?
mod_auth_chdir=Initial login directory
mod_auth_echdir=Missing or invalid initial directory
mod_auth_chroot=Limit users to directories
mod_auth_home=Home directory
mod_auth_groups=Unix groups
mod_auth_edir=Invalid chroot directory
mod_auth_egroups=No Unix groups for chroot entered
mod_auth_echroot=Missing or invalid chroot directory
mod_auth_login=Don't ask for password if login is denied?
mod_auth_root=Allow login by root?
mod_site_chmod=Allow chmod command?
mod_unixpw_ufile=Alternate Unix password file
mod_unixpw_eufile=Missing or invalid Unix password file
mod_unixpw_gfile=Alternate Unix group file
mod_unixpw_egfile=Missing or invalid Unix group file
mod_unixpw_pam=Always treat PAM as authorative?
mod_unixpw_persist=Keep password file open persistently?
mod_log_syslog=Log errors to file
mod_log_sysdef=System log
mod_log_esyslog=Missing or invalid log file
mod_log_extended=Custom logfiles
mod_log_cmd=For FTP commands
mod_log_nick=Log format
mod_log_ecmd=Missing FTP commands
mod_log_enick=Missing or invalid log format name
mod_log_ecmdnick=You must enter a log format when specifying commands to log
mod_log_nickname=Format name
mod_log_fmt=Format string
mod_log_format=Custom log formats
mod_log_enickname=Missing or invalid format name
mod_log_efmt=Missing format string
mod_pam_pam=Use PAM for authentication?
mod_pam_config=Authenticate using PAM service
mod_pam_econfig=Missing or invalid PAM service
mod_readme_display=Notify user of readme files matching
mod_readme_edisplay=Missing readme files pattern
start_err=Failed to start FTP server
start_einetd=You cannot start the server daemon when in inetd mode.
ftpaccess_title=Per-Directory Options Files
ftpaccess_desc=Additional per-directory options can be specified in a file (usually called <tt>.ftpaccess</tt>) in each directory. The options apply to all files in that directory and any sub-directories, unless overridden by another options file.
ftpaccess_create=Create Options File
ftpaccess_find=Find Options Files
ftpaccess_auto=Under anonymous
ftpaccess_from=From directory
ftpaccess_return=options file list
ftpusers_title=Denied FTP Users
ftpusers_desc=If enabled under the <tt>Authentication</tt> icon, the users listed below from the file $1 will be denied login access to the FTP user.
ftpindex_title=Per-Directory Options File
ftpindex_delete=Delete File
ftpindex_opts=Per-Directory Options
ftpindex_edit=Edit Directives
ftpindex_limit=Per-command options
ftpindex_addlimit=Add per-command options for ..
ftpindex_header2=$1 in $2
ftpindex_return=per-directory options file
ftpindex_header=For $1
find_err=Failed to find options files
find_eanon=Anonymous FTP is not setup in any virtual server
log_global=Changed global $1 options
log_ftpusers=Changed denied FTP users
log_virtc=Created server $1
log_virts=Reconfigured server $1
log_virtd=Deleted server $1
log_virtm=Manually edited server $1
log_virt=Changed $1 in server $2
log_dirc=Created directory $1
log_dirc_l=Created directory $1 in server $2
log_dirs=Changed directory $1
log_dirs_l=Changed directory $1 in server $2
log_dird=Deleted directory $1
log_dird_l=Deleted directory $1 in server $2
log_dirm=Manually edited directory $1
log_dirm_l=Manually edited directory $1 in server $2
log_dir=Changed $1 in directory $2
log_dir_l=Changed $1 in directory $2 in server $3
log_limitc=Created per-command options for $1
log_limits=Reconfigured per-command options for $1
log_limitd=Deleted per-command options for $1
log_limitm=Manually edited per-command options for $1
log_limit=Changed $1 in per-command options for $2
log_ftpaccessc=Created options file $1
log_ftpaccessd=Deleted options file $1
log_ftpaccessm=Manually edited options file $1
log_ftpaccess=Changed $1 in options file $2
log_anonc=Setup anonymous FTP for server $1
log_anons=Reconfigured anonymous FTP for server $1
log_anond=Deleted anonymous FTP for server $1
log_anonm=Manually edited anonymous FTP for server $1
log_anon=Changed $1 in anonymous FTP for server $2
log_start=Started proftpd
log_apply=Applied changes
eafter=Configuration verification failed : $1 Changes have not been saved.
proftpd_apply=Apply Changes
proftpd_stop=Stop ProFTPd
proftpd_start=Start ProFTPd

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
#################### gui4webmin ##############
lemonldap_configuration=Configuration du Lemonldap
lemonldap_invite=Vous devez passer par le module de configuration pour fixer vos parametres
about=A propos
session_server=Serveur de session
timelive=Durée de vie
welcome=Bienvenue dans la configuration de LemonLDAP
lab_error_0=Le champ \"Motif OUT\" ne peut être vide pour le type \"Combined\"
lab_error_1=n'est pas un nom de handler autorisé
lab_error_2=fait partie du handler \"multi-homing\"
lab_error_3=Le Nom du HANDLER ne peut être nul
lab_error_4=n'est pas un nom de domaine autorisé
lab_error_5=Le Nom du DOMAINE ne peut être nul
lab_error_6=contient de(s) handler(s)
lab_error_7=Vous DEVEZ nommer le handler !!
lab_error_8=Vous DEVEZ nommer le noeud !!
lab_error_9=Ce noeud existe déjà
lab_error_10=erreur de copie de fichier
lab_error_11=Adresse IP requise avec un virtual host par adresse IP !!!
lab_error_12=Le chemin vers conf.d est vide dans la config du module !!
lab_error_13=Le chemin vers con.d défini dans la config du module n'existe pas !!
lab_error_14=Impossible de créer le fichier :
assist_handler_0=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 000000 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br>et multi ligne<br>qui explique aux users ce qu est un handler generic/combined/multi-homing<br><br><br>
assist_handler_1=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 111111 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S L W P ????<br><br>
assist_handler_2=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 222222 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S LDAP Attrib && Application CODE ????<br><br>
assist_handler_4=<h4 style="text-align: center;">HELP- 333333 -HELP</h4><br><br>texte multi lingue <br> WHAT'S PUBLIC && PRIVATE BASE ????<br><br>
#------------------------------------------ page DUREE DE VIE
lab_1=Fichier de cache
lab_1_1=(Nom complet avec chemin)
lab_2=Validité de la config.
lab_2_2=(En secondes)
lab_3=Auto détection
lab_3_3=(Vérification de la date de modif. du fichier)
lab_4_4=(ou adresse IP)
lab_5=Port n°
lab_5_5=(12211 par défaut)
lab_9=Liste des serveurs
lab_10=Liste des sesions
lab_11=Ajouter une session
lab_12=Serveur local
lab_13=Port n°
lab_13_13=(22122 par défaut)
lab_14=Serveurs locaux
lab_15_15=(Durée de la session en sec.)
lab_19=Portaillab_error_9=This node already exists
lab_19_19=(URL de la page de login)
lab_20_20=(Defaut: lemonldap)
lab_21=Serveur LDAP
lab_21_21=(Nom ou adresse IP)
lab_22=Port LDAP
lab_22_22=(Port du serveurLDAP / 389 par défaut)
lab_23=Branche des personnes
lab_23_23=(Base de recherche LDAP)
lab_24_24=(ID de l'utilisateur LDAP)
lab_25=Mot de passe
lab_25_25=(Mot de passe de l'utilisateur LDAP)
lab_26=Nouveau domaine
lab_28=CDA esclave
lab_28_28=(URL du CGI / cookie du domaine esclave)
lab_29=Edition handlers
lab_32=LWP Proxy actif
lab_33=Attrib. Ldap
lab_33_33=(Identifiant majeur / contrôle d'accès)
lab_34=Code applic.
lab_34_34=(Identifiant mineur / contrôle d'accès)
lab_36=Base publique
lab_36_36=(URL publique de la ressource à protéger)
lab_37=Base privée
lab_37_37=(URL privée de la ressource à protéger)
lab_38=Stop cookie
lab_39=Proxy externe
lab_39_39=(Pour accès à la ressource protégée)
lab_40=LWP Recursif
lab_41_41=(Ext. des fichiers traitées par mod_proxy)
lab_42=Liste des handlers "Multi-Homés"
lab_43=Liste des handlers disponibles pour le multi homing
lab_44=Contrôle soft
lab_45=LWP Time out
lab_45_45=(Time out du Proxy LWP)
lab_46_46=(Entête HTTP à inclure)
lab_48=Plug-in policy
lab_49=Plug-in HTML
lab_48_48=(Gestion des accès)
lab_49_49=(Gestion des ré-écritures HTML)
lab_50_50=(Gestion des sessions)
lab_51_51=(Gestion des entêtes)
lab_50=Plug-in backend
lab_51=Plug-in header
lab_52=Motif IN
lab_52_52=Expression URL d'entrée
lab_53=Motif OUT
lab_53_53=Expression URL de sortie
lab_55=Nouveau handler
lab_56=Supprimer handler
lab_57=Supprimer domaine
lab_58=Creation assistée
#--------- page cluster --------
lab_0_1=Nom symbolique (ou espace pour supprimer)
lab_0_2=Nom symbolique
lab_21_22=Noeud d'agrégation
lab_21_23=Simple noeud
lab_60_60=(exemple : /server-status?refresh=5)
lab_60_61=(exemple : /server-status)
lab_61=Ajouter Noeud
lab_62=Supprimer Noeud
lab_63=Appliquer les modifications au XML
lab_64=Historique des fcihiers de config XML
lab_65=Annuler les modifi.s
lab_66=Adresse IP
lab_66_66=(Assoc. avec le virtual host)
lab_67=Niveau de log
lab_67_67=( par défaut 'notice' )
lab_69=Attach. IP Client

