{ "PE0":"用户已认证", "PE1":"您的连接已经过期,请再次认证", "PE2":"用户名和密码必须填写", "PE3":"目录域管理员账号或密码错误", "PE4":"目录域没有此用户", "PE5":"认证错误", "PE6":"连接LDAP server失败", "PE7":"LDAP server 异常", "PE8":"Apache::Session 模块 错误", "PE9":"需要认证", "PE10":"无效的证书", "PE11":" Lasso:Login 或者 Lasso:Logout 初始化失败", "PE12":"Liberty-Alliance artefact resolution failed", "PE13":"Liberty-Alliance defederation failed", "PE14":"Liberty-Alliance query returned by IDP in assertion is empty", "PE15":"One of Liberty-Alliance soap calls failed", "PE16":"One of Liberty-Alliance single logout failed", "PE17":"No SAML artefact found, or auto-accepting SSO failed", "PE18":"初始化,创建或者请求 SSO 失败", "PE19":"Unable to store Liberty-Alliance session id", "PE20":"A Liberty-Alliance Soap End Point process failed", "PE21":"您的账号被锁定", "PE22":"您的密码已经过期", "PE23":"需要证书", "PE24":"错误", "PE25":"密码已经重置现在必须修改", "PE26":"密码不能修改", "PE27":"修改新密码时必须提供原密码", "PE28":"密码设置不满足条件", "PE29":"密码太短", "PE30":"密码太简单", "PE31":"Password used too recently", "PE32":" authentications remaining, change your password!", "PE33":"距离密码失效还有 %d 天, %d 小时, %d 分钟, %d 秒, 请修改!", "PE34":"密码不匹配", "PE35":"密码修改成功", "PE36":"您有一条新消息", "PE37":"无效 URL", "PE38":"没有方案可用", "PE39":"无效的旧密码", "PE40":"无效的username", "PE41":"Session opening not allowed", "PE42":"需要确认", "PE43":"您的邮箱地址是必填项", "PE44":"Confirmation key is invalid or too old", "PE45":"发送邮件失败", "PE46":"邮件已发送", "PE47":"您的连接已断开", "PE48":"Undefined SAML error", "PE49":"Unable to load SAML service", "PE50":"Problem when loading an identity provider", "PE51":"An error occured during SAML single sign on", "PE52":"SAML entity is not known", "PE53":"SAML message destination is not correct", "PE54":"SAML message conditions are not respected", "PE55":"Identity provider initiated single sign on is not authorized", "PE56":"An error occured during SAML single logout", "PE57":"Error in SAML message signature management", "PE58":"An error occured during SAML artifact use", "PE59":"Communication error with SAML sessions", "PE60":"Problem when loading a service provider", "PE61":"An error occured during SAML attributes exchange", "PE62":"This is an OpenID endpoint page", "PE63":"You try to use an OpenID identity which is not yours", "PE64":"所需 attribute 不可用", "PE65":"Federation forbidden by security policy", "PE66":"确认邮件已经发送", "PE67":"密码必须填写", "PE68":"Access not granted on CAS service", "PE69":"请提供您的邮箱", "PE70":"没有匹配用户", "PE71":"请提供您的新密码", "PE72":"确认邮件已发送", "PE73":"Radius 连接失败", "PE74":"需要原密码", "PE75":"You came from an unaccredited IP address", "PE76":"输入验证码失败", "PE77":"你必须输入验证码", "PE78":"请输入您的信息", "PE79":"信息丢失", "PE80":"This address is already used", "PE81":"Invalid authentication attempt", "PE82":"Exceeded authentication timeout", "PE83":"U2F verification failed. Retry or contact your administrator", "PE84":"您没有授权访问该主机", "PE85":"The remote site ask for a newer session (and UpgradeSession plugin isn't loaded). Logout and retry", "PE86":"Your account is locked. You must wait 30s before authenticate again", "PE87":"You must authenticate again to access to Portal", "PE88":"Your account must have an e-mail address in order to use double factor authentication", "PE89":"Access not granted on SAML service", "PE90":"Access not granted on OIDC service", "PE91":"Access not granted on OID service", "PE92":"Access not granted on GET service", "PE93":"Access not granted on IMPERSONATION service", "2fRegRequired":"This service requires a double factor authentication. Register a device now, then go back to the portal.", "accept":"Accept 方法", "accessDenied":"您无权访问此应用", "accountCreated":"您的账号已创建,临时密码已发送至您的邮箱", "accountCreationSuccess":"你的账户已创建", "action":"Action", "allowed":"Access ALLOWED", "anotherInformation":"Another information:", "areYouSure":"您确定吗?", "askToRenew":"This application needs a more recent authentication. Do you want to reauthenticate?", "askToUpgrade":"This application needs an higher authentication level. Do you want to reauthenticate?", "attributes":"ATTRIBUTES", "authPortal":"Authentication portal", "authRemaining":"%s authentications remaining, change your password!", "autoAccept":"30秒后自动接受", "back2CasUrl":"The application you just logged out of has provided a link it would like you to follow", "back2Portal":"回到首页", "badCode":"Bad code", "badName":"Bad name", "cancel":"取消", "captcha":"验证码", "changeKey":"Generate new key", "changePwd":"修改您的密码", "checkLastLogins":"Check my last logins", "checkUser":"Check user SSO profile", "choose2f":"Choose your second factor", "chooseApp":"Choose an application your are allowed to access to", "clickHere":"请点击这里", "clickOnYubikey":"Click on your Yubikey", "closeSSO":"Close your SSO session", "code":"代码", "confirmation":"确认", "confirmLinkSent":"确认链接已发送,链接有效期是", "confirmPwd":"确认密码", "connect":"连接", "connectedAs":"作为链接", "continue":"继续", "createAccount":"创建账户", "currentPwd":"当前密码", "date":"日期", "enterCred":"请输入您的认证信息", "enterExt2fCode":"验证法已发送,请输入", "enterOpenIDLogin":"请输入您的 