Switch javascript to coffeescript

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Guimard 2016-03-14 22:22:09 +00:00
parent 1500a1b8b2
commit d1923af517
7 changed files with 2045 additions and 1143 deletions

View File

@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ JSSRCFILES:=$(shell find $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/static/js $(SRCPORTALDIR)/example
CSSSRCFILES:=$(shell find $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/static/css $(SRCPORTALDIR)/example -type f -name '*.css' ! -name '*.min.css')
# Coffee files
COFFEESRCFILES:=$(shell find $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/coffee/ -type f)
COFFEEDSTFILES:=$(subst coffee/,static/js/,$(COFFEESRCFILES:.coffee=.js))
# Minified files
@ -258,6 +262,12 @@ configure: json common_conf handler_conf portal_conf manager_conf
$(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/static/js/%.js: $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/coffee/%.coffee
@if which coffee >/dev/null; then \
echo "Compiling $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/coffee/$*.coffee"; \
coffee -c -o $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/static/js/ $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/coffee/$*.coffee; \
%.min.css: %.css
@echo "Compressing $*.css"
@yui-compressor $*.css > $*.min.css
@ -272,7 +282,7 @@ fastcgi-server/man/llng-fastcgi-server.1p: fastcgi-server/sbin/llng-fastcgi-serv
# Perl libraries configuration
json: $(MANAGERJSONDST) fastcgi-server/man/llng-fastcgi-server.1p
@if which yui-compressor; then $(MAKE) minify; fi
@if which yui-compressor >/dev/null; then $(MAKE) minify; fi
@ -1010,7 +1020,7 @@ tidy: clean
$(MAKE) json
tidy-js: clean
@find $(SRCMANAGERDIR)/site/static/js/ e2e-tests/ $(SRCPORTALDIR)/example \
@find e2e-tests/ $(SRCPORTALDIR)/example \
-type f \
-name '*.js' \
! -name 'jq*' \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
LemonLDAP::NG base app module
This file contains:
- 3 AngularJS directives (HTML attributes):
* `on-read-file` to get file content
* `resizer` to resize HTML div
* `trspan` to set translated message in HTML content
- a AngularJS factory to handle 401 Ajax responses
llapp = angular.module 'llApp', []
# It provides:
# - 3 functions to translate:
# * translate(word)
# * translateP(paragraph): only __words__ are translated
# * translateField(object, property)
# - an HTML attribute called 'trspan'. Exemple: <h3 trspan="portal"/>
# $translator provider
llapp.provider '$translator', ->
res = {}
# Language detection
if navigator
langs = []
langs2 = []
nlangs = [ navigator.language ]
if navigator.languages
nlangs = navigator.languages
for nl in nlangs
for al in window.availableLanguages
if al == nl
langs.push al
else if al.substring(0, 1) == nl.substring(0, 1)
langs2.push al
res.lang = if langs[0] then langs[0] else if langs2[0] then langs2[0] else 'en';
res.lang = 'en'
# Internal properties
res.deferredTr = []
res.translationFields = {}
# Translation methods
# 1. word translation
res.translate = (s) ->
if res.translationFields[s]
s = res.translationFields[s]
return s
# 2. node field translation
res.translateField = (node, field) ->
res.translate node[field]
# 3. paragraph translation (verify that json is available
res.translateP = (s) ->
if s and res.translationFields.portal
s = s.replace /__(\w+)__/g, (match,w) ->
res.translate w
# Initialization
this.$get = [ '$q', '$http', ($q, $http) ->
res.last = ''
res.init = (lang) ->
lang = res.lang unless lang
d = $q.defer()
if res.last != lang
res.last = lang
$http.get("#{window.staticPrefix}languages/#{lang}.json").then (response) ->
res.translationFields = response.data
for h in res.deferredTr
h.e[h.f] res.translationFields[h.m]
res.deferredTr = []
d.resolve "Translation files loaded"
, (response) ->
d.reject ''
d.resolve "No change"
# Translation directive (HTML trspan tag)
llapp.directive 'trspan', [ '$translator', ($translator) ->
restrict: 'A'
replace: false
transclude: true
trspan: "@"
link: (scope, elem, attr) ->
if $translator.translationFields.portal
attr.trspan = $translator.translate(attr.trspan)
# Deferred translations will be done after JSON download
e: elem
f: 'text'
m: attr.trspan
elem.text attr.trspan
template: ''
# Form menu management
# Two parts:
# - $htmlParams: used to store values inserted as <script type="text/menu">.
# It provides menu() method to get them
# - HTML "script" element handler
llapp.provider '$htmlParams', ->
this.$get = ->
params = {}
set: (key, obj) ->
params[key] = obj
menu: ->
# To be used later
params: ->
llapp.directive 'script', ['$htmlParams', ($htmlParams) ->
restrict: 'E'
terminal: true
compile: (element, attr) ->
if t = attr.type.match /text\/(menu|parameters)/
$htmlParams.set t[1], eval element[0].text
# Modal controller used to display messages
llapp.controller 'ModalInstanceCtrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'elem', 'set', 'init', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, elem, set, init) ->
oldvalue = null
$scope.elem = elem
$scope.set = set
$scope.result = init
$scope.staticPrefix = window.staticPrefix
currentNode = elem 'currentNode'
$scope.translateP = elem 'translateP'
if currentNode
oldValue = currentNode.data
$scope.currentNode = currentNode
$scope.ok = ->
set('result', $scope.result)
