use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; BEGIN { eval { require 't/'; require 't/'; }; } my $maintests = 16; my ( $res, $user, $pwd, $mail, $subject, $email, $ipAddr ); SKIP: { eval 'require Email::Sender::Simple; use Text::Unidecode'; if ($@) { skip 'Missing dependencies', $maintests; } my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', useSafeJail => 1, portalDisplayRegister => 1, authentication => 'Demo', userDB => 'Same', registerDB => 'Demo', registerTimeout => '600', registerConfirmSubject => 'Registration demonstration', registerConfirmBody => 'Hello $firstname $lastname, follows this link to register your account $url Expired time: $expMailDate $expMailTime', registerDoneSubject => 'Registration successful', registerDoneBody => 'Congratulations! Your account has been succesfully created with $mail from [$ipAddr]... Login=$login & Password=$password - Thanks to LemonLDAP::NG team. Go to Portal $url', captcha_register_enabled => 0, } } ); # Test normal first access # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/register', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Unauth request', ); my ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'firstname', 'lastname', 'mail' ); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/register', IO::String->new( 'firstname=Fôo&lastname=Bà Bar&'), length => 53, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Ask to create account' ); expectOK($res); $subject = subject(); $mail = mail(); ok( $subject eq 'Registration demonstration', 'Found custom registration subject' ) or explain( $subject, 'Custom registration subject' ); ok( $mail =~ m#Hello Fôo Bà Bar, follows this link to register your account http://auth\.example\.com/register#s, 'Found custom body' ) or explain( $mail, 'Custom body (link)' ); ok( $mail =~ /[?&](register_token=\w+)/s, 'Found register_token' ); $query = $1; ok( $mail =~ /Fôo/, 'UTF-8 works' ) or explain( $mail, 'Fôo' ); ok( $mail =~ m#Expired time: \d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}#s, 'Found time' ) or explain( $mail, 'Custom body (expired time)' ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/register', query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Push register_token' ); expectOK($res); $subject = subject(); $mail = mail(); ok( $subject eq 'Registration successful', 'Found custom done subject' ) or explain( $subject, 'Custom done subject' ); ok( $mail =~ m#Congratulations! Your account has been succesfully created with (.+?) from \[(.+?)\]...#s, 'Found email and ipAddr' ) or explain( $mail, 'Custom done body' ); $email = $1; $ipAddr = $2; ok( $email eq 'foobar@badwolf', 'Get good email' ) or explain( $email, 'email' ); ok( $ipAddr eq '', 'Get good ipAddr' ) or explain( $ipAddr, 'ipAddr' ); ok( $mail =~ m#Login=(\w+?) & Password=(.+?)- Thanks to LemonLDAP::NG team\.#s, 'Found user and password' ) or explain( $mail, 'Custom done body ($login & $password)' ); $user = $1; $pwd = $2; ok( $user eq 'fbabar', 'Get good login' ); ok( $mail =~ m#Go to Portal\?skin=bootstrap#s, 'Custom done body (Portal $url)' ) or explain( $mail, 'Custom done body' ); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new("user=fbabar&password=fbabar"), length => 27, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Try to authenticate' ); expectCookie($res); } count($maintests); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() );