

LimeSurvey is a web survey software written in PHP. LimeSurvey has a webserver authentication mode that allows to integrate it directly into LemonLDAP::NG.

To have a stronger integration, we will configure LimeSurvey to autocreate unknown users and use HTTP headers to fill name, mail and roles. For example, we will use 3 roles:


We suppose that LimeSurvey is installed in /var/www/html/limesurvey

LimeSurvey configuration

The configuration is done in config.php:

vi /var/www/html/limesurvey/config.php
// WebSSO
$useWebserverAuth = true;
$WebserverAuth_autocreateUser = true;
$WebserverAuth_autouserprofile = Array(
 'full_name' => $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_CN'],
 'email' => $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_MAIL'],
 'lang' => 'en',
 'htmleditormode' => 'inline',
 'templatelist' => 'default,basic,MyOrgTemplate',
 'create_user' =>  $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN'],
 'delete_user' =>  $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN'],
 'superadmin' => $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN'],
 'configurator' =>  $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN'],
 'manage_template' =>  $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN'],
 'manage_label' =>  $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_SUPERADMIN']

We directly use HTTP headers to fill default user profile.

LimeSurvey virtual host in Apache

Configure LimeSurvey virtual host like other protected virtual host.

<VirtualHost *:80>
       PerlHeaderParserHandler Lemonldap::NG::Handler
      SetEnvIfNoCase Auth-User "(.*)" PHP_AUTH_USER=$1
      Alias /limesurvey /var/www/html/limesurvey
      DocumentRoot /var/www/html/limesurvey

You need to set the PHP_AUTH_USER variable to have the Webserver authentication mode working.

LimeSurvey virtual host in Manager

Go to the Manager and create a new virtual host for LimeSurvey.


Header name Description
Auth-User user login
Auth-Cn user full name
Auth-Mail user email
Auth-Admin 1 if user is admin
Auth-SuperAdmin 1 if user is superadmin

You can manage roles with the RBAC model or by using groups.


Rule name Expression Description
Logout action=logout$ Logout rule (for example logout_app_sso)
Admin ^/limesurvey/admin/ Allow only admin and superadmin roles
Default default Allow only users with a LimeSurvey role

You can set the default access to:

  • accept: all authenticated users will access surveys
  • unprotect: no authentication will be asked to access surveys