$scope.cancel = ->
if currentNode then $scope.currentNode.data = oldValue
# test if value is in select
$scope.inSelect = (value) ->
for i in $scope.currentNode.select
if i.k == value then return true
return false
# File reader directive
# Add "onReadFile" HTML attribute to be used in a "file" input
# The content off attribute will be launched.
# Example:
# <input type="file" on-read-file="replaceContent($fileContent)"/>
llapp.directive 'onReadFile', [ '$parse', ($parse) ->
restrict: 'A'
scope: false
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
fn = $parse attrs.onReadFile
element.on 'change', (onChangeEvent) ->
reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = (onLoadEvent) ->
scope.$apply () ->
fn scope,
$fileContent: onLoadEvent.target.result
reader.readAsText ((onChangeEvent.srcElement || onChangeEvent.target).files[0])
# Resize system
# Add a "resizer" HTML attribute
llapp.directive 'resizer', ['$document', ($document) ->
hsize = null
rsize = null
($scope, $element, $attrs) ->
$element.on 'mousedown', (event) ->
if $attrs.resizer == 'vertical'
rsize = $($attrs.resizerRight).width() + $($attrs.resizerLeft).width()
hsize = $($attrs.resizerTop).height() + $($attrs.resizerBottom).height()
$document.on 'mousemove', mousemove
$document.on 'mouseup', mouseup
mousemove = (event) ->
# Handle vertical resizer
if $attrs.resizer == 'vertical'
x = event.pageX
if $attrs.resizerMax and x > $attrs.resizerMax
x = parseInt $attrs.resizerMax
width: "#{x}px"
width: "#{rsize-x}px"
# Handle horizontal resizer
y = event.pageY - $('#navbar').height()
height: "#{y}px"
height: "#{hsize-y}px"
mouseup = () ->
$document.unbind 'mousemove', mousemove
$document.unbind 'mouseup', mouseup
# Authentication system
# If a 401 code is returned and if "Authorization" header contains an url,
# user is redirected to this url (but target is replaced by location.href
llapp.factory '$lmhttp', ['$q', '$location', ($q, $location) ->
responseError: (rejection) ->
if rejection.status == 401 and window.portal
window.location = "#{window.portal}?url=" + window.btoa(window.location).replace(/\//, '_')
llapp.config [ '$httpProvider', ($httpProvider) ->
$httpProvider.interceptors.push '$lmhttp'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
LemonLDAP::NG Manager client
This is the main app file. Other are:
- struct.json and js/confTree.js that contains the full tree
- translate.json that contains the keywords translation
This file contains:
- the AngularJS controller
llapp = angular.module 'llngManager', ['ui.tree', 'ui.bootstrap', 'llApp', 'ngCookies']
Main AngularJS controller
llapp.controller 'TreeCtrl', [
'$scope', '$http', '$location', '$q', '$uibModal', '$translator', '$cookies', '$htmlParams',
($scope, $http, $location, $q, $uibModal, $translator, $cookies, $htmlParams) ->
$scope.links = window.links
$scope.menu = $htmlParams.menu
$scope.menulinks = window.menulinks
$scope.staticPrefix = window.staticPrefix
$scope.formPrefix = window.formPrefix
$scope.availableLanguages = window.availableLanguages
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.showM = false
$scope.showT = false
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.currentCfg = {}
$scope.confPrefix = window.confPrefix
$scope.message = {}
$scope.result = ''
# Import translations functions
$scope.translateTitle = (node) ->
return $translator.translateField node, 'title'
$scope.translateP = $translator.translateP
$scope.translate = $translator.translate
$scope.helpUrl = 'start.html#configuration'
$scope.setShowHelp = (val) ->
val = !$scope.showH unless val?
$scope.showH = val
d = new Date(Date.now())
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1)
$cookies.put 'showhelp', (if val then 'true' else 'false'), {"expires": d}
$scope.showH = if $cookies.get('showhelp') == 'false' then false else true
$scope.setShowHelp(true) unless $scope.showH?
readError = (response) ->
e = response.status
j = response.statusLine
$scope.waiting = false
if e == 403
$scope.message =
title: 'forbidden'
message: ''
items: []
else if e == 401
console.log 'Authentication needed'
$scope.message =
title: 'authenticationNeeded'
message: '__waitOrF5__'
items: []
else if e == 400
$scope.message =
title: 'badRequest'
message: j
items: []
else if e > 0
$scope.message =
title: 'badRequest'
message: j
items: []
$scope.message =
title: 'networkProblem'
message: ''
items: []
return $scope.showModal 'message.html'
# Modal launcher
$scope.showModal = (tpl, init) ->
modalInstance = $uibModal.open
templateUrl: tpl
controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl'
size: 'lg'
elem: ->
return (s) ->
return $scope[s]
set: ->
return (f, s) ->
$scope[f] = s
init: ->
return init
d = $q.defer()
modalInstance.result.then (msgok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
d.resolve msgok
,(msgnok) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
d.reject msgnok
return modalInstance.result
# Function called when a menu item is selected. It launch function stored in
# "action" or "title"
$scope.menuClick = (button) ->
if button.popup
window.open button.popup
button.action = button.title unless button.action
switch typeof button.action
when 'function'
button.action $scope.currentNode, $scope
when 'string'
console.log typeof button.action
$scope.showM = false
# Display main form
$scope.home = ->
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.showM = false
# Private method called by $scope.save()
_checkSaveResponse = (data) ->
$scope.message =
title: ''
message: ''
items: []
$scope.confirmNeeded = true if data.message == '__needConfirmation__'
$scope.message.message = data.message if data.message
if data.details
for m of data.details when m != '__changes__'
message: m
items: data.details[m]
$scope.waiting = false
if data.result == 1
# Force reloading page
$location.path '/confs/'
$scope.message.title = 'successfullySaved'
$scope.message.title = 'saveReport'
$scope.showModal 'message.html'
# Main save function
$scope.save = ->
$scope.showModal('save.html').then ->
$scope.waiting = true
id: "cfgLog"
title: "cfgLog"
data: if $scope.result then $scope.result else ''
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}?cfgNum=#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}#{if $scope.forceSave then "&force=1" else ''}", $scope.data).then (response) ->
_checkSaveResponse response.data
,(response) ->
readError response
, ->
console.log 'Saving canceled'
$scope.showM = false
# Raw save function
$scope.saveRawConf = ($fileContent) ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/raw", $fileContent).then (response) ->
, readError
# Restore raw conffunction
$scope.restore = ->
$scope.currentNode = null
$scope.form = 'restore'
# Cancel save function
$scope.cancel = ->
$scope.currentNode.data = null
id = 1
$scope._findContainer = ->
return $scope._findScopeContainer().$modelValue
$scope._findScopeContainer = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while not cs.$modelValue.type.match(/Container$/)
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
return cs
$scope._findScopeByKey = (k) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while not (cs.$modelValue.title == k)
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
return cs
# Add grant rule entry
$scope.newGrantRule = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
l = node.nodes.length
n = if l > 0 then l - 1 else 0
node.nodes.splice n, 0,
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'New rule'
re: '1'
comment: 'New rule'
data: 'Message'
type: "grant"
# Add rules entry
$scope.newRule = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
l = node.nodes.length
n = if l > 0 then l - 1 else 0
node.nodes.splice n, 0,
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'New rule'
re: '^/new'
comment: 'New rule'
data: 'accept'
type: "rule"
# Add form replay
$scope.newPost = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "/absolute/path/to/form"
data: {}
type: "post"
$scope.newPostVar = ->
$scope.currentNode.data.vars = [] unless $scope.currentNode.data.vars?
