##@file # Extends Net::LDAP package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::Net::LDAP; use strict; use Net::LDAP; #inherits use Net::LDAP::Util qw(escape_filter_value); use base qw(Net::LDAP); use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants ':all'; use Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy; use Encode; use Unicode::String qw(utf8); use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use IO::Socket::Timeout; use utf8; our $VERSION = '2.0.14'; # INITIALIZATION # Build a Net::LDAP object using parameters issued from $portal sub new { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; my $portal = $args->{p} or die "$class : p argument required !"; my $conf = $args->{conf} or die "$class : conf argument required !"; my $self; my $useTls = 0; my $tlsParam; my @servers = (); foreach my $server ( split /[\s,]+/, $conf->{ldapServer} ) { if ( $server =~ m{^ldap\+tls://([^/]+)/?\??(.*)$} ) { $useTls = 1; $server = $1; $tlsParam = $2 || ""; } else { $useTls = 0; } push @servers, $server; } $self = Net::LDAP->new( \@servers, onerror => undef, keepalive => 1, ( $conf->{ldapPort} ? ( port => $conf->{ldapPort} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapTimeout} ? ( timeout => $conf->{ldapTimeout} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapVersion} ? ( version => $conf->{ldapVersion} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapRaw} ? ( raw => $conf->{ldapRaw} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapCAFile} ? ( cafile => $conf->{ldapCAFile} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapCAPath} ? ( capath => $conf->{ldapCAPath} ) : () ), ( $conf->{ldapVerify} ? ( verify => $conf->{ldapVerify} ) : () ), ); unless ($self) { $portal->logger->error($@); return 0; } elsif ( $Net::LDAP::VERSION < '0.64' ) { # CentOS7 has a bug in which IO::Socket::SSL will return a broken # socket when certificate validation fails. Net::LDAP does not catch # it, and the process ends up crashing. # As a precaution, make sure the underlying socket is doing fine: if ( $self->socket->isa('IO::Socket::SSL') and $self->socket->errstr < 0 ) { $portal->logger->error( "SSL connection error: " . $self->socket->errstr ); return 0; } } bless $self, $class; # Set socket timeouts my $socket = $self->socket; IO::Socket::Timeout->enable_timeouts_on($socket); $socket->read_timeout( $conf->{ldapIOTimeout} ); $socket->write_timeout( $conf->{ldapIOTimeout} ); if ($useTls) { my %h = split( /[&=]/, $tlsParam ); $h{cafile} ||= $conf->{ldapCAFile} if ( $conf->{ldapCAFile} ); $h{capath} ||= $conf->{ldapCAPath} if ( $conf->{ldapCAPath} ); $h{verify} ||= $conf->{ldapVerify} if ( $conf->{ldapVerify} ); my $mesg = $self->start_tls(%h); if ( $mesg->code ) { $portal->logger->error( 'StartTLS failed: ' . $mesg->error ); return 0; } } $self->{portal} = $portal; $self->{conf} = $conf; weaken $self->{portal}; # Setting default LDAP password storage encoding to utf-8 return $self; } # RUNNING METHODS ## @method Net::LDAP::Message bind(string dn, hash args) # Reimplementation of Net::LDAP::bind(). Connection is done : # - with $dn and $args->{password} as dn/password if defined, # - or with Lemonldap::NG account, # - or with an anonymous bind. # @param $dn LDAP distinguish name # @param %args See Net::LDAP(3) manpage for more # @return Net::LDAP::Message sub bind { my ( $self, $dn, %args ) = @_; $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Call bind for $dn") if $dn; my $mesg; unless ($dn) { $dn = $self->{conf}->{managerDn}; $args{password} = decode( 'utf-8', $self->{conf}->{managerPassword} ); } if ( $dn && $args{password} ) { if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapPwdEnc} ne 'utf-8' ) { eval { my $tmp = encode( $self->{conf}->{ldapPwdEnc}, decode( 'utf-8', $args{password} ) ); $args{password} = $tmp; }; print STDERR "$@\n" if ($@); } if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapPpolicyControl} ) { my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new(); $args{control} = [$pp]; } $mesg = $self->SUPER::bind( $dn, %args ); if ( $mesg->code ) { my ($resp) = $mesg->control(""); # Check for ppolicy error my $pp_error = $resp->pp_error if ( defined($resp) ); if ( defined $pp_error ) { my $ppolicy_error = [ "password expired", "account locked", "change after reset", "password mod not allowed", "supply old password", "insufficient password quality", "password too short", "password too young", "password in history" ]->[$pp_error]; $self->{portal} ->logger->error( "Error when binding to LDAP server: " . $mesg->error . " | extended ppolicy control response error: $ppolicy_error" ); } else { $self->{portal}->logger->error( "Error when binding to LDAP server: " . $mesg->error ); } } } else { $mesg = $self->SUPER::bind(); } return $mesg; } ## @method Net::LDAP::Message unbind() # Reimplementation of Net::LDAP::unbind() to force call to disconnect() # @return Net::LDAP::Message sub unbind { my $self = shift; my $ldap_uri = $self->uri; $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Unbind and disconnect from $ldap_uri"); my $mesg = $self->SUPER::unbind(); $self->SUPER::disconnect(); return $mesg; } ## @method protected int userBind(string dn, hash args) # Call bind() with dn/password and return # @param $dn LDAP distinguish name # @param %args See Net::LDAP(3) manpage for more # @return Lemonldap::NG portal error code sub userBind { my $self = shift; my $req = shift; if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapPpolicyControl} ) { # Create Control object my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new(); # Bind with user credentials my $mesg = $self->bind( @_, control => [$pp] ); # Get server control response my ($resp) = $mesg->control(""); # Return direct unless control response unless ( defined $resp ) { if ( $mesg->code == 49 ) { $self->{portal}->userLogger->warn( "Bad password for $req->{user} (" . $req->address . ")" ); return PE_BADCREDENTIALS; } elsif ( $mesg->code == 0 ) { return PE_OK; } else { $self->{portal}->logger->error( "Bind failed with error " . $mesg->code . ": " . $mesg->error ); return PE_LDAPERROR; } } # Check for ppolicy error my $pp_error = $resp->pp_error; if ( defined $pp_error ) { $self->{portal}->userLogger->error( "Password policy error $pp_error for " . $req->user ); return [ PE_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, PE_PP_ACCOUNT_LOCKED, PE_PP_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET, PE_PP_PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED, PE_PP_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD, PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY, PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT, PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG, PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY, ]->[$pp_error]; } elsif ( $mesg->code == 0 ) { # Get expiration warning and graces if ( $resp->grace_authentications_remaining ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug( "LDAP password policy - grace authentications remaining: " . $resp->grace_authentications_remaining ); $req->info( $self->{portal}->loadTemplate( $req, 'ldapPpGrace', params => { number => $resp->grace_authentications_remaining } ) ); } if ( $resp->time_before_expiration ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug( "LDAP password policy - time before expiration: " . $resp->time_before_expiration ); $req->info( $self->{portal}->loadTemplate( $req, 'simpleInfo', params => { trspan => 'pwdWillExpire,' . join( ',', $self->convertSec( $resp->time_before_expiration ) ) } ) ); } return PE_OK; } } else { my $mesg = $self->bind(@_); if ( $mesg->code == 0 ) { return PE_OK; } else { $req->data->{ldapError} = $mesg->error; } } $self->{portal}->userLogger->warn( "Bad password for $req->{user} (" . $req->address . ")" ); return PE_BADCREDENTIALS; } ## @method int userModifyPassword(string dn, string newpassword, string oldpassword, boolean ad, boolean requireOldPassword) # Change user's password. # @param $dn DN # @param $newpassword New password # @param $oldpassword Current password # @param $ad Active Directory mode # @param $requireOldPassword Old password is needed to update # @return Lemonldap::NG::Portal constant sub userModifyPassword { my ( $self, $dn, $newpassword, $oldpassword, $ad, $requireOldPassword ) = @_; my $ppolicyControl = $self->{conf}->{ldapPpolicyControl}; my $setPassword = $self->{conf}->{ldapSetPassword}; my $asUser = $self->{conf}->{ldapChangePasswordAsUser}; my $passwordAttribute = "userPassword"; my $err; my $mesg; utf8::downgrade($dn); $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Call modify password for $dn"); # Adjust configuration for AD if ($ad) { $ppolicyControl = 0; $setPassword = 0; $passwordAttribute = "unicodePwd"; # Encode password for AD $newpassword = utf8( chr(34) . $newpassword . chr(34) )->utf16le(); if ( $oldpassword and $asUser ) { $oldpassword = utf8( chr(34) . $oldpassword . chr(34) )->utf16le(); } $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Active Directory mode enabled"); } # First case: no ppolicy if ( !$ppolicyControl ) { if ($setPassword) { # Bind as user if oldpassword and ldapChangePasswordAsUser if ( $oldpassword and $asUser ) { $mesg = $self->bind( $dn, password => $oldpassword ); if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal}->userLogger->notice("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } # Use SetPassword extended operation require Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword; $mesg = ($oldpassword) ? $self->set_password( user => $dn, oldpasswd => $oldpassword, newpasswd => $newpassword ) : $self->set_password( user => $dn, newpasswd => $newpassword ); # Catch the "Unwilling to perform" error if ( $mesg->code == 53 ) { $self->{portal}->userLogger->notice("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } else { # AD specific # Change password as user with a delete/add modification if ( $ad and $oldpassword and $asUser ) { $mesg = $self->modify( $dn, changes => [ delete => [ $passwordAttribute => $oldpassword ], add => [ $passwordAttribute => $newpassword ] ] ); } else { if ($requireOldPassword) { return PE_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD if ( !