Custom authentication modules

Authentication Users Password


This artifact allows one to define its own modules (authentication, user database, password or register database).

The developer documentation is available in Portal manpages. See Auth.pod and UserDB.pod


In Manager, go in General Parameters > Authentication modules and choose 'Custom module'.

Then, you just have to define class names of your custom modules in "Custom module names". Custom parameters can be set in "Additional parameters". Full path must be specify.

You can define your own customAuth module icon. Icon must be in site/htdocs/static/common/modules/icon.png means Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth::My::Dev
Be careful. Don' t use an already attributed name in configuration.

These parameters are available in your plugins using $self->conf->{customAddParams}->{customName}.

Read portal manpages to see how to write these plugins.