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Yubikey Second Factor

The Yubikey is a small material token shipped by Yubico. It sends an OTP, which is validated against Yubico server.

Prerequisites and dependencies

You need Auth::Yubikey_WebClient package.

You need to get an client ID and a secret key from Yubico. See Yubico API page.


In the manager (second factors), you just have to enable it:

If you want to use a custom rule for “activation” and want to keep self-registration, you must include this in your rule: $_2fDevices =~ /“type”:\s*“UBK”/s, else Yubikey will be required even if users are not registered. This is automatically done when “activation” is simply set to “on”.


If you don't want to use self-registration, set public part of user's yubikey in Second Factor Devices array (JSON) in your user-database. Then map it to the _2fDevices attribute (see exported variables):

[{"name" : "MyYubikey" , "type" : "UBK" , "_secret" : "########" , "epoch":"1524078936"}, ...]