Table of Contents

REST session backend

LL::NG portal provides REST end points for sessions management:

Sessions for connected users:

Authorizations for connected users (always enabled):

This session backend can be used to share sessions stored in a non-network backend (like file session backend) or in a network backend protected with a firewall that only accepts HTTP flows.

Most of the time, REST session backend is used by Handlers installed on external servers.

To configure it, REST session backend will be set trough Manager in global configuration (used by all Handlers), and the real session backend will be configured for local components in lemonldap-ng.ini.

Mise en marche


First, active SOAP in General parameters » Advanced parameters » Portal servers » SOAP session server.

Then, set Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::REST in General parameters » Sessions » Session storage » Apache::Session module and add the following parameters (case sensitive):

Paramètres exigés
Nom Commentaire Exemple
baseUrl URL of sessions REST end point


Sessions REST end points access must be allowed in Apache portal configuration (for example, access by IP range):

# SOAP functions for sessions management (disabled by default)
<Location /index.fcgi/sessions>

Backend de session réel

Real session backend will be configured in lemonldap-ng.ini, in portal section (the portal hosts the REST service for sessions, and will do the link between SOAP requests and real sessions).

Par exemple, si les sessions réelels sont stockées dans des fichiers :

globalStorage = Apache::Session::File
globalStorageOptions = { 'Directory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/', 'LockDirectory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock/', }
Session explorer and “single session” features can't be used using this backend. Session explorer and portal must be launched with real backend.