package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::CAS; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Common::FormEncode; use XML::Simple; use Lemonldap::NG::Common::UserAgent; use URI; our $VERSION = '2.0.14'; # PROPERTIES # return LWP::UserAgent object has ua => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, builder => sub { # TODO : LWP options to use a proxy for example my $ua = Lemonldap::NG::Common::UserAgent->new( $_[0]->{conf} ); $ua->env_proxy(); return $ua; } ); has casSrvList => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }, ); has casAppList => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }, ); has spRules => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }, ); has spMacros => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }, ); # RUNNING METHODS # Load CAS server list sub loadSrv { my ($self) = @_; unless ( $self->conf->{casSrvMetaDataOptions} and %{ $self->conf->{casSrvMetaDataOptions} } ) { $self->logger->error("No CAS servers found in configuration"); return 0; } $self->casSrvList( $self->conf->{casSrvMetaDataOptions} ); return 1; } # Load CAS application list sub loadApp { my ($self) = @_; unless ( $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions} and %{ $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions} } ) { $self->logger->info("No CAS apps found in configuration"); } foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions} } ) { my $valid = 1; # Load access rule my $rule = $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$_} ->{casAppMetaDataOptionsRule}; if ( length $rule ) { $rule = $self->p->HANDLER->substitute($rule); unless ( $rule = $self->p->HANDLER->buildSub($rule) ) { $self->logger->error( "Unable to build access rule for CAS Application $_: " . $self->p->HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error ); $valid = 0; } } # Load per-application macros my $macros = $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataMacros}->{$_}; my $compiledMacros = {}; for my $macroAttr ( keys %{$macros} ) { my $macroRule = $macros->{$macroAttr}; if ( length $macroRule ) { $macroRule = $self->p->HANDLER->substitute($macroRule); if ( $macroRule = $self->p->HANDLER->buildSub($macroRule) ) { $compiledMacros->{$macroAttr} = $macroRule; } else { $self->logger->error( "Unable to build macro $macroAttr for CAS Application $_: " . $self->p->HANDLER->tsv->{jail}->error ); $valid = 0; } } } if ($valid) { $self->casAppList->{$_} = $self->conf->{casAppMetaDataOptions}->{$_}; $self->spRules->{$_} = $rule; $self->spMacros->{$_} = $compiledMacros; } else { $self->logger->error( "CAS Application $_ has errors and will be ignored"); } } return 1; } sub sendSoapResponse { my ( $self, $req, $s ) = @_; $self->logger->debug("Send response: $s"); return [ 200, [ 'Content-Length' => length($s), 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml', ], [$s] ]; } # Try to recover the CAS session corresponding to id and return session data # If id is set to undef, return a new session sub getCasSession { my ( $self, $id, $info ) = @_; my %storage = ( storageModule => $self->conf->{casStorage}, storageModuleOptions => $self->conf->{casStorageOptions}, ); unless ( $storage{storageModule} ) { %storage = ( storageModule => $self->conf->{globalStorage}, storageModuleOptions => $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions}, ); } my $casSession = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( { %storage, cacheModule => $self->conf->{localSessionStorage}, cacheModuleOptions => $self->conf->{localSessionStorageOptions}, id => $id, kind => $self->sessionKind, ( $info ? ( info => $info ) : () ), } ); if ( $casSession->error ) { if ($id) { $self->userLogger->notice("CAS session $id isn't yet available"); } else { $self->logger->error("Unable to create new CAS session"); $self->logger->error( $casSession->error ); } return undef; } return $casSession; } # Return an error for CAS VALIDATE request sub returnCasValidateError { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; $self->logger->debug("Return CAS validate error"); return [ 200, [ 'Content-Length' => 4 ], ["no\n\n"] ]; } # Return success for CAS VALIDATE request sub returnCasValidateSuccess { my ( $self, $req, $username ) = @_; $self->logger->debug("Return CAS validate success with username $username"); return $self->sendSoapResponse( $req, "yes\n$username\n" ); } # Return an error for CAS SERVICE VALIDATE request sub returnCasServiceValidateError { my ( $self, $req, $code, $text ) = @_; $code ||= 'INTERNAL_ERROR'; $text ||= 'No description provided'; $self->logger->debug("Return CAS service validate error $code ($text)"); return $self->sendSoapResponse( $req, " \t \t\t$text \t \n" ); } # Return success for CAS SERVICE VALIDATE request sub returnCasServiceValidateSuccess { my ( $self, $req, $username, $pgtIou, $proxies, $attributes ) = @_; $self->logger->debug( "Return CAS service validate success with username $username"); my $s = " \t \t\t$username\n"; if ( defined $attributes ) { $s .