$scope.currentNode.data.vars.push ['var1', '$uid']
# Add auth chain entry to authChoice
$scope.newAuthChoice = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "1_Key"
data: ['Null', 'Null', 'Null']
type: "authChoice"
$scope.execFilters $scope._findScopeByKey 'authParams'
# Add hash entry
$scope.newHashEntry = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'new'
data: ''
type: "keyText"
# Menu cat entry
$scope.newCat = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
if cs.$modelValue.type == 'menuApp'
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
id: "#{cs.$modelValue.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "New category"
type: "menuCat"
nodes: []
# Menu app entry
$scope.newApp = ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
if cs.$modelValue.type == 'menuApp'
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
id: "#{cs.$modelValue.id}/n#{id++}"
title: "New application"
type: "menuApp"
description: "New app description"
uri: "https://test.example.com/"
logo: "network.png"
display: "auto"
# SAML attribute entry
$scope.addSamlAttribute = ->
node = $scope._findContainer()
id: "#{node.id}/n#{id++}"
title: 'new'
type: 'samlAttribute'
data: [0, 'New', '', '']
# Nodes with template
$scope.addVhost = ->
name = if $scope.domain then ".#{$scope.domain.data}" else '.example.com'
$scope.message =
title: 'virtualHostName'
field: 'hostname'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', name).then ->
n= $scope.result
if n
node = $scope.addTemplateNode n, 'virtualHost'
delete node.nodes[0].cnodes
node.nodes[0].nodes = [
id: "virtualHosts/new__#{n}/locationRules/default",
type: "rule",
title: "default",
comment: "",
re: "default",
data: "deny"
$scope.duplicateVhost = ->
name = if $scope.domain then ".#{$scope.domain.data}" else '.example.com'
$scope.message =
title: 'virtualHostName',
field: 'hostname'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', name).then ->
n = $scope.result
return $scope.duplicateNode n, 'virtualHost', $scope.currentNode.title
$scope.addSamlIDP = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'samlIDPMetaDataNode', 'samlPartnerName', 'idp-example'
$scope.addSamlSP = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'samlSPMetaDataNode', 'samlPartnerName', 'sp-example'
$scope.addOidcOp = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'oidcOPMetaDataNode', 'oidcOPName', 'op-example'
$scope.addOidcRp = ->
$scope.newTemplateNode 'oidcRPMetaDataNode', 'oidcRPName', 'rp-example'
$scope.newTemplateNode = (type, title, init) ->
$scope.message =
title: title
field: 'name'
$scope.showModal('prompt.html', init).then ->
name = $scope.result
if (name)
$scope.addTemplateNode name, type
$scope.addTemplateNode = (name, type) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
while cs.$modelValue.title != "#{type}s"
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
t =
id: "#{type}s/new__#{name}"
title: name
type: type
nodes: templates type, "new__#{name}"
cs.$modelValue.nodes.push t
return t
_getAll = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
d2 = $q.defer()
if node._nodes
_stoggle node
else if node.cnodes
_download(node).then ->
else if node.nodes or node.data
$scope.getKey(node).then ->
d.promise.then ->
t = []
if node.nodes
for n in node.nodes
t.push _getAll(n)
$q.all(t).then ->
return d2.promise
$scope.duplicateNode = (name, type) ->
cs = $scope.currentScope
_getAll($scope.currentNode).then ->
while cs.$modelValue.title != "#{type}s"
cs = cs.$parentNodeScope
t = JSON.parse JSON.stringify($scope.currentNode).replace(new RegExp(idkey, 'g'), 'new__' + name)
t.id = "#{type}s/new__#{name}"
t.title = name
return t
$scope.del = (a, i) ->
a.splice(i, 1)
$scope.deleteEntry = ->
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope
$scope.displayForm p
$scope.down = ->
id = $scope.currentNode.id
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope.$modelValue
ind = p.nodes.length
for n, i in p.nodes
if n.id == id then ind = i
if ind < p.nodes.length - 1
tmp = p.nodes[ind]
p.nodes[ind] = p.nodes[ind + 1]
p.nodes[ind + 1] = tmp
$scope.up = ->
id = $scope.currentNode.id
p = $scope.currentScope.$parentNodeScope.$modelValue
ind = -1
for n, i in p.nodes
if n.id == id then ind = i
if ind > 0
tmp = p.nodes[ind]
p.nodes[ind] = p.nodes[ind - 1]
p.nodes[ind - 1] = tmp
# test if value is in select
$scope.inSelect = (value) ->
for n in $scope.currentNode.select
return true if n.k == value
return false
# This is for rule form: title = comment if defined, else title = re
$scope.changeRuleTitle = (node) ->
node.title = if node.comment.length > 0 then node.comment else node.re
# Node opening
# authParams mechanism: show used auth modules only (launched by stoggle)
$scope.filters = {}
$scope.execFilters = (scope) ->
scope = if scope then scope else $scope
for filter,func of $scope.filters
if $scope.filters.hasOwnProperty(filter)
return filterFunctions[filter](scope, $q, func)
# To avoid binding all the tree, nodes are pushed in DOM only when opened
$scope.stoggle = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
_stoggle node
_stoggle = (node) ->
for n in ['nodes', 'nodes_cond']
if node["_#{n}"]
node[n] = []
for a in node["_#{n}"]
node[n].push a
delete node["_#{n}"]
# Call execFilter for authParams
if node._nodes_filter
if node.nodes
for n in node.nodes
n.onChange = $scope.execFilters
$scope.filters[node._nodes_filter] = node
# Simple toggle management
$scope.toggle = (scope) ->
