OpenID Connect Provider


OpenID Connect is a protocol based on REST, OAuth 2.0 and JOSE stacks. It is described here:

LL::NG can act as an OpenID Connect Provider (OP). It will answer to OpenID Connect requests to give user identity (trough ID Token) and information (trough User Info end point).

As an OP, LL::NG supports a lot of OpenID Connect features:


OpenID Connect Service

See OpenID Connect service configuration chapter.


Go in General Parameters » Issuer modules » OpenID Connect and configure:

For example, to allow only users with a strong authentication level:

$authenticationLevel > 2

Configuration of LL::NG in Relying Party

Each Relying Party has its own configuration way. LL::NG publish its OpenID Connect metadata to ease the configuration of client.

The metadata can be found at the standard “Well Known” URL:

An example of its content:

   "end_session_endpoint" : "",
   "jwks_uri" : "",
   "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported" : [
   "token_endpoint" : "",
   "response_types_supported" : [
      "id_token token",
      "code id_token",
      "code token",
      "code id_token token"
   "userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported" : [
   "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported" : [
   "userinfo_endpoint" : "",
   "request_uri_parameter_supported" : "true",
   "acr_values_supported" : [
   "request_parameter_supported" : "true",
   "subject_types_supported" : [
   "issuer" : "",
   "grant_types_supported" : [
   "authorization_endpoint" : "",
   "check_session_iframe" : "",
   "scopes_supported" : [
   "require_request_uri_registration" : "false",
   "registration_endpoint" : ""

Configuration of Relying Party in LL::NG

Go in Manager and click on OpenID Connect Relying Parties, then click on Add OpenID Relying Party. Give a technical name (no spaces, no special characters), like “sample-rp”;

You can then access to the configuration of this RP.

Exported attributes

You can map here the attribute names from the LL::NG session to an OpenID Connect claim.

So you can define for example:

The specific sub attribute is not defined here, but in User attribute parameter (see below).

You can also define extra claims and link them to attributes (see below). Then you just have to define the mapping of this new attributes, for example:
