##@class Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Run # Serve request part of Lemonldap::NG portal # # Parts of this file: # - response handler # - main entry points # - running methods # - utilities # package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Run; our $VERSION = '2.0.0'; package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main; use strict; # List constants sub authProcess { qw(extractFormInfo getUser authenticate) } sub sessionDatas { qw(setAuthSessionInfo setSessionInfo setMacros setGroups setPersistentSessionInfo setLocalGroups store buildCookie); } # RESPONSE HANDLER # ---------------- # # - replace Lemonldap::NG::Common::PSGI::Request request by # Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Request # - launch Lemonldap::NG::Common::PSGI::Request::handler() sub handler { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; bless $req, 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Request'; $req->init(); return $self->Lemonldap::NG::Common::PSGI::Router::handler($req); } # MAIN ENTRY POINTS (declared in Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Init) # ----------------- # # Entry points: # - "/ping": - authenticated() for already authenticated users # - pleaseAuth() for others # - "/": - login() ~first access # - postLogin(), same for POST requests # - authenticatedRequest() for authenticated users sub authenticated { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { status => 1 } ); } sub pleaseAuth { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { status => 0 } ); } sub login { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->do( $req, [ 'controlUrl', @{ $self->beforeAuth }, $self->authProcess, @{ $self->betweenAuthAndDatas }, $self->sessionDatas, @{ $self->afterDatas }, ] ); } sub postLogin { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->do( $req, [ 'restoreArgs', 'controlUrl', @{ $self->beforeAuth }, $self->authProcess, @{ $self->betweenAuthAndDatas }, $self->sessionDatas, @{ $self->afterDatas }, ] ); } sub authenticatedRequest { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->do( $req, [ 'importHandlerDatas', 'controlUrl', 'checkLogout', @{ $self->forAuthUser } ] ); } sub postAuthenticatedRequest { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->do( $req, [ 'importHandlerDatas', 'restoreArgs', 'controlUrl', 'checkLogout', @{ $self->forAuthUser } ] ); } sub logout { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return $self->do( $req, [ 'controlUrl', @{ $self->beforeLogout }, 'authLogout', 'deleteSession' ] ); } # RUNNING METHODS # --------------- sub do { my ( $self, $req, $steps ) = @_; $req->steps($steps); my $err = $req->error( $self->process($req) ); # TODO: updateStatus if ( $err == PE_SENDRESPONSE ) { return $req->response; } if ( !$self->conf->{noAjaxHook} and $req->wantJSON ) { $self->lmLog( 'Processing to JSON response', 'debug' ); if ( $err > 0 and !%{ $req->sessionInfo } ) { return [ 401, [ 'WWW-Authenticate' => "SSO " . $self->conf->{portal}, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*' ], [] ]; } elsif ( $err > 0 ) { return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { result => 0, error => $err }, code => 400 ); } else { return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { result => 1, code => $err } ); } } else { if ( $err and $err != PE_LOGOUT_OK and ( $err != PE_REDIRECT or ( $err == PE_REDIRECT and $req->datas->{redirectFormMethod} and $req->datas->{redirectFormMethod} eq 'post' ) or ( $err == PE_REDIRECT and $req->info ) ) ) { my ( $tpl, $prms ) = $self->display($req); $self->lmLog( "Calling sendHtml with template $tpl", 'debug' ); return $self->sendHtml( $req, $tpl, params => $prms ); } else { $self->lmLog( 'Calling autoredirect', 'debug' ); return $self->autoRedirect($req); } } } # Utilities # --------- sub getModule { my ( $self, $req, $type ) = @_; if ( my $mod = { auth => '_authentication', user => '_userDB', password => '_passwordDB' }->{$type} ) { if ( my $sub = $self->$mod->can('name') ) { return $sub->( $self->$mod, $req, $type ); } else { my $s = ref( $self->$mod ); $s =~ s/^Lemonldap::NG::Portal::(?:(?:Issuer|UserDB|Auth|Password)::)?