= "\t\t\n"; foreach my $attribute ( keys %$attributes ) { foreach my $value ( split( $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator}, $attributes->{$attribute} ) ) { $s .= "\t\t\t$value\n"; } } $s .= "\t\t\n"; } if ( defined $pgtIou ) { $self->logger->debug("Add proxy granting ticket $pgtIou in response"); $s .= "\t\t$pgtIou\n"; } if ($proxies) { $self->logger->debug("Add proxies $proxies in response"); $s .= "\t\t\n"; $s .= "\t\t\t$_\n" foreach ( reverse( split( $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator}, $proxies ) ) ); $s .= "\t\t\n"; } $s .= "\t\n\n"; return $self->sendSoapResponse( $req, $s ); } # Return an error for CAS PROXY request sub returnCasProxyError { my ( $self, $req, $code, $text ) = @_; $code ||= 'INTERNAL_ERROR'; $text ||= 'No description provided'; $self->logger->debug("Return CAS proxy error $code ($text)"); return $self->sendSoapResponse( $req, " \t \t\t$text \t \n" ); } # Return success for CAS PROXY request sub returnCasProxySuccess { my ( $self, $req, $ticket ) = @_; $self->logger->debug("Return CAS proxy success with ticket $ticket"); return $self->sendSoapResponse( $req, " \t \t\t$ticket \t \n" ); } # Find and delete CAS sessions bounded to a primary session sub deleteCasSecondarySessions { my ( $self, $session_id ) = @_; my $result = 1; # Find CAS sessions my $moduleOptions; if ( $self->conf->{casStorage} ) { $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{casStorageOptions} || {}; $moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{casStorage}; } else { $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions} || {}; $moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{globalStorage}; } my $module = "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session"; my $cas_sessions = $module->searchOn( $moduleOptions, "_cas_id", $session_id ); if ( my @cas_sessions_keys = grep { $cas_sessions->{$_}->{_session_kind} eq $self->sessionKind } keys %$cas_sessions ) { foreach my $cas_session (@cas_sessions_keys) { # Get session $self->logger->debug("Retrieve CAS session $cas_session"); my $casSession = $self->getCasSession($cas_session); # Delete session $result = $self->deleteCasSession($casSession); } } else { $self->logger->debug("No CAS session found for session $session_id "); } return $result; } # Delete an opened CAS session sub deleteCasSession { my ( $self, $session ) = @_; # Check session object unless ( $session && $session->data ) { $self->logger->error("No session to delete"); return 0; } # Get session_id my $session_id = $session->id; # Delete session unless ( $session->remove ) { $self->logger->error( $session->error ); return 0; } $self->logger->debug("CAS session $session_id deleted"); return 1; } # Call proxy granting URL on CAS client sub callPgtUrl { my ( $self, $pgtUrl, $pgtIou, $pgtId ) = @_; # Build URL my $url = $pgtUrl . ( $pgtUrl =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?' ) . build_urlencoded( pgtIou => $pgtIou, pgtId => $pgtId ); $self->logger->debug("Call URL $url"); # GET URL my $response = $self->ua->get($url); # Return result return $response->is_success(); } # Get Server Login URL sub getServerLoginURL { my ( $self, $service, $srvConf ) = @_; return "$srvConf->{casSrvMetaDataOptionsUrl}/login?" . build_urlencoded( service => $service ); } # Get Server Logout URL sub getServerLogoutURL { my ( $self, $service, $srvUrl ) = @_; return "$srvUrl/logout?" . build_urlencoded( service => $service ); } # Validate ST sub validateST { my ( $self, $req, $service, $ticket, $srvConf, $proxied ) = @_; my %prm = ( service => $service, ticket => $ticket ); my $proxy_url; if (%$proxied) { $proxy_url = $self->p->fullUrl($req); # TODO: @coudot: why die here without any message ? die if ( $proxy_url =~ /casProxy=1/ ); $proxy_url .= ( $proxy_url =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?' ) . 'casProxy=1'; $self->logger->debug("CAS Proxy URL: $proxy_url"); $req->data->{casProxyUrl} = $proxy_url; $prm{pgtUrl} = $proxy_url; } my $serviceValidateUrl = "$srvConf->{casSrvMetaDataOptionsUrl}/serviceValidate?" . build_urlencoded(%prm); $self->logger->debug("Validate ST on CAS URL $serviceValidateUrl"); my $response = $self->ua->get($serviceValidateUrl); $self->logger->debug( "Get CAS serviceValidate response: " . $response->as_string ); return 0 if $response->is_error; my $xml = $response->decoded_content( default_charset => 'UTF-8' ); utf8::encode($xml); $xml = XMLin($xml); if ( defined $xml->{'cas:authenticationFailure'} ) { $self->logger->error( "Failed to validate Service Ticket $ticket: " . $xml->{'cas:authenticationFailure'}->{content} ); return 0; } # Get proxy data and store pgtId if ($proxy_url) { my $pgtIou = $xml->{'cas:authenticationSuccess'}->{'cas:proxyGrantingTicket'}; if ($pgtIou) { my $moduleOptions; if ( $self->conf->{casStorage} ) { $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{casStorageOptions} || {}; $moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{casStorage}; } else { $moduleOptions = $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions} || {}; $moduleOptions->{backend} = $self->conf->{globalStorage}; } my $module = "Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session"; my $pgtIdSessions = $module->searchOn( $moduleOptions, "pgtIou", $pgtIou ); foreach my $id ( grep { $pgtIdSessions->{$_}->{_session_kind} eq $self->sessionKind } keys %$pgtIdSessions ) { # There should be only on session my $pgtIdSession = $self->getCasSession($id) or next; $req->data->{pgtId} = $pgtIdSession->data->{pgtId}; $pgtIdSession->remove; } } } my $user = $xml->{'cas:authenticationSuccess'}->{'cas:user'}; my $attrs = {}; if ( my $casAttr = $xml->{'cas:authenticationSuccess'}->{'cas:attributes'} ) { foreach my $k ( keys %$casAttr ) { my $v = $casAttr->{$k}; if ( ref($v) eq "ARRAY" ) { $v = join( $self->conf->{multiValuesSeparator}, @$v ); } utf8::encode($v); $k =~ s/^cas://; $attrs->{$k} = $v; } } # TODO store attributes for UserDBCAS return ( $user, $attrs ); } # Store PGT IOU and PGT ID sub storePGT { my ( $self, $pgtIou, $pgtId ) = @_; my $infos = { type => 'casPgtId', _utime => time, pgtIou => $pgtIou, pgtId => $pgtId }; my $pgtSession = $self->getCasSession( undef, $infos ); return $pgtSession->id; } # Retrieve Proxy Ticket sub retrievePT { my ( $self, $service, $pgtId, $srvConf ) = @_; my $proxyUrl = "$srvConf->{casSrvMetaDataOptionsUrl}/proxy?" . build_urlencoded( targetService => $service, pgt => $pgtId ); my $response = $self->ua->get($proxyUrl); $self->logger->debug( "Get CAS proxy response: " . $response->as_string ); return 0 if $response->is_error; my $xml = XMLin( $response->decoded_content ); if ( defined $xml->{'cas:proxyFailure'} ) { $self->logger->error( "Failed to get PT: " . $xml->{'cas:proxyFailure'} ); return 0; } my $pt = $xml->{'cas:proxySuccess'}->{'cas:proxyTicket'}; return $pt; } # Get CAS App from service URL sub getCasApp { my ( $self, $uri_param ) = @_; my $uri = URI->new($uri_param); my $hostname = $uri->authority; my $uriCanon = $uri->canonical; return undef unless $hostname; my $prefixConfKey; my $longestCandidate = ""; my $hostnameConfKey; for my $app ( keys %{ $self->casAppList } ) { for my $appservice ( split( /\s+/, $self->casAppList->{$app}->{casAppMetaDataOptionsService} ) ) { my $candidateUri = URI->new($appservice); my $candidateHost = $candidateUri->authority; my $candidateCanon = $candidateUri->canonical; # Try to match prefix, remembering the longest match found if ( index( $uriCanon, $candidateCanon ) == 0 ) { if ( length($longestCandidate) < length($candidateCanon) ) { $longestCandidate = $candidateCanon; $prefixConfKey = $app; } } # Try to match host, only if strict matching is disabled unless ( $self->conf->{casStrictMatching} ) { $hostnameConfKey = $app if ( $hostname eq $candidateHost ); } } } # Application found by prefix has priority return $prefixConfKey if $prefixConfKey; $self->logger->warn( "Matched CAS service $hostnameConfKey based on hostname only. " . "This will be deprecated in a future version" ) if $hostnameConfKey; return $hostnameConfKey; } # This method returns the host part of the given URL # If the URL has no scheme, return it completely # => # => sub _getHostForService { my ( $self, $service ) = @_; return undef unless $service; my $uri = URI->new($service); return $uri->scheme ? $uri->host : $uri->as_string; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME =encoding utf8 Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::CAS - Common CAS functions =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::CAS; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains common methods for CAS =head1 METHODS =head2 getCasSession Try to recover the CAS session corresponding to id and return session data If id is set to undef, return a new session =head2 returnCasValidateError Return an error for CAS VALIDATE request =head2 returnCasValidateSuccess Return success for CAS VALIDATE request =head2 deleteCasSecondarySessions Find and delete CAS sessions bounded to a primary session =head2 returnCasServiceValidateError Return an error for CAS SERVICE VALIDATE request =head2 returnCasServiceValidateSuccess Return success for CAS SERVICE VALIDATE request =head2 returnCasProxyError Return an error for CAS PROXY request =head2 returnCasProxySuccess Return success for CAS PROXY request =head2 deleteCasSession Delete an opened CAS session =head2 callPgtUrl Call proxy granting URL on CAS client =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHORS =over =item LemonLDAP::NG team L =back =head1 BUG REPORT Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features: L =head1 DOWNLOAD Lemonldap::NG is available at L =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE See COPYING file for details. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see L. =cut