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
use File::Copy;
use XML::Simple;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
my $PREFIX = (-e '/etc/debian_version') ? '/usr/share/webmin/' : '../';
do ( $PREFIX . 'web-lib.pl' );
#do './httpd-lib.pl';
sub getStyle {
if ($_[0] =~ /map/i) {
$_[1] = 0;
return "conf_style";
if ($_[0] =~ /lectro/i) {
$_[1] = 1;
return "simpage";
if ($_[0] =~ /golf/i) {
$_[1] = 2;
return "golf_style";
sub Nerror
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "\n";
print "<h3>","motif : ",@_,"</h3>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
sub isValidXML { # return 1 == OK
my $namef = $_[0]; # 0 == fichier inexsitant
# -1 == XML invalide
if( !-e $namef ){
return 0;
my $pxml = XMLin( $namef, "ForceArray" => "1" );
if( ! %{$pxml} ) {
return -1;
return 1;
sub GenerateConfigFiles {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $pxml = XMLin( $confile, "ForceArray" => "1" );
my $path = $config{'httpd_conf'};
if( !length($path) ){ ## pas de path pour conf.d dans les params du module !!!
return $text{'lab_error_12'};
## completer si necessaire le path avec le / de fin
my @lpath = split(//, $path );
if( $lpath[ @lpath - 1 ] ne '/' ){
$path .= '/';
## tester l existance du path vers conf.d
if( ! -e $path ){
return $text{'lab_error_13'};
my %kk = ( 'Portal' => 'portal' ,
'BasePub' => 'basepub' ,
'BasePriv' => 'basepriv' ,
'EnableLWPProxy' => 'enablelwpproxy' ,
'Organization' => 'organization' ,
'AppliCode' => 'applicode' ,
'DisableAccessControl' => 'disableaccesscontrol',
'StopCookie' => 'stopcookie' ,
'ChaseRedirect' => 'chaseredirect' ,
'ProxyExt' => 'proxyext' ,
'ProxyPatterns' => 'proxypatterns' ,
'MultiHoming' => 'multihoming' ,
'LWPTimeout' => 'lwptimeout' ,
'SoftControl' => 'softcontrol' ,
'Header' => 'header' ,
'Allow' => 'allow' ,
'PolicyPlugIn' => 'policyplugin' ,
'RewritePlugIn' => 'rewriteplugin' ,
'HeaderPlugIn' => 'headerplugin' ,
'BackendPlugIn' => 'backendplugin'
my @igk = keys( %kk );
## recup ts les noms de domaines
my @doms = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'} } );
my $nbgen = 0;
for( @doms ){
# domaine
my $dom = $_;
# recup ts les handlers d un domaine
my @hands = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' } } );
for( @hands ){
my $hand = $_;
my $typHand = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' };
if( $typHand eq 'CombinedType' ){
# contruct file name
my $fname = $path . $hand . '.conf';
# create file (erase if exists)
open( F, ">$fname" ) || return( $text{ 'lab_error_14' } . $fname );
# recup keys and values for the handler
my %hand = %{ $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand } };
## by name or by IPAdress ???
my $type = $hand{'VirtualHost'};
if( !$type ){
print( F "<virtualhost *:80>\n" );
} else {
if( $type eq 'byIPAdress' ){
my $ip = $hand{'IPAdress'};
print( F "<virtualhost $ip>\n" );
} else {
print( F "<virtualhost *:80>\n" );
## ServerName
my $basePub = $hand{ 'BasePub' };
if( $basePub ){
my ($sn) = $basePub =~ /\/\/(.*)$/ ;
print( F " ServerName \t\t$sn\n" );
## constant
print( F " perltranshandler \tLemonldap::Handlers::Generic4a2\n\n" );
## all PerlSetVar
for( @igk ){
my $ka = $_;
if( exists($hand{ $ka }) ){
my $val = $hand{ $ka };
if( $val ){
my $pl = $kk{ $ka };
my $tab = length( $pl ) > 16 ? "\t" : "\t\t";
print( F " PerlSetVar $pl $tab $val\n" );
## close virtualhost
print( F "</virtualhost>\n" );
close( F );
return( "$nbgen ''Apache config files'' generated in $path" );
sub GenerateConfigFilesWT {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $confgenTT = $_[1];
my $pxml = XMLin( $confile, "ForceArray" => "1" );
my $path = $config{'httpd_conf'};
if( !length($path) ){ ## pas de path pour conf.d dans les params du module !!!
return $text{'lab_error_12'};
## completer si necessaire le path avec le / de fin
my @lpath = split(//, $path );
if( $lpath[ @lpath - 1 ] ne '/' ){
$path .= '/';
## tester l existance du path vers conf.d
if( ! -e $path ){
return $text{'lab_error_13'};
## recup ts les noms de domaines
my @doms = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'} } );
my $nbgen = 0;
my $TT = Template->new( OUTPUT_PATH => $path );
for( @doms ){
# domaine
my $dom = $_;
# recup ts les handlers d un domaine
my @hands = keys( %{ $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' } } );
for( @hands ){
my $hand = $_;
my $typHand = $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' };
if( $typHand eq 'CombinedType' ){
# contruct file name
my $fname = $hand . '.conf';
# recup keys and values for the handler
my %hhand = %{ $pxml->{'domain'}->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand } };
## by name or by IPAdress ???
my $type = $hhand{'VirtualHost'};
if( !$type ){
$type = 'byName';
## ServerName
my $basePub = $hhand{ 'BasePub' };
my $sn = 'servername';
if( $basePub ){
($sn) = $basePub =~ /\/\/(.*)$/ ;
for( keys( %hhand ) ){
if( !length( $hhand{ $_ } ) ){
delete( $hhand{ $_ } );
delete $hhand{'IPAdress'};
delete $hhand{'MultiHomer'};
delete $hhand{'VirtualHost'};
my $vars= { type => $type ,
serverName => $sn ,
handler => \%hhand
$TT->process( $confgenTT, $vars, $fname );
return( "$nbgen ''Apache config files'' generated in $path" );
# retourne une H table correspondant à une page complete dans le XML
sub getXmlPage {
my $page = $_[0];
my $pxml = XMLin( "guiconfig.xml", "ForceArray" => "1" );
sub getXML {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $base = basename( $confile );
my $workfile = './templates/' . $base;
if( ! -e $workfile ){
system("cp -p $confile $workfile");
my $pxml = XMLin( $workfile, "ForceArray" => "1" );
UpdateOldXml( $pxml, $confile );
return( $pxml );
# RETOURNE 1 si le fichier de travail est plus recent que le fichier
# en production
sub IsXMLModified {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $base = basename( $confile );
my $workfile = './templates/' . $base;
my $prodmt = (stat($confile))[ 9 ];
my $workmt = (stat($workfile))[ 9 ];
return ( $workmt > $prodmt ? 1 : 0 );
# Met à niveau les fichiers XML avec le param MultiHomer ( type de Handler )
sub UpdateOldXml {
my $xmlemon = $_[0];
my $confile = $_[1];
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "domain" );
my @kdom = keys( %{$chapter} );
my $flagREWRITE = 0;
for( @kdom ){
my $dom = $_;
my $hdom = $chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' };
if( $hdom ){
my @khand = keys( %{$hdom} );
for( @khand ){
my $hand = $_;
my $typeh = $chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' };
if( !$typeh ){
my $multi = $chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHoming' };
if( $multi ){
$chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' } = 'MultiHomingType';
} else {
my $combi = $chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MotifOut' };
if( $combi ){
$chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' } = 'CombinedType';
} else {
$chapter->{ $dom }->{ 'handler' }->{ $hand }->{ 'MultiHomer' } = 'GenericType';
$flagREWRITE = 1;
if( $flagREWRITE ){
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $confile );
# donne le numero de sequence "bak#" pour sauvegardes auto lors des modifs
sub getNumBakSequence {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $numbk = $_[1];
my $surch = $confile . '.bak?';
my @list = glob( $surch );
my $numseq = @list;
if( $numseq < $numbk ){
return $numseq;
my %h;
my @tabdt;
for( @list ){
my $dt = (stat($_))[9];
$h{ $dt } = $_;
push( @tabdt, $dt );
@tabdt = sort( @tabdt );
my $last = substr($h{ $tabdt[0] }, -1, 1 );
return $last;
# copie le fichier WORK sur le fichier de PROD
sub ApplyXMLModifs {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $base = basename( $confile );
my $workfile = './templates/' . $base;
my $numseq = getNumBakSequence( $confile, 3 );
my $backf = $confile . '.bak' . $numseq;
copy( $confile, $backf );
my $status = system("cp -p $workfile $confile");
return $status;
# copie le fichier de PROD sur le fichier WORK
sub DiscardXMLModifs {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $base = basename( $confile );
my $workfile = './templates/' . $base;
my $status = system("cp -p $confile $workfile");
return $status;
# retourne un tableau de dates de modif des fichiers BAKx du conf
sub GetNumXmlConfMod {
my $confile = $_[0];
my $surch = $confile . '.bak?';
my @list = glob( $surch );
my $tabdt;
for( @list ){
my $dt = (stat($_))[9];
my $str = localtime($dt);
push( @{$tabdt}, $str );
@{$tabdt} = sort( @{$tabdt} );
return $tabdt;
# ECRIT UN PXML DANS UN FICHIER XML après en avoir fait une copie "bak"
sub writeXML {
my $pxml = $_[0];
my $namef = $_[1];
my $base = basename( $namef );
$namef = './templates/' . $base;
my $backf = $namef.'.bak';
my $rootN = $_[2] || "lemonldapconfig";
# copie du fichier
if( !copy( $namef, $backf )){
## ????
open( $fout, ">$namef" ) || Nerror( $! );
XMLout( $pxml, OutputFile => $fout,
AttrIndent => 1,
RootName => $rootN,
KeyAttr => { session =>'id',
cache =>'id',
handler =>'id',
application =>'id',
domain =>'id',
cluster =>'id',
node => 'id',
} );
close( $fout );
sub getChapterXML {
my $pxml = $_[0];
my $nam = $_[1];
my $mod = $_[2];
if( !$mod ){
return( $pxml->{$nam} );
} else {
return( $pxml->{$nam}->{ $mod } );
# retourne une H table correspondant à un composant tabulations
sub getTab {
my $tab = $_[0];
my @k = keys( %{$tab->{tab}} );
@k = sort( @k );
my @tablo;
for(my $i=0; $i< @k; $i++){
$tablo[ $i ] = $tab->{tab}->{ $k[$i] };
# comme son nom l indique
sub keyToVal {
my $h = $_[0];
my @k = keys( %{$h} );
@k = sort( @k );
my @tab;
my $firstL = $k[ 0 ];
for( @k ){
my %hs;
$hs{ "idValue" } = $_;
$hs{ "labOption" } = $_;
push( @tab, \%hs );
$_[1] = \@tab;
return $firstL;
sub OkToChange {
my $allHandlersChapters = $_[0];
my $selectedHand = $_[1];
my @auxall = keys( %{ $allHandlersChapters } );
for( @auxall ){
my $loc = $_;
my $str = $allHandlersChapters->{ $loc }->{ 'MultiHoming' };
my @tabH = split( /,/, $str );
for( @tabH ){
if( $selectedHand eq $_ ){
$_[2] = 'ERROR: ' . $selectedHand . ' ' . $text{lab_error_2} . ' ' . $loc;
return 0;
$_[2] = 0;
return 1;
# retourne tous les composants graph. d'une page (après les tabs)
sub getAllComposants {
my $comps = $_[0];
my @k = keys( %{$comps->{comp}} );
@k = sort( @k );
my @tablo;
for(my $i=0; $i< @k; $i++){
$tablo[ $i ] = $comps->{comp}->{ $k[$i] };
# retourne une ref sur une valeur d un composant
sub getRefValueInCompo {
my $composs = $_[0];
my $idcompo = $_[1]; #"LastModified"
for( @{$composs} ){
my $h = $_;
if( $h->{ id_input } eq $idcompo ){
return( $h );
return( undef );
# supprime le caractère % en début et fin de chaine
sub dePourCent {
my $line = $_[0];
$line =~ s/%(.+)%/$1/;
return( $line );
# teste la présence du caractère % en début et fin de chaine
sub isPourCented {
my $line = $_[0];
my $newline = $line =~ /^%.+%$/;
return $newline;
# remplace une variable %xxxx% par le texte EN /FR
sub polyGlotTab {
my @tabular = @{$_[0]};
my %text = %{$_[1]};
for(@tabular) { # 0,1 ,2
my $hash = $_;
for(keys %{$hash} ) {
if( isPourCented( $hash->{$_} ) ){
$hash->{$_} = $text{ dePourCent( $hash->{$_} ) };
return( \@tabular );
# remplace les attributs link dans une URL
sub ajustLink {
my @tabular = @{$_[0]};
my $mode = $_[1];
my $style = $_[2];
my $dom = $_[3];
for(@tabular) { # 0,1 ,2
my $hash = $_;
$hash->{link} =~ s/\$mode/$mode/;
$hash->{link} =~ s/\$_style/$style/;
if( $dom ){
$hash->{link} =~ s/\$dom/$dom/;
return( \@tabular );
# crochets certifies // substitue les valeurs def et hid par defaut
sub TransformVars {
my @composs = @{$_[0]};
my $chapter = $_[1];
my @tabk = keys(%{$chapter});
my $clebase = $tabk[0];
for( @composs ){
my $comp = $_;
for( keys(%{$comp} )) {
my $k = $_;
if( $comp->{ $k } =~ /^\$def(.+)/ ||
$comp->{ $k } =~ /^\$hid(.+)/ ){
my $cle = $1;
if( $cle eq "id" ) {
$comp->{ $k } = $clebase;
} else {
if( $chapter->{ $clebase }->{ $cle } ){
$comp->{ $k } = $chapter->{ $clebase }->{ $cle };
} else {
$comp->{ $k } = "";
sub IsApacheRunning {
if( !($config{'pid_file'}) ) {
return 0;
if( -e $config{'pid_file'} ){
return 1;
return 0;
# RAZ du fichier de conf XML en recopiant le fichier template_conf.xml
sub restoreXMLFile() {
copy( "./templates/template_conf.xml", $_[0] );
# C FINI !!! ooops PERL FINI !!!!