# cnodes management: hash keys/values are loaded when parent node is opened
$scope.download = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
return _download(node)
_download = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
d.notify 'Trying to get datas'
$scope.waiting = true
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}/#{node.cnodes}").then (response) ->
data = response.data
# Manage datas errors
if not data
d.reject 'Empty response from server'
else if data.error
if data.error.match(/setDefault$/)
if node['default']
node.nodes = node['default'].slice(0)
node.nodes = []
delete node.cnodes
d.resolve 'Set data to default value'
d.reject "Server return an error: #{data.error}"
# Store datas
delete node.cnodes
if not node.type
node.type = 'keyTextContainer'
node.nodes = []
# TODO: try/catch
for a in data
if a.template
a._nodes = templates a.template, a.title
node.nodes.push a
d.resolve 'OK'
$scope.waiting = false
, (response) ->
readError response
d.reject ''
return d.promise
$scope.openCnode = (scope) ->
$scope.download(scope).then ->
setHelp = (scope) ->
while !scope.$modelValue.help and scope.$parentNodeScope
scope = scope.$parentNodeScope
$scope.helpUrl = scope.$modelValue.help || 'start.html#configuration'
# Form management
# `currentNode` contains the last select node
# method `diplayForm()`:
# - set the `form` property to the name of the form to download
# (`text` by default or `home` for node without `type` property)
# - launch getKeys to set `node.data`
# - hide tree when in XS size
$scope.displayForm = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
if node.cnodes
$scope.download scope
if node._nodes
$scope.stoggle scope
$scope.currentNode = node
$scope.currentScope = scope
f = if node.type then node.type else 'text'
if node.nodes || node._nodes || node.cnodes
$scope.form = if f != 'text' then f else 'mini'
$scope.form = f
# Get datas
$scope.getKey node
if node.type and node.type == 'simpleInputContainer'
for n in node.nodes
$scope.showT = false
setHelp scope
$scope.keyWritable = (scope) ->
node = scope.$modelValue
return if node.type and node.type.match /^(authChoice|keyText|virtualHost|rule|menuCat|menuApp|saml(Attribute|(IDP|SP)MetaDataNode))$/ then true else false
# RSA keys generation
$scope.newRSAKey = ->
$scope.showModal('password.html').then ->
$scope.waiting = true
currentNode = $scope.currentNode
password = $scope.result
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/newRSAKey", {"password": password}).then (response) ->
currentNode.data[0].data = response.data.private
currentNode.data[1].data = password
currentNode.data[2].data = response.data.public
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
, ->
console.log('New key cancelled')
$scope.newRSAKeyNoPassword = ->
$scope.waiting = true
currentNode = $scope.currentNode
$http.post("#{window.confPrefix}/newRSAKey", {"password": ''}).then (response) ->
currentNode.data[0].data = response.data.private
currentNode.data[1].data = response.data.public
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
# method `getKey()`:
# - return a promise with the data:
# - from node when set
# - after downloading else
$scope.getKey = (node) ->
d = $q.defer()
if !node.data
$scope.waiting = true
if node.get and typeof(node.get) == 'object'
node.data = []
tmp = []
for n, i in node.get
node.data[i] =
title: n
id: n
tmp.push $scope.getKey(node.data[i])
$q.all(tmp).then ->
,(response) ->
d.reject response.statusLine
$scope.waiting = false
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum}/#{if node.get then node.get else node.title}").then (response) ->
# Set default value if response is null or if asked by server
data = response.data
if (data.value == null or (data.error and data.error.match /setDefault$/ ) ) and node['default'] != null
node.data = node['default']
node.data = data.value
# Cast int as int (remember that booleans are int for Perl)
if node.type and node.type.match /^(int|bool|trool)$/
node.data = parseInt(node.data)
# Split SAML types
else if node.type and node.type.match(/^(saml(Service|Assertion)|blackWhiteList)$/) and not (typeof node.data == 'object')
node.data = node.data.split ';'
$scope.waiting = false
d.resolve node.data
, (response) ->
readError response
d.reject response.status
d.resolve node.data
return d.promise
# function `pathEvent(event, next; current)`:
# Called when $location.path() change, launch getCfg() with the new
# configuration number
pathEvent = (event, next, current) ->
n = next.match(new RegExp('#/confs/(latest|[0-9]+)'))
if n == null
$location.path '/confs/latest'
console.log "Trying to get cfg number #{n[1]}"
$scope.getCfg n[1]
$scope.$on '$locationChangeSuccess', pathEvent
# function `getCfg(n)
# Download configuration metadatas
$scope.getCfg = (n) ->
if $scope.currentCfg.cfgNum != n
$http.get("#{window.confPrefix}#{n}").then (response) ->
$scope.currentCfg = response.data
d = new Date $scope.currentCfg.cfgDate * 1000
$scope.currentCfg.date = d.toLocaleString()
console.log "Metadatas of cfg #{n} loaded"
$location.path "/confs/#{n}"
, (response) ->
readError(response).then ->
$scope.currentCfg.cfgNum = 0
$scope.waiting = false
# method `getLanguage(lang)`
# Launch init() after setting current language
$scope.getLanguage = (lang) ->
$scope.lang = lang
# Force reload home
$scope.form = 'white'
$scope.showM = false