//; return $s; } } elsif ( $type eq 'issuer' ) { return $req->{_activeIssuerDB}; } else { die "Unknown type $type"; } } sub autoRedirect { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; # Set redirection URL if needed $req->{urldc} ||= $self->conf->{portal} if ( $req->mustRedirect ); # Redirection should be made if urldc defined if ( $req->{urldc} and not $req->param('lmError') ) { if ( $self->_jsRedirect->() ) { $req->error(PE_REDIRECT); $req->datas->{redirectFormMethod} = "get"; } else { return [ 302, [ Location => $req->{urldc}, @{ $req->respHeaders } ], [] ]; } } my ( $tpl, $prms ) = $self->display($req); $self->lmLog( "Calling sendHtml with template $tpl", 'debug' ); return $self->sendHtml( $req, $tpl, params => $prms ); } # Try to recover the session corresponding to id and return session datas. # If $id is set to undef or if $args{force} is true, return a new session. sub getApacheSession { my ( $self, $id, %args ) = @_; $args{kind} ||= "SSO"; if ($id) { $self->lmLog( "Try to get $args{kind} session $id", 'debug' ); } else { $self->lmLog( "Try to get a new $args{kind} session", 'debug' ); } my $as = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( { storageModule => $self->conf->{globalStorage}, storageModuleOptions => $self->conf->{globalStorageOptions}, cacheModule => $self->conf->{localSessionStorage}, cacheModuleOptions => $self->conf->{localSessionStorageOptions}, id => $id, force => $args{force}, kind => $args{kind}, } ); if ( my $err = $as->error ) { $self->lmLog( $err, ( $err =~ /Object does not exist/ ? 'notice' : 'error' ) ); return; } if ( $id and !$args{force} and !$as->data ) { $self->lmLog( "Session $args{kind} $id not found", 'debug' ); return; } my $now = time; if ( $id and defined $as->data->{_utime} and ( $now - $as->data->{_utime} > $self->conf->{timeout} or ( $self->conf->{timeoutActivity} and $as->data->{_lastSeen} and $now - $as->data->{_lastSeen} > $self->conf->{timeoutActivity} ) ) ) { $self->lmLog( "Session $args{kind} $id expired", 'debug' ); return; } $self->lmLog( "Return $args{kind} session " . $as->id, 'debug' ); return $as; } # Try to recover the persistent session corresponding to uid and return session datas. sub getPersistentSession { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; return unless defined $uid; # Compute persistent identifier my $pid = $self->_md5hash($uid); my $ps = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( { storageModule => $self->conf->{persistentStorage}, storageModuleOptions => $self->conf->{persistentStorageOptions}, id => $pid, force => 1, kind => "Persistent", } ); if ( $ps->error ) { $self->lmLog( $ps->error, 'debug' ); } # Set _session_uid if not already present unless ( defined $ps->data->{_session_uid} ) { $ps->update( { '_session_uid' => $uid } ); } # Set _utime if not already present unless ( defined $ps->data->{_utime} ) { $ps->update( { '_utime' => time } ); } return $ps; } # Update persistent session. # Call updateSession() and store %$infos in a persistent session. # Note that if the session does not exists, it will be created. # @param infos hash reference of information to update # @param uid optional Unhashed persistent session ID # @param id optional SSO session ID # @return nothing sub updatePersistentSession { my ( $self, $req, $infos, $uid, $id ) = @_; # Return if no infos to update return () unless ( ref $infos eq 'HASH' and %$infos ); # Update current session $self->updateSession( $req, $infos, $id ); $uid ||= $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }; return () unless ($uid); my $persistentSession = $self->getPersistentSession($uid); $persistentSession->update($infos); if ( $persistentSession->error ) { $self->lmLog( "Cannot update persistent session " . $self->_md5hash($uid), 'error' ); $self->lmLog( $persistentSession->error, 'error' ); } } # Update session stored. # If no id is given, try to get it from cookie. # If the session is available, update datas with $info. # Note that outdated session data may remain some time on # server local cache, if there are several LL::NG servers. # @param infos hash reference of information to update # @param id Session ID # @return nothing sub updateSession { my ( $self, $req, $infos, $id ) = @_; # Return if no infos to update return () unless ( ref $infos eq 'HASH' and %$infos ); # Recover session ID unless given $id ||= $req->{id}; if ($id) { # Update sessionInfo data ## sessionInfo updated if $id defined : quite strange !! ## See http://jira.ow2.org/browse/LEMONLDAP-430 foreach ( keys %$infos ) { $self->lmLog( "Update sessionInfo $_ with " . $infos->{$_}, 'debug' ); $req->{sessionInfo}->{$_} = $infos->{$_}; } # Update session in global storage if ( my $apacheSession = $self->getApacheSession($id) ) { # Store updateTime $infos->{updateTime} = strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime() ); # Store/update session values $apacheSession->update($infos); if ( $apacheSession->error ) { $self->lmLog( "Cannot update session $id", 'error' ); $self->lmLog( $apacheSession->error, 'error' ); } } } } # Delete an existing session. If "securedCookie" is set to 2, the http session # will also be removed. # @param h tied Apache::Session object # @param preserveCookie do not delete cookie # @return True if session has been deleted sub _deleteSession { my ( $self, $req, $session, $preserveCookie ) = @_; # Invalidate http cookie and session, if set if ( $self->conf->{securedCookie} >= 2 ) { # Try to find a linked http session (securedCookie == 2) if ( $self->conf->{securedCookie} == 2 and my $id2 = $session->data->{_httpSession} ) { if ( my $session2 = $self->getApacheSession($id2) ) { $session2->remove; if ( $session2->error ) { $self->lmLog( "Unable to remove linked session $id2", 'debug' ); $self->lmLog( $session2->error, 'debug' ); } } } # Create an obsolete cookie to remove it $req->addCookie( $self->cookie( name => $self->conf->{cookieName} . 'http', value => 0, domain => $self->conf->{domain}, secure => 0, expires => '-1d', ) ) unless ($preserveCookie); } HANDLER->localUnlog( $session->id ); $session->remove; # Create an obsolete cookie to remove it $req->addCookie( $self->cookie( name => $self->conf->{cookieName}, value => 0, domain => $self->conf->{domain}, secure => 0, expires => '-1d', ) ) unless ($preserveCookie); # Log my $user = $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }; $self->userNotice("User $user has been disconnected") if $user; return $session->error ? 0 : 1; } # Return md5(s) sub _md5hash { my ( $self, $s ) = @_; return substr( Digest::MD5::md5_hex($s), 0, 32 ); } # Check if an URL's domain name is declared in LL::NG config or is declared as # trusted domain sub isTrustedUrl { my ( $self, $url ) = @_; return $url =~ $self->trustedDomainsRe ? 1 : 0; } sub stamp { my $self = shift; my $res = $self->conf->{cipher} ? $self->conf->{cipher}->encrypt( time() ) : 1; $res =~ s/\+/%2B/g; return $res; } # Transfer POST data with auto submit # @return void sub autoPost { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; # Get URL and Form fields $req->{urldc} = $req->postUrl; my $formFields = $req->postFields; $self->clearHiddenFormValue($req); foreach ( keys %$formFields ) { $self->setHiddenFormValue( $req, $_, $formFields->{$_}, "", 0 ); } # Display info before redirecting if ( $req->info() ) { $req->{infoFormMethod} = $req->param('method') || "post"; return PE_INFO; } $req->datas->{redirectFormMethod} = "post"; return PE_REDIRECT; } # Add element into $self->{portalHiddenFormValues}, those