package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::CertificateResetByMail::LDAP; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_LDAPCONNECTFAILED PE_LDAPERROR PE_OK PE_ERROR ); extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::LDAP'; our $VERSION = '2.0.8'; # PRIVATE METHOD sub modifCertificate { my ( $self, $req, $newCertif, $userCertif ) = @_; my $ceaAttribute = $self->conf->{certificateResetByMailCeaAttribute} || "description"; my $certificateAttribute = $self->conf->{certificateResetByMailCertificateAttribute} || "userCertificate;binary"; # Set the dn unless done before my $dn; if ( $req->userData->{_dn} ) { $dn = $req->userData->{_dn}; $self->logger->debug("Get DN from request data: $dn"); } else { $dn = $req->sessionInfo->{_dn}; $self->logger->debug("Get DN from session data: $dn"); } unless ($dn) { $self->logger->error('"dn" is not set, aborting certificate reset'); return PE_ERROR; } #my $dn = "uid=" . $req->{user}. "," . $self->conf->{ldapBase}; my $result = $self->ldap->modify( $dn, replace => [ $ceaAttribute => $newCertif, "$certificateAttribute" => [$userCertif] ] ); unless ( $result->code == 0 ) { $self->logger->debug( "LDAP modify Error: " . $result->code ); $self->ldap->unbind; $self->{flags}->{ldapActive} = 0; $self->ldap->unbind; return PE_LDAPERROR; } $self->logger->debug("$ceaAttribute set to $newCertif"); return PE_OK; } 1;