View File

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $l =Dumper (%gconfig) ;
if ( !$config{XML_file} )
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "\n";
print "No XML config file $config{XML_file} <br> go to ";
print " <a href= $gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name> configuration</a>";
my $mode;
my $flipflop;
my $check = 0;
my $styl ;
my $vars;
my $tab_active;
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "about" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{'template'};
my $confgenTT = $conf->{'templateConfGen'};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style= CGI::param('style');
my $tabular = [];
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode='Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop= 'Normal';
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{normal} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop= 'Expert';
} # end else
my $flagApplyModifs = &IsXMLModified( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
$tab_active = '3' ;
if (!$config{'Style'} ) { ## je dois rediriger la personne vers le module de config
$styl ="conf_style" ; ## style par defaut
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked => $check,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
cgi => 'index.cgi',
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
about => $text{lemonldap_invite},
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text
} else {
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $c;
$styl = &getStyle( $styl, $c );
my $para1 = $config{'XML_XSD'};
my $para2 = $config{'httpd_conf'};
my $para3 = $config{'XML_file'};
## controle de l'existance et de la validite du fichier XML passe en parametre
if( &isValidXML( $para3 ) < 1 ){ ## 0 == fichier inexsistant // -1 == bad xml format
&restoreXMLFile( $para3 );
my $message = 0;
# Application des modifs --> copy work file to prod file
if( defined( CGI::param('ApplyModifs'))) {
my $result = &ApplyXMLModifs( $config{'XML_file'} );
if( !$result ){
$flagApplyModifs = 0;
} else {
$message = $text{'lab_error_10'};
# Annulation des modifs --> copy prod file to work file
if( defined( CGI::param('DiscardModifs'))) {
my $result = &DiscardXMLModifs( $config{'XML_file'} );
if( !$result ){
$flagApplyModifs = 0;
} else {
$message = $text{'lab_error_10'};
if( defined( CGI::param('GenerConfigFiles'))) {
$message = &GenerateConfigFilesWT( $config{'XML_file'}, $confgenTT );
if( defined( CGI::param('StopApache'))) {
if( !$config{'stop_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'stop_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 1 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
if( defined( CGI::param('StartApache'))) {
if( !$config{'start_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'start_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 1 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
if( defined( CGI::param('RestartApache'))) {
if( !$config{'restart_cmd'} ){
$message = "Command not defined in module config"
} else {
my $com = $config{'restart_cmd'} . ' 2>&1> /dev/null';
$message = ` $com `;
sleep( 2 );
$flagAPACHE = &IsApacheRunning();
my $tmodxml = &GetNumXmlConfMod( $config{'XML_file'} );
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked =>$c,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
para3 => $para3,
para2 => $para2,
para1 => $para1,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
lab_63 => $text{'lab_63'},
lab_65 => $text{'lab_65'},
flagApplyModifs => $flagApplyModifs,
flagAPACHE => $flagAPACHE,
message => $message,
tabDTXml => $tmodxml,
lab_64 => $text{ 'lab_64' }
if (CGI::param('style')) {
$vars->{style} = &getStyle( CGI::param('style'), $vars->{checked} );
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# index.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
print "<h3>$text{'index_lines'}</h3>\n";
%lines = %{&get_session_line};
my @attr1 = @{&get_ligne_attr()} ;
#$l =Dumper(@attr) ;
#print "eric $l";
print "<h3>$text{'index_line'}</h3>\n";
#foreach (keys %lines) {
# print "$_ <br>";
print "<table border=1 bgcolor='orange'>";
my $ligne=&formcolonne(\@attr1,'name') ;
print "$ligne";
foreach (keys %lines) {
my @a;
push @a,"<a href=/lemonldap/modif_line.cgi?line=$_>$_</a>" ;
my $ctr =$_;
foreach (@attr1) {
next if $_->{name}=~/^id/i;
push @a,$lines{$ctr}->{$_->{name}}||"&nbsp";
# push @a,$lines{$_}->{cle} ;
# push @a,$lines{$_}->{valeur} ;
# push @a,$lines{$_}->{primarykey}||'&nbsp;' ;
my $ligne=&formline(\@a,) ;
print "$ligne";
print "</table>";
print "<h3>$text{'index_exp'}</h3>\n";
%exp = %{&get_session_exp};
# Display global category icons
@attr = @{&get_exp_attr()} ;
print "<table border=1 bgcolor='grey'>";
my $ligne=&formcolonne(\@attr,'name') ;
print "$ligne";
foreach (keys %exp) {
my @a;
push @a,"<a href=/lemonldap/modif_exp.cgi?exp=$_>$_</a>" ;
my $ctr=$_;
foreach (@attr) {
next if $_->{name}=~/^id/i;
push @a,$exp{$ctr}->{$_->{name}}||"&nbsp";
my $ligne=&formline(\@a,) ;
print "$ligne";
print "</table>";
my $table = tablemaj(@attr1) ;
print "<h3>$text{'create_line'}</h3>\n";
print "<form method=get target= line_create.cgi>";
print $table ;
print "<p><input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
my $table = tablemaj(@attr) ;
print "<h3>$text{'create_exp'}</h3>\n";
print "<form method=get target= exp_create.cgi>";
print $table ;
print "<p><input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
&footer("/lemonldap/session.cgi", $text{'index'});

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
desc=lemonldap websso
longdesc=Configure the powerful lemonldap websso . Supports all options in most of the standard modules.
os_support=redhat-linux mandrake-linux debian-linux

