SQL configuration backends ========================== There is 2 types of SQL configuration backends for LemonLDAP::NG: - **CDBI**: very simple storage (recommended) - **RDBI**: triple store storage .. tip:: You can use any database engine if it provides a Perl Driver. You will find here examples for MySQL and PostgreSQL, but other engines may also work. See :doc:`how to change configuration backend`. MySQL ----- Perl Driver ~~~~~~~~~~~ You need DBD::MySQL Perl module: - Debian: :: apt install libdbd-mysql-perl - Red Hat: :: yum install perl-DBD-MySQL Database and table creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create database: .. code:: sql CREATE DATABASE lemonldap-ng CHARACTER SET utf8; Use database to create table: .. code:: sql use lemonldap-ng RDBI ^^^^ .. code:: sql CREATE TABLE lmConfig ( cfgNum int(11) NOT NULL, field varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', value longtext, PRIMARY KEY (cfgNum,field) ); CDBI ^^^^ .. code:: sql CREATE TABLE lmConfig ( cfgNum int not null primary key, data longtext ); Grant access ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You have to grant read/write access for the manager component. Other components needs just a read access. You can also use the same user for all. .. tip:: You can use different dbiUser strings: - one with read/write rights for servers hosting the manager - one with just read rights for other servers For example (suppose that our servers are in network): .. code:: sql GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,LOCK TABLES ON lemonldap-ng.lmConfig TO lemonldaprw@manager.host IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; GRANT SELECT ON lemonldap-ng.lmConfig TO lemonldapro@'10.0.0.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'myotherpassword'; Connection settings ------------------- Change configuration settings in ``/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini`` file (section configuration): .. code:: ini [configuration] type = RDBI dbiChain = DBI:mysql:database=lemonldap-ng;host= dbiUser = lemonldaprw dbiPassword = mypassword ; optional dbiTable = mytablename PostGreSQL ---------- .. _perl-driver-1: Perl Driver ~~~~~~~~~~~ You need DBD::Pg Perl module: - Debian: :: apt install libdbd-pg-perl - Red Hat: :: yum install perl-DBD-Pg .. _database-and-table-creation-1: Database and table creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create database: .. code:: sql CREATE DATABASE lemonldap-ng; Use database to create table: .. code:: sql use lemonldap-ng .. _rdbi-1: RDBI ^^^^ .. code:: sql CREATE TABLE lmconfig ( cfgnum integer NOT NULL, field text NOT NULL, value text, PRIMARY KEY (cfgNum,field) ); .. _cdbi-1: CDBI ^^^^ .. code:: sql CREATE TABLE lmConfig ( cfgnum integer not null primary key, data text ); .. _connection-settings-1: Connection settings ------------------- Change configuration settings in ``/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini`` file (section configuration): .. code:: ini [configuration] type = RDBI dbiChain = DBI:Pg:database=lemonldap-ng;host= dbiUser = lemonldaprw dbiPassword = mypassword ; optional dbiTable = mytablename