# Initialization
# Load JSON files:
# - struct.json: the main tree
# - languages/<lang>.json: the chosen language datas
$scope.init = ->
tmp = null
$scope.waiting = true
$scope.data = []
$scope.confirmNeeded = false
$scope.forceSave = false
$q.all [
$http.get("#{window.staticPrefix}struct.json").then (response) ->
tmp = response.data
console.log("Structure loaded")
.then ->
console.log("Starting structure binding")
$scope.data = tmp
tmp = null
if $scope.currentCfg.cfgNum != 0
setScopeVars $scope
$scope.message =
title: 'emptyConf'
message: '__zeroConfExplanations__'
$scope.showModal 'message.html'
$scope.form = 'home'
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
c = $location.path().match(new RegExp('^/confs/(latest|[0-9]+)'))
unless c
console.log "Redirecting to /confs/latest"
$location.path '/confs/latest'
# File form function
$scope.replaceContentByUrl = (node, url) ->
$scope.waiting = true
$http.post(window.scriptname + "prx", {url: url}).then (response) ->
node.data = response.data.content
$scope.waiting = false
, readError
$scope.replaceContent = (node, $fileContent) ->
node.data = $fileContent
# Import Filesaver.js saveAs()
$scope.saveAs = (content, type, filename) ->
saveAs(new Blob([content], {"type": type}), filename)

View File

@ -1,109 +1,103 @@
/* LemonLDAP::NG base app module
* This file contains:
* - 3 AngularJS directives (HTML attributes):
* * `on-read-file` to get file content
* * `resizer` to resize HTML div
* * `trspan` to set translated message in HTML content
* - a AngularJS factory to handle 401 Ajax responses
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
LemonLDAP::NG base app module
This file contains:
- 3 AngularJS directives (HTML attributes):
* `on-read-file` to get file content
* `resizer` to resize HTML div
* `trspan` to set translated message in HTML content
- a AngularJS factory to handle 401 Ajax responses
(function() {
'use strict';
var llapp = angular.module('llApp', []);
var llapp;
/* Translation system
* This part provides:
* - 3 functions to translate:
* * translate(word)
* * translateP(paragraph)
* * translateField(object, property)
* - an HTML attribute called 'trspan'. Exemple: <h3 trspan="portal"/>
llapp = angular.module('llApp', []);
llapp.provider('$translator', $Translator);
function $Translator() {
var res = {};
/* Search for default language */
llapp.provider('$translator', function() {
var al, j, k, langs, langs2, len, len1, nl, nlangs, ref, res;
res = {};
if (navigator) {
var nlangs = [navigator.language];
if (navigator.languages) nlangs = navigator.languages;
var langs = [],
langs = [];
langs2 = [];
nlangs.forEach(function(nl) {
availableLanguages.forEach(function(al) {
if (al == nl) {
} else if (al.substring(0, 1) == nl.substring(0, 1)) {
nlangs = [navigator.language];
if (navigator.languages) {
nlangs = navigator.languages;
for (j = 0, len = nlangs.length; j < len; j++) {
nl = nlangs[j];
ref = window.availableLanguages;
for (k = 0, len1 = ref.length; k < len1; k++) {
al = ref[k];
if (al === nl) {
} else if (al.substring(0, 1) === nl.substring(0, 1)) {
res.lang = langs[0] ? langs[0] : langs2[0] ? langs2[0] : 'en';
} else {
res.lang = 'en';
/* Private properties */
res.deferredTr = [];
res.translationFields = {};
/* Translation methods */
/* 1 - word translation */
res.translate = function(s) {
if (res.translationFields[s]) {
s = res.translationFields[s];
return s;
/* 2 - object key translation */
res.translateField = function(node, field) {
return res.translate(node[field]);
/* 3 - paragraph translation */
res.translateP = function(s) {
if (s && res.translationFields.portal) s = s.replace(/__(\w+)__/g, function(match, w) {
if (s && res.translationFields.portal) {
s = s.replace(/__(\w+)__/g, function(match, w) {
return res.translate(w);
return s;
/* Initialization */
this.$get = ['$q', '$http', function($q, $http) {
this.$get = [
'$q', '$http', function($q, $http) {
res.last = '';
res.init = function(lang) {
if (!lang) lang = res.lang;
var d = $q.defer();
if (res.last != lang) {
var d;
if (!lang) {
lang = res.lang;
d = $q.defer();
if (res.last !== lang) {
res.last = lang;
$http.get(staticPrefix + 'languages/' + lang + '.json').then(function(response) {
$http.get(window.staticPrefix + "languages/" + lang + ".json").then(function(response) {
var h, l, len2, ref1;
res.translationFields = response.data;
res.deferredTr.forEach(function(h) {
ref1 = res.deferredTr;
for (l = 0, len2 = ref1.length; l < len2; l++) {
h = ref1[l];
res.deferredTr = [];
d.resolve("Translation files loaded");
function(resp) {
return d.resolve("Translation files loaded");
}, function(response) {
return d.reject('');
} else {
d.resolve('No change');
d.resolve("No change");
return d.promise;
return res;
return this;
/* Translation directive (HTML trspan tag) */
llapp.directive('trspan', ['$translator', function($translator) {
llapp.directive('trspan', [
'$translator', function($translator) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: false,
@ -113,36 +107,28 @@
link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
if ($translator.translationFields.portal) {
attr.trspan = $translator.translate(attr.trspan)
/* Deferred translations will be done after JSON download */
else {
attr.trspan = $translator.translate(attr.trspan);
} else {
e: elem,
f: 'text',
m: attr.trspan
return elem.text(attr.trspan);
template: ""
template: ''
/* Form menu management
* Two parts:
* - $htmlParams: used to store values inserted as <script type="text/menu">.
