Authentication Users Password


LL::NG can delegate authentication to a CAS server. This requires Perl CAS module.

LL::NG can also act as CAS server, that allows to interconnect two LL::NG systems.

LL::NG can also request proxy tickets for its protected services. Proxy tickets will be collected at authentication phase and stored in user session under the form:

_casPTserviceID = Proxy ticket value

They can then be forwarded to applications trough HTTP headers.

CAS authentication will automatically add a logout forward rule on CAS server logout URL in order to close CAS session on LL::NG logout.

Perl-CAS module installation

Download the latest version:


Extract and build the module:

tar zxvf AuthCAS-1.4.tar.gz 
cd AuthCAS-1.4/
perl Makefile.PL
make test

Install the module:

sudo make install


In Manager, go in General Parameters > Authentication modules and choose CAS for authentication.

You can then choose any other module for users and password.

Then, go in CAS parameters:

If no proxied services defined, CAS authentication will not activate the CAS proxy mode.

If you activate proxy mode, you must create the PGT file on your system, for example:

touch /tmp/pgt.txt