Installation on Debian/Ubuntu with packages


LemonLDAP::NG provides these packages:

Get the packages

Official repository

If you run Debian testing or unstable, the packages are directly installable:

apt-cache search lemonldap-ng

Packages from Debian repository may not be up to date. Prefer then the other solutions (see below).

LL::NG repository

You can add this repository to have recent packages:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lemonldap-ng.list
# LemonLDAP::NG repository
deb stable main
deb-src stable main

Run this to update packages cache:

apt-get update

Manual download

Packages are available on the Download page.

Package GPG signature

The GPG key can be downloaded here: rpm-gpg-key-ow2

Install it to trust packages:

apt-key add rpm-gpg-key-ow2

Install packages

With aptitude

aptitude install lemonldap-ng

With dpkg

Before installing the packages, install dependencies.


dpkg -i liblemonldap-ng-* lemonldap-ng*

First configuration steps

Change default DNS domain

By default, DNS domain is You can change it quick with a sed command. For example, we change it to

sed -i 's/example\.com/' /etc/lemonldap-ng/* /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1 /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/test/

Enable LL::NG sites

Enable LL::NG sites in Apache:

a2ensite handler-apache2.conf
a2ensite portal-apache2.conf
a2ensite manager-apache2.conf
a2ensite test-apache2.conf

Enable mod_perl if not already loaded:

a2enmod perl

Restart Apache:

apache2ctl configtest
apache2ctl restart

Reload virtual host

To allow the manager to reload the configuration, register the reload virtual host name in the hosts of the server:

echo "" >> /etc/hosts

Adapt the reload virtual host name to the domain you configured.


If you upgraded LL::NG, check all upgrade notes.

The upgrade process will also have migrate old configuration files into /etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini. This includes the application list which is now set in the applicationList parameter from [portal] section, for example:

applicationList={ 'Menu' => { type => 'category', 'Example' => { type => 'category', 'test1' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'Application Test 1', uri => '', description => 'A simple application displaying authenticated user', logo => 'wheels.png', display => 'auto',  }, },'test2' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'Application Test 2', uri => '', description => 'The same simple application displaying authenticated user', logo => 'wheels.png', display => 'auto',  }, }, },'Administration' => { type => 'category', 'manager' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'WebSSO Manager', uri => '', description => 'Configure LemonLDAP::NG WebSSO', logo => 'tools.png', display => 'on',  }, },'sessions' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'Sessions explorer', uri => '', description => 'Explore WebSSO sessions', logo => 'tools.png', display => 'on',  }, }, },'Documentation' => { type => 'category', 'localdoc' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'Local documentation', uri => '', description => 'Documentation supplied with LemonLDAP::NG', logo => 'docs.png', display => 'on',  }, },'officialwebsite' => { type => 'application', options => { name => 'Offical Website', uri => '', description => 'Official LemonLDAP::NG Website', logo => 'web.png', display => 'on',  }, }, }, }, }

You should now use the Manager to configure all applications and categories, and then comment or remove the applicationList parameter from /etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini.


Configure your DNS server to resolve names with your server IP.

For tests with, launch the following :

cat /etc/lemonldap-ng/for_etc_hosts >> /etc/hosts

Follow the next steps

File location

Build your packages

You can also get the LemonLDAP::NG archive and make the package yourself:

tar xzf lemonldap-ng-*.tar.gz
cd lemonldap-ng-*
make debian-packages