Table of Contents

Portal customization

The portal is the visible part of LemonLDAP::NG, all user interactions are displayed on it.

You can change the default Main Logo in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Main Logo.

A blank value disables Main Logo display.

- Logo files must be stored in lemonldap-ng-portal/site/htdocs/static/my/path directory

- Logo file path must be like my/path/logo.png

- Main logo is included in Portal templates AND mail body

Show languages choice

You can disabled languages choice in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Show languages choice.

Option enabled by default.

If languages choice is disabled, Portal displays accepted languages by your browser (EN by default).


LemonLDAP::NG is shipped with bootstrap skin.

But you can make your own. See Skin customization below.

Default skin

You can change the default skin in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Default skin.

Select the Custom skin, then set the name of the skin you want to use in the input below.

Skin background

Go in General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Skin background. You can define a background by selecting one of the available image. Use None to use the default skin background configuration.

Skin rules

You might want to display different skin depending on the URL that was called before being redirected to the portal, or the IP address of the user.

To achieve this, you can create a rule in the Manager: select General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Skin display rules on click on “New key”. Then fill the two fields;

Skin files

A skin is composed of different files:

A skin will often refer to the common skin, which is not a real skin, but shared skin objects (like scripts, images and CSS).

Skin customization

If you modify directly the skin files, your modifications will certainly be erased on the next upgrade. The best is to create your own skin, based on an existing skin.

Here we explain how to create a new skin, named myskin, from the bootstrap skin.

First copy static content:

cd /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static
mkdir myskin
cd myskin/
cp -a ../bootstrap/js/ .
cp -a ../bootstrap/css/ .
mkdir images

Then create symbolic links on template files, as you might not want to rewrite all HTML code (else, do as you want).

cd /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/templates/
mkdir myskin
cd myskin/
ln -s ../bootstrap/*.tpl .

We include some template files that can be customized:

To use custom files, delete links and copy them into your skin folder:

rm -f custom*
cp ../bootstrap/custom* .

Then you can add your media to myskin/images, you will be able to use them in HTML template with this code:

<img src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="STATIC_PREFIX">myskin/images/logo.png" class="img-responsive center-block" />

To change CSS, two options:

<link href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="STATIC_PREFIX">myskin/css/myskin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Put then all custom HTML code in the custom template files.

To configure your new skin in Manager, select the custom skin, and enter your skin name in the configuration field. For example with lemonldap-ng-cli:

/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lemonldap-ng-cli -yes 1 set portalSkin 'myskin' portalSkinBackground ''


Messages are defined in source code. If they really do not please you, override them! You just need to know the ID of the message (look at Portal/ and then add to lemonldap-ng.ini:

# Custom error messages
error_0 = Big brother is watching you, authenticated user
# Custom standard messages
msg_lastLogins = Your last connections
You can alse define messages in several languages:
error_en_0 = Big brother is watching you, authenticated user
error_fr_0 = Souriez vous êtes surveillés !
msg_fr_lastLogins = Dernières connexions

If you modify the menu template to add some tabs, you should add the new tabs in `customMenuTabs` parameter in lemonldap-ng.ini:

customMenuTabs = test, test2

This will allow one to display the tab directly with this URL:

Template parameters

Template parameters are defined in source code. If you need to add a template parameter for your customization, then add to lemonldap-ng.ini:

# Custom template parameters
tpl_myparam = world

Then you will be able to use it in your template like this:

Hello <TMPL_VAR NAME="myparam">!

All session variables are also available in templates, with the prefix “session_” :

Hello <TMPL_VAR NAME="session_cn">!


This node allows one to enable/disable buttons on the login page:

Password management

Other parameters