View File

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
# chargement des infos de la page #
if (! defined (CGI::param ("submitSession")) ) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "session" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $tabular = [];
my $composs;
my $mode;
my $refTimeOut;
if (CGI::param('mode') =~ /pert/) { # mode expert beaucoups plus d option
$mode='Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$flipflop= 'Normal';
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{expert} );
$refTimeOut = &getRefValueInCompo( $composs, 'idTimeOut' );
} else {
$mode ='Normal';
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{normal} );
$flipflop= 'Expert';
$composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{normal} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$styl = $config{'Style'};
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "session" );
# ( mode normal/expert )
my $flagADD = ( CGI::param( bAdd ) || CGI::param( bAddLoc ) );
my $flagREMO = ( CGI::param( bRemove ) || CGI::param( bRemoveLoc ) );
my $flagAPPLY_TO = ( CGI::param( bApplyTimeOut ));
my $sess;
my $chactif;
my $chaux;
my $idEditServ;
my $idEditPort;
my $laListeServers;
if( CGI::param( bAdd ) || CGI::param( bRemove ) ){
$chactif = 'servers';
$chaux = 'local';
$idEditServ = 'idServer';
$idEditPort = 'idPort';
$laListeServers = 'listServers';
} elsif ( CGI::param( bAddLoc ) || CGI::param( bRemoveLoc ) ){
$chactif = 'local';
$chaux = 'servers';
$idEditServ = 'idServerLoc';
$idEditPort = 'idPortLoc';
$laListeServers = 'listServersLoc';
if( $flagAPPLY_TO ){
# MAJ du paragraphe timeout
my $timou = CGI::param( 'idTimeOut' );
$sess = CGI::param( idSession );
my $ch;
if( $chapter ){
$ch = $chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams } ;
my %ches = eval( $ch );
if( !$timou ){
delete( $ches{ 'timeout' } );
$ches{ 'timeout' } = $timou;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
my $ligne = Dumper( \%ches );
my $lg = length( $ligne );
substr( $ligne, 0, 1 ) = '(';
substr( $ligne, $lg-2, 1 ) = ')';
if($chapter) {
$chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams } = $ligne;
} else {
$xmlemon->{session}->{$sess}->{SessionParams} = $ligne ;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
$chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "session" );
} elsif( $flagADD ){
# MAJ (ADD) du paragraphe servers OU local suivant le contenu $chactif et $chaux
my $nserv = CGI::param( $idEditServ );
my $nport = CGI::param( $idEditPort );
$sess = CGI::param( idSession );
my $ch;
if( $chapter ){
$ch = $chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams } ;
my %ches = eval( $ch );
my @tch = @{$ches{ $chactif }};
push( @tch, ($nserv.":".$nport) );
my %h = ( $chactif => \@tch );
if( exists( $ches{ $chaux } )) {
$h{ $chaux } = $ches{ $chaux };
if( exists( $ches{ 'timeout' } )) {
$h{ 'timeout' } = $ches{ 'timeout' };
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
my $ligne = Dumper( \%h );
my $lg = length( $ligne );
substr( $ligne, 0, 1 ) = '(';
substr( $ligne, $lg-2, 1 ) = ')';
if($chapter) {
$chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams } = $ligne;
} else {
$xmlemon->{session}->{$sess}->{SessionParams} = $ligne ;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
$chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "session" );
}elsif( $flagREMO ){
# MAJ (REMOVE) du paragraphe servers OU local suivant le contenu $chactif et $chaux
my $serpor = CGI::param( $laListeServers );
my $sess = CGI::param( idSession );
my $ch = $chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams };
my %ches = eval( $ch );
my @tch = @{$ches{ $chactif }};
my @NT;
for( @tch ){
if( !($_ eq $serpor)){
push( @NT, $_ );
if( !@NT ){
delete( $chapter->{ $sess } );
if( !keys( %{$xmlemon->{session}} )){
delete( $xmlemon->{session} );
} else {
my %h = ( $chactif => \@NT );
if( exists( $ches{ $chaux } )) {
$h{ $chaux } = $ches{ $chaux };
if( exists( $ches{ 'timeout' } )) {
$h{ 'timeout' } = $ches{ 'timeout' };
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
my $ligne = Dumper( \%h );
my $lg = length( $ligne );
substr( $ligne, 0, 1 ) = '(';
substr( $ligne, $lg-2, 1 ) = ')';
$chapter->{ $sess }->{ SessionParams } = $ligne;
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
################################################################### FIN DE TEST ET MAJ
my $combo_sessions;
## sélection de la bonne ligne dans la comboBox des sessions et ajout de l'item "ADD NEW"
my $firstL = &keyToVal( $chapter, $combo_sessions );
my $addnew = { "labOption" => $text{ lab_11 }, "idValue" => $text{ lab_11 } };
push( @{$combo_sessions}, $addnew );
########################################## TEST POUR CHANGEMENT de session
my $cbs = CGI::param( cbSession );
if( !$cbs ){
$cbs = $firstL;
if( $flagADD ){
$cbs = $sess;
my $line = $chapter->{ $cbs }->{SessionParams};
my %lines = eval( $line );
my @tabser = @{$lines{ 'servers' }}; # liste des serveurs "standard"
my @tablocser = @{$lines{ 'local' }}; # liste des serveurs "locaux"
$refTimeOut->{ 'defValue' } = $lines{ 'timeout' };
$vars= { style => $styl,
checked => $check,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
cgi => 'session.cgi',
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
parent => $0,
tab_session => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
composall => $composs,
combo_session => $combo_sessions,
list_servers => \@tabser,
list_locservers => \@tablocser,
option_selected => $cbs,
label_combo => $text{ lab_10 }
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
&redirect( "index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style" );
############ C FINI

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
[% tab_about = tab_about %]
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowMess( leMess )
if( leMess != 0 ){
alert( leMess );
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% IF flagAPACHE %]
<p class="alive" style='font-size: 1.1em;'><br>APACHE IS RUNNING<br><br></p>
[% ELSE %]
<p class="dead" style='font-size: 1.1em;'><br>APACHE IS DEAD<br><br></p>
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_about %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER div_pre %]
<FORM action="index.cgi" method=get >
[%- PROCESS radio_col
autosubmit => '1'
title =>'Styles'
nom => 'style'
label_0 => 'Old Maps'
label_1 => 'Electro'
label_2 => 'Golf'
checked => checked
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
[% langa.welcome %]<p> <table border=0><tr><td class="tdg">config xml</td><td class="tdd">[% para3 %]</td></tr><tr><td class="tdg">config httpd</td><td class="tdd">[% para2 %]</td></tr>
&nbsp;[%PROCESS bouton_plus
nom => 'noname'
label => 'module config'
link => '/config.cgi?lemongui4webmin'
[% IF tabDTXml.size > 0 %]
[% WRAPPER tcombo150B
idLabel= lab_64
idSelect= "cbHistor"
[% FOREACH item IN tabDTXml %]
[% PROCESS one_option
idValue= item
labOption= item
isSelected= ''
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% IF flagApplyModifs %]
<tr style='font-size: 0.7em;'>
<td >
<input type='Submit' name='ApplyModifs' value="[% lab_63 %]" class="bouton_0">
<input type='Submit' name='DiscardModifs' value="[% lab_65 %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% INCLUDE ForApache %]
[% ELSE %]
<tr style='font-size: 0.7em;'>
<td >
<input type='Submit' name='ApplyModifs' value="[% lab_63 %]" class="bouton_0dd" DISABLED>
<input type='Submit' name='DiscardModifs' value="[% lab_65 %]" class="bouton_0dd" DISABLED>
[% INCLUDE ForApache %]
[% END %]
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>
[% END %]
ShowMess( "[% message %]" );
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
[% BLOCK ForApache %]
<input type='Submit' name='GenerConfigFiles' value="Gener. Apache config files" class="bouton_0" >
[% IF flagAPACHE %]
<input type='Submit' name='StopApache' value="STOP Apache-perl" class="bouton_0" >
<input type='Submit' name='RestartApache' value="RESTART Apache-perl" class="bouton_0" >
[% ELSE %]
<input type='Submit' name='StartApache' value="START Apache-perl" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[% END %]

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
<cache id="config0" />
<session id="unServerDeSess"
'servers' =&gt; [
" />

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowMess( leMess )
if( leMess != 0 ){
alert( leMess );
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_about %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
<form method=get>
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% laValue = item.defValue %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'idn' AND nodeID %]
[% laValue = nodeID %]
[% END %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'Addressn' AND nodeSimple %]
[% laValue = nodeSimple %]
[% END %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'Locationn' AND nodeLoc %]
[% laValue = nodeLoc %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = laValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "labcheck" %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "tListe" %]
[% idLab = item.labLabel %]
[% idVis = item.nbVisible %]
[% idSel = item.idSelect %]
[% FuncJS = item.FuncJS %]
[% IF combonodes.size > "0" %]
[% nbVis = idVis %]
[% IF combonodes.size < 9 %]
[% nbVis = combonodes.size + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = idLab
idSelect = idSel
nbVisible = nbVis
[% FOREACH item IN combonodes %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue = item
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
<h5>New node</H5>
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% CASE "addRemove" %]
[% BType = 'Hidden' %]
[% nomRemo = 'NillName' %]
[% IF flagShowRemo %]
[% BType = 'Submit' %]
[% nomRemo = item.nom_r %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS bouton_addRemove2
nom_a = item.nom_a
label_a = item.label_a
nom_r = nomRemo
label_r = item.label_r
idBRemo = item.idBRemo
btype = BType
<BR><BR> </DIV>
[% END %]
[% END %]
ShowMess( "[% message %]" );
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
[% KK = { Portal = ' portal '
BasePub = ' basepub '
BasePriv = ' basepriv '
EnableLWPProxy = ' enablelwpproxy '
Organization = ' organization '
AppliCode = ' applicode '
DisableAccessControl = ' disableaccesscontrol '
StopCookie = ' stopcookie '
ChaseRedirect = ' chaseredirect '
ProxyExt = ' proxyext '
ProxyPatterns = ' proxypatterns '
MultiHoming = ' multihoming '
LWPTimeout = ' lwptimeout '
SoftControl = ' softcontrol '
Header = ' header '
Allow = ' allow '
PolicyPlugIn = ' policyplugin '
RewritePlugIn = ' rewriteplugin '
HeaderPlugIn = ' headerplugin '
BackendPlugIn = ' backendplugin '
} %] [% para = handler %]
[% IF type == 'byIPAdress' %]<virtualhost [% handler.IPAdress %]>[% ELSE %]<virtualhost *:80>[% END %]
ServerName [% serverName %]
perltranshandler Lemonldap::Handlers::Generic4a2
[% FOREACH key = para.keys %] PerlSetVar [% KK.$key %] [% para.$key %]
[% END %]