OpenID 认证", "enterTotpCode":"Enter TOTP code", "enterYubikey":"请使用您的Yubikey", "errorMsg":"错误消息", "fillTheForm":"Fill the form", "firstName":"名", "forbidden":"Access FORBIDDEN", "forgotPwd":"忘记密码?", "generatePwd":"自动生成密码", "gotNewMessages":"您有一些新消息", "goToPortal":"回到首页", "gplSoft":"free software covered by the GPL license", "groups_sso":"SSO GROUPS", "headers":"HEADERS", "id":"Id", "imSure":"我确认", "info":"信息", "ipAddr":"IP 地址", "key":"Key", "lastFailedLogins":"上次失败的认证", "lastLogins":"上次登陆", "lastName":"姓氏", "linkValidUntil":"This message contains a link to reset your password, this link is valid until ", "loginHistory":"登陆记录", "login":"登陆", "logout":"注销登录", "logoutConfirm":"您想注销登录吗?", "logoutFromOtherApp":"Logout from other applications ...", "logoutFromSP":"Logout from service providers ...", "macros":"MACROS", "mail":"邮件", "mailSent2":"已经发送一封邮件到您的邮箱", "maintenanceMode":"This application is in maintenance, please try to connect later", "maxNumberof2FDevicesReached":"Maximum number of 2F devices reached!!!", "missingCode":"Code is missing", "name":"Name", "newMessages":"新消息", "newPassword":"新密码", "newPwdSentTo":"确认邮件已发送至您的邮箱", "noHistory":"欢迎,这是您的首次登陆", "notAuthorized":"You're not authorized to do this", "notFound":"Not found: you try to access to an unavailable page", "noTOTPFound":"No TOTP found", "noU2FKeyFound":"No U2F key found", "oidcConsent":"The application %s would like to know:", "oidcConsents":"OIDC consents", "oidcConsentsFull":"OpenID-Connect consents", "openidAp":"Do you agree to provide the following parameters?", "openIdExample":"例如:http://myopenid.org/toto", "openidExchange":"Do you want to authenticate yourself on %s ?", "openidPA":"Data usage policy is available at", "openidRpns":"Parameter %s requested for federation isn't available", "openSessionSpace":"This space allow you to open a SSO session. This will help you to securely access to all applications authorized by your profil.", "openSSOSession":"Open your SSO session", "otherSessions":"Other active sessions", "password":"密码", "ppGrace":"authentications remaining, change your password!", "proxyError":"Bad gateway: unable to join remote server", "pwdChange":"Password change", "pwd":"密码", "pwdResetAlreadyIssued":"A password reset request was already issued on ", "pwdWillExpire":"距离密码失效还有 %d 天, %d 小时, %d 分钟, %d 秒, 请修改!", "redirectedFrom":"您重定向自", "redirectedIn":"您将30秒后重定向", "redirectionInProgres":"重定向进行中", "redirectionToIdp":"重定向至你的Identity Provider", "refreshrights":"Refresh my rights", "refuse":"拒绝", "register":"注册", "registerRequestAlreadyIssued":"A register request for this account was already issued on ", "rememberChoice":"记住我的选择", "removeOtherSessions":"移除其他会话", "resendConfirmMail":"重新发送确认邮件?", "resentConfirm":"Do you want the confirmation mail to be resent?", "resetPwd":"重置我的密码", "rightsReloadNeedsLogout":"Rights reloads need to logout and login again", "scope":"Scope", "search":"Search", "selectIdP":"Select your Identity Provider", "service":"Service", "sendPwd":"Send me a link", "serverError":"Error occurs on the server", "serviceProvidedBy":"Service provided by", "sessionsDeleted":"The following sessions have been closed", "sfaManager":"2ndFA Manager", "spoofId":"Spoofed Id", "SSOSessionInactive":"SSO session inactive", "stayConnected":"Stay connected on this device", "submit":"提交", "totpExistingKey":"A TOTP secret already exists", "touchU2fDevice":"Please touch the flashing U2F device now.", "touchU2fDeviceOrEnterTotp":"Please touch the flashing U2F device or enter TOTP code.", "type":"Type", "u2fFailed":"U2F verification failed. Retry or contact your administrator", "u2fPermission":"You may be prompted to allow the site permission to access your security keys. After granting permission, the device will start to blink.", "u2fWelcome":"U2F device management", "unableToGetKey":"Unable to access to your key. Retry or contact your administrator", "unknownAction":"Unknown action", "unregister":"Unregister", "updateCdc":"更新通用域的Cookie", "upgradeSession":"升级会话", "user":"用户", "useYubikey":"使用您的 Yubikey", "value":"Value", "verify":"验证", "VHnotFound":"Virtual Host not found", "wait":"等待", "waitingmessage":"Authentication in progress, please wait", "warning":"警告", "welcomeOnPortal":"欢迎来到您的加密认证 portal", "yesResendMail":"好的,重新发送邮件", "yourAddress":"您的地址", "yourApps":"你的应用", "yourEmail":"您的邮箱", "yourIdentity":"您的标识", "yourIdentityIs":"您的身份是", "yourKeyIsRegistered":"Your key is registered", "yourKeyIsAlreadyRegistered":"Your key is ALREADY registered !!!", "yourKeyIsUnregistered":"Your key has been unregistered", "yourKeyIsVerified":"Your key is verified", "yourNewTotpKey":"Your new TOTP key, please test it and enter the code", "yourPhone":"您的电话号码", "yourProfile":"您的档案", "yourTotpKey":"Your TOTP key" }