package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Init; use strict; use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf; our $VERSION = '2.0.0'; ## @imethod void init(hashRef args) # Read parameters and build the Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf object. # @param $args hash containing parameters sub init($$) { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; # According to doc, localStorage can be declared in $args root, # but it must be in $args->{configStorage} foreach (qw(localStorage localStorageOptions)) { $args->{configStorage}->{$_} ||= $args->{$_}; } my $tmp = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf->new( $args->{configStorage} ); unless ( $class->confAcc($tmp) ) { die( "$class : unable to build configuration: " . "$Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::msg" ); } # Merge local configuration parameters so that params defined in # startup parameters have precedence over lemonldap-ng.ini params $class->localConfig( { %{ $class->confAcc->getLocalConf('handler') }, %{$args} } ); $class->checkTime( $class->localConfig->{checkTime} || $class->checkTime ); # Few actions that must be done at server startup: # * set log level for Lemonldap::NG logs $class->logLevelInit( $class->localConfig->{logLevel} ); # * set server signature $class->serverSignatureInit unless ( $class->localConfig->{hideSignature} ); # * launch status process $class->statusInit() if ( $class->localConfig->{status} ); 1; } # @method void logLevelInit # Set log level for Lemonldap::NG logs sub logLevelInit { my ( $class, $level ) = @_; if ( $level and not defined $class->logLevels->{$level} ) { $class->lmLog( "Undefined log level: $level", 'error' ); } else { $class->_logLevel( $class->logLevels->{ $level || 'notice' } ); } } # @method void serverSignatureInit # adapt server signature sub serverSignatureInit { my $class = shift; $class->setServerSignature("Lemonldap::NG/$VERSION"); } ## @ifn protected void statusInit() # Launch the status process sub statusInit { my ($class) = @_; return if ( $class->tsv->{statusPipe} and $class->tsv->{statusOut} ); require IO::Pipe; my $statusPipe = IO::Pipe->new; my $statusOut = IO::Pipe->new; if ( my $pid = fork() ) { # TODO: log new process pid $statusPipe->writer(); $statusOut->reader(); $statusPipe->autoflush(1); ( $class->tsv->{statusPipe}, $class->tsv->{statusOut} ) = ( $statusPipe, $statusOut ); } else { $statusPipe->reader(); $statusOut->writer(); my $fdin = $statusPipe->fileno; my $fdout = $statusOut->fileno; open STDIN, "<&$fdin"; open STDOUT, ">&$fdout"; my $perl_exec = ( $^X =~ /perl/ ) ? $^X : 'perl'; exec $perl_exec, '-MLemonldap::NG::Handler::Status', map( {"-I$_"} @INC ), '-e &Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Status::run()'; } } 1;