## @file # File storage methods for notifications ## @class # File storage methods for notifications package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Notification::File; use strict; use MIME::Base64; our $VERSION = '0.1'; ## @method boolean prereq() # Check if parameters are set and if storage directory exists. # @return true if all is OK sub prereq { my $self = shift; unless ( $self->{dirName} ) { $Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Notification::msg = '"dirName" is required in "File" configuration type !'; return 0; } if ( $self->{table} ) { $self->{dirName} =~ s/\/conf\/?$//; $self->{dirName} .= "/$self->{table}"; } unless ( -d $self->{dirName} ) { $Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Notification::msg = "Directory \"$self->{dirName}\" does not exist !"; return 0; } 1; } ## @method hashref get(string uid,string ref) # Returns notifications corresponding to the user $uid. # If $ref is set, returns only notification corresponding to this reference. # @param $uid UID # @param $ref Notification reference # @return hashref where keys are filenames and values are XML strings sub get { my ( $self, $uid, $ref ) = @_; return () unless ($uid); opendir D, $self->{dirName}; my @notif; unless ($ref) { @notif = grep /^\d{8}_${uid}_\S*\.xml$/, readdir(D); } else { my $tmp = encode_base64( $ref, '' ); @notif = grep /^\d{8}_${uid}_$tmp.xml$/, readdir(D); } close D; my $files; foreach my $file (@notif) { unless ( open F, $self->{dirName} . "/$file" ) { $self->lmLog( "Unable to read notification $self->{dirName}/$_", 'error' ); next; } $files->{$file} = join( '', ); } return $files; } ## @method hashref getAll() # Return all messages not notified. # @return hashref where keys are internal reference and values are hashref with # keys date, uid and ref. sub getAll { my $self = shift; opendir D, $self->{dirName}; my @notif; @notif = grep /^\S*\.xml$/, readdir(D); my %h = map { /^(\d{8})_([^\s_]+)_([^\s_]+)\.xml$/ ? ( $_ => { date => $1, uid => $2, ref => $3 } ) : () } @notif; return \%h; } ## @method boolean delete(string myref) # Mark a notification as done. # @param $myref identifier returned by get() or getAll() sub delete { my ( $self, $myref ) = @_; my $new = ( $myref =~ /(.*?)(?:\.xml)$/ )[0] . '.done'; return rename( $self->{dirName} . "/$myref", $self->{dirName} . "/$new" ); } ## @method boolean purge(string myref) # Purge notification (really delete record) # @param $myref identifier returned by get() or getAll() # @return true if something was deleted sub purge { my ( $self, $myref ) = @_; return unlink( $self->{dirName} . "/$myref" ); } ## @method boolean newNotif(string date, string uid, string ref, string xml) # Insert a new notification # @param date Date # @param uid UID # @param ref Reference of the notification # @param xml XML notification # @return true if succeed sub newNotif { my ( $self, $date, $uid, $ref, $xml ) = @_; $date =~ s/-//g; return ( 0, "Bad date" ) unless ( $date =~ /^\d{8}/ ); my $filename = $self->{dirName} . "/${date}_${uid}_" . encode_base64( $ref, '' ) . ".xml"; return ( 0, 'This notification still exists' ) if ( -e $filename ); my $old = ( $filename =~ /(.*?)(?:\.xml)$/ )[0] . '.done'; return ( 0, 'This notification has been done' ) if ( -e $old ); open my $F, ">$filename" or return ( 0, "Unable to create $filename ($!)" ); binmode($F); $xml->toFH($F); return ( 0, "Unable to close $filename ($!)" ) unless ( close $F ); return 1; } ## @method hashref getDone() # Returns a list of notification that have been done # @return hashref where keys are internal reference and values are hashref with # keys notified, uid and ref. sub getDone { my ($self) = @_; opendir D, $self->{dirName}; my @notif; @notif = grep /^\d{8}_\S*\.done$/, readdir(D); my $res; foreach my $file (@notif) { my ( $u, $r ) = ( $file =~ /^\d+_([^_]+)_([^_]+)\.done$/ ); die unless ( -f "$self->{dirName}/$file" ); my $time = ( stat("$self->{dirName}/$file") )[10]; $res->{$file} = { 'uid' => $u, 'ref' => decode_base64($r), 'notified' => $time, }; } return $res; } 1;