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<div class="ConfStyle">

View File

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowRemoveHandler()
var cop = document.getElementById( 'idRemoHandler' );
cop.type = "Submit";
cop.name = "DeleteHandler";
return false;
function ShowMess( leMess )
if( leMess != 0 ){
alert( leMess );
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_session %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<form name="laForm" method=get>
[% flagExpert = 0 %]
[% itemToSel = option_selected %]
[% labCombo = label_combo %]
[% labComboSel = label_comboSess %]
[% itemSessionSel = selected_session %]
[% WRAPPER tcombo
idLabel= labCombo
[% FOREACH item IN combo_domain %]
[% tosel = '' %]
[% IF item.idValue == itemToSel %]
[% tosel = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS one_option
idValue= item.idValue
labOption= item.labOption
isSelected= tosel
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "labcheck" %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "tListe" %]
[% idLab = item.labLabel %]
[% idVis = 0 %]
[% idSel = item.idSelect %]
[% FuncJS = item.FuncJS %]
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = idLab
idSelect = idSel
nbVisible = idVis
[% FOREACH item IN list_handlers %]
[% PROCESS one_itemA
idValue = item.idValue
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% CASE "applyIL" %]
[% IF flag_ShowEditHandler == 1 %]
[% PROCESS buton_applyIL
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
<input id="idRemoHandler" type="hidden" name="hidDeleteHandler" value="[% lab_56 %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% valdef = item.defValue %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'idDomain' %]
[% valdef = itemToSel %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = valdef
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% IF item.id_input == 'idDomain' %]
<input id="idDelDom" type="submit" name="DeleteDomain" value="[% lab_57 %]" class="bouton_0"
style="position: absolute; left: 50%;" >
[% END %]
[% CASE "labedit54" %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'slavecda' %]
[% flagExpert = 1 %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% END %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit54
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "combo_sessions" %]
[% WRAPPER tcombo150B
idLabel= labComboSel
[% FOREACH item IN combo_sessions %]
[% tosel = '' %]
[% IF item.idValue == itemSessionSel %]
[% tosel = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS one_option
idValue= item.idValue
labOption= item.labOption
isSelected= tosel
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% IF flagExpert == 1 %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
[% END %]
ShowMess( "[% message %]" );
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowRemoveHomed()
var cop = document.getElementById( 'bRemoveHomed' );
cop.type = "Submit";
cop.name = "RemoveHomed";
function ShowAddDispo()
var cop = document.getElementById( 'bAddDispo' );
cop.type = "Submit";
cop.name = "AddDispo";
function ShowMess( leMess )
if( leMess != 0 ){
alert( leMess );
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_session %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<form method=get>
<div class="ConfStyle">
[% lab6 = lab_6 %]
[% lab7 = lab_7 %]
[% lab42 = lab_42 %]
[% lab43 = lab_43 %]
[% flagExpert = 0 %]
[% itemToSel = option_selected %]
[% flagHOMER = flag_homer %]
[% homerChecked = '' %]
[% IF flagHOMER == 1 %]
[% homerChecked = 'CHECKED' %]
[% END %]
[% WRAPPER tcombo150
idLabel = labCombo
idSelect = "cbHandlers"
[% FOREACH item IN combo_handlers %]
[% tosel = '' %]
[% IF item.idValue == itemToSel %]
[% tosel = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS one_option
idValue = item.idValue
labOption = item.labOption
isSelected = tosel
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% selHOMING = '' %]
[% selCOMBO = '' %]
[% selGENER = '' %]
[% IF type_homer == 'MultiHomingType' %]
[% selHOMING = 'SELECTED' %]
[% ELSIF type_homer == 'GenericType' %]
[% selGENER = 'SELECTED' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% selCOMBO = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
<B style="padding-left: 20px;">Type</B>
<SELECT name=selTypeHandler class="ListSELECT" style="font-size: 1.0em;" onChange='this.form.submit();' >
<OPTION value=MultiHomingType class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.0em;" [% selHOMING %] >Multi homing</OPTION>
<OPTION value=CombinedType class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.0em;" [% selCOMBO %] >Combined</OPTION>
<OPTION value=GenericType class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.0em;" [% selGENER %] >Generic</OPTION>
[% selHostName = '' %]
[% selHostIPA = '' %]
[% flagBYIP = 0 %]
[% IF virtual_host == 'byName' %]
[% selHostName = 'SELECTED' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% selHostIPA = 'SELECTED' %]
[% flagBYIP = 1 %]
[% END %]
<B style="padding-left: 20px;">Virtual Host</B>
<SELECT name=selVirtualHost class="ListSELECT" style="font-size: 1.1em;" onChange='this.form.submit();' >
<OPTION value=byIPAdress class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.1em;" [% selHostIPA %] >By IP adress</OPTION>
<OPTION value=byName class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.1em;" [% selHostName %] >By Name</OPTION>
[% IF flagAddHandler %]
<input id="idAssistCreate" type="submit" name="AssistCreator" value="[% lab_58 %]" class="bouton_0"
style="position: absolute; left: 22%;" >
[% END %]
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
<input type=hidden name=idDomain value="[% domaine %]" >
<input type=hidden name=ExHandler value="[% exHandler %]" >
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "logLevList" %]
<LABEL>[% item.labLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name='[% item.id_input %]' class="ListSELECT" >
[% selElem = item.defValue %]
[% IF !selElem %] [% selElem = 'notice' %] [% END %]
[% FOREACH elem IN logLevels %]
[% select = '' %]
[% IF elem == selElem %] [% select = 'SELECTED' %] [% END %]
<OPTION value='[% elem %]' class="ListSELECTA" [% select %] >[% elem %]</OPTION>
[% END %]
<i>[% item.labHint %]</i>
[% CASE "listAllNone" %]
<LABEL>[% item.labLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=selAllow class="ListSELECT" >
[% selallnone = '' %]
[% IF item.defValue == 'ALL' %] [% selallnone = 'SELECTED' %] [% END %]
<OPTION value=ALL class="ListSELECTA" [% selallnone %] >ALL</OPTION>
[% selallnone = '' %]
[% IF item.defValue == 'NONE' %] [% selallnone = 'SELECTED' %] [% END %]
<OPTION value=NONE class="ListSELECTA" [% selallnone %] >NONE</OPTION>
<i>[% item.labHint %]</i>
[% CASE "labeditLWP" %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% END %]
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% valdef = item.defValue %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'idHandler' %]
[% valdef = itemToSel %]
[% END %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'PlugInPolicy' %]
[% flagExpert = 1 %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
<p style='font-size: 1.5em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;'>C O R E</p>
[% END %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'MotifIn' OR item.id_input == 'MotifOut' %]
[% IF selCOMBO == 'SELECTED' %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = valdef
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'IPAdress' %]
[% IF flagBYIP %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = valdef
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = valdef
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'idHandler' AND !flagAddHandler AND flagHOMER == 1 %]
[% INCLUDE DeuxListes %]
[% END %]
[% CASE "labedit54" %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit54
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "labcheck" %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'Recursive' %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% END %]
[% CASE "labcheckLWP" %]
[% IF item.isChecked == 'CHECKED' %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% END %]
[% PROCESS lab_checkLWP
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% IF flagExpert == 1 %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
[% END %]
ShowMess( "[% message %]" );
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>
[% BLOCK DeuxListes %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = lab42
idSelect = 'listHomed'
FuncJS = 'ShowRemoveHomed();'
nbVisible = 5
[% FOREACH item IN homed_handlers %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue = item
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input id="bRemoveHomed" type="hidden" name="RemoveHomedHid" value="[% lab7 %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = lab43
idSelect = 'listDispo'
FuncJS = 'ShowAddDispo();'
nbVisible = 5
[% FOREACH item IN dispo_handlers %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue = item
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input id="bAddDispo" type="hidden" name="AddDispoHid" value="[% lab6 %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowMess( leMess )
if( leMess != 0 ){
alert( leMess );
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_session %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
[% helpText %]
<form method=get>
<div class="ConfStyle">
[% lab6 = lab_6 %]
[% lab7 = lab_7 %]
[% lab42 = lab_42 %]
[% lab43 = lab_43 %]
[% flagExpert = 0 %]
<B style="padding-left: 20px;">Type</B>
<SELECT name=selTypeHandler class="ListSELECT" style="font-size: 1.0em;" >
<OPTION value=GenericType class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.0em;" SELECTED >Generic</OPTION>
[% selHostName = '' %]
[% selHostIPA = '' %]
[% IF virtual_host == 'byName' %]
[% selHostName = 'SELECTED' %]
[% ELSE %]
[% selHostIPA = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
<B style="padding-left: 20px;">Virtual Host</B>
<SELECT name=selVirtualHost class="ListSELECT" style="font-size: 1.1em;" >
<OPTION value=byIPAdress class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.1em;" [% selHostIPA %] >By IP adress</OPTION>
<OPTION value=byName class="ListSELECTO" style="font-size: 1.1em;" [% selHostName %] >By Name</OPTION>
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
<input type=hidden name=idDomain value="[% domaine %]" >
<input type=hidden name=ExHandler value="[% exHandler %]" >
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "listAllNone" %]
<LABEL>[% item.labLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=selAllow class="ListSELECT" >
[% selallnone = '' %]
[% IF item.defValue == 'ALL' %] [% selallnone = 'SELECTED' %] [% END %]
<OPTION value=ALL class="ListSELECTO" [% selallnone %] >ALL</OPTION>
[% selallnone = '' %]
[% IF item.defValue == 'NONE' %] [% selallnone = 'SELECTED' %] [% END %]
<OPTION value=NONE class="ListSELECTO" [% selallnone %] >NONE</OPTION>
<i>[% item.labHint %]</i>
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "labedit54" %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit54
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "labcheck" %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "labcheckLWP" %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% IF flagExpert == 1 %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input type="Hidden" name="IDX_WIZARD" value="[% IDX_ASSIST %]" >
<div align="center">
[% IF IDX_ASSIST > 0 %]
<input type="Button" name="AssistCreate_Back" value="[% lab_prev %]" class="bouton_0"
[% END %]
[% IF IDX_ASSIST < 3 %]
<input type="Submit" name="AssistCreate_Next" value="[% lab_next %]" class="bouton_0">
[% END %]
[% IF IDX_ASSIST == 3 %]
<input type="Submit" name="AssistCreate_Next" value="[% lab_27 %]" class="bouton_0">
[% END %]
ShowMess( "[% message %]" );
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/lemonconf/css/conf_style.css">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="The initial installation of Debian apache-perl.">
<TITLE>[% title %]</TITLE>

