use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; require 't/'; my $maintests = 28; SKIP: { eval { require Convert::Base32 }; if ($@) { skip 'Convert::Base32 is missing', $maintests; } eval { require Authen::OATH }; if ($@) { skip 'Authen::OATH is missing', $maintests; } require Lemonldap::NG::Common::TOTP; my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', totp2fSelfRegistration => 1, totp2fActivation => 1, totp2fRange => 2 } } ); my $res; # Try to authenticate # ------------------- ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); my ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); my $id = expectCookie($res); expectRedirection( $res, '' ); # TOTP form ok( $res = $client->_get( '/2fregisters', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html', ), 'Form registration' ); expectRedirection( $res, qr#/2fregisters/totp$# ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/2fregisters/totp', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html', ), 'Form registration' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ /totpregistration\.(?:min\.)?js/, 'Found TOTP js' ); # JS query ok( $res = $client->_post( '/2fregisters/totp/getkey', IO::String->new(''), cookie => "lemonldap=$id", length => 0, ), 'Get new key' ); eval { $res = JSON::from_json( $res->[2]->[0] ) }; ok( not($@), 'Content is JSON' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'JSON content' ); my ( $key, $token ); ok( $key = $res->{secret}, 'Found secret' ); ok( $token = $res->{token}, 'Found token' ); $key = Convert::Base32::decode_base32($key); # Post code my $code; ok( $code = Lemonldap::NG::Common::TOTP::_code( undef, $key, 0, 30, 6 ), 'Code' ); ok( $code =~ /^\d{6}$/, 'Code contains 6 digits' ); my $s = "code=$code&token=$token"; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/2fregisters/totp/verify', IO::String->new($s), length => length($s), cookie => "lemonldap=$id", ), 'Post code' ); eval { $res = JSON::from_json( $res->[2]->[0] ) }; ok( not($@), 'Content is JSON' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'JSON content' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Key is registered' ); $client->logout($id); # Try to sign-in with a backward clock drift ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; Time::Fake->offset("+55"); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/totp2fcheck' ); $query =~ s/code=/code=$code/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/totp2fcheck', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), ), 'Post code' ); $id = expectCookie($res); $client->logout($id); Time::Fake->reset; # Try to sign-in with a forward clock drift ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; Time::Fake->offset("-55"); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/totp2fcheck' ); $query =~ s/code=/code=$code/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/totp2fcheck', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), ), 'Post code' ); $id = expectCookie($res); $client->logout($id); Time::Fake->reset; # Try to sign-in with an outrange backward clock drift ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; Time::Fake->offset("+95"); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/totp2fcheck' ); $query =~ s/code=/code=$code/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/totp2fcheck', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Post code' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ /<\/span>/, 'Bad TOTP' ) or print STDERR Dumper( $res->[2]->[0] ); Time::Fake->reset; # Try to sign-in with an outrange forward clock drift ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; Time::Fake->offset("-90"); ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/totp2fcheck' ); $query =~ s/code=/code=$code/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/totp2fcheck', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Post code' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ /<\/span>/, 'Bad TOTP' ) or print STDERR Dumper( $res->[2]->[0] ); } count($maintests); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() );