##@file # Zimbra preauthentication ##@class # Zimbra preauthentication # # It will build Zimbra preauth URL package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Lib::ZimbraPreAuth; use strict; use URI::Escape; use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1_hex); our $VERSION = '2.1.0'; # Overload main run method sub run { my ( $class, $req ) = @_; my ( $ret, $session ) = $class->Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::run($req); # Continue only if user is authorized return $ret unless ( $ret == $class->OK ); # Get current URI my $uri = $req->{env}->{REQUEST_URI}; # Get Zimbra parameters my $localConfig = $class->localConfig; my $zimbraPreAuthKey = $localConfig->{zimbraPreAuthKey}; my $zimbraAccountKey = $localConfig->{zimbraAccountKey} || 'uid'; my $zimbraBy = $localConfig->{zimbraBy} || 'id'; my $zimbraUrl = $localConfig->{zimbraUrl} || '/service/preauth'; my $zimbraSsoUrl = $localConfig->{zimbraSsoUrl} || '^/zimbrasso$'; my $timeout = $localConfig->{'timeout'} || '0'; # Remove trailing white-spaces $zimbraAccountKey =~ s/\s+$//; $zimbraBy =~ s/\s+$//; $zimbraUrl =~ s/\s+$//; $zimbraSsoUrl =~ s/\s+$//; # Display found values in debug mode $class->logger->debug("zimbraPreAuthKey: $zimbraPreAuthKey"); $class->logger->debug("zimbraAccountKey: $zimbraAccountKey"); $class->logger->debug("zimbraBy: $zimbraBy"); $class->logger->debug("zimbraUrl: $zimbraUrl"); $class->logger->debug("zimbraSsoUrl: $zimbraSsoUrl"); $class->logger->debug("timeout: $timeout"); # Return if we are not on a Zimbra SSO URI return $class->OK unless ( $uri =~ $zimbraSsoUrl ); # Check mandatory parameters unless ($zimbraPreAuthKey) { $class->logger->error("No Zimbra preauth key configured"); return $class->SERVER_ERROR; } # Build URL my $zimbra_url = $class->_buildZimbraPreAuthUrl( $req, $zimbraPreAuthKey, $zimbraUrl, $class->data->{$zimbraAccountKey}, $zimbraBy, $timeout ); # Header location $class->set_header_out( $req, 'Location' => $zimbra_url ); return $class->REDIRECT; } ## @method private string _buildZimbraPreAuthUrl(string key, string url, string account, string by, int timeout) # Build Zimbra PreAuth URL # @param key PreAuthKey # @param url URL # @param account User account # @param by Account type # @param timeout Timout # @return Zimbra PreAuth URL sub _buildZimbraPreAuthUrl { my ( $class, $req, $key, $url, $account, $by, $timeout ) = @_; # Expiration time is calculated with _utime and timeout my $expires = $timeout ? ( $class->data->{_utime} + $timeout ) * 1000 : $timeout; # Timestamp my $timestamp = time() * 1000; # Compute preauth value my $computed_value = hmac_sha1_hex( "$account|$by|$expires|$timestamp", $key ); $class->logger->debug( "Compute value $account|$by|$expires|$timestamp into $computed_value"); # Build PreAuth URL my $zimbra_url = "$url?account=$account&by=$by×tamp=$timestamp&expires=$expires&preauth=$computed_value"; $class->logger->debug("Build Zimbra URL: $zimbra_url"); return $zimbra_url; } 1;