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% PROCESS tabs_4 %]
[% WRAPPER div_pre %]
<FORM action="index.cgi" method=get >
[%- PROCESS radio_col
autosubmit => '1'
title =>'Style:'
nom => 'style'
label_0 => 'Old Maps'
label_1 => 'Electro'
label_2 => 'Golf'
checked => checked
[% about %]
[% END %]
[%- PROCESS footer -%]

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS /var/www/lemonconfig/templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
style => 'simpage'
title => 'ma premiere lemon'
<h1> Lemonldap configurateur</h1>
<FORM action="/guilemon/index.cgi" method=get >
[%- PROCESS radio
autosubmit => '1'
title =>'Style:'
nom => 'style'
label_0 => 'Old Maps'
label_1 => 'Electro'
checked => '1'
[%- PROCESS footer -%]

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS /var/www/lemonconfig/templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
style => 'conf_style'
title => 'ma premiere lemon'
<h1> Lemonldap configurateur</h1>
<FORM action="/guilemon/index.cgi" method=get >
[%- PROCESS radio
autosubmit => '1'
title =>'Style:'
nom => 'style'
label_0 => 'Old Maps'
label_1 => 'Electro'
checked => '0'
[%- PROCESS footer -%]

View File

@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
[%# --------header ------------------------------------------------------ %]
[% BLOCK header %]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/lemongui4webmin/css/[% style %].css">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="The initial installation of Debian apache-perl.">
<TITLE>[% title %]</TITLE>
[% PROCESS double_bouton_tl
nom_0 =>'module_config'
label_0 =>'module config'
link_0 => '/config.cgi?lemongui4webmin'
nom_1 =>'webmin'
label_1 =>'webmin'
link_1 => '/'
[% haut= {
nom = 'switch_mode'
label = label
link = '/lemongui4webmin/'
cgi =cgi
style= css
haut.link ="$haut.link$haut.cgi?mode=$haut.label&style=$haut.style"
[% IF label != '0' %]
[% PROCESS bouton_tr
nom =>haut.nom
label =>haut.label
link => haut.link
[% END %]
[% IF mode == 'Expert' %]
<img src='/lemongui4webmin/images/theExpert.jpg' style="position:absolute ; left: 40%; top: 2px;">
[% ELSE %]
<img src='/lemongui4webmin/images/theNormal.jpg' style="position:absolute ; left: 40%; top: 2px;">
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%# --------footer ------------------------------------------------------ %]
[% BLOCK footer %]
[% END %]
[%# --------radio 2 ------------------------------------------------------ %]
[% BLOCK radio_2 %]
<LABEL>[%- title -%]</LABEL>
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_0 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_0 %]"
[%- IF checked == '0' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_1 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_1 %]"
[%- IF checked == '1' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%# --------radio 3 ------------------------------------------------------ %]
[% BLOCK radio_3 %]
<LABEL>[%- title -%]</LABEL>
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_0 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_0 %]"
[%- IF checked == '0' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_1 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_1 %]"
[%- IF checked == '1' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_2 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_2 %]"
[%- IF checked == '2' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
[% IF vertical == 1 %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%# --------Presentation extrait de code DIV - PRE -------------- %]
[% BLOCK div_pre %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ ONGLETS nb variable vari_tabs -------------- %]
[% BLOCK vari_tabs %]
<div class="tabs">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK one_tab %]
<a href= "[% link %]" class="[% etatab %]" >
[% labTab %]
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ SELECT-OPTION nb variable tcombo -------------- %]
[% BLOCK tcombo %]
<LABEL style="width: 180px; ">[% idLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=[% idSelect %] class="SELECT" onChange ="this.form.submit()">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ SELECT-OPTION nb variable tcombo -------------- %]
[% BLOCK tcombo150 %]
<LABEL style="width: 150px; ">[% idLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=[% idSelect %] class="SELECT" onChange ="this.form.submit()">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK tcombo150B %]
<LABEL style="width: 150px; ">[% idLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=[% idSelect %] class="SELECT" >
[% content %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK one_option %]
<OPTION value="[% idValue %]" class="SELECTO" [% isSelected %]>[% labOption %]</OPTION>
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ SELECT-OPTION WITH SIZE variable tlist -------------- %]
[% BLOCK tlist %]
<LABEL style="width: 200px; font-size: 0.9em; ">[% idLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=[% idSelect %] class="ListSELECT" SIZE=[% nbVisible %] " onChange="[% FuncJS %]">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK tlistIL %]
<LABEL style="width: 150px; font-size: 0.9em; ">[% idLabel %]</LABEL>
<SELECT name=[% idSelect %] class="ListSELECT" SIZE=[% nbVisible %] " onChange="[% FuncJS %]">
[% content %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK one_item %]
<OPTION value=[% idValue %] class="ListSELECTO" >[% idValue %]</OPTION>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK one_itemA %]
<OPTION value=[% idValue %] class="ListSELECTA" >[% idValue %]</OPTION>
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ TROIS PETITS ONGLETS tabs_3 -------------- %]
[% BLOCK tabs_3 %]
<div class="tabs">
<a href= "[% link_0 %]" class="[% etatab_0 %]" >
[% labTab_0 %]
<a href= "[% link_1 %]" class="[% etatab_1 %]">
[% labTab_1 %]
<a href= "[% link_2 %]" class="[% etatab_2 %]">
[% labTab_2 %]
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ QUATRE PETITS ONGLETS tabs_4 -------------- %]
[% BLOCK tabs_4 %]
<div class="tabs">
<a href= "[% link_0 %]" class="[% etatab_0 %]" >
[% labTab_0 %]
<a href= "[% link_1 %]" class="[% etatab_1 %]">
[% labTab_1 %]
<a href= "[% link_2 %]" class="[% etatab_2 %]">
[% labTab_2 %]
<a href= "[% link_3 %]" class="[% etatab_3 %]">
[% labTab_3 %]
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ DOUBLE-BOUTON - TOP LEFT -------------- %]
[% BLOCK double_bouton_tl %]
<div class="posit_TL">
<input type="button" name="[% nom_0 %]" value="[% label_0 %]"
onClick="self.location.href='[% link_0 %]'" class="bouton_0" >
<input type="button" name="[% nom_1 %]" value="[% label_1 %]"
onClick="self.location.href='[% link_1 %]'" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ SIMPLE-BOUTON - TOP RIGHT-------------- %]
[% BLOCK bouton_tr %]
<div class="posit_TR">
<input type="button" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label %]"
onClick="self.location.href='[% link %]'" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ BOUTON "EN LIGNE" -------------- %]
[% BLOCK bouton_plus %]
<input type="button" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label %]"
onClick="self.location.href='[% link %]'" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ BOUTON "ADD" -------------- %]
[% BLOCK bouton_add %]
<input type="button" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label %]"
onClick="addServeurPort()" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ 3 ligne de boutons radios -------------- %]
[% BLOCK radio_col %]
<div class="LABG">[% title %]</div><BR>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_0 %]"
[%- IF checked == '0' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_0 %]</SPAN><BR>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_1 %]"
[%- IF checked == '1' -%]
[% END %]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_1 %]</SPAN><BR>
<input type="radio" name="[% nom %]" value="[% label_2 %]"
[%- IF checked == '2' -%]
[%- END -%]
[% IF autosubmit == '1' %]
onChange ="this.form.submit()"
[% END %]
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_2 %]</SPAN>
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ LABEL et INPUT ------------- %]
[% BLOCK lab_edit %]
<LABEL>[% labLabel %]</LABEL>
<INPUT name="[% id_input %]" size="27" maxlength="27" VALUE="[% defValue %]" class="INPUTR" >
<i>[% labHint %]</i>
<INPUT type=hidden name=_[% id_input %] VALUE="[% hidDefValue %]" >
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ LABEL et INPUT 54 car ------------- %]
[% BLOCK lab_edit54 %]
<LABEL>[% labLabel %]</LABEL>
<INPUT name="[% id_input %]" size="40" maxlength="54" VALUE="[% defValue %]" class="INPUTR" >
<i>[% labHint %]</i>
<INPUT type=hidden name=_[% id_input %] VALUE="[% hidDefValue %]" >
[% END %]
[%# ----------------- CHECK BOX ------------------- %]
[% BLOCK lab_check %]
<LABEL>[% labLabel %]</LABEL>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name=[% id_input %] class="OPTION" [% isChecked %]>
<i>[% labHint %]</i>
[% END %]
[% BLOCK lab_checkLWP %]
<LABEL>[% labLabel %]</LABEL>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name=[% id_input %] class="OPTION" [% isChecked %] OnChange='this.form.submit();' >
<i>[% labHint %]</i>
[% END %]
[%# ----------------- CHECK BOX inline ------------------- %]
[% BLOCK lab_checkIL %]
<B style="Display: inline; Margin-left: 25px;">[% labLabel %]</B>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name=[% id_input %] class="OPTION" [% isChecked %] OnChange="[% funcOnChange %]" >
<i>[% labHint %]</i>
[% END %]
[%# ----------------- BUTTON SUBMIT ------------------- %]
[% BLOCK buton_submit %]
<div class="posit_C">
<INPUT type="Submit" name=[% id_input %] class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[%# ----------------- BUTTON APPLY ------------------- %]
[% BLOCK buton_apply %]
<div class="posit_C">
<INPUT type="Submit" name=[% id_input %] class="bouton_0" Value="[% id_value %]">
[% END %]
[% BLOCK buton_applyIL %]
<div style="DISPLAY: inline; Margin-left: 25px;">
<INPUT type="Submit" name=[% id_input %] class="bouton_0" Value="[% id_value %]">
[% END %]
[%# ------------------ BOUTON "ADD_REMOVE" -------------- %]
[% BLOCK bouton_addRemove %]
<div class="posit_C">
<input type="Submit" name=[% nom_a %] value=[% label_a %]
onClick="[% funcJS_a %]" class="bouton_0" >
<input id="[% idBRemo %]" type="hidden" name=[% nom_r %] value=[% label_r %]
onClick="[% funcJS_r %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[% BLOCK bouton_addRemove2 %]
<div class="posit_C">
<input type="Submit" name="[% nom_a %]" value="[% label_a %]"
onClick="[% funcJS_a %]" class="bouton_0" >
<input id="[% idBRemo %]" type="[% btype %]" name="[% nom_r %]" value="[% label_r %]"
onClick="[% funcJS_r %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]
[% BLOCK bouton_addRemoveIL %]
<div class="posit_C">
<input type="Submit" name=[% nom_a %] value="[% label_a %]"
onClick="[% funcJS_a %]" class="bouton_0" >
<input id="[% idBRemo %]" type="hidden" name="[% nom_r %]" value="[% label_r %]"
onClick="[% funcJS_r %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% END %]

