Reset password by mail


LL::NG can propose a password reset form, for users who loose their password (this kind of application is also called a self service password interface).


If LDAP backend is used, and LDAP password policy is enabled, the 'password reset flag is set to true when password is generated, so that the user is forced to change his password on next connection. This feature can be disabled in LDAP configuration.

If the user do a new password reset request but there is already a request pending, the user can ask the confirmation mail to be resent. The request validity time is a configuration parameter.


The reset password link must be activated, see portal customization.

Then go in Manager, General Parameters » Advanced Parameters » Password management:

  • If no SMTP server is configured, the mail will be sent via the local sendmail program. Else, Net::SMTP module is required to use the SMTP server
  • The SMTP server value can hold the port, for example:
  • If authentication is configured, Authen::SASL and MIME::Base64 modules are required

By default, mail content are empty in order to use HTML templates:

  • portal/skins/common/mail_confirm.tpl
  • portal/skins/common/mail_password.tpl

If you define mail contents in Manager, HTML templates will not be used.