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NextCloud is a fork of Owncloud, suite of client-server software for creating file hosting services and using them.

This documentation explains how to interconnect LemonLDAP::NG and NextCloud using SAML 2.0 protocol.



You need to install the software.

If your NextCloud is behind a proxy (thus having a private IP), metadata generated by NextCloud won't work.

Consider changing the configuration of NextCloud to force the domain, in $nextcloudrootwww/config/config.php, add the following:

'overwritehost' => '',

You also need to enable the “SAML authentication” plugin in your NextCloud.

 + Apps -> Not enabled -> SAML authentication


You need to enable SAML 2.0 issuer module in LL:NG:

"General Parameters -> Issuer modules -> SAML -> Activation"

NextCloud, SAML 2.0 configuration

Configuration of SAML 2.0 in NextCloud is pretty straightforward.

Administration -> SAML authentication

You will find the following fields:

We need a few steps to generate our LL:NG certificate (unless you already have one). You first need to create a pair of SSH Keys in LL:NG:

SAML 2 Service -> Security Parameters -> Signature

and click “New keys”

Take the private key in a private.key file, and run the following:

openssl req -new -key private.key -out cert.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in cert.csr -signkey private.key -out cert.pem

Copy/Paste the content of your new cert.pem in the “Public X.509 certificate of the IdP” field of your NextCloud.

Your fields should look like this:

You can now download your metadata xml file.

LL:NG, SAML 2.0 Service Provider configuration

We now have to define a service provider (e.g our nextcloud) in LL:NG.

Go to “SAML service providers”, click on “Add SAML SP” and name it as you want (example : 'NextCloud')

In the new subtree 'NextCloud', open 'Metadata' and paste the content of your previously downloaded file (or upload the file)

Now go in “Exported attributes” and add, at least, the 'uid'

Don't forget to save your configuration.

You are now good to go, and you can add the application in your menu and your virtual hosts.