#!/usr/bin/make VERSION=`head -n1 debian/changelog |sed -e 's/lemonldap-ng (//' -e 's/).*$///'` HANDLERDIR=lemonldap-ng-handler PORTALDIR=lemonldap-ng-portal MANAGERDIR=lemonldap-ng-manager EXAMPLEDIRBUILD=`pwd`/example/ EXAMPLEDIR=$(EXAMPLEDIRBUILD) EXAMPLELANG=en all: handler manager portal handler: handler_conf $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} touch handler portal: portal_conf $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} touch portal manager: manager_conf $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} touch manager configure: handler_conf portal_conf manager_conf handler_conf: cd ${HANDLERDIR}; perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=$(INSTALLDIRS) touch handler_conf portal_conf: cd ${PORTALDIR}; perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=$(INSTALLDIRS) touch portal_conf manager_conf: cd ${MANAGERDIR}; perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=$(INSTALLDIRS) touch manager_conf test: manager_test handler_test portal_test manager_test: manager $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} test handler_test: handler $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} test INST_ARCHLIB=../${MANAGERDIR}/blib/lib/ portal_test: portal $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} test INST_ARCHLIB=../${MANAGERDIR}/blib/lib/ install: handler_install portal_install manager_install handler_install: handler $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} install touch handler_install portal_install: portal $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} install touch portal_install manager_install: manager $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} install touch manager_install distclean: clean clean: handler_clean portal_clean manager_clean rm -rf example find . -name '*.gz' -exec rm -vf {} \; handler_clean: - $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} distclean rm -vf handler* portal_clean: - $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} distclean rm -vf portal* manager_clean: - $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} distclean rm -vf manager* example: all mkdir -p example/portal example/manager example/handler example/conf chmod 1777 example/conf cp -a ${HANDLERDIR}/example/* example/handler cp -a ${PORTALDIR}/example/* example/portal cp -a ${MANAGERDIR}/example/* example/manager cp -a _example/* example find ${EXAMPLEDIRBUILD} -type f -exec perl -i -pe 's#__DIR__/?#'${EXAMPLEDIR}'#g' {} \; @echo @echo "Example is ready." @echo @echo "1 - Add this in your Apache configuration file:" @echo " with Apache-1.3.x" @echo @echo " include ${EXAMPLEDIR}apache.conf" @echo @echo " or with Apache-2.x:" @echo @echo " include ${EXAMPLEDIR}apache2.conf" @echo @echo "2 - Add test.example.com and auth.example.com in yout /etc/hosts :" @echo @echo " cat example/for_etc_hosts >> /etc/hosts" @echo @echo "3 - edit ${EXAMPLEDIR}/conf/lmConf-1 and set ldapServer and ldapBase." @echo " or use the manager at http://manager.example.com/ (after apache restart)" @echo @echo "4 - Restart Apache (or Apache2)" @echo @echo "5 - Try to connect to http://test.example.com/" uninstall: configure handler_uninstall portal_uninstall manager_uninstall handler_uninstall: handler $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} uninstall rm -vf handler_uninstall portal_uninstall: portal $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} uninstall rm -vf portal_uninstall manager_uninstall: manager $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} uninstall rm -vf manager_uninstall dist: - $(MAKE) clean mkdir -p lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION) - cp -a * lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION) rm -rf lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION)/lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION) tar czf lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION).tar.gz lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION) rm -rf lemonldap-ng-$(VERSION) cpan: configure handler_cpan portal_cpan manager_cpan handler_cpan: handler_conf $(MAKE) -C ${HANDLERDIR} dist mv ${HANDLERDIR}/Lemonldap*.gz . portal_cpan: portal_conf $(MAKE) -C ${PORTALDIR} dist mv ${PORTALDIR}/Lemonldap*.gz . manager_cpan: manager_conf $(MAKE) -C ${MANAGERDIR} dist mv ${MANAGERDIR}/Lemonldap*.gz . static_example: example mkdir -p example/static cd example/static/;ln -s ../manager/imgs;cd - scripts/make_static_example.pl example/manager/index.pl example/static/index.html $(EXAMPLELANG)