# NAME test-lib.pm - Test framework for LLNG portal # SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; require 't/test-lib.pm'; my $res; my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', #... } } ); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new('user=dwho&password=dwho'), length => 23 ), 'Auth query' ); count(1); expectOK($res); my $id = expectCookie($res); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() ); # DESCRIPTION This test library permits to simulate browser navigation. ## Functions In these functions, `$res` is the result of a `LLNG::Manager::Test::_get()` or `LLNG::Manager::Test::_post()` call _(see below)_. #### count($inc) Returns number of tests done. Increment test number if an argument is given #### explain( $result, $expected\_result ) Used to display error if test fails: ok( $res->[0] == 302, 'Get redirection' ) or explain( $res->[0], 302 ); #### clean\_sessions() Clean sessions created during tests #### expectRedirection( $res, $location ) Verify that request result is a redirection to $location. $location can be: - a string: location must match exactly - a regexp: location must match this regexp. In this case, the list of matching strings are returned. Example: my( $uri, $query ) = expectRedirection( $res, qr#http://host(/[^\?]*)?(.*)$# ); #### expectAutoPost(@args) Same behaviour as `expectForm()` but verify also that form method is post. TODO: verify javascript #### expectForm( $res, $hostRe, $uriRe, @requiredFields ) Verify form in HTML result and return ( $host, $uri, $query, $method ): - verify that a GET/POST form exists - if a $hostRe regexp is given, verify that form target matches and populates $host. Skipped if $hostRe eq "#" - if a $uriRe regexp is given, verify that form target matches and populates $uri - if @requiredFields exists, verify that each element is an input name - build form-url-encoded string looking at parameters/values and store it in $query #### expectAuthenticatedAs($user) Verify that result has a `Lm-Remote-User` header and value is $user #### expectOK($res) Verify that returned code is 200 #### expectBadRequest($res) Verify that returned code is 400. Note that it works only for Ajax request (see below). #### expectReject( $res, $code ) Verify that returned code is 401 and JSON result contains `error:"$code"`. Note that it works only for Ajax request (see below). #### expectCookie( $res, $cookieName ) Check if a `Set-Cookie` exists and set a cookie named $cookieName. Return its value. #### exceptCspFormOK( $res, $host ) Verify that `Content-Security-Policy` header allows to connect to $host. #### getCookies($res) Returns an hash ref with names => values of cookies set by server. #### getHeader( $res, $hname ) Returns value of first header named $hname in $res response. #### getRedirection($res) Returns value of `Location` header. #### getUser($res) Returns value of `Lm-Remote-User` header. ## LLNG::Manager::Test Class ### Accessors - app: built application - class: class to test (default Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main) - p: portal object - ini: initialization parameters ($defaultIni values + given parameters) ### Methods #### logout($id) Launch a `/?logout=1` request an test: - if response is 200 - if cookie 'lemonldap' and 'lemonldappdata' have no value - if a GET request with previous cookie value _($i)_ is rejected #### \_get( $path, %args ) Simulates a GET requests to $path. Accepted arguments: - accept: accepted content, default to Ajax request. Use 'text/html' to test content _(to launch a `expectForm()` for example)_. - cookie: full cookie string - custom: additional headers (hash ref only) - ip: remote address. Default to - method: default to GET. Only GET/DELETE values are acceptable (use `_post()` if you want to launch a POST/PUT request) - query: query string - referer - remote\_user: REMOTE\_USER header value #### \_post( $path, $body, %args ) Same as `_get` except that a body is required. $body must be a file handle. Example with IO::String: ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new('user=dwho&password=dwho'), length => 23 ), 'Auth query' ); #### \_delete( $path, %args ) Call `_get()` with method set to DELETE. #### \_put( $path, $body, %args ) Call `_post()` with method set to PUT