$oldpassword ); # Check old password with a bind $mesg = $self->bind( $dn, password => $oldpassword ); # For AD password expiration to work: # ppolicy must be desactivated, # and "change as user" must be desactivated if ($ad) { if ( $mesg->error =~ /LdapErr: .* data ([^,]+),.*/ ) { # extended data message code: # 532: password expired (but provided password is correct) # 773: must change password at next connection (but provided password is correct) # 52e: password is incorrect unless ( ( $1 eq '532' ) || ( $1 eq '773' ) ) { $self->{portal} ->userLogger->warn("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } # if error message has not been catched, then it IS a success } else { # this is not AD, a 0 error code means good old password if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal} ->userLogger->warn('Bad old password'); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } # Rebind as Manager only if user is not granted to change its password $self->bind() unless $asUser; } # Use standard modification $mesg = $self->modify( $dn, replace => { $passwordAttribute => $newpassword } ); } } $self->{portal} ->logger->debug( 'Modification return code: ' . $mesg->code ); $self->{portal} ->logger->debug( 'Modification return error: ' . $mesg->error ); # Manage specific errors for IBM Tivoli DS if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapITDS} ) { my $itds_code = $self->getITDSError($mesg); return $itds_code unless ( $itds_code == PE_PASSWORD_OK ); } # Manage specific errors for Active Directory if ($ad) { return PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY if ( $mesg->code == 53 ); return PE_PP_PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED if ( $mesg->code == 19 ); } # Standard errors return PE_WRONGMANAGERACCOUNT if ( $mesg->code == 50 || $mesg->code == 8 ); unless ( $mesg->code == 0 ) { $self->{portal} ->logger->error( "Password modification failed with LDAP error " . $mesg->code . ": " . $mesg->error ); return PE_LDAPERROR; } $self->{portal}->logger->notice("Password changed for $dn"); # Rebind as manager for next LDAP operations if we were bound as user $self->bind() if $asUser; return PE_PASSWORD_OK; } else { # Create Control object my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new; if ($setPassword) { # Bind as user if oldpassword and ldapChangePasswordAsUser if ( $oldpassword and $asUser ) { $mesg = $self->bind( $dn, password => $oldpassword, control => [$pp] ); my ($bind_resp) = $mesg->control(""); unless ( defined $bind_resp ) { if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } else { # Check if password is expired my $pp_error = $bind_resp->pp_error; if ( defined $pp_error and $pp_error == 0 and $self->{conf}->{ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword} ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug( "Password is expired but user is allowed to change it" ); } else { if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } } } # Use SetPassword extended operation # Warning: need a patch on Perl-LDAP # See http://groups.google.com/group/perl.ldap/browse_thread/thread/5703a41ccb17b221/377a68f872cc2bb4?lnk=gst&q=setpassword#377a68f872cc2bb4 use Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword; $mesg = ($oldpassword) ? $self->set_password( user => $dn, oldpasswd => $oldpassword, newpasswd => $newpassword, control => [$pp] ) : $self->set_password( user => $dn, newpasswd => $newpassword, control => [$pp] ); # Catch the "Unwilling to perform" error if ( $mesg->code == 53 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } else { if ($oldpassword) { # Check old password with a bind $mesg = $self->bind( $dn, password => $oldpassword, control => [$pp] ); my ($bind_resp) = $mesg->control(""); unless ( defined $bind_resp ) { if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } else { # Check if password is expired my $pp_error = $bind_resp->pp_error; if ( defined $pp_error and $pp_error == 0 and $self->{conf}->{ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword} ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug( "Password is expired but user is allowed to change it" ); } else { if ( $mesg->code != 0 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Bad old password"); return PE_BADOLDPASSWORD; } } } # Rebind as Manager only if user is not granted to change its password $self->bind() unless $asUser; } # Use standard modification $mesg = $self->modify( $dn, replace => { $passwordAttribute => $newpassword }, control => [$pp] ); } # Get server control response my ($resp) = $mesg->control(""); $self->{portal} ->logger->debug( "Modification return code: " . $mesg->code ); return PE_WRONGMANAGERACCOUNT if ( $mesg->code == 50 || $mesg->code == 8 ); if ( $mesg->code == 0 ) { $self->{portal}->logger->notice("Password changed for $dn"); # Rebind as manager for next LDAP operations if we were bound as user $self->bind() if $asUser; return PE_PASSWORD_OK; } if ( defined $resp ) { my $pp_error = $resp->pp_error; if ( defined $pp_error ) { $self->{portal} ->logger->error("Password policy error $pp_error"); return [ PE_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, PE_PP_ACCOUNT_LOCKED, PE_PP_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET, PE_PP_PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED, PE_PP_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD, PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY, PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT, PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG, PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY, ]->[$pp_error]; } } else { $self->{portal}->logger->error( "Missing PPolicy control from server response. Code: " . $mesg->code ); return PE_LDAPERROR; } } } ## @method string searchGroups(string base, string key, string value, string attributes, hashref dupcheck) # Get groups from LDAP directory # @param base LDAP search base # @param key Attribute name in group containing searched value # @param value Searched value # @param attributes to get from found groups (array ref) # @param dupcheck to get from found groups (hash ref) # @return hashRef groups sub searchGroups { my ( $self, $base, $key, $value, $attributes, $dupcheck ) = @_; $dupcheck ||= {}; my $groups = {}; # Creating search filter my $searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=" . $self->{conf}->{ldapGroupObjectClass} . ")(|"; foreach ( split( $self->{conf}->{multiValuesSeparator}, $value ) ) { $searchFilter .= "(" . $key . "=" . escape_filter_value($_) . ")"; } $searchFilter .= "))"; $self->{portal}->logger->debug("Group search filter: $searchFilter"); # Search my $mesg = $self->search( base => $base, filter => $searchFilter, attrs => $attributes, ); # Browse results if ( $mesg->code() == 0 ) { foreach my $entry ( $mesg->all_entries ) { $self->{portal} ->logger->debug( "Matching group " . $entry->dn() . " found" ); # If recursive search is activated, do it here if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapGroupRecursive} ) { # Get searched value my $group_value = $self->getLdapValue( $entry, $self->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeNameGroup} ); # Launch group search if ($group_value) { if ( $self->{conf}->{ldapGroupDecodeSearchedValue} ) { utf8::decode($group_value); } if ( $dupcheck->{$group_value} ) { $self->{portal}->logger->debug( "Disable search for $group_value, as it was already searched" ); } else { $dupcheck->{$group_value} = 1; $self->{portal} ->logger->debug("Recursive search for $group_value"); my $recursive_groups = $self->searchGroups( $base, $key, $group_value, $attributes, $dupcheck ); my %allGroups = ( %$groups, %$recursive_groups ) if ( ref $recursive_groups ); $groups = \%allGroups; } } } # Use first attribute as group name my $groupName = $entry->get_value( $attributes->[0] ); $groups->{$groupName}->{name} = $groupName; # Now parse attributes foreach (@$attributes) { # Next if group attribute value next if ( $_ eq $self->{conf}->{ldapGroupAttributeValueGroup} ); my $data = $entry->get_value( $_, asref => 1 ); if ($data) { $self->{portal} ->logger->debug("Store values of $_ in group $groupName"); $groups->{$groupName}->{$_} = $data; } } } } return $groups; } ## @method string getLdapValue(Net::LDAP::Entry entry, string attribute) # Get the dn, or the attribute value with a separator for multi-valuated attributes # @param entry LDAP entry # @param attribute Attribute name # @return string value sub getLdapValue { my ( $self, $entry, $attribute ) = @_; return $entry->dn() if ( $attribute eq "dn" ); return join( $self->{conf}->{multiValuesSeparator}, $entry->get_value($attribute) ); } # Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds sub convertSec { my ( $self, $sec ) = @_; my ( $day, $hrs, $min ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); # Calculate the minutes if ( $sec > 60 ) { $min = $sec / 60, $sec %= 60; $min = int($min); } # Calculate the hours if ( $min > 60 ) { $hrs = $min / 60, $min %= 60; $hrs = int($hrs); } # Calculate the days if ( $hrs > 24 ) { $day = $hrs / 24, $hrs %= 24; $day = int($day); } # Return the date return ( $day, $hrs, $min, $sec ); } ## @method int getITDSError(Net::LDAP::Message mesg) # Check error message to return according error code # @param mesg Modification return message # @return portal error code sub getITDSError { my ( $self, $mesg ) = @_; return PE_PP_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD if ( $mesg->code == 53 && $mesg->error =~ /Must supply old password/i ); return PE_PP_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET if ( $mesg->code == 53 && $mesg->error =~ /Password must be changed after reset/i ); return PE_PP_PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED if ( $mesg->code == 53 && $mesg->error =~ /Password may not be modified/i ); return PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG if ( $mesg->code == 19 && $mesg->error =~ /Password too young/i ); return PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT if ( $mesg->code == 19 && $mesg->error =~ /Password too short/i ); return PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY if ( $mesg->code == 19 && $mesg->error =~ /Password in History/i ); return PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY if ( $mesg->code == 19 ); return PE_PASSWORD_OK; } 1;