# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Lemonldap-NG-Handler-SharedConf.t' ######################### # change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print'; use Test::More tests => 16; require 't/test.pm'; BEGIN { use_ok('Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail') } ######################### # Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is used here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script. ok( my $jail = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail->new( 'jail' => undef, 'useSafeJail' => 0, 'customFunctions' => undef, 'multiValuesSeparator' => '; ', ), 'new fake jail object' ); $jail->build_jail('Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Test'); my $sub1 = "sub { return( basic('login','password') ) }"; my $basic = $jail->jail_reval($sub1); like( &$basic, '/^Basic bG9naW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=$/', 'basic extended function working without Safe Jail' ); my $sub2 = "sub { return ( encode_base64('test') ) }"; my $encode_base64 = $jail->jail_reval($sub2); like( &$encode_base64, '/^dGVzdA==$/', 'encode_base64 extended function working without Safe Jail' ); my $sub3 = "sub { return(checkDate('20000101000000','21000101000000')) }"; my $checkDate = $jail->jail_reval($sub3); ok( &$checkDate == "1", 'checkDate extended function working without Safe Jail' ); my $sub4 = "sub { return(checkDate('20000101000000+0100','21000101000000+0100')) }"; my $checkDate = $jail->jail_reval($sub4); ok( &$checkDate == "1", 'checkDate extended function working without Safe Jail' ); my $sub5 = "sub { return ( listMatch('ABC; DEF; GHI','abc', 1) ) }"; my $listMatch = $jail->jail_reval($sub5); ok( ( defined($listMatch) and ref($listMatch) eq 'CODE' ), 'listMatch function is defined' ); ok( &$listMatch eq '1', 'Get good result' ); my $sub6 = "sub { return ( listMatch('ABC; DEF; GHI','ab', 1) ) }"; $listMatch = $jail->jail_reval($sub6); ok( ( defined($listMatch) and ref($listMatch) eq 'CODE' ), 'listMatch function is defined' ); ok( &$listMatch eq '0', 'Get good result' ); # Test has2f method my $sub7 = "sub { return(has2f(\$_[0],\$_[1])) }"; my $has2f = $jail->jail_reval($sub7); ok( ( defined($has2f) and ref($has2f) eq 'CODE' ), 'checkDate extended function is defined' ); is( $has2f->( { _2fDevices => "[{\"name\":\"MyTOTP\",\"_secret\":\"g5fsxwf4d34biemlojsbbvhgtskrssos\",\"epoch\":1602173208,\"type\":\"TOTP\"}]" }, "TOTP" ), 1, "Function works" ); is( $has2f->( { _2fDevices => "[{\"name\":\"MyTOTP\",\"_secret\":\"g5fsxwf4d34biemlojsbbvhgtskrssos\",\"epoch\":1602173208,\"type\":\"TOTP\"}]" }, ), 1, "Function works" ); is( $has2f->( { _2fDevices => "[{\"name\":\"MyTOTP\",\"_secret\":\"g5fsxwf4d34biemlojsbbvhgtskrssos\",\"epoch\":1602173208,\"type\":\"TOTP\"}]" }, "UBK" ), 0, "Function works" ); $sub = "sub { return("; $code = $jail->jail_reval($sub); ok( ( not defined($code) ), 'Syntax error yields undef result' ); like( $jail->error, qr/Missing right curly or square bracket/, 'Found correct error message' );