values could be # used to hide values into HTML form. # @param fieldname The field name which will contain the correponding value # @param value The associated value # @param prefix Prefix of the field key # @param base64 Encode value in base64 # @return nothing sub setHiddenFormValue { my ( $self, $req, $key, $val, $prefix, $base64 ) = @_; # Default values $prefix = "lmhidden_" unless defined $prefix; $base64 = 1 unless defined $base64; # Store value if ($val) { $key = $prefix . $key; $val =~ s/\+/%2B/g; $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}->{$key} = $val; $self->lmLog( "Store $val in hidden key $key", 'debug' ); } } ## @method public void getHiddenFormValue(string fieldname, string prefix, boolean base64) # Get value into $self->{portalHiddenFormValues}. # @param fieldname The existing field name which contains a value # @param prefix Prefix of the field key # @param base64 Decode value from base64 # @return string The associated value sub getHiddenFormValue { my ( $self, $req, $key, $prefix, $base64 ) = @_; # Default values $prefix = "lmhidden_" unless defined $prefix; $base64 = 1 unless defined $base64; $key = $prefix . $key; # Get value if ( my $val = $req->param($key) ) { $val = decode_base64($val) if $base64; return $val; $self->lmLog( "Hidden value $val found for key $key", 'debug' ); } # No value found return undef; } ## @method protected void clearHiddenFormValue(arrayref keys) # Clear values form stored hidden fields # Delete all keys if no keys provided # @param keys Array reference of keys # @return nothing sub clearHiddenFormValue { my ( $self, $req, $keys ) = @_; unless ( defined $keys ) { delete $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}; $self->lmLog( "Delete all hidden values", 'debug' ); } else { foreach (@$keys) { delete $req->{portalHiddenFormValues}->{$_}; $self->lmLog( "Delete hidden value for key $_", 'debug' ); } } return; } # Get the first value of a multivaluated session value sub getFirstValue { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; my @values = split /$self->{conf}->{multiValuesSeparator}/, $value; return $values[0]; } sub info { my ( $self, $req, $info ) = @_; return $req->info($info); } sub fullUrl { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $pHost = $self->conf->{portal}; $pHost =~ s#^(https?://[^/]+)(?:/.*)?$#$1#; return $pHost . $req->uri; } sub cookie { my ( $self, %h ) = @_; my @res; $res[0] = "$h{name}" or die("name required"); $res[0] .= "=$h{value}"; $h{path} ||= '/'; $h{HttpOnly} //= $self->conf->{httpOnly}; $h{expires} //= $self->conf->{cookieExpiration}; foreach (qw(domain path expires max_age HttpOnly)) { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/_/-/g; push @res, "$f=$h{$_}" if ( $h{$_} ); } push @res, 'secure' if ( $h{secure} ); return join( '; ', @res ); } sub _dump { my ( $self, $variable ) = @_; require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; $self->lmLog( "Dump: " . Data::Dumper::Dumper($variable), 'debug' ); return; } sub sendHtml { my ( $self, $req, $template, %args ) = @_; push @{ $req->respHeaders }, 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff'; # Set authorizated URL for POST my $csp = $self->csp . "form-action 'self'"; if ( my $url = $req->urldc ) { $url =~ s#https?://([^/]+).*#$1#; $csp .= " $url"; } my $url = $args{params}->{URL}; if ( $url and $url =~ s#https?://([^/]+).*#$1# ) { $csp .= " $url"; } $csp .= ';'; # Deny using portal in frame except if it is required unless ( $req->frame or $self->conf->{portalAntiFrame} == 0 ) { push @{ $req->respHeaders }, 'X-Frame-Options' => 'DENY'; $csp .= "frame-ancestors 'none';"; } # Check if frames need to be embedded my @url; if ( $req->info ) { @url = map { s#https?://([^/]+).*#$1#; $_ } ( $req->info =~ /respHeaders }, 'Content-Security-Policy' => $csp; return $self->SUPER::sendHtml( $req, $template, %args ); } 1;