Secure Token Handler


The Secure Token Handler is a special Handler that create a token for each request and send it to the protected application. The real user identifier is stored in a Memcached server and the protected application can the request the Memcached server to get user identifier.

This mechanism allow to do SSO on application with an unsafe link between Handler and the application, but with a safe link with the Memcached server.


Virtual host in Apache

Configure the virtual host like other protected virtual host but use Secure Token Handler instead of default Handler.

<VirtualHost *:80>
       # Load SecureToken Handler
       PerlRequire Lemonldap/NG/Handler/Specific/
       PerlHeaderParserHandler Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Specific::SecureToken

Handler parameters

Go in Manager, Default parameters » Advanced parameters » Special handlers » Secure Token, and edit the different keys: