#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use JSON; require './lemonldap-ng-manager/lib/Lemonldap/NG/Manager/Build/Attributes.pm'; require './lemonldap-ng-common/lib/Lemonldap/NG/Common/Conf/ReConstants.pm'; my $rmg = "^(?:(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::virtualHostKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::casAppMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::casSrvMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::oidcOPMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::oidcRPMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::samlIDPMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::samlSPMetaDataNodeKeys)|(?:$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::ReConstants::specialNodeKeys))\$"; $rmg = qr/$rmg/; my $complexNodes = qr/^(?:(?:(?:saml(?:ID|S)|oidc[OR])P|cas(?:App|Srv))MetaData|vhost)Options$/; my $ignore = qr/^(?:virtualHosts)$/; open F, 'lemonldap-ng-manager/site/htdocs/static/reverseTree.json'; my $managed = JSON::from_json( join '', ); my $prm = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::attributes(); my $ok = '✔'; print < Click on a column header to sort table. The attribute key name can be used directly in ''lemonldap-ng.ini'' or in Perl scripts to override configuration parameters (see [[configlocation|configuration location]]). ===== Main parameters ===== ^ Key name ^ Documentation ^ Portal ^ Handler ^ Manager ^ ini file only ^ EOF #| Activate auto accept timer | activeTimer | ✔ | | | foreach my $k ( sort keys %$prm ) { next if $k =~ $ignore; next if $k =~ $rmg; my $p = $prm->{$k}; $p->{flags} ||= 'p'; print "| $k | $p->{documentation}" # Portal flag .' | '.( $p->{flags} =~ /p/ ? $ok : '') # Handler flag .' | '.( $p->{flags} =~ /h/ ? $ok : '') # Manager flag .' | '.( $p->{flags} =~ /m/ ? $ok : '') # Ini-only flag .' | ' . ( ( $managed->{$k} or $k =~ $rmg ) ? '' : ( $k =~ $complexNodes ? '[1]' : $ok ) ) # End of line . " |\n"; } print < //[1]: complex nodes// ===== Configuration backend parameters ===== ^ Full name ^ Key name ^ Configuration backend ^ | Configuration load timeout | confTimeout | all backends (default: 10) | | Directory | dirName | [[fileconfbackend|File]] | | DBI connection string | dbiChain | [[sqlconfbackend|CDBI / RDBI]] | | DBI user | dbiUser | ::: | | DBI password | dbiPassword | ::: | | DBI table name | dbiTable | ::: | | Storage directory | dirName | [[fileconfbackend|File]] / [[yamlconfbackend|YAML]] | | LDAP server | ldapServer | [[ldapconfbackend|LDAP]] | | LDAP port | ldapPort | ::: | | LDAP base | ldapConfBase | ::: | | LDAP bind dn | ldapBindDN | ::: | | LDAP bind password | ldapBindPassword | ::: | | LDAP ObjectClass | ldapObjectClass | ::: | | LDAP ID attribute | ldapAttributeId | ::: | | LDAP content attribute | ldapAttributeContent | ::: | | Certificate authorities file | caFile | ::: | | Certificate authorities directory | caPath | ::: | | MongoDB database | dbName | [[mongodbconfbackend|MongoDB]] | | MongoDB collection | collectionName | ::: | | REST base URL | baseUrl | [[restconfbackend|REST]] | | REST realm | realm | ::: | | REST user | user | ::: | | REST password | password | ::: | | SOAP server location (URL) | proxy | [[soapconfbackend|SOAP]] | | [[http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?LWP::UserAgent|LWP::UserAgent]] parameters | proxyOptions | ::: | | SOAP user | User | ::: | | SOAP password | Password | ::: | EOF