Table of Contents

Advanced PSGI usage

LLNG is build on Plack, so it can be used with any compatible server:

uWSGI or Node.js FastCGI server may provide the highest performance.

FastCGI server replacement

A llng-server.psgi is provided in example directory. It is designed to replace exactly FastCGI server. You can use it :

Starman, Twiggy,… are HTTP servers, not FastCGI ones !

You can also replace only a part of it to create a specialized FastCGI server (portal,…). Look at llng-server.psgi example and take the part you want to use.

There are also some other psgi files in examples directory.

LLNG FastCGI Server

llng-fastcgi-server can be launched with the following options:

Command-line options Environment variable Explanation
Short Long
-p –pid PID Process PID
-u –user USER Unix uid
-g –group GROUP Unix gid
-n –proc NPROC Number of process to launch (FCGI::ProcManager*)
-s –socket SOCKET Socket to listen to
-l –listen LISTEN Listening address. Examples: host:port, :port, /socket/path
-f –customFunctionsFile CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS_FILE File to load for custom functions
-e –engine ENGINE Plack::Handler engine, default to FCGI (see below)
–plackOptions Other options to path to Plack. Can bu multi-valued. Values must look like key=value

See llng-fastcgi-server(1) manpage.

Some examples

FCGI with FCGI::ProcManager::Constrained

llng-fastcgi-server -u nobody -g nobody -s /run/llng.sock -n 10 -e FCGI \
                    --plackOptions manager=FCGI::ProcManager::Constrained


llng-fastcgi-server -u nobody -g nobody -s /run/llng.sock -n 10 \
                    -e FCGI::Engine::ProcManager

Using uWSGI

You must install uWSGI PSGI plugin. Then for example, launch llng-server.psgi (simple example):

/usr/bin/uwsgi --plugins psgi --socket :5000 --uid www-data --gid www-data --psgi /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/llng-server/llng-server.psgi

You will find in LLNG Nginx configuration files some comments that explain how to configure Nginx to use uWSGI instead of LLNG FastCGI server.

Using Debian lemonldap-ng-uwsgi-app package

lemonldap-ng-uwsgi-app installs a uWSGI application: /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/llng-server.yaml. To enable it, link it in apps-enabled and restart your uWSGI daemon:

cd /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled
ln -s ../apps-available/llng-server.yaml
service uwsgi restart

Then adapt your Nginx configuration to use this uWSGI app.