* It provides menu() method to get them
* - HTML "script" element handler
llapp.provider('$htmlParams', $HtmlParamsProvider);
function $HtmlParamsProvider() {
llapp.provider('$htmlParams', function() {
this.$get = function() {
var params = {};
var params;
params = {};
return {
set: function(key, obj) {
params[key] = obj;
return params[key] = obj;
menu: function() {
return params.menu;
@ -152,155 +138,159 @@
return this;
llapp.directive('script', ['$htmlParams', function($htmlParams) {
llapp.directive('script', [
'$htmlParams', function($htmlParams) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
terminal: true,
compile: function(element, attr) {
var t;
if (t = attr.type.match(/text\/(menu|parameters)/)) {
$htmlParams.set(t[1], eval(element[0].text));
return $htmlParams.set(t[1], eval(element[0].text));
/* Modal controller
* Used to display messages
llapp.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'elem', 'set', 'init', function($scope, $uibModalInstance, elem, set, init) {
var oldValue;
llapp.controller('ModalInstanceCtrl', [
'$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'elem', 'set', 'init', function($scope, $uibModalInstance, elem, set, init) {
var currentNode, oldValue, oldvalue;
oldvalue = null;
$scope.elem = elem;
$scope.set = set;
$scope.result = init;
$scope.staticPrefix = staticPrefix;
var currentNode = elem('currentNode');
$scope.staticPrefix = window.staticPrefix;
currentNode = elem('currentNode');
$scope.translateP = elem('translateP');
if (currentNode) {
oldValue = currentNode.data;
$scope.currentNode = currentNode;
$scope.ok = function() {
set('result', $scope.result);
return $uibModalInstance.close(true);
$scope.cancel = function() {
if (currentNode) $scope.currentNode.data = oldValue;
if (currentNode) {
$scope.currentNode.data = oldValue;
return $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
/* test if value is in select */
$scope.inSelect = function(value) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.currentNode.select.length; i++) {
if ($scope.currentNode.select[i].k == value) return true;
return $scope.inSelect = function(value) {
var i, j, len, ref;
ref = $scope.currentNode.select;
for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {
i = ref[j];
if (i.k === value) {
return true;
return false;
/* File reader directive
* Add "onReadFile" HTML attribute to be used in a "file" input
* The content off attribute will be launched.
* Example:
* <input type="file" on-read-file="replaceContent($fileContent)"/>
llapp.directive('onReadFile', ['$parse', function($parse) {
llapp.directive('onReadFile', [
'$parse', function($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: false,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onReadFile);
element.on('change', function(onChangeEvent) {
var reader = new FileReader();
var fn;
fn = $parse(attrs.onReadFile);
return element.on('change', function(onChangeEvent) {
var reader;
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(onLoadEvent) {
scope.$apply(function() {
fn(scope, {
return scope.$apply(function() {
return fn(scope, {
$fileContent: onLoadEvent.target.result
reader.readAsText((onChangeEvent.srcElement || onChangeEvent.target).files[0]);
return reader.readAsText((onChangeEvent.srcElement || onChangeEvent.target).files[0]);
/* Resizable system
* Add a "resizer" HTML attribute
llapp.directive('resizer', ['$document', function($document) {
var rsize, hsize;
llapp.directive('resizer', [
'$document', function($document) {
var hsize, rsize;
hsize = null;
rsize = null;
return function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var mousemove, mouseup;
$element.on('mousedown', function(event) {
if ($attrs.resizer == 'vertical') {
if ($attrs.resizer === 'vertical') {
rsize = $($attrs.resizerRight).width() + $($attrs.resizerLeft).width();
} else {
hsize = $($attrs.resizerTop).height() + $($attrs.resizerBottom).height();
$document.on('mousemove', mousemove);
$document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
return $document.on('mouseup', mouseup);
function mousemove(event) {
if ($attrs.resizer == 'vertical') {
// Handle vertical resizer
var x = event.pageX;
mousemove = function(event) {
var x, y;
if ($attrs.resizer === 'vertical') {
x = event.pageX;
if ($attrs.resizerMax && x > $attrs.resizerMax) {
x = parseInt($attrs.resizerMax);
width: x + 'px'
width: x + "px"
width: (rsize - x) + 'px'
return $($attrs.resizerRight).css({
width: (rsize - x) + "px"
} else {
// Handle horizontal resizer
var y = event.pageY - $('#navbar').height();
y = event.pageY - $('#navbar').height();
height: y + 'px'
height: y + "px"
height: (hsize - y) + 'px'
return $($attrs.resizerBottom).css({
height: (hsize - y) + "px"
function mouseup() {
$document.unbind('mousemove', mousemove);
$document.unbind('mouseup', mouseup);
/* Authentication system
return mouseup = function() {
$document.unbind('mousemove', mousemove);
return $document.unbind('mouseup', mouseup);
* Authentication system
* If a 401 code is returned and if "Authorization" header contains an url,
* user is redirected to this url (but target is replaced by location.href)
