Installation from the tarball

Get the tarball

Get the tarball from download page. You can also find on this page the SVN tarball if you want to test latest features.

The content of the SVN tarball is not the same as the official tarball. Please see the next chapter to learn how build an official tarball from SVN files.

Build the tarball from SVN

Either checkout or export the SVN repository, or extract the SVN tarball to get the SVN files on your disk.

Then go to trunk directory:

cd trunk

And run the “dist” target:

make dist

The generated tarball is in the current directory.


Just run the tar command:

tar zxvf lemonldap-ng-*.tar.gz


First check and install the prerequisites.

For full install:

cd lemonldap-ng-*
make configure
make test
sudo make install

You can also build and install French documentation :

make fr-doc
make install_fr_doc_site

Note that you need to have the OmegaT tool to generate the doc.

You can modify location of default storage configuration file in configure target:

sudo make configure STORAGECONFFILE=/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini

You can choose other Makefile targets:

You can also pass parameters to the make install command, with this syntax:

sudo make install PARAM=VALUE PARAM=VALUE ...

Available parameters are:

For Debian/Ubuntu, you can use:

make debian-install


make ubuntu-install

See also Debian/Ubuntu installation documentation.

By default, Apache configuration files will be installed in /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/. You have to include them in Apache main configuration, for example:

include /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/portal-apache2.conf
include /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/handler-apache2.conf
include /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/manager-apache2.conf
include /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/test-apache2.conf

  • You can also use symbolic links in conf.d Apache directory.
  • If you have run the Debian/Ubuntu install command, just use:
a2ensite manager-apache2.conf
a2ensite portal-apache2.conf
a2ensite handler-apache2.conf
a2ensite test-apache2.conf

Mod Perl must be loaded before LL::NG Apache configuration.

Install cron jobs

LL::NG use cron jobs to:

To install them on system:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/cron.d/* /etc/cron.d/


Configure your DNS server to resolve names with your server IP.

For tests with the configured domain, launch the following :

cat /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/lemonldap-ng/for_etc_hosts >> /etc/hosts

Follow the next steps.