package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Status; use strict; use POSIX; use Data::Dumper; our $status = {}; our $activity = []; our $start = int( time / 60 ); use constant MN_COUNT => 10; sub portalTab { return { -2 => 'PORTAL_REDIRECT', -1 => 'PORTAL_ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED', 0 => 'PORTAL_OK', 1 => 'PORTAL_SESSIONEXPIRED', 2 => 'PORTAL_FORMEMPTY', 3 => 'PORTAL_WRONGMANAGERACCOUNT', 4 => 'PORTAL_USERNOTFOUND', 5 => 'PORTAL_BADCREDENTIALS', 6 => 'PORTAL_LDAPCONNECTFAILED', 7 => 'PORTAL_LDAPERROR', 8 => 'PORTAL_APACHESESSIONERROR', 9 => 'PORTAL_FIRSTACCESS', 10 => 'PORTAL_BADCERTIFICATE', 11 => 'PORTAL_LA_FAILED', 12 => 'PORTAL_LA_ARTFAILED', 13 => 'PORTAL_LA_DEFEDFAILED', 14 => 'PORTAL_LA_QUERYEMPTY', 15 => 'PORTAL_LA_SOAPFAILED', 16 => 'PORTAL_LA_SLOFAILED', 17 => 'PORTAL_LA_SSOFAILED', 18 => 'PORTAL_LA_SSOINITFAILED', 19 => 'PORTAL_LA_SESSIONERROR', 20 => 'PORTAL_LA_SEPFAILED', 21 => 'PORTAL_PP_ACCOUNT_LOCKED', 22 => 'PORTAL_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED', }; } eval { POSIX::setgid( ( getgrnam( $ENV{APACHE_RUN_GROUP} ) )[2] ); POSIX::setuid( ( getpwnam( $ENV{APACHE_RUN_USER} ) )[2] ); }; sub run { my ( $localStorage, $localStorageOptions ) = ( shift, shift ); my $refLocalStorage; eval "use $localStorage; \$refLocalStorage = new $localStorage(\$localStorageOptions);"; die($@) if ($@); $| = 1; my ( $lastMn, $mn ); while () { $mn = int( time / 60 ) - $start; # Cleaning activity array if ( $mn > $lastMn ) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $mn - $lastMn ; $i++ ) { unshift @$activity, {}; delete $activity->[MN_COUNT]; } } $lastMn = $mn; # Activity collect if (/^(\S+)\s+=>\s+(\S+)\s+(OK|REJECT|REDIRECT|LOGOUT|\-?\d+)$/) { my ( $user, $uri, $code ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # Portal error translation $code = portalTab->{$code} if ( $code =~ /^\-?\d+$/ ); # Per user activity $status->{user}->{$user}->{$code}++; # Per uri activity $uri =~ s/^(.*?)\?.*$/$1/; $status->{uri}->{$uri}->{$code}++; # Last 5 minutes activity $activity->[0]->{$code}++; } # Status requests # $args contains parameters passed to url status page (a=1 for example # if request is To be used # later... elsif (/^STATUS(?:\s+(\S+))?$/) { my $tmp = $1; my $args = {}; %$args = split( /[=&]/, $tmp ) if ($tmp); &head; #print Dumper($args),&end;next; my ( $c, $m, $u ); while ( my ( $user, $v ) = each( %{ $status->{user} } ) ) { $u++ unless ( $user =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ ); # Total requests foreach ( keys %$v ) { $c->{$_} += $v->{$_}; } } foreach my $mn (@$activity) { $m->{$_} += $mn->{$_} foreach ( keys %$mn ); } foreach ( keys %$m ) { $m->{$_} = sprintf( "%.2f", $m->{$_} / MN_COUNT ); $m->{$_} = int( $m->{$_} ) if ( $m->{$_} > 99 ); } if ( $args->{'dump'} ) { print "
                print Dumper( $status, $activity );
                print "
\n"; } # Total requests print "


            print sprintf( "%-30s : %d\n", $_, $c->{$_} )
              foreach ( sort keys %$c );
            print "\n
\n"; # Average print "


            print sprintf( "%-30s : %s / mn\n", $_, $m->{$_} )
              foreach ( sort keys %$m );
            print "\n
\n"; # Users connected print "

\nTotal users : $u\n

\n"; # Local cache my @t = $refLocalStorage->get_keys( $localStorageOptions->{namespace} ); print "

\nLocal Cache : " . @t . " objects\n

\n"; # Top uri if ( $args->{top} ) { my $count = {}; $args->{categories} ||= 'REJECT,PORTAL_FIRSTACCESS,LOGOUT,OK'; # General print "

Top used URI

                foreach my $uri ( keys %{ $status->{uri} } ) {
                    $count->{$uri} += $_
                      foreach ( values %{ $status->{uri}->{$uri} } );
                my $i = 0;
                foreach ( sort { $count->{$b} <=> $count->{$a} } keys %$count )
                    last if ( $i == $args->{top} );
                    last unless ( $count->{$_} );
                    print sprintf( "%-80s : %4d\n", $_, $count->{$_} );
                print "\n
\n"; # Top by category print "\n"; foreach my $cat ( split /,/, $args->{categories} ) { print ""; } print "
\n"; topByCat( $cat, $args->{top} ); print "
\n"; } print "

\nServer up for : " . &timeUp($mn) . "\n

\n"; &end; } } } sub timeUp { my $d = shift; my $mn = $d % 60; $d = ( $d - $mn ) / 60; my $h = $d % 24; $d = ( $d - $h ) / 24; return "$d\d $h\h $mn\mn"; } sub topByCat { my ( $cat, $max ) = @_; my $i = 0; print "
    foreach (
        sort { $status->{uri}->{$b}->{$cat} <=> $status->{uri}->{$a}->{$cat} }
        keys %{ $status->{uri} } )
        last if ( $i == $max );
        last unless ( $status->{uri}->{$_}->{$cat} );
        print sprintf( "%-80s : %4d\n", $_, $status->{uri}->{$_}->{$cat} );
    print "
\n"; } sub head { print <<"EOF"; Lemonldap::NG Status

Lemonldap::NG Status

EOF } sub end { print <<"EOF";
END EOF } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Status - Perl extension to add a mod_status like system for L =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 Create your Apache module Create your own package (example using a central configuration database): package My::Package; use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::SharedConf; @ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Handler::SharedConf); __PACKAGE__->init ( { # Activate status feature status => 1, # Local storage used for sessions and configuration localStorage => "Cache::DBFile", localStorageOptions => {...}, # How to get my configuration configStorage => { type => "DBI", dbiChain => "DBI:mysql:database=lemondb;host=$hostname", dbiUser => "lemonldap", dbiPassword => "password", } # ... See Lemonldap::N::Handler } ); =head2 Configure Apache Call your package in /apache-dir/conf/httpd.conf: # Load your package PerlRequire /My/File # Normal Protection PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package # Status page Order deny,allow Allow from Deny from all PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package->status =head1 DESCRIPTION Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Status adds a mod_status like feature to display Lemonldap::NG::Handler activity on a protected server. It can so be used by L or directly browsed by your browser. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Xavier Guimard, Eguimard@E =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 by Xavier Guimard This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut