WebAuthn as a second factor =========================== `Web Authentication `__ , shortened as WebAuthn, is a standard method by which a web browser can authenticate to an application (*Relying Party*, in our case, this is LemonLDAP::NG) through the use of an *Authenticator*, which can be a hardware token (USB, NFC...) or provided by the user's device itself (TPM). .. versionadded:: 2.0.14 Currently, we only implement WebAuthn as a second factor. Passwordless, first-factor authentication will be added in a later release. Implementation status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, we implement: * Device registration without attestation validation (attestation type: *None*) * Authentication as a second factor with the registered device Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need to install the `Authen::WebAuthn` CPAN module for WebAuthn to work on your LemonLDAP::NG installation. If there is no package for it in your distribution, you can install it with:: cpanm Authen::WebAuthn Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **Activation**: set it to "on" - **User verification**: Whether or not LemonLDAP::NG requires the user to authenticate to their second factor device. Usually by entering a PIN code. *Warning*: The *Required* option is not supported by older U2F security keys. - **Self registration**: set it to "on" if users are authorized to register their keys - **Relying Party display name**: How the LemonLDAP::NG server will appear in the web browser messages displayed to the user - **Allow users to remove WebAuthn**: If enabled, users can unregister their WebAuthn device. - **Authentication level**: you can overwrite here auth level for WebAuthn registered users. Leave it blank keeps auth level provided by first authentication module *(default: 2 for user/password based modules)*. **It is recommended to set an higher value here if you want to give access to some apps only for enrolled users** - **Label** (Optional): label that should be displayed to the user on the choice screen - **Logo** (Optional): logo file *(in static/ directory)* .. _migrateu2ftowebauthn: Migrating existing U2F devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WebAuthn is compatible with both FIDO and FIDO2 standards. Which means this module lets you use any U2F-compatible device you already own. You can use the ``lemonldap-ng-sessions`` tool to migrate existing U2F devices to the WebAuthn plugin :: # For one user lemonldap-ng-sessions secondfactors migrateu2f dwho # For all users lemonldap-ng-sessions secondfactors migrateu2f --all Once you are satisfied with WebAuthn, you can remove existing U2F devices and disable the U2F second factor module :: # For one user lemonldap-ng-sessions secondfactors delType dwho U2F # For all users lemonldap-ng-sessions secondfactors delType --all U2F