package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API::ApacheMP2; our $VERSION = '2.0.0'; # Specific modules and constants for Apache Mod_Perl 2 use Apache2::RequestUtil; use Apache2::RequestRec; use Apache2::Log; use Apache2::ServerUtil; use Apache2::Connection; use Apache2::RequestIO; use Apache2::Const; use Apache2::Filter; use APR::Table; use constant FORBIDDEN => Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN; use constant REDIRECT => Apache2::Const::REDIRECT; use constant OK => Apache2::Const::OK; use constant DECLINED => Apache2::Const::DECLINED; use constant DONE => Apache2::Const::DONE; use constant SERVER_ERROR => Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; use constant AUTH_REQUIRED => Apache2::Const::AUTH_REQUIRED; use constant MAINTENANCE => Apache2::Const::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; eval { require threads::shared; }; print STDERR "You probably would have better perfs by enabling threads::shared\n" if ($@); my $request; # Apache2::RequestRec object for current request ## @method void thread_share(string $variable) # try to share $variable between threads # note: eval is needed, # else it fails to compile if threads::shared is not loaded # @param $variable the name of the variable to share sub thread_share { my ( $class, $variable ) = @_; eval "threads::shared::share(\$variable);"; } ## @method void setServerSignature(string sign) # modifies web server signature # @param $sign String to add to server signature sub setServerSignature { my ( $class, $sign ) = @_; Apache2::ServerUtil->server->push_handlers( PerlPostConfigHandler => sub { my ( $c, $l, $t, $s ) = splice @_; $s->add_version_component($sign); } ); } sub newRequest { my ( $class, $r ) = @_; $request = $r; $Lemonldap::NG::API::mode = 'ApacheMP2'; } ## @method void lmLog(string $msg, string $level) # logs message $msg to Apache logs with loglevel $level # @param $msg string message to log # @param $level string loglevel sub lmLog { my ( $class, $msg, $level ) = @_; # TODO: remove the useless tag '' in debug logs Apache2::ServerRec->log->$level($msg); } ## @method void set_user(string user) # sets remote_user # @param user string username sub set_user { my ( $class, $user ) = @_; $request->user($user); } ## @method string header_in(string header) # returns request header value # @param header string request header # @return request header value sub header_in { my ( $class, $header ) = @_; $header ||= $class; # to use header_in as a method or as a function return $request->headers_in->{$header}; } ## @method void set_header_in(hash headers) # sets or modifies request headers # @param headers hash containing header names => header value sub set_header_in { my ( $class, %headers ) = @_; while ( my ( $h, $v ) = each %headers ) { $request->headers_in->set( $h => $v ); } } ## @method void unset_header_in(array headers) # removes request headers # This function looks a bit heavy: it is to ensure that if a request # header 'Auth-User' is removed, 'Auth_User' be removed also # @param headers array with header names to remove sub unset_header_in { my ( $class, @headers ) = @_; foreach my $h1 (@headers) { $h1 = lc $h1; $h1 =~ s/-/_/g; $request->headers_in->do( sub { my $h = shift; my $h2 = lc $h; $h2 =~ s/-/_/g; $request->headers_in->unset($h) if ( $h1 eq $h2 ); return 1; } ); } } ## @method void set_header_out(hash headers) # sets response headers # @param headers hash containing header names => header value sub set_header_out { my ( $class, %headers ) = @_; while ( my ( $h, $v ) = each %headers ) { $request->err_headers_out->set( $h => $v ); } } ## @method string hostname() # returns host, as set by full URI or Host header # @return host string Host value sub hostname { my $class = shift; return $request->hostname; } ## @method string remote_ip # returns client IP address # @return IP_Addr string client IP sub remote_ip { my $class = shift; my $remote_ip = ( $request->connection->can('remote_ip') ? $request->connection->remote_ip : $request->connection->client_ip ); return $remote_ip; } ## @method boolean is_initial_req # returns true unless the current request is a subrequest # @return is_initial_req boolean sub is_initial_req { my $class = shift; return $request->is_initial_req; } ## @method string args(string args) # gets the query string # @return args string Query string sub args { my $class = shift; return $request->args(); } ## @method string uri # returns the path portion of the URI, normalized, i.e. : # * URL decoded (characters encoded as %XX are decoded, # except ? in order not to merge path and query string) # * references to relative path components "." and ".." are resolved # * two or more adjacent slashes are merged into a single slash # @return path portion of the URI, normalized sub uri { my $class = shift; my $uri = $request->uri; $uri =~ s#//+#/#g; $uri =~ s#\?#%3F#g; return $uri; } ## @method string uri_with_args # returns the URI, with arguments and with path portion normalized # @return URI with normalized path portion sub uri_with_args { my $class = shift; return uri . ( $request->args ? "?" . $request->args : "" ); } ## @method string unparsed_uri # returns the full original request URI, with arguments # @return full original request URI, with arguments sub unparsed_uri { my $class = shift; return $request->unparsed_uri; } ## @method string get_server_port # returns the port the server is receiving the current request on # @return port string server port sub get_server_port { my $class = shift; return $request->get_server_port; } ## @method string method # returns the port the server is receiving the current request on # @return port string server port sub method { my $class = shift; return $request->method; } ## @method void print(string data) # write data in HTTP response body # @param data Text to add in response body sub print { my ( $class, $data ) = @_; $request->print($data); } ## @method void addToHtmlHead(string data) # add data at end of html head # @param data Text to add in html head sub addToHtmlHead { my ( $class, $data ) = @_; $request->add_output_filter( sub { my $f = shift; my $buffer; my $body = $f->ctx || ""; $body .= $buffer while ( $f->read($buffer) ); unless ( $f->seen_eos ) { $f->ctx($body); } else { $body =~ s/(<\/head>)/$data$1/i or $body =~ s/()/$1$data/i; $f->print($body); } return OK; } ); } ## @method void setPostParams(hashref $params) # add or modify parameters in POST request body # @param $params hashref containing name => value sub setPostParams { my ( $class, $params ) = @_; $request->add_input_filter( sub { my $f = shift; my $buffer; # Filter only POST request body if ( $f->r->method eq "POST" ) { my $body; while ( $f->read($buffer) ) { $body .= $buffer; } while ( my ( $name, $value ) = each(%$params) ) { $body =~ s/((^|&))$name=[^\&]*/$1$name=$value/ or $body .= "&$name=$value"; } $body =~ s/^&//; $f->print($body); } else { $f->print($buffer) while ( $f->read($buffer) ); } return OK; } ); } 1;