

phpLDAPadmin is an LDAP administration tool written in PHP.

phpLDAPadmin will connect to the directory with a static DN and password, and so will not request authentication anymore. The access to phpLDAPadmin will be protected by LemonLDAP::NG with specific access rules.

phpLDAPadmin will have no idea of the user connected to the WebSSO. So a simple user can have admin rights on the LDAP directory if your access rules are too lazy.


phpLDAPadmin local configuration

Just set the authentication type to config and indicate DN and password inside the file config.php:


phpLDAPadmin virtual host in Apache

Configure phpLDAPadmin virtual host like other protected virtual host.

<VirtualHost *:80>
       PerlHeaderParserHandler Lemonldap::NG::Handler

phpLDAPadmin virtual host in Manager

Go to the Manager and create a new virtual host for phpLDAPadmin.

Just configure the access rules.

No headers are required.