PHP (Symfony) ============= |image0| Presentation ------------ `Symfony `__ is the well-known PHP framework. It is intended to ease the development of PHP applications. Symfony provides many methods conventions to authenticate users (basic, ldap,...) and to load external user sources (ldap, database). The method presented here relies on the "remote_user" method. (in security firewall) Configuration ------------- Follow these step to protect your application using the "REMOTE_USER" HTTP header. 1. Adapt the app/config/security.yml configuration file as below: .. code:: json security: encoders: AppBundle\Security\User\HeaderUser: plaintext providers: header: id: AppBundle\Security\User\HeaderUserProvider firewalls: dev: pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ security: false main: pattern: ^/ remote_user: user: HTTP_REMOTE_USER provider: header - encoders : define a password hashing scheme (useless in our case, but the parameter is mandatory) - providers : define the user providers (even virtual) - remote_user : define the authentication method to "assume the user is already authenticated and get an http variable to know his username" - user : define the HTTP header containing the username - provider : references the previously defined provider owning the user data (in our scenario, a virtual) 2. Define a "header user" class Create the file src/AppBundle/Security/User/HeaderUser.php : .. code:: php username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->salt = $salt; $this->roles = $roles; } public function getRoles() { return $this->roles; } public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } public function getSalt() { return $this->salt; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function eraseCredentials() { } public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user) { if (!$user instanceof HeaderUser) { return false; } if ($this->username !== $user->getUsername()) { return false; } //if ($this->password !== $user->getPassword()) { // return false; //} return true; } } ?> 3. Define a "header user provider" class relying on the previous class Create the file src/AppBundle/Security/User/HeaderUserProvider.php : .. code:: php loadUserByUsername($user->getUsername()); } public function supportsClass($class) { return HeaderUser::class === $class; } } ?> References ---------- - - .. |image0| image:: /applications/symfony_logo.png :class: align-center