package Lemonldap::Portal::LoginFake; use strict; use warnings; use Lemonldap::Config::Parameters; use Lemonldap::Portal::Standard; use Apache2::Const qw(FORBIDDEN OK SERVER_ERROR); use Data::Dumper; use Template; use URI::Escape; use CGI ':cgi-lib'; use Apache::Session::Memorycached; use MIME::Base64; use Encode qw(encode); use Lemonldap::Portal::Session; use Net::LDAP::Entry; use IO::File; our $VERSION = '3.0.0'; my $client_addr; my $sessCacheRefreshPeriod; my $log; my $dump; my $html; my $Stack_User; my $UserAttributes; my $Major; my $MyApplicationXmlFile; my $MyDomain; my $LoginPage; my $RedirectPage; my $Parameters; my $Conf_Domain; my $Login_Url; my $Cookie_Name; my $ipCheck; my $inactivityTimeout; my $Ldap_Server; my $Ldap_Branch_People; my $Ldap_Dn_Manager; my $Ldap_Pass_Manager; my $Ldap_Port; my @attrs; my $Ldap_Search_Bases; my @base; my $MemcachedServer; my $CookieName; my $line_session; my $InactivityTimeout; my $Encryptionkey; my $page_html; my $Menu; my $Messages = { 1 => 'Votre connexion a expiré vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau', 2 => 'Les champs "Identifiant" et "Mot de passe" doivent être remplis', 3 => 'Wrong directory manager account or password', 4 => 'n\'a pas été trouvé dans l\'annuaire', 5 => 'Mot de passe erroné', 6 => 'Votre adresse IP a été modifié. Vous devez vous authentifier de nouveau', 7 => 'Serveral Entries found on ldap server for this user', 8 => 'Bad connection to ldap server', }; sub my_none { return 0; } sub my_entry { my $self = shift; my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new(); my $user = $self->user; $entry->dn("uid=$user,dc=demo,dc=net"); $entry->add( uid => $user ); $entry->add( mail => "$user\" ); $entry->add( roleprofil => 'APPLIX;my_role' ); $self->{entry} = $entry; my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile; $entry->dump($fh); my @a; seek( $fh, 0, 0 ); for (<$fh>) { push @a, $_; } my $a = join '
', @a; $self->{dump} = $a; undef $fh; return 1; } sub My_Session { my $self = shift; my $paramxml = $self->{line_session}; my %Session; my $entry = $self->{entry}; my $obj = Lemonldap::Portal::Session->init( $paramxml, 'entry' => $entry ); $self->{infosession} = $obj; } sub handler { my $r = shift; $log = $r->log; if ( $Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} ) { undef $Stack_User->{'error'}; } else { $log = $r->log; $MyApplicationXmlFile = $r->dir_config('ConfigFile'); $MyDomain = lc( $r->dir_config('Domain') ); $LoginPage = $r->dir_config('LoginPage'); $Major = $r->dir_config('Organization'); if ( !defined($Major) ) { $Major = "authz_headers"; } $Parameters = Lemonldap::Config::Parameters->new( file => $MyApplicationXmlFile, ); $Conf_Domain = $Parameters->getDomain($MyDomain); $Login_Url = $Conf_Domain->{Portal}; $Cookie_Name = $Conf_Domain->{Cookie}; $page_html = $Conf_Domain->{LoginPage}; ################ enlevver ca ################ ############################################## if ( !$html ) { my $file; open( $file, "<$page_html" ); local $/; $/ = ''; $html = <$file>; close $file; } $ipCheck = $Conf_Domain->{ClientIPCheck}; $inactivityTimeout = $Conf_Domain->{InactivityTimeout}; $sessCacheRefreshPeriod = $Conf_Domain->{SessCacheRefreshPeriod}; $Ldap_Server = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_server}; $Ldap_Branch_People = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_branch_people}; $Ldap_Dn_Manager = $Conf_Domain->{DnManager}; $Ldap_Pass_Manager = $Conf_Domain->{passwordManager}; $Ldap_Port = $Conf_Domain->{ldap_port}; # if ($ipCheck) { my $connection = $r->connection(); $client_addr = $connection->remote_ip(); } # $UserAttributes = $r->dir_config('LdapUserAttributes'); if ( defined( $r->dir_config('LdapUserAttributes') ) ) { @attrs = split( /\s+/, $r->dir_config('LdapUserAttributes') ); } else { @attrs = (); } $Ldap_Search_Bases = $Ldap_Branch_People; if ( defined( $r->dir_config('LdapSearchBases') ) ) { $Ldap_Search_Bases = $r->dir_config('LdapSearchBases') . ":" . $Ldap_Search_Bases; } my @base = split( /\s*:\s*/, $Ldap_Search_Bases ); $MemcachedServer = $Parameters->formateLineHash( $Parameters->findParagraph( 'session', 'memcached' ) ->{SessionParams} ); $CookieName = $Conf_Domain->{Cookie}; $InactivityTimeout = $Conf_Domain->{InactivityTimeout}; $Encryptionkey = $Conf_Domain->{Encryptionkey}; $Menu = $Conf_Domain->{'Menu'}; $line_session = $Conf_Domain->{DefinitionSession}; $Stack_User = Lemonldap::Portal::Standard->new( 'msg' => $Messages, 'setSessionInfo' => \&My_Session, 'controlUrlOrigin' => \&my_none, 'controlTimeOut' => \&my_none, # 'controlSyntax' => \&my_none, 'controlIP' => \&my_none, 'bind' => \&my_none, 'formateFilter' => \&my_none, 'formateBaseLDAP' => \&my_none, 'contactServer' => \&my_none, 'search' => \&my_entry, 'unbind' => \&my_none, 'credentials' => \&my_none, ); $Stack_User->{'AlreadyCreated'} = "true"; $Stack_User->{line_session} = $line_session; } my $UrlCode; my $UrlDecode; my $Erreur; my %Params; my $buf; # copy POST data, if any if ( $r->method eq 'POST' ) { my $len = $r->header_in('Content-length'); $r->read( $buf, $len ); my @arams = split '&', $buf; for (@arams) { ( my $cle, my $val ) = /(.+?)=(.+)/; $Params{$cle} = $val if $cle; } } my $l = Dumper( \%Params ); my $Retour = $Stack_User->process( 'param' => \%Params, ); my $Message = ''; if ($Retour) { $Message = $Retour->message; $Erreur = $Retour->error; } if ($Erreur) { if ( $Erreur == 3 ) { # Wrong directory manager account or password $log->error( "LemonLDAP: " . $Message ); return Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; } if ( $Erreur == 4 || $Erreur == 5 ) { # If bad login or password, refresh the login page with no information $log->info( "LemonLDAP: " . $Message ); #$Message = 'Authentification echouée'; $Message = ''; } # Login Page sending my $Identifiant = $Retour->user; my $secret = $Retour->secret; ( $UrlCode, $UrlDecode ) = $Stack_User->getAllRedirection; my $html_ok = $html; $html_ok =~ s/%user%/$Identifiant/g; $html_ok =~ s/%secret%/$secret/g; $html_ok =~ s/%message%/$Message/g; $html_ok =~ s/%urldc%/$UrlDecode/g; $html_ok =~ s/%urlc%/$UrlCode/g; # #$Data = { 'urlc' => $UrlCode, # 'urldc' => $UrlDecode, # 'message' => $Message, # 'identifiant' => $Identifiant # }; $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->send_http_header; $r->print($html_ok); ########## ici page en cas d erreur ############# } else { # Sending Redirect to Generic my $MyHashSession = $Retour->infoSession; my $l = Dumper($MyHashSession); if ( defined($sessCacheRefreshPeriod) && defined($inactivityTimeout) ) { $MemcachedServer->{timeout} = $sessCacheRefreshPeriod + $inactivityTimeout; } my %Session; tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', undef, $MemcachedServer; foreach ( keys %{$MyHashSession} ) { $Session{$_} = $MyHashSession->{$_} if $MyHashSession->{$_}; } my $Session_Id = $Session{'_session_id'}; my $l = Dumper( \%Session ); $l =~ s/\n/\/g; $l =~ s/\$var\d+/Item/ig; untie %Session; # Cookie creation my $PathCookie = "/"; # second acces tie %Session, 'Apache::Session::Memorycached', $Session_Id, $MemcachedServer; my $ll = Dumper( \%Session ); $ll =~ s/\n/\/g; $ll =~ s/\$var\d+/Item/ig; if ( !$Session{mail} ) { $ll = " Your memcached server seem to be down"; } untie %Session; # Habib Timeout #Positionnement de la valeur time_end $dump = $Retour->{dump}; my $val_test; if ( defined($InactivityTimeout) && $InactivityTimeout != 0 ) { my $time_end = time() + $InactivityTimeout; if ( defined($Encryptionkey) ) { my $timeout_key = $Encryptionkey; my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC( -key => $timeout_key, -cipher => 'Blowfish', -iv => 'lemonlda', -header => 'none' ); $time_end = $cipher->encrypt_hex($time_end); } #Chaine utilise comme separateur entre l'id de session et le time_end #concatenation des deux valeurs my $separator = "_"; $val_test = $Session_Id . $separator . $time_end; } else { $val_test = $Session_Id; } #$log->info("Set-Cookie: -name => $CookieName -value => $val_test -domain => ".".$MyDomain -path => $PathCookie"); my $LemonldapCookie = CGI::cookie( -name => $CookieName, -value => $val_test, -domain => "." . $MyDomain, -path => $PathCookie, ); $UrlDecode = $Retour->getRedirection(); $UrlDecode = $Menu if ( $UrlDecode eq '' ); if ($UrlDecode) { } else { $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->headers_out->add( 'Set-Cookie' => $LemonldapCookie ); $r->send_http_header; $r->print(< lemonldap websso

Hello in lemonldap websso 'world

Congratulation your are enter in the lemonldap'world

Your id_session is :$val_test

Your session have been created like this :

Your session stored on memcached server is like this :

Your LDAP Entry :
$dump END1 } } return OK; } 1;