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_0 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name=[% nom %] value="0" class="OPTION">
<SPAN class = "OPTION">[% label_1 %]</SPAN>
<input type="radio" name=[% nom %] value="1" class="OPTION">

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<LABEL>[% label %]</LABEL>
<input type="radio" name=[% nom %] value="1" class="OPTION">
<input type="radio" name=[% nom %] value="0" class="OPTION">

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
function ShowRemoveServer()
var cop = document.getElementById( 'idRemo' );
cop.type = "Submit";
cop.name = "bRemove";
function ShowRemoveLocalServer()
var cop = document.getElementById( 'idRemoLoc' );
cop.type = "Submit";
cop.name = "bRemoveLoc";
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_session %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<form method=get>
[% itemToSel = option_selected %]
[% labCombo = label_combo %]
[% WRAPPER tcombo
idLabel= labCombo
[% FOREACH item IN combo_session %]
[% tosel = '' %]
[% IF item.idValue == itemToSel %]
[% tosel = 'SELECTED' %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS one_option
idValue= item.idValue
labOption= item.labOption
isSelected= tosel
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
[% flagFirst = 1 %]
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% valdef = item.defValue %]
[% IF item.id_input == 'idSession' %]
[% valdef = itemToSel %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = valdef
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% IF item.id_input == 'idTimeOut' %]
[% END %]
[% CASE "addRemove" %]
[% PROCESS bouton_addRemove
nom_a = item.nom_a
label_a = item.label_a
funcJS_a = item.funcJS_a
nom_r = item.nom_r
label_r = item.label_r
funcJS_r = item.funcJS_r
idBRemo = item.idBRemo
[% CASE "tListe" %]
[% idLab = item.labLabel %]
[% idVis = item.nbVisible %]
[% idSel = item.idSelect %]
[% FuncJS = item.FuncJS %]
[% laListe = list_servers %]
[% WRAPPER tlist
idLabel= idLab
idSelect= idSel
nbVisible = idVis
[% IF flagFirst == 1 %]
[% laListe = list_servers %]
[% ELSE %]
[% laListe = list_locservers %]
[% END %]
[% FOREACH item IN laListe %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue= item
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF mode == 'Expert' AND flagFirst == 1 %]
[% flagFirst = 0 %]
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% END %]
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% IF mode == 'Expert' AND flagFirst == 0 %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
<cache id="config0" />

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
[% PROCESS templates/mycomposant.tt -%]
[%- PROCESS header
title => title
style => style
<h1> [% title %] </h1>
[% WRAPPER vari_tabs %]
[% FOREACH item IN tab_about %]
[% PROCESS one_tab
link= item.link
etatab= item.etatab
labTab= item.labTab
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="ConfStyle">
<form method=get>
<input type=hidden name=mode value="[% mode %]" >
<input type=hidden name=style value="[% css %]" >
[% FOREACH item IN composall %]
[% SWITCH item.type %]
[% CASE "labedit" %]
[% PROCESS lab_edit
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
defValue = item.defValue
hidDefValue = item.defValue
[% CASE "labcheck" %]
[% PROCESS lab_check
labLabel = item.labLabel
labHint = item.labHint
id_input = item.id_input
isChecked= item.isChecked
[% CASE "apply" %]
[% PROCESS buton_apply
id_input = item.id_input
id_value = item.id_value
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%- PROCESS footer -%]
<br><a class="PetiFont">[[% parent %] with [% template.name %] ] (version 0.01)</a>

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<DIV class="ExpertStyle">
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = lab42
idSelect = 'listHomed'
FuncJS = 'ShowRemoveHomed();'
nbVisible = 5
[% FOREACH item IN homed_handlers %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue = item
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input id="bRemoveHomed" type="hidden" name="RemoveHomedHid" value="[% lab7 %]" class="bouton_0" >
[% WRAPPER tlistIL
idLabel = lab43
idSelect = 'listDispo'
FuncJS = 'ShowAddDispo();'
nbVisible = 5
[% FOREACH item IN dispo_handlers %]
[% PROCESS one_item
idValue = item
[% END %]
[% END %]
<input id="bAddDispo" type="hidden" name="AddDispoHid" value="[% lab6 %]" class="bouton_0" >

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use Template;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $tt = Template->new( {# ABSOLUTE => 1,
POST_CHOMP =>1, } );
# chargement des infos de la page #
if (! defined (CGI::param ("submitTtlConfig")) ) {
my $conf = &getXmlPage( "ttlconfig" );
my $filethtml = $conf->{template};
my $title = $text{ &dePourCent( $conf->{title} ) };
my $_style = CGI::param('style')||$config{Style};
my $tabular = [];
$mode = 'Expert' ;
$tabular = &getTab( $conf->{tabs}->{expert} );
$tabular = &polyGlotTab( $tabular, \%text );
$tabular = &ajustLink ($tabular,$mode,$_style);
$flipflop = 'Normal';
$tab_active = '2' ;
$styl = $config{'Style'};
my $composs = &getAllComposants( $conf->{composants}->{expert} );
$composs = &polyGlotTab( $composs, \%text );
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cache" );
&TransformVars( $composs, $chapter );
# my $dump1 = Dumper( $composs );
# my $dump2 = Dumper( $chapter );
my $valab = getRefValueInCompo( $composs, "LastModified" );
my @fk = keys( %{$chapter} );
$valab->{ isChecked } = $chapter->{ $fk[0] }->{ LastModified } ? "CHECKED" : "";
$vars= { style => $styl,
title => $title,
mode => $mode,
css => $_style,
label => $flipflop,
parent => $0,
tab_about => $tabular,
langa => \%text,
composall => $composs
$vars->{style} = &getStyle($styl, $vars->{checked});
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
$tt->process($filethtml,$vars) || die $tt->error();
# print("<BR><HR>Dump = $dump1 <HR><BR>");
# print("<BR><HR>Dump = $dump2 <HR><BR>");
} else { ## Traitement du "SUBMIT"
# print "Content-type: text/html\n";
# print( "\n" );
my @lo =CGI::param();
# my $l =Dumper(@lo);
# print "$l";
# print( "<BR>" );
my $_style = CGI::param('style');
my $mode = CGI::param('mode');
my $old_clexml = CGI::param('_id');
my $new_clexml = CGI::param('id');
my $ttl = CGI::param('ConfigTtl') ;
(my $lastm) = CGI::param('LastModified')=~ /on/i;
my $path=CGI::param('ConfigIpcKey');
my $hash = {} ;
$hash->{'ConfigTtl'} = $ttl if $ttl;
$hash->{'LastModified'} = $lastm if $lastm;
$hash->{'ConfigFile'} = $path if $path;
my $xmlemon = getXML( $config{'XML_file'} );
my $chapter = getChapterXML( $xmlemon, "cache" );
# my $l= Dumper ($chapter);
# print "avant <BR>$l";
# print( "<BR>" );
delete $chapter->{$old_clexml};
# print "old $old_clexml";
# print( "<BR>" );
$chapter->{$new_clexml}= $hash;
# $l= Dumper ($chapter);
# print "apres <BR> $l";
###### ecriture par XMLOUT #############
&writeXML( $xmlemon, $config{'XML_file'});
#### affichage de la page ttconfig sur param
# $l= Dumper ($xmlemon);
# print "final $l";
&redirect( "index.cgi?mode=$mode&style=$_style" );
############ C FINI

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
# un_domain.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
#my $l=Dumper (%in) ;
#print "eric $l" ;
%un_domain= %{&get_un_domain($domain)};
print "<h3>$domain</h3>\n";
print "<form method=get action=delete_domain.cgi>";
print "<b>$text{confirm}:</b><input type=checkbox name=confirm value=yes>";
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=submit name=delete value=delete>";
print "</form>";
#$l =Dumper (%un_domain);
#print "eric1 $l";
my @tab= @{&get_domain_attr()} ;
#$l = Dumper(@tab);
#print "$l eric2";
print "<form method=get action=update_domain.cgi >" ;
print "<table border=1>";
my %cle;
foreach (keys %un_domain) {
$cle{lc($_)} = $un_domain{$_};
#$l= Dumper (%cle);
#print "eric $l\n";
foreach (@tab) {
my $ligne;
my %control =%{$_};
next if $control{name} eq 'id';
$control{value} = $cle{lc($control{name})} if exists $cle{lc($control{name})} ;
if ($control{liste}) { $ligne=&formradiomaj(%control);
} else { $ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;}
print "$ligne\n";
#$l = Dumper(%control);
#print "<p>$l eric3";
print "</table>";
print "<p>";
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
print "<hr>";
print "<h3>Hanlders</h3>\n";
my %hand =%{$un_domain{handler}};
#$l = Dumper(%hand);
#print "<p>$l eric3";
print "<table border =1>";
foreach (keys %hand){
print "<tr><td><a href=\"/lemonldap/un_handler.cgi?domain=$domain&handler=$_\" >$_</a></td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<hr>";
print "<h3>Add hanlder</h3>\n";
my @tab= @{&get_handler_attr()} ;
#my $l = Dumper(@tab);
#print "$l eric";
print "<form method=get action=create_handler.cgi >" ;
print "<table border=1>";
foreach (@tab) {
my $ligne;
my %control =%{$_};
if ($control{liste}) { $ligne=&formradio(%control);
} else { $ligne=&formtext(%control) ;}
print $ligne;
print "</table>";
print "<p>";
print "<p><b> $text{add_httpd} $config{httpd_conf}<b></p>" ;
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<table>";
$control{name} ="virtualhost_line" ;
$control{value} = '';
$ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;
print "$ligne";
$control{name} ="servername" ;
$control{value} = '';
$ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;
print $ligne;
$control{name} ="perltranshandler" ;
$control{value} = 'Lemonldap::Handlers::Generic';
$ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;
print $ligne;
$control{name} ="lemonldaphandlerid" ;
$control{value} = 'yes';
$ligne=&formcasemaj(%control) ;
print $ligne;
print "</table>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
&footer("/lemonldap", $text{'index'});

