# Launch renew captcha request renewCaptcha = () -> console.log 'Call URL -> ', "#{portal}renewcaptcha" # Request to get new token and image $.ajax type: "GET" url: "#{portal}renewcaptcha" dataType: 'json' error: (j, status, err) -> console.log 'Error', err if err res = JSON.parse j.responseText if j if res and res.error console.log 'Returned error', res # On success, values are set success: (data) -> newtoken = data.newtoken console.log 'GET new token -> ', newtoken newimage = data.newimage console.log 'GET new image -> ', newimage $('#token').attr 'value', newtoken $('#captcha').attr 'src', newimage $(document).ready -> $('#logout').attr 'href', portal $('.renewcaptchaclick').on 'click', renewCaptcha