* user is redirected to this url (but target is replaced by location.href
llapp.factory('$lmhttp', ['$q', '$location', function($q, $location) {
llapp.factory('$lmhttp', [
'$q', '$location', function($q, $location) {
return {
responseError: function(rejection) {
if (rejection.status == 401 && window.portal) {
window.location = window.portal + '?url=' + window.btoa(window.location).replace(/\//, '_');
if (rejection.status === 401 && window.portal) {
return window.location = (window.portal + "?url=") + window.btoa(window.location).replace(/\//, '_');
llapp.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
'$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
return $httpProvider.interceptors.push('$lmhttp');

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
(function(){var llapp=angular.module("llApp",[]);llapp.provider("$translator",$Translator);function $Translator(){var res={};if(navigator){var nlangs=[navigator.language];if(navigator.languages){nlangs=navigator.languages}var langs=[],langs2=[];nlangs.forEach(function(nl){availableLanguages.forEach(function(al){if(al==nl){langs.push(al)}else{if(al.substring(0,1)==nl.substring(0,1)){langs2.push(al)}}})});res.lang=langs[0]?langs[0]:langs2[0]?langs2[0]:"en"}else{res.lang="en"}res.deferredTr=[];res.translationFields={};res.translate=function(s){if(res.translationFields[s]){s=res.translationFields[s]}return s};res.translateField=function(node,field){return res.translate(node[field])};res.translateP=function(s){if(s&&res.translationFields.portal){s=s.replace(/__(\w+)__/g,function(match,w){return res.translate(w)})}return s};this.$get=["$q","$http",function($q,$http){res.last="";res.init=function(lang){if(!lang){lang=res.lang}var d=$q.defer();if(res.last!=lang){res.last=lang;$http.get(staticPrefix+"languages/"+lang+".json").then(function(response){res.translationFields=response.data;res.deferredTr.forEach(function(h){h.e[h.f](res.translationFields[h.m])});res.deferredTr=[];d.resolve("Translation files loaded")},function(resp){d.reject("")})}else{d.resolve("No change")}return d.promise};return res}]}llapp.directive("trspan",["$translator",function($translator){return{restrict:"A",replace:false,transclude:true,scope:{trspan:"@"},link:function(scope,elem,attr){if($translator.translationFields.portal){attr.trspan=$translator.translate(attr.trspan)}else{$translator.deferredTr.push({e:elem,f:"text",m:attr.trspan})}elem.text(attr.trspan)},template:""}}]);llapp.provider("$htmlParams",$HtmlParamsProvider);function $HtmlParamsProvider(){this.$get=function(){var params={};return{set:function(key,obj){params[key]=obj},menu:function(){return params.menu},params:function(){return params.params}}}}llapp.directive("script",["$htmlParams",function($htmlParams){return{restrict:"E",terminal:true,compile:function(element,attr){var t;if(t=attr.type.match(/text\/(menu|parameters)/)){$htmlParams.set(t[1],eval(element[0].text))}}}}]);llapp.controller("ModalInstanceCtrl",["$scope","$uibModalInstance","elem","set","init",function($scope,$uibModalInstance,elem,set,init){var oldValue;$scope.elem=elem;$scope.set=set;$scope.result=init;$scope.staticPrefix=staticPrefix;var currentNode=elem("currentNode");$scope.translateP=elem("translateP");if(currentNode){oldValue=currentNode.data;$scope.currentNode=currentNode}$scope.ok=function(){set("result",$scope.result);$uibModalInstance.close(true)};$scope.cancel=function(){if(currentNode){$scope.currentNode.data=oldValue}$uibModalInstance.dismiss("cancel")};$scope.inSelect=function(value){for(var i=0;i<$scope.currentNode.select.length;i++){if($scope.currentNode.select[i].k==value){return true}}return false}}]);llapp.directive("onReadFile",["$parse",function($parse){return{restrict:"A",scope:false,link:function(scope,element,attrs){var fn=$parse(attrs.onReadFile);element.on("change",function(onChangeEvent){var reader=new FileReader();reader.onload=function(onLoadEvent){scope.$apply(function(){fn(scope,{$fileContent:onLoadEvent.target.result})})};reader.readAsText((onChangeEvent.srcElement||onChangeEvent.target).files[0])})}}}]);llapp.directive("resizer",["$document",function($document){var rsize,hsize;return function($scope,$element,$attrs){$element.on("mousedown",function(event){if($attrs.resizer=="vertical"){rsize=$($attrs.resizerRight).width()+$($attrs.resizerLeft).width()}else{hsize=$($attrs.resizerTop).height()+$($attrs.resizerBottom).height()}event.preventDefault();$document.on("mousemove",mousemove);$document.on("mouseup",mouseup)});function mousemove(event){if($attrs.resizer=="vertical"){var x=event.pageX;if($attrs.resizerMax&&x>$attrs.resizerMax){x=parseInt($attrs.resizerMax)}$($attrs.resizerLeft).css({width:x+"px"});$($attrs.resizerRight).css({width:(rsize-x)+"px"})}else{var y=event.pageY-$("#navbar").height();$($attrs.resizerTop).css({height:y+"px"});$($attrs.resizerBottom).css({height:(hsize-y)+"px"})}}function mouseup(){$document.unbind("mousemove",mousemove);$document.unbind("mouseup",mouseup)}}}]);llapp.factory("$lmhttp",["$q","$location",function($q,$location){return{responseError:function(rejection){if(rejection.status==401&&window.portal){window.location=window.portal+"?url="+window.btoa(window.location).replace(/\//,"_")}}}}]);llapp.config(["$httpProvider",function($httpProvider){$httpProvider.interceptors.push("$lmhttp")}])})();
(function(){var llapp;llapp=angular.module("llApp",[]);llapp.provider("$translator",function(){var al,j,k,langs,langs2,len,len1,nl,nlangs,ref,res;res={};if(navigator){langs=[];langs2=[];nlangs=[navigator.language];if(navigator.languages){nlangs=navigator.languages}for(j=0,len=nlangs.length;j<len;j++){nl=nlangs[j];ref=window.availableLanguages;for(k=0,len1=ref.length;k<len1;k++){al=ref[k];if(al===nl){langs.push(al)}else{if(al.substring(0,1)===nl.substring(0,1)){langs2.push(al)}}}}res.lang=langs[0]?langs[0]:langs2[0]?langs2[0]:"en"}else{res.lang="en"}res.deferredTr=[];res.translationFields={};res.translate=function(s){if(res.translationFields[s]){s=res.translationFields[s]}return s};res.translateField=function(node,field){return res.translate(node[field])};res.translateP=function(s){if(s&&res.translationFields.portal){s=s.replace(/__(\w+)__/g,function(match,w){return res.translate(w)})}return s};this.$get=["$q","$http",function($q,$http){res.last="";res.init=function(lang){var d;if(!lang){lang=res.lang}d=$q.defer();if(res.last!==lang){res.last=lang;$http.get(window.staticPrefix+"languages/"+lang+".json").then(function(response){var h,l,len2,ref1;res.translationFields=response.data;ref1=res.deferredTr;for(l=0,len2=ref1.length;l<len2;l++){h=ref1[l];h.e[h.f](res.translationFields[h.m])}res.deferredTr=[];return d.resolve("Translation files loaded")},function(response){return d.reject("")})}else{d.resolve("No change")}return d.promise};return res}];return this});llapp.directive("trspan",["$translator",function($translator){return{restrict:"A",replace:false,transclude:true,scope:{trspan:"@"},link:function(scope,elem,attr){if($translator.translationFields.portal){attr.trspan=$translator.translate(attr.trspan)}else{$translator.deferredTr.push({e:elem,f:"text",m:attr.trspan})}return elem.text(attr.trspan)},template:""}}]);llapp.provider("$htmlParams",function(){this.$get=function(){var params;params={};return{set:function(key,obj){return params[key]=obj},menu:function(){return params.menu},params:function(){return params.params}}};return this});llapp.directive("script",["$htmlParams",function($htmlParams){return{restrict:"E",terminal:true,compile:function(element,attr){var t;if(t=attr.type.match(/text\/(menu|parameters)/)){return $htmlParams.set(t[1],eval(element[0].text))}}}}]);llapp.controller("ModalInstanceCtrl",["$scope","$uibModalInstance","elem","set","init",function($scope,$uibModalInstance,elem,set,init){var currentNode,oldValue,oldvalue;oldvalue=null;$scope.elem=elem;$scope.set=set;$scope.result=init;$scope.staticPrefix=window.staticPrefix;currentNode=elem("currentNode");$scope.translateP=elem("translateP");if(currentNode){oldValue=currentNode.data;$scope.currentNode=currentNode}$scope.ok=function(){set("result",$scope.result);return $uibModalInstance.close(true)};$scope.cancel=function(){if(currentNode){$scope.currentNode.data=oldValue}return $uibModalInstance.dismiss("cancel")};return $scope.inSelect=function(value){var i,j,len,ref;ref=$scope.currentNode.select;for(j=0,len=ref.length;j<len;j++){i=ref[j];if(i.k===value){return true}}return false}}]);llapp.directive("onReadFile",["$parse",function($parse){return{restrict:"A",scope:false,link:function(scope,element,attrs){var fn;fn=$parse(attrs.onReadFile);return element.on("change",function(onChangeEvent){var reader;reader=new FileReader();reader.onload=function(onLoadEvent){return scope.$apply(function(){return fn(scope,{$fileContent:onLoadEvent.target.result})})};return reader.readAsText((onChangeEvent.srcElement||onChangeEvent.target).files[0])})}}}]);llapp.directive("resizer",["$document",function($document){var hsize,rsize;hsize=null;rsize=null;return function($scope,$element,$attrs){var mousemove,mouseup;$element.on("mousedown",function(event){if($attrs.resizer==="vertical"){rsize=$($attrs.resizerRight).width()+$($attrs.resizerLeft).width()}else{hsize=$($attrs.resizerTop).height()+$($attrs.resizerBottom).height()}event.preventDefault();$document.on("mousemove",mousemove);return $document.on("mouseup",mouseup)});mousemove=function(event){var x,y;if($attrs.resizer==="vertical"){x=event.pageX;if($attrs.resizerMax&&x>$attrs.resizerMax){x=parseInt($attrs.resizerMax)}$($attrs.resizerLeft).css({width:x+"px"});return $($attrs.resizerRight).css({width:(rsize-x)+"px"})}else{y=event.pageY-$("#navbar").height();$($attrs.resizerTop).css({height:y+"px"});return $($attrs.resizerBottom).css({height:(hsize-y)+"px"})}};return mouseup=function(){$document.unbind("mousemove",mousemove);return $document.unbind("mouseup",mouseup)}}}]);llapp.factory("$lmhttp",["$q","$location",function($q,$location){return{responseError:function(rejection){if(rejection.status===401&&window.portal){return window.location=(window.portal+"?url=")+window.btoa(window.location).replace(/\//,"_")}}}}]);llapp.config(["$httpProvider",function($httpProvider){return $httpProvider.interceptors.push("$lmhttp")}])}).call(this);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long