use Test::More tests => 5; BEGIN { use_ok("Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple"); use_ok("Lemonldap::NG::Portal::_WebForm"); } # build Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple object my $p = Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple->new( { globalStorage => 'Apache::Session::File', domain => '', error => 0, authentication => 'Demo', userDB => 'Null', passwordDB => 'Null', applicationList => {}, locationRules => { '' => { 'default' => "deny", '^/ok' => '$uid eq "kharec"', '^/nok' => '$uid eq "toto"', }, }, cfgNum => 42, sessionInfo => { uid => "kharec" }, captcha_size => 6, } ); ## Overload captcha_output and captcha_data mkdir "./tmp"; $p->{captcha_output} = "./tmp/output"; $p->{captcha_data} = "./tmp/data"; # create dir mkdir $p->{captcha_output}; mkdir $p->{captcha_data}; ok( ref($p) eq "Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple" ); # try to init a captcha $p->initCaptcha; ok( $p->{captcha_img}, "Generation of captcha image" ); # try a wrong values to check checkCaptcha method my $captcha_result = $p->checkCaptcha( "12D3EO", $p->{captcha_code} ); ok( 1 ne $captcha_result, "Verification of captcha" ); END { system("rm -rf ./tmp"); }