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
# un_handler.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $handler= $in{'handler'};
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
print "$domain -- $handler";
my %hand = %{&get_un_handler($domain,$handler)};
my @tab= @{&get_handler_attr()} ;
print "<form method=get action=delete_handler.cgi>";
print "<b>$text{confirm}:</b><input type=checkbox name=confirm value=yes>";
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=hidden name=handler value=$handler>";
print "<input type=submit name=delete value=delete>";
print "</form>";
print "<form method=get action=update_handler.cgi >" ;
print "<table border=1>";
my %cle;
foreach (keys %hand) {
$cle{lc($_)} = $hand{$_};
#$l= Dumper (%cle);
#print "eric $l\n";
foreach (@tab) {
my $ligne;
my %control =%{$_};
next if $control{name} eq 'id';
$control{value} = $cle{lc($control{name})} if exists $cle{lc($control{name})} ;
if ($control{liste}) { $ligne=&formradiomaj(%control);
} else { $ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;}
print $ligne;
#$l = Dumper(%control);
#print "<p>$l eric3";
print "</table>";
print "<p>";
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=hidden name=handler value=$handler>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
print "<hr>";
print "<h3>$config{httpd_conf}</h3>\n";
my $c= &find_handler_in_httpd($config{httpd_conf},$handler);
my @httpd =@{&get_param_httpd($c)};
my @htab= @{&get_handler_attr_httpd()} ;
my %hcle;
foreach (@httpd) {
next if $_->{name} !~ /perlsetvar/i ;
my $cle = lc($_->{words}->[0] ) ;
my $value = $_->{words}->[1];
$hcle{$cle}= $value;
print "<form method=get action=update_handler_httpd.cgi >" ;
print "<table border=1>";
foreach (@htab) {
my $ligne;
my %control =%{$_};
$control{value} = $hcle{$control{name}} if exists $hcle{$control{name}} ;
if ($control{liste}) { $ligne=&formradiomaj(%control);
} else { $ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;}
print "$ligne\n";
#$l = Dumper(%control);
#print "<p>$l eric3";
print "</table>";
print "<p>";
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=hidden name=handler value=$handler>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
print "<hr>";
print "<h3>$config{httpd_conf} features</h3>\n";
print "<form method=get action=update_handler_httpd_ng.cgi >" ;
print "<input type=hidden name=domain value=$domain>";
print "<input type=hidden name=handler value=$handler>";
print "<table border=1>";
my $lh = "&lt;" .$c->{name}." ".$c->{value}."&gt;";
$control{name} =$c->{line} ;
$control{value} = $lh;
$ligne=&formtextfixed(%control) ;
print $ligne;
my @httpdng =@{&get_param_httpd($c)};
foreach (@httpdng) {
next if $_->{name} eq 'dummy';
my %control;
my $lh = $_->{name}." ".$_->{value};
$control{name} =$_->{line} ;
$control{value} = $lh;
my $ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;
print $ligne;
my $fin=$c->{eline} ;
my $enplus=$fin;
$lh ="";
$control{name} =$fin;
$control{value} = $lh;
$ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;
print $ligne;
$fin ++;
my $lh = "&lt;/virtualhost&gt;";
$control{name} =$fin ;
$control{value} = $lh;
$ligne=&formtextfixed(%control) ;
print "$ligne\n";
print "</table>";
print "<input type=hidden name=valmax value=$enplus>";
print "<p>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
&footer("/lemonldap", $text{'index'});

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# une_session.cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
my $session = $in{'session'};
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
%une_session= %{&get_une_session($session)};
print "<h3>$session</h3>\n";
#$l =Dumper (%une_session);
#print "eric1 $l";
my @tab= @{&get_session_attr()} ;
print "<form method=get target=update_session.cgi >" ;
print "<table border=1>";
my %cle;
foreach (keys %une_session) {
$cle{lc($_)} = $une_session{$_};
#$l= Dumper (%cle);
#print "eric $l\n";
foreach (@tab) {
my $ligne;
my %control =%{$_};
next if $control{name} eq 'id';
$control{value} = $cle{lc($control{name})} if exists $cle{lc($control{name})} ;
if ($control{liste}) { $ligne=&formradiomaj(%control);
} else { $ligne=&formtextmaj(%control) ;}
print $ligne;
#$l = Dumper(%control);
#print "<p>$l eric3";
print "</table>";
print "<p>";
print "<input type=submit>";
print "</form>";
&footer("/lemonldap", $text{'index'});

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
%un_domain= %{&get_un_domain($domain)};
my @tab= @{&get_domain_attr()} ;
my %cle;
foreach (keys %un_domain) {
$cle{lc($_)} = $un_domain{$_};
my $maj=0;
my %majh;
foreach (@tab) {
my $cle1 =$_->{name};
my $cle2="_$cle1";
if ($in{$cle1} ne $in{"$cle2"})
{ # maj needed
$majh{$cle1} = $in{$cle1} if $in{$cle1} ;
if ($maj) {
$majh{handler} = $un_domain{handler} ;
$majh{id} = $domain;
my $c = &get_config;
$c->{domain}->{$domain} = \%majh ;
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $handler = $in{'handler'};
my %hand = %{&get_un_handler($domain,$handler)};
my @tab= @{&get_handler_attr()} ;
my %cle;
foreach (keys %hand) {
$cle{lc($_)} = $hand{$_};
my $maj=0;
my %majh;
foreach (@tab) {
my $cle1 =$_->{name};
my $cle2="_$cle1";
if ($in{$cle1} ne $in{"$cle2"})
{ # maj needed
$majh{$cle1} = $in{$cle1} if $in{$cle1} ;
if ($maj) {
$majh{id} = $handler;
my $c = &get_config;
$c->{domain}->{$domain}->{handler}->{$handler} = \%majh ;
my $res =&writexml($config{XML_file},$c);
unless ($res) {
system ("mv $config{XML_file} $config{XML_file}.bak");
system ("mv $config{XML_file}.tmp $config{XML_file} ");

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $handler = $in{'handler'};
my $c= &find_handler_in_httpd($config{httpd_conf},$handler);
my @httpd =@{&get_param_httpd($c)};
my @htab= @{&get_handler_attr_httpd()} ;
my %hcle;
my %_ligne ;
foreach (@httpd) {
next if $_->{name} !~ /perlsetvar/i ;
$_ligne{$_->{'line'}} = '' ;
$_ligne{debut}= $_->{'line'} unless $_ligne{debut} ;
my $cle = lc($_->{words}->[0] ) ;
my $value = $_->{words}->[1];
$hcle{$cle}= $value;
unless ($_ligne{debut}) { $_ligne{debut} = $httpd[0]->{eline} +1 ;}
my %cle;
foreach (@htab) {
$cle{lc($_->{name})} =1;
my $maj;
foreach (keys %in) {
next unless /^_/ ;
my $cle1 = $_;
my ($cle2) = $cle1=~/_(.+)/;
if ($in{$cle1} ne $in{$cle2} ) {
$maj =1;
## supress blank
foreach (keys %in) {
delete $in{$_} if $in{$_} =~ /^$/;
delete $in{$_} unless $cle{lc($_)} ;
#add ID handler
$in{lemonldaphandlerid} =$handler;
# now add ligne in %_ligne
my $debut = $_ligne{debut} ;
my $lv ;
foreach (keys %in) {
my $cle =$_;
$lv.= "perlsetvar $cle $in{$_}\n" ;
$_ligne{$debut} = $lv;
&rewrite_httpd($config{httpd_conf}, \%_ligne);

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
use Data::Dumper;
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
my $domain = $in{'domain'};
my $handler = $in{'handler'};
#my $c= &find_handler_in_httpd($config{httpd_conf},$handler);
#my @httpd =@{&get_param_httpd($c)};
my %_ligne ;
my $lv ;
foreach (keys %in) {
next if !/^\d+/;
my $cle =$_;
$_ligne{$cle} = $in{$cle} ;
my $b = $in{valmax};
$_ligne{$b-1} .="\n$_ligne{$b}" if $_ligne{$b};
delete $_ligne{$b};
&rewrite_httpd($config{httpd_conf}, \%_ligne);

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# view_cache .cgi
# Display the icons for various types of lemonldapconfig options
require './lemonldap-lib.pl';
# Check if lemonlap is installed
&header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
&help_search_link("lemonldap", "man", "doc", "google"));
print "<hr>\n";
#$conf = &get_config();
my $key= $in{'key'}||$in{ipckey};
# Display global category icons
print "<h3>$text{'dump_of_cache'}: $key </h3>\n";
my %hashkey ;
my $file_httpd= $config{httpd_conf} ;
open CONF , "< $file_httpd";
my @tab = <CONF> ;
close CONf;
my @tab1 ;
@tab1 = map { /lemonldapipckey(\s+)?(.+)/i } @tab ;
foreach (@tab1) {
next if /^\s+$/ ;
$hashkey{$_} = 1;
my $a= `$config{scripts_IPC}/dump_cache.pl $key` ;
my @ipckey;
@ipckey = ($a=~ /\'ipckey\'\s=>\s\'(\w+)\'/ig) ;
foreach (@ipckey) {
next if /^\s+$/ ;
$hashkey{$_} = 1;
$a=~ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
$a=~ s/\\'/\'/g;
$a=~ s/\s/&nbsp;/g;
print " $a ";
print "<hr>";
print "<form action=view_ipc_cache.cgi method=post>\n";
print "<input type=text name=key size=4 maxlength=4>\n";
print "<select name=ipckey>";
foreach (keys %hashkey ) {
print "<option>$_\n";
print "</select>";
print "<input type=submit name=view value=$text{'view_ipc_cache'}>\n";
print "</form>";
print "<p>";
print "<hr>";
print "<form action=clean_IPC.cgi method=post>\n";
print "<input type=submit name=view value=\"$text{'delete_all_ipc_cache'}\">\n";
print "$text{'ipc_warning'}";
print "</form>";
print "<p>";
print "<hr>